transformation / transmutation / alchemy

transmuting energies into pure state by your prana/waves of love;

rewriting of the past; lightwork;
transmuting the old imbalance into pure energy of love;
rebalancing; natural/divine balance; natural resolution; divine grace;

< New Earth 1 > This group, this family that is here, your family of lightworkers on this planet are indeed among the first to be going through this. It involves the transmutation of fear within you, first and foremost. And as you do that, as you walk through the fears, you transmute all energies and turn them into an energy of love. This energy will be used to seed, what we have termed before, the Second Creation. Very impressive work that you do here without even knowing who you are!

< New Earth 2 > Each of you has chosen a path to be at the forefront of transmutations of energies. This lifetime is not about your job or your prestige or your finances. None of those, as you know, truly matter. It is about the transmutation work that you are doing on the inside. Each day you get up and feel that there are challenges, emotional challenges in front of you, but yet you walk through them. You walk through fear and you change old feelings. That is what it is about. That is the path that you have chosen.

< New Earth 2 > You are confronted with fears in situations that relate back to your early years where there may have been, what you term, dysfunction and imbalance. At times you would prefer to hide and not to face those situations, but yet you choose to walk through them. You choose to face the demons, for that is your path. It is the path of energy transmutation. You take what was fear, what was darkness, what was void and transmute it into love.

< New Earth 2 > As you transmute the energies, as you process the fear and the darkness into love and acceptance and light, you are making contributions to the whole. We ask you to never again feel selfish with the emotional work that you are doing inside. You are not doing it for yourself. You did not set up the conflicts in your life for yourself. You chose the burdens - what you would call the craziness and the emotional imbalance - to walk through for the good of all.

< New Earth 2 > This (duality) has been the set up of your earth and truly of your universe. This has been your path by choice - by your choice - to continually transmute, to change, to integrate the dark and the light. That is why, even when you have tried to be only in the light, darkness was still there and this has been appropriate.

< New Earth 2 > All of this separation and opposites have been appropriate, even in the face of the worst crimes, the worst deeds and the worst wars. And we know this is difficult to accept for the pain that has been endured. But we are trying to relay to you now energetically why this has been important. We hold each of you in such honor for participating in this and not even realizing what was going on. Not even understanding what the potential outcomes could be. And each of you, my friends, chose to be one who transmutes energy, changes energies, works with both poles, and balances energies. All of this information of the opposites will be expanded on later in the discussions of why this was needed. You have all participated here on earth and in other places in these battles, in this understanding, in this transmutation.

< New Earth 2 > What you have created is a new energy called Hope. HOPE! Look at yourself and you will see that Hope is stronger than darkness. Hope is inner trust. Hope is the tie and connection back to Source, back to Love, back to the remembrance of the Oneness. Hope is the energy that allowed you to go this deep into duality to do the transformational work that you have done. It is a wonderful thing, this Hope. The Creator did not know of Hope before you created it. It will be brought, this energy of Hope, into what we have called the Second Creation. It will be a foundation that will stands right next to Love and Truth in the Second Creation. Love, Truth … and Hope.

< New Earth 2 > It has always been known that these opposing forces would rejoin at some time, but it was not known how or when. It has been felt throughout consciousness that it would be happening soon. The transmutation work you have done on the insides, within yourself, has caused this to happen. We did not expect it to happen now, so when we came to our friend recently overjoyed, like children filled with excitement, it was because we understood this event had taken place.

< New Earth 2 > And you will be able to unify within your own being as well. No longer will you need to be the ones who transmute energies of light and dark. No longer will you need to be the ones who bring conflict in to resolve it. You will not need to be the ones who are the energy processors. Now, you can be the ones to accept unity, to understand and to bring it into your lives and to show others when they come to you. That is now possible to bring things back together. The release the old consciousness of duality is now possible!

< New Earth 2 > My friends, you have done much lightwork in the past, and you have wondered why you kept hitting the wall. Why did it feel like there were days you could never overcome the difficulties? From the core of all things, it was not possible for complete unity within yourself! If you wondered why there are days that were so difficult, it is because the consciousness of separation and opposites (duality) still existed from the very center of all things.

< New Earth 2 > It is you, my friends, that have gone into this, that have gone into this transmuting of the opposites and have allowed this to happen, that have caused Unity to happen. And you wonder why we honor you and love you! There is much work now to do but this work that you will enter into will be joyous. It will be most rewarding. It will be, as you say, very easy to do. You will see the struggles diminish quickly. You will see the conflict go.

<New Earth 5> But first we will explain a little of the energy here. I, Tobias, have been a human. I have walked upon the Earth many, many years ago. And I have not walked upon the Earth so recently as our friend Cauldre (the channelinger) reminds us of. Thus, I am not all that familiar with what is taking place, with the transmutations of energy, but we are certainly here in love and support. The energy that is brought in through Tobias and the others that gather here is of what we have called before the Crimson Council. To put it quite simply, the Crimson Council is a spiritual energy group based on teaching. The ones who are part of this group go into new energies and new creations throughout all of the universes to learn to deal with those new energies and then to teach them to others. There is a frequency of color of what you would call crimson that is associated with this. It is, in a sense, a fraternity of teachers. It is not exclusive.

< New Earth 6 > When you came here to Earth, you went through a transformation process. Your soul had you take on a biology, as Kryon talked about last night, during the melding of evolution. You took on a role of an actor, acting out many parts, many lifetimes, many expressions. You have been doing a wonderful job of acting. You have been on the stage of Earth, acting through balances of light and dark, acting through balances of expressions, but you have been acting. The you who is sitting in this room is not truly who you are. You know this.

< Creator 1 > He knew that life as a human was over. And indeed it was! Because in this final moment of releasing, Oryan transformed at that moment of greatest fear and greatest terror. He realized that all that he was experiencing was simply an illusion - simply an illusion! The illusion had been grand and valuable, and it had implications beyond his life, beyond the life of any others. It had implications all the way back to the source of All That Is. He realized that it was an illusion. He realized in that moment of terror and panic that he was the Creator of that illusion. He realized that he could create anything that he wanted now. He could create wings for his canoe! Or he could create for the river not to exist at all!

< Creator 6 > For example, let’s say you have a physical problem in your life. When you cook in the Oven of Grace, and allow the changes to take place in your body, it will find a natural balance. That natural balance will not come from Tobias or your guides or Yeshua or any other being. It will come from within your being. This is a magical transformation process that occurs if you allow it to. This applies to all of your issues, whether they are about your body, your relationships, your abundance or your self worth.

< Creator 6QA > When you threw your issues into the air, they floated and suspended. In the old Earth energy, they would have dropped to the ground - gravity would have pulled them - but we are telling you emphatically that things are changing. Release the limitations by allowing 'grace' to work on the issues. Know that things will change. Allow the 'cooling off period' and then release the issues as if to the wind. They will transform into gems of light. Then when you feel you are ready, collect and weave these former issues into your necklace of light.

< Creator 10 > You have looked outside of yourself to find what is inside of you. That has been appropriate, but now things are changing. That is what the Crimson Council is all about. That is what your human angel group of the Crimson Circle is all about. All of the work you have done, all of the challenges that you have been through, have been to transmute the energy. They have been part of a process that has ignited a fire (a light) within you, the Christ Fire that we have talked about. It is coming into being. We tell you that from where we sit, for we can see it in each and every one of you. No matter how much you doubt yourself, we do not, for we see it within you.

< Ascension 3 > Each of you have been studying certain areas related to energy movement and transmutation. Some have been working on new ways of sending vibrations through music and tones. Others have been studying ways to open a heart that is closed. Yet others have been working on the energetic qualities of money. These are but a few examples of the types of things you have been researching in past lives and between lives. These past lifetimes, especially since the days of Yeshua, have been about testing and refining these methods. Each of you, without exception, has been working on a specific area. There is no doubt in our minds. We wish there wasn't in yours!

< Ascension 3 > He is the one you know as Archangel Raphael. Raphael now enters the space you are in, radiant and beaming, sending his energy out to each of you. His energy should feel familiar to you. Raphael walks with you, particularly in the difficult parts of your journey. He has been walking with you lately. We jokingly refer to Raphael as the Archangel of Fear. Raphael is one who works with you to transmute the energies of darkness and fear. He walks with you during the most difficult of times. Raphael helps you transmute energies that are difficult or uncomfortable.

< Ascension 3 > When darkness comes to you on the path of enlightenment and ascension, own your divinity. Hold it. Breathe in and ask what it is you should know. And understand all the time this is about releasing and transmuting an old energy.

< Ascension 3QA > That is indeed accurate. The first level of this was discussed on this day. The transmuting of energies comes when you address it, and when you have the wisdom to know that these energies, as insidious as they are… they want to be released. They want to be released to their highest, not your highest. That was the mistake of the third Lightworker, the woman who tried to heal and to try to process. These energies want to be released to their highest order. The first lesson in transmutation is to ask what should be known. What are these energies searching to be released from? What do these energies represent? Why are they holding back? Why are they causing fear and darkness and terror and anger and all the rest of these emotions?

< Ascension 3QA > Do you know what is more powerful than the prayer? It is a hug! It is a hug given without asking for anything in return. It is a sharing of love and of energy. It is not trying to change or transform the person. It is trying to connect with them. When two energies that operate at different vibrations touch each other, there is a new, higher level of energy that is reached by both parties who have touched. When you hug each other, it is a simple expression of love. There is a transformation that changes both. No one person's energy should be considered lighter or stronger, better or worse. It is a connection that takes place.

< Ascension 3QA > I, Tobias, am one who walked the Earth thousands of years ago. I am one who is an old friend with you, back to the times of Atlantis. I have also walked with you in non-physical form, even in these past several thousand years.

But there is a grander, broader Tobias family energy (Order of To-Bi-Wah). I am not just a dead human, or as Cauldre calls me, the "old Jew." (audience laughter) There is a much broader family energy. It is in direct lineage to the Order of the Arc. The Tobias family energy has been written recently by others as TO - BI - US. This is not so much an accurate interpretation. It energetically would sound - these are very difficult to translate - it would energetically sound like "To-ah-mus." But, you call it the family of "To-bee-us." This is a very broad, very large, very dynamic spiritual energy that I, Tobias, am part of, and you are part of. It is different than just the Crimson Council, for that is a group within this energy of "To-bee-us."

This group, this family that we are from, comes to Earth at specific times. We work closely with the Sananda energy, but we come in as the workers of change energy. We come in at times when there has been a major consciousness shift. This is the time to send in the seasoned energy workers. You are the ones who know how to take the change in consciousness - to take this etheric energy - and to help implant it, to help it move forward, to help it materialize.

< Ascension 4 > Now, step into your Divine Will. Step into this divine moment and allow this to be transformed. That means not placing an agenda on it, but rather allowing it to be released from the old energy hold that it has been in and to transform itself into the solutions that you seek. Do this now. Let this issue, this problem, this illness out. We will work with all of this energy here. We will work with each of you on the non-verbal levels to transform this. As the wise one said earlier, "If you dare. If you dare." Because when you let these energies out, when you release them, a transformation occurs that will lift your consciousness and your enlightenment to a new level.

< Ascension 4 > But now, dear friends, if you dare, let it go - all at once. Let that old energy that has been making you ill… let it be transformed. Not healed, not changed, not hidden under a rug, and not destroyed - but transformed. Energy can only be transformed. Humans want to change things and heal things or run from things. You remember our story of a month ago of the four lightworkers and the snake. Energy can only be transformed. It can only be placed in a spiraling motion that raises it to a new level. The transformation receives its energy when you release the old ways, when you release the darkness and the fear.

< Ascension 4 > But now, on this day, let us do it right here - if you dare. Place that issue or issues - yes, to the one who just asked, you can place many issues out to transform. But, understand, at the core of it, that it is not Tobias, or any other, or even Spirit transforming it. It is you, because you are allowing this transformational process to take place. You are moving past the consciousness of healing. You are moving way past the consciousness of changing. You are moving into a consciousness of divine transformation.

< Ascension 4 > And, as we have been speaking here, we can see the changes occurring within so many of you. We can see a swirling, spiraling energy. This is the indication of transformation that is taking place in this very room. When each of you walk from this place, or for those who are reading when you put your book down, you will notice something different. When you walk out of these doors, the world will appear slightly different to you. You are releasing the darkness within. You are transforming it. Remember the words that we say on this day. You will no longer heal, and you will no longer change. It is transformation.

< Ascension 4 > There are still attributes within you that need this transformational process, that need you ask, "Dear snake, why are you in the road? Why are you here?" Demand the answer, for this snake truly is miserable. It truly seeks release, but it will hold on as tightly as possible until it knows that you are genuine and sincere. The snake needs to know it can trust you. Then, it can release its old ways. Then, the transformation takes place, when the darkness allows the release to take place, because you have been in your truth. Then, a new energy bursts forward. It comes up, and it begins this transformational process that you are going through right now, that you are experiencing right now.

< Ascension 4QA > There was a tremendous consciousness shift that took place all over your Earth. As Lightworkers, we ask you to continue with that transformational process. There are many humans, now that the event is well behind you, who have forgotten the impact that this has had, who have gone back to the old ruts. We do not speak of Shaumbra, because we know that that is not you. But, we ask you to continue this transformational work that started on September 11.

< Ascension 4QA > There are patterns that you, all of you, get into that are difficult to change. There are events that happen that are attempting to get you out of this type of rut. We call these "trauma points." These are things that happen in your life. It could be in a type of accident that happens. It could be an event like your September 11. It is a trauma point. It causes transformation to occur. It makes change. It puts you into a new mode of consciousness.
With your own personal situation that you refer to here, you, and we, do not want you to go through a trauma point to make change, for sometimes these trauma points hurt very much. Sometimes, running into the wall does not feel so good. A trauma point creates a way to make a rapid changeover in consciousness, but it is not such a fun way.

< Ascension 5 > The Language of Ah emerges from your current human senses. It will birth. It will blossom from within through that you are already using. But, it will add new perspective to your hearing, to your sight, to your smell, to your taste, to your touch. It will add a new dimension to each one of these things. But, what do you think happens in the meantime, as this language is coming forth? You will have change and transformation in each one of these human senses in the meantime, much like the farmers went through much change when they went from a central processing center to an intranet system with individual processing centers. It was not easy at first. There were challenges. There were some breakdowns. There were days they each wished they had stayed with the old ways of doing things.

< Ascension 6 > It is a "4" year, but it is the balances of a "2" on one end and a "2" on the other. It is a year of shifts and changes, and it is a year about transitioning into a very important new energy. We have been speaking to you about "4" for quite a period of time. As a refresher, the "4" is "2" squared. You are going from duality - the energy of duality - into the energy of the "quad."

< Ascension 6 > Metatron has been called the "Angel of Death." This is somewhat of a wrong interpretation. He prefers to call himself an "Angel of Transition and Change." He assists you, whether your transition is that of leaving the body between lifetimes, or whether you are simply transitioning into the New Energy, into your ascension. That is what he comes forth to do. Metatron will be an important part of the work that you and the Crimson Council do this year. It is the year of the final releasing of old energies and the bringing in the new. It is a wonderful year of balancing, shifting, and changing.

< Ascension 6QA > Understand that technology and science are all a response to consciousness. When you find yourself with new technical or scientific capabilities in your life, this is an acknowledgment that you have shifted, and you have changed. The appropriate physics of Spirit and of the universe can be now translated onto Earth in human form, in your daily life.

< Ascension 6QA > It is a grand celebration that Metatron can come to Earth now. It has never before been possible, other than in the early days before Earth was truly matter. But, now that it has developed and mature and ready to go to the next level because of the work you've done, this energy comes in. That is why we are celebrating today; celebrating your work, celebrating a grand shift that takes place.

< Ascension 7 > When somebody criticizes you, or is angry with you, do not let that energy stick on you. It is about them. It is, dear friends, about your compassion for them and for yourself, compassion to understand they are still walking through their processes. Have compassion to accept them, and not to try to change them. They are choosing their own path. Shame on those who try to place their thoughts, and their desired outcomes on others! Shame on those who feel sorry for the one who begs on the streets! This is not compassion! This is your agenda! Compassion is the understanding of reasons why that human has chosen to be the beggar on the street corner. Honor that dear human for who they are, for what they wear, for how they smell. Honor them, rather than try to change them. It is not about you any more. It is about learning to accept all of these things around you.

< Ascension 8 > When your body goes through shifts and changes, you will understand not to fight it. You see what we are saying here. There is a new rebalancing of your body, but you will not be so overly concerned and so anxious when your body goes through adjustments. This is natural, particularly during this time you are in. Your body needs to go through changes. Honor it. Stop fighting it. If your body needs rest, listen to it and honor it. If your body is purging in ways, through what you would call flus and colds, allow it to do that. It needs it now to release much Old Energy.

< Ascension 8QA > Now, is there work ahead? Indeed, there is! You still live in a world of duality around you. It will still have an effect on you. You are still going through the transformational process. You are still releasing energies from the past. There will still be body aches and pains for a period of time. There will still be doubts and swings back and forth. But you will notice an underlying and an overlying New Energy, an energy, an understanding of love that you could never have had before. It begins within you. It is not found in another person. It is found in Self.

< Ascension sp > In the new understanding of love, there is a marriage of the elements. These elements have always been there. In a sense, they were opposing each other, bumping into each other. This action transformed energy from one state to another. But, it was not new energy. It was only the transofmration of existing energy. In the new understanding of love that is coming into you, there is something new being created. It is no longer simply a transformation of energy from one form of consciousness to the other. The new understanding of love IS New Energy.

< Ascension sp > Understand that all of the elements that come now - the winds, and the earth, and the fire, and the water - are part of the transformation from duality. It is part of the final clearing and final releasing.

< DivineHuman 1 > This New Energy seed within you will have touched this vibration from another person. Let us use the example of the headache energy that you have touched and released. This headache energy then will come back to them at the appropriate time when THEY are ready, transformed now into pure energy of love and Spirit (waves of love vivration). Do you see, do you see, how you are teaching and affecting with just the touch? Do you see? It is so simple. It is so subtle, but you have just helped another human. You have helped them transform their own energy for them to use when they choose.

< DivineHuman 1 > This is the New Energy. This is the way the Divine Human operates. This is what you are already doing, but you have not realized it. This is how, in one small way, you are all teachers. You are all transmuters of energy. It is a beautiful thing. We see it happening here all the time.

< DivineHuman 1QA > The changes are much faster than what even we anticipated. The changes are going very, very rapid at this point, in a sense, because you have chosen that. You, all of Shaumbra, have chosen to move through quickly. What would have taken dozens, perhaps hundreds of lifetimes, you are trying to clear and transmute and transform in a single lifetime, in a short few number of years. There is something that we call the "quantum factor." You can all sense that there are global changes that are imminent by the year 2012. You read about it in books. You have discussed it, and you know it is coming. We have told you that you are not locked into that year of 2012. There is nothing sacred about any date at all.

You are the ones to change the pace. You have chosen to accelerate. You have your foot on the gas, going as fast as you can. But, dear Shaumbra, look down for a moment. Where is that other foot? (brief pause, then audience laughter) You have answered your own question! You are putting great stress on the spiritual engine of yours. You are trying to go fast, but your fears are putting a foot on the brake. One foot on the gas, one on the brake. That is what is causing the problem.

< DivineHuman 3 > When you have peace, and balance, and integration within yourself, when you have transmuted the old fears and the old guilts that are within you, and have transmuted these into wisdom and divine energy, dear friends, that does more to change the consciousness of the planet than anything else. You do not need to do anything specific at that point. Your vibration will change those who are around you. It will change events and change situations, and perhaps then allow some of the conflicts that exist to find a way to resolve themselves in a healthy, positive manner.

< DivineHuman 3 > There is as much activity over here as there is on Earth right now. There is much transforming of old energies into New Energy right now. On our side of the veil we are preparing for the New Earth, this place that we will talk about later. The (multi-dimensional) universe is changing because you are changing. Your past is changing because you are releasing. You are letting go. The future is the past healed. The healing is taking place now.

< DivineHuman 8QA > As was discussed in the Shoud earlier on this day, that even the bacteria, even what would be considered the negative energy or the diseases, can be put to work, can be unified. Even those diseases are looking for divine realization. They are helping you, and helping all others to search for it. So, ultimately there is no need to be concerned. Ultimately, all of you can transmute anything. Now, we are not suggesting that you go out here and try daring feats to prove what we have talked about. We simply ask you to put yourself in the situation where this will not affect you, and where it will not affect friends and other people.

< NewEnergy 2 > Finally, you did release and let go. Many changes occurred in your life. But, you still find yourself here. You are still safe. You are still in the Now, and more than ever, You Are God Also. When you truly, truly released, you transmuted energy. You transmuted energy and created a whole new vibration. When you transmuted the Old, you changed the potential of your future. The future is the past healed, dear friends. The future is the past healed.

< NewEnergy 2 > Then you will have transmutation and the transformation in your life. A whole new level of divine energy will come into your life. Then you go back through the cycle again… a new awakening… a new type of coming to understanding through processing… a new releasing… a new transformation… a new level of understanding the divine. You thought it was a one-time program, but you go through it over and over again.

< NewEnergy 2 > If you allow yourself to release suffering right now, in our time together, if you allow that process of the suffering to be released, it can be transmuted. It can be turned into New Energy. It can be then made available to others, for when they come to the point where they realize they do not have to suffer, they can pick up on the New Energy that you helped to create. Their transition can be easier because of what you have done here. You're not making the world release suffering. You are letting suffering out of your own life. You are changing the vibration of humanity, changing the potential of tomorrow. You are doing it for yourself in this Now moment that we sit in.

< NewEnergy 3 > Releasing is allowing it to go to its highest potential. Your awakening generates an energy. The processing brings understanding, but the understanding is limited until you can release everything that you thought you were. When you release it, it goes to a whole new energetic level (transmutation). Then it comes back to you. It comes back in the form of integration. It melds back in, so every past lifetime and experience comes back to serve you in a New way. The wisdom, the understandings, and the enlightenments, the fun and the challenges can all come back to serve you in a new and integrated way.

< NewEnergy 4 > But, yes, he is a bit of an animal. He stays in the background so often because his energy - which is really part of your energy… it is an archetypical part of you - his energy tends to bring things up.

We ask you to welcome in the Archangel of fear - Raphael. What a title, Raphael, you have! But, as you know, fear provides such a motivator. Fear helps you to get through some of the challenges and the changes that you are going through. Raphael helps you, dear Shaumbra, to transmute fear.

< NewEnergy 4 > When you feel difficulties, or strong and strange energies around you… when you know intuitively that there is a challenge for you that has come into your reality… and you're trying to deny it… you're trying to pretend it's not there… and the fear comes up - Raphael is right there with that fear. Oh, he is not the one creating it - you are. But, he is there as a potential energy for you to use to transmute fear into wisdom… into awareness… into moving into a whole New Energy. So often you associate the energy of Raphael with that of creating fear because, where there is fear, there is Raphael. So, when you feel his energy, sometimes you think, "Oh, dear God, what comes next?" That is why he remains in the background so often.

< NewEnergy 4 > But, in that love you also battled others to protect those you loved. And, in that love you felt the deepest form of betrayal when they walked out on you. In that love you felt what it was like to be angry because of something they had done to you. You gave your heart to them. Why did they not give it back to you? In all of this healing and all of this transformation of energy… it is about taking responsibility that you created this. Don't try to figure it out. Don't try to go back into these past lives and retrace it.

< Embodiment 4 > So, what is the difference between an Energy Mover and an energy holder? A lot… a lot! And, it requires some changes in your life. The reason we brought Kuthumi in last month was to prep you for changes, more changes. So, Shaumbra, an Energy Mover is one who fully embodies… fearlessly accepts energy into their being… no longer holding it outside of them… no longer having barriers… but bringing it in and then allowing it to move through. An Energy Mover is one who allows the energies to come in to their reality, not just the physical body, but to your entire consciousness, and then, in a sense, you could say that - words are difficult here - but that you are giving it a blessing.

< Embodiment 5 > So, the energies of St. Germain are present with us today… helping you to become the true magicians… helping you to understand how transmutation works… helping you to understand that it is important to break out of your Old mindset and Old belief systems. Change that benchmark. That is what he had to do literally in his lifetime to understand how to transcend this thing called physical death. He had to change the benchmarks. He had to change the measurement system that he had for himself.

< Embodiment 7 > It (transmutation) is simple, Shaumbra. It is so simple to take a diamond in your hand and clear any of the flaws in it. It is simple. You are trying too hard. That is the problem. I (St.Germain) could take simple stones, put them in my pocket, and pull out gold. It is simple. You are trying too hard. You are trying to apply force to energy, and it doesn't work, does it? There is no sleight of hand here. There are no miracles here. It is simple physics. And, we are going to be going into some of that.

< Embodiment 7 > In reality it is an illusion, but you can't push on it; you can't force it. Transmutation comes from understanding what energy is at its core level. It comes from understanding that energy is an illusion to begin with. There is none. At Home there is no energy.

< Embodiment 7 > I spent much time in my lifetime as Saint-Germain working with Mesmer, helping him to understand the nature of reality, helping him to understand hypnosis, mesmerizing, the fact that if you can get the human consciousness tuned into a certain level, it can transcend its stuck state of being. It can get the energy moving and flowing again. With a certain type of hypnosis, or mesmerization, you can get out of that Old story, and you can transmute energies very quickly.

< Embodiment 7 > So, at its core level energy is nothing. It can be initiated and shaped into anything that you want. We are going to start simple. We're not going to get into grandiose projects. We are going to start very simple. Some of you may even want to begin working with this between now and our next discussion. It works easiest with water, by the way. Just sit with water. Sit with a glass of water in front of you. Sit in the water. Understand and feel what it is like not to try to will the water. You see… that's where you have gone wrong before. You try to will it into something. You cannot will energy. You can only imagine energy. Remember that. Write that in your books. You cannot will it. You cannot force it. You can only imagine it.

< Embodiment 7 > And, when you imagine energy in its pure state of being, it takes a form to respond to you. You command energy through the imagination, and it responds. If you push on it, if you strong-arm it, it's going to do what? Respond literally to you! If you are trying to stress, if you are trying to push to get abundance in your life, it will respond literally. It will stress you back. Some of you say, "The universe is literal. God is literal." And, it is. But, understand it is you. You are literal. You respond to yourself perfectly.

< Embodiment 7 > Get in the space with something very simple - with water - and just sit with it. Or, air… yes, air is a wonderful thing as well. Just sit with it. You do this breathing thing. Sometimes I wonder what you are doing. Most of you are going through a mental rote exercise, saying, "The teacher says to breathe, so we will breathe." And, you don't really understand what is going on. Do you understand the simplicity of this thing that you call air, oxygen, moving in and through you? You try to make it very complex. You try to manipulate it. You try to make yourself feel better. You are just being asked to open up. Accept it. Let it into your being. Feel the essence of air. Stop trying to manipulate it. Stop trying to change its atomic type of construction.

< Embodiment 7 > Some of you… I've seen… you go in and you try to manipulate and push atoms. You think that, if you get down into the lowest level and move around one of the elements, that's going to change things. And, then you're going to be a magician, and you're going to be able to snap your fingers and manifest. It doesn't work like that. There was some limited degree of success that people had in the old era in doing those types of things. You can fool atomic structures for a certain period of time through use of force or exerting of your will. But, sooner or later it will slingshot back the other way. It will actually almost work against you.

< Embodiment 7 > This group, Shaumbra, the Crimson Council - that is who you are, the Crimson Council - you are ready now on Earth to understand what it is like to truly work with the essence of energy, to understand the alchemy of energy, to understand how to make things manifest in front of you. We are not going to get into the details of this today. We are going to ask you to sit with the simplest things - air or water… or fire… either one. We are going to ask you to simply feel the energies… how they are flowing… how they are working.

< Embodiment 7 > We are going to ask you to feel into the water - how energy is stuck in there. There is stuck energy in water and in air. Energy can get stuck. There is this elaborate, elaborate gridwork of these 12-stranded-type-of-energy particles that go as far more the sub-level to what you call your atomic structure. It is the true Earth energy structure. We are going to ask you to feel how energy flows within these lines, these grids. We are going to ask you how it gets stuck in these grids. We are going to ask you how it responds perfectly to your imagination.

< Embodiment 7QA > It's all imagination. You use your imagination. But, the imagination seems so real and so tangible that you define it as these sets of actions that take place. It is just your imagination. You are expressing a potential. That is all energy is. Once you understand that… once you understand that you can't force it… and that it truly at its core doesn't have any dualistic elements… at its core it is generally a nothingness waiting to be expressed… then we can start doing some work. Then, you can do things like transmutation.

< Embodiment 9 > So, we're here to talk about what does work. We're here to talk about how you do transcend the illusion that you are in. We're going to tell you, first of all, that the way exists. It is not beyond you. It is already within you. It is within you, but it doesn't exist in a reality that you are familiar with right now.

You have already walked out of your reality base. You've already walked out of your body. And, you already can transmute any energies into other energies. It's already been done by you. Now, you are just walking through the process to understand how you got there in the first place. We don't want you to the over-contemplate this. We don't want you to think. We just want you to feel it. We want you to feel that energy. You have already gone beyond. Now, you are just going through the conscious process to help you understand how you did it in the first place.

< Embodiment 9 > So, it is about trust. It is about loving yourself. It is about living beyond. With those basic, basic things, Shaumbra, this is going to be easy. This is going to be easy. You see, that tool, that key, that you gave yourself is going to come soaring back into your life. The knowingness is going to come to you. We cannot explain it here. We cannot say that there is a specific thing that you have to do. But, the knowingness, the remembrance, is going to come to you. With that trust and with that love and with no limitations, living without limits, you're going to be able to do exactly as I do - walk in and out, walk in and out. You're going to be able to transmute energy in any way you want.

< Embodiment 11 > A true Creator creates and lets go. It will always be your creation. But, now it will take on its own life. It will continue to expand and to grow. It will continue to redefine itself over and over again instead of being a piece of clay turned into a vase and put on a shelf. It will be a piece of clay turned into living energy that at one moment can be a vase… the next moment can be a tree… and the next moment can be a bird… and the next moment return to its clay origins. That is alchemy. That is transmutation. That is the very nature of energy.

< MNEC2009-K > After you breathe it in, then you do something extraordinary. You imagine something - anything you want. You just imagine it.
And the moment you imagine - set yourself free. Open yourself up. Let yourself flow in creative, dynamic, divine energies. You have just transformed any dark energy, any stuck energy, any assaults, any of these psychic arrows. You've just changed them, just like that. Just like that.
The imagination is the transformation of energies that would otherwise torment you, haunt you and chase you.

< Master 7 > So the Earth quakes, the Earth shifts, the Earth has fire and snow and all the rest of that. What's happening is the energy is transmuting. So, the world is releasing right now. You see it in earthquakes, you see it in strange weather - that's the obvious stuff. There are a lot of other things going on as well. You can become aware of it just tapping into it. It's not just shifting the physical Earth itself. It's shifting magnetic grids. It's shifting the axis and then an earthquake comes along and really shifts it into place.

< (Next) 3 > The gold is beautiful, because gold is probably the best human substance for balancing energies during alchemy. The alchemists weren't trying to change things into gold; they were using real gold or the energetic dynamics of gold to balance a process. Any time you alchemize, any time you transmute, any time you unlock energy that's within something, there is a huge energy exchange and transmutation. It can actually be overpowering. The alchemists worked with gold, because it has a way of balancing that process so it doesn't overwhelm you. Just a little bit of gold goes a long way in really balancing alchemy.

< (Next) 7 > I'll talk more about it at our workshop in Sedona, how to command the energies, how to alchemize energy. Energy goes from one form to the other to the other, and it can be alchemized or transmuted or changed by every human. But you have to believe and trust in yourself, and you have to realize that you are Merlin. Merlin simply took energy and changed it from one state to the other. So let's, for Shaumbra, never worry about survival. The worst case is what? Worst case - you die! Yeah, worst case, you die, we come and have a big party over here, and then you have the choice, do you want to go back for more?

< (Next) 8 > Gold is a fascinating metal. Gold is beautiful because it was used, and still is used, by energy alchemists to basically balance any transmutation process. It is used by alchemists to soften … any time there is a change or an alchemy in energy, gold has a way of balancing it and rounding it out, taking off the sharp edges. That is why alchemists for so long talked about gold. Everybody thought they were making gold, but they weren't. They were just using gold as a part of the process.

< (Next) 8 > Many pharaohs and other elevated beings would be buried with gold. Because it actually helped the transmutation from the human form into the spirit form, helped make the process of crossing over a little bit easier. I mean you can wear it on your being, carry it in your pocket. You don't need a lot. The size of a pea - and I guess that would be a lot these days - but that's all it takes. As you're going through this process of your own transmutation, your own personal alchemy into your Body of Consciousness, the gold helps soften it up a little bit.

< (Next) 8 > You just take a deep breath and allow yourself to be who you are. What an amazing thing. When that doubt creeps in, take a deep breath. And you know, when you do - you don't even have to think about it - but first of all, it stimulates the natural balancing system within you. And the natural balancing system starts clearing out toxins; it starts transmuting energies that were in a stuck form into movement; it starts changing suppressed energies and memories now into experiences - all without having to do anything.

< e2012 5 > It always amazes me that people bury other people in the ground. I never did quite understand that, from an energetic standpoint. There is an energy that stays there, that doesn't go along with you. Well, yeah, you're on the other side. You're doing whatever you do. You're doing past life reviews, which are kind of boring. You're going to the New Earth, which is phenomenal. Part of you is still not there. I've always preferred the cremation or burial by fire. Why? It's a transmutation. It releases the energy. It gets it all back down to the natural state. It literally transmutes, burns out your old energy.

< freedom 2 > It's an international center as well. So it is no wonder that the storm goes there. It's an energy – a nice energy center – just that's been misused. Yes. Absolutely. So the storm finds its way there. Now, you can take a look, very symbolically or very simply. Why wasn't it a fire or an earthquake? Why was it water and wind? Cleansing, even though fire does cleanse, but it's a different type. By the way, Fire – alchemy – does not have to be hot. I say “fire” and you see flames and you think “hot.” Actually, that's an illusion.

< Kharisma 1> This flame of Kaiko, like I said, if you're in it, if you're allowing it, it's a cool fire; 'cool' as it won't burn you up. It's a fire of transmutation and the true fire of transformation or alchemy is a cool flame. But if you're standing on the outside and you're trying to manipulate it and you're trying to hone it into your current personality, it will burn like hell. I mean like hell, real hell. It'll burn a lot. So it's about getting into that passion and allowing it.


