
nothingness; energy in nuetral (non active) state;
pre-Earth period;

< New Earth 2 > You are confronted with fears in situations that relate back to your early years where there may have been, what you term, dysfunction and imbalance. At times you would prefer to hide and not to face those situations, but yet you choose to walk through them. You choose to face the demons, for that is your path. It is the path of energy transmutation. You take what was fear, what was darkness, what was void and transmute it into love.

< New Earth 12 > Slowly the guides began to retreat. They had occupied a space that allowed a balance between the human consciousness and your spiritual consciousness. They began leaving. You felt it at the very core. You felt that the greatest loved one was gone. You felt the depression. You felt the void that was created. Many of you endured very difficult times with this, but it was needed. It was needed. No longer did you need an outside energy maintaining your balance. It was time for you to fully pull this into yourself. Since then, my friends, you have been walking in an energy void, so to speak. You have maintained your human balance, but the balance of the spiritual quotient has not been totally available.

< Creator 3 > Because you existed outside of All That Is, in a sense, you existed in a void, and you were turning void into reality. In order to create in your Earth environment, it was necessary for you to go into the future. It was necessary for you to go into the void and create based on thoughts of what would come to be. In other words, you were always projecting yourself into the future. These vibrations created the pathway for your tomorrow. This is the way you have operated ever since you first came here to Earth. You were bound by the memories of the past (karma), and you created the future by projecting yourself into your tomorrows. This is how most humans on Earth create. This is how the future is created. The future reality is an assimilation of vibrational frequencies from all the humans on Earth.

< Creator 3 > We have said before that Spirit does not know the outcome of things. That is because it does not exist! It is not a pre-planned maze or an obstacle course that you must run through in hopes of finding the finish line. No, indeed each of you here, each of you in the second creation is taking void and nothingness, and transforming it into a new reality based on the vibrational frequencies of your thoughts that go into the future (guessing based on the past experience?).

< Creator 3 > Oh, it is so simple. It is so simple, and in it is contained much power! You have spent many lifetimes creating into a future, creating a future from a void. Take a moment to think about what we are saying.
You have lived in your thoughts of what tomorrow will be like. This has been appropriate. And it is still appropriate for many who walk the Earth. But as you become creators in the new energy, you will learn the importance of living in the divine moment, the moment that is now! You will be tempted many times to want to live in the future, to want to project what your tomorrow will be. You will be tempted to have fears of tomorrow, to create scenarios in your mind. But as a new creator in this new energy, you will find much power of "living in the divine moment," which is now.

< Creator 3 > We will help you to understand more of the physics of this. As you are in the divine moment, there is a new type of vibration that emanates from you. It attracts all of the appropriate things to you. In the past you have had to seek those things to bring them to you, to seek your abundance, to seek even your happiness, to seek a mate. You have had to go out into the void of a future that does not exist and to create a reality within it. That is how reality has been shaped on Earth, but you as the new creators will be discovering a new way.

< Creator 3 > The tines of your tuning fork will still have duality, but they will sing together. As they do, as there is harmony between the two. As you live in the divine moment, all things that are needed and all things that are appropriate then will come to you. They will come to you! You will not need to go searching for them. You will not need to force them into your reality. You will be creating in a new way. You will still be transmuting the void into reality, but you will be creating in a new way, in a very powerful way.

< Creator 4QA > In the old energy you created the future by projecting your thoughts and your energy into it. This essentially took the void and transformed it into a reality. Creation in the new energy will be quite different. It will not be projecting into the void, it will not be projecting into the future. It will be staying in a moment, in a space, in an energy, creating in that moment, and emanating the energy out, not specifically to your future, but into all moments.

< Creator 5 > We remind you of the work that you do. We remind you each time we gather here, lest you forget. It is the work that you do. You are moving forward. You are creating the template for the second creation. You are the ones that are taking the void and transforming it into new creation. We know, and we understand there are difficult days of your life. But my friends, if you knew and understood the challenge that you are taking on here, you would understand why there are certain difficulties.

< Creator 7 > Now, Jack did not go straight to Earth. There was an interim period. This is somewhat difficult to describe, but we will attempt to convey it working closely with Cauldre. Beyond the Wall of Fire was nothing, a void, total darkness. It was the void that would later become your physical universe. When Jack crossed into the void, there were no stars. There were no galaxies. There were no energies present. There was simply a nothing.

< Creator 7 > When Jack (you) popped through the Wall of Fire, he saw his opposite. He saw his mirror. He began to have experiences, first with himself and then with other entities. These early experiences created an energy that poured out from him (you) and then set up structures and patterns of energy in the universe that had previously been a void. Jack (you) was going through experiences that then created energy weavings, tapestries, foundations that would later become your stars and your galaxies and your solar systems. This was a very interesting period of time for Jack (you).

< Creator 7 > That is why you are here! That is why you have been here for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of lifetimes. You have been walking the cycle of Earth lives in an agreement to bring things full circle. It is an agreement to heal all of the past, to heal this time of going through the Wall of Fire, to heal this time of the building of the void, the creation of your universe as you know it. You have walked all of these lifetimes to heal and to rediscover.

< Creator 7 > It should be no surprise to you that things in your daily life right are difficult now. It is not just about you! It is not just you in this lifetime that you are healing. You have already healed hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of past lives. Most of those, dear friends, have healed and left, and Gaia is releasing the energy that has been stored in the Earth. What you are truly healing right now is this time of the building of the void, the time between the Wall of Fire and coming to your Earth. You are healing this time when you were bouncing around your universe, experiencing the beginnings of mass and matter. It was a time when you could freely travel through time and space, but you did not like what was happening. This was a great time of chaos.

< Creator 7 > Now, the ones you call "alien beings," dear friends, are simply aspects of you from this past time, this time of the building of the void. We have said to you before that when you look up into your stars, and you look up into your universe, there is not much out there. We mean just that. You are looking into a limited dimensional view of your physical universe. And indeed there is not much there! What is there are the energies of you from the past that are criss-crossing, sometimes intersecting, your current life on Earth.

< Creator 7 > Once in a while, in an unusual energy situation, there is a bleed-through or crossover. You will see into one of the other rooms, or a being from the other room accidentally walks through the door and comes into your room. When this happens, this is you from the past! Oh, it will look like an alien and feel like an alien, but dear friends, it is you from the past. With the intense amount of healing work going on right now, of healing this time, in a sense, you are paralleling it. You are here now but you are also healing that other room at the same time, so there are incidences of crossover, of intersection. Are there aliens in your universe that are wiser and grander and smarter? Indeed my friends, no! These are aspects of you from the past. How could they be wiser or smarter or more powerful? These aspects, while being part of your past, are occurring at this very moment. Even while you sit here, the part of you that is building the structures of the void in the past exists at the same time.

< Creator 7 > There is an ingrained fear within you, within all humans, of your creator powers. There is a reluctance to create once again, for it has been a long time, and there is still a shame and a guilt associated with what you perceive you have done in the past. There is an original sin that you perceive in yourself of crossing through this Wall of Fire. You feel you went too far. You feel that you battled in the energy of chaos in the process of the building of the void. Oh, dear friends, the battles that took place then would make Star Wars look like child’s play! So when we talk of using your true creator abilities, some of you may be taken aback. Some of you will wonder if this is the right thing and think perhaps that it is not time.

< Creator 8 > Part of Jack, though, did not go into the cocoon. Part of his being continued past the Wall of Fire where he entered a void. He entered nothingness, total darkness. When he opened his eyes on the other side of the Wall of Fire, Jack saw the mirror image of himself. He saw his opposite. He saw duality. For the first time ever Jack was no longer an extension of oneness. He was now "two." And this was the beginning of duality as you know it.

< Creator 8 > As duality took form in the void, great wars broke out. There were many battles among the many entities who had crossed through the Wall of Fire into the void. There was you and Jack and many, many more. There was a struggle to return Home. In a desperate effort to return Home to the kingdom, you tried to take energy from one another. There were wars, as one tried to capture the energy of the other, thinking this was a way of returning Home, thinking this was a type of fuel.

< Creator 8 > The battles empowered this thing you now call duality. The battles intensified and made duality - the energy of two - larger and stronger. During this time of the great battles the void was being transformed into a new reality. Your physical universe with all its stars and galaxies was being created. The battles became overwhelming. Neither side could dominate or win, to use your terms. So at a point, dear friends, there became a stalemate, a standoff. It was known that the battles could no longer continue. Something had to change in order for Jack and you and the others to continue to forth.

< Creator 8 > Let us talk of what is happening for many of you at this time. As you move out of the old energy into the new, you let go of many things that were deeply ingrained within you. You let go of so many of the things that were near and dear to you. In doing this, it creates a void. It creates an emptiness. When Catherine, or you, go back to try to recapture what you knew before, to build upon that, to take what you are learning here in these classes, to take what you are learning as an emerging, divine human and apply these to the old, it does not work. The old and the new are like oil and water. It creates a space of great emptiness.

< Creator 10 > But now you were given power, you were given choice like you had never had before. You took that Free Will and began to play with it in the universe, in the void. Your Free Will was like having an incredible, awesome Creator's tool kit. You could do things that you had never done before. You could play in the void, you could make the stars, you could create new energies. You could even battle with other entities! You could not do that in the Kingdom. There were no battles. You could create new places. You could have thoughts and emotions that spanned every different direction.

< Creator 10QA > There was a time when you first came through the Wall of Fire, past the original Creation, when you could travel in the void simply by thought, simply by desire. As you continued your experiences and you came to Earth and took on body, all of these processes slowed down so that you would no longer THINK and BE simultaneously. Now you are coming full circle. You are coming back to a point where you can be in a consciousness simply by allowing yourself and it will be there very rapidly. You do not need complex exercises to move to Divine Will. See your left foot or your right foot doing the dance step that takes you there. And keep it simple.

< Creator 11 > They knew that one day he would cross through this thing we call the "Wall of Fire". He would leave Home. He would leave the First Circle and go into a void where nothing existed. The King and the Queen had no concept and no idea of what existed outside of the First Circle, the original creation of Spirit. But their only begotten son was to journey there. In a sense, it frightened them for they did not know what would happen to their own offspring. In another sense they understood the implications of love behind the journey.

< Creator 11 > You needed a male oriented strength to leave the Kingdom. You needed this. But this male oriented strength, this energy of the journeyer, was also warrior energy. When you left the Kingdom and you came into the void, indeed you started battling with other. Indeed, this male energy that you have carried with you has been one of structure and discipline. It has been an energy of intellect and not so much heart. It has been one of defending and journeying. You have all carried this with you. It is time on this Day of the Father to heal that and to balance it and to release it. That is what the visitors who come in now are here for.

< Ascension 1 > The vision, going back some 2,500 years ago, dear friends and Shaumbra, was to bring this seed of Christ consciousness into this grand and glorious planet of yours. And as you did, and as you now allow it to emerge, to come through you, to be breathed through you, this opens a whole new - what would you say - you call them "portals." It opens whole new pathways, not into the darkness of your outer space, but it opens pathways all the way back through what used to be the void, all the way through the Wall of Fire back Home to the kingdom. As you open these pathways through the work you do, through the consciousness changes that you are going through and through breathing, this allows All That Is, the kingdom of God and Goddess, to now begin their journey from Home to you.

< Ascension 3 > We want you to understand some of the terminology. We are limited, in a sense, by your human languages. We want you to understand first that there is a difference between "void" and "creation." There is a difference also between "light" and "dark." When you left Home, to create the Second Creation, you went into the void. This was not dark. This was not evil. It was nothing. It was so "nothing" that not even darkness existed. You went into void, into consciousness that had never been gone into before, in order to create something new out of nothing.

< Ascension 3 > There are some interesting physics involved here. How do you create something out of nothing? That is what your whole journey has been about. The void is not dark. It is not bad or evil. It is the void. By its very nature of being nothing, when a force (positive energy) is applied within it, there will also be a resistance (negative energy) to it. This is duality at the spiritual physics level. When you go into nothing and interject an element into it, there will be an opposing force. This does not make that opposing force bad or wrong. It simply is.

< Ascension 8 > You went forth, out into the void. When you did, this created duality. You were split into billions of pieces, and brought back together again at a point. Now you had your own unique identity. But, in that unique identity, you had also forgotten how to get back Home. You were set free, outside of the realm of Home, to go explore and to create. In order to do so, you took on the original energy of duality.

< Ascension 9 > As you are transitioning into the New Energy, and you have experiences come up in your life, and you have questions come into your life, and challenges, go into the Void for a brief period of time. When you have a very pressing question on your mind, do not ask us. Do not even try to fill in the blank yourself. Oh, there is such a tendency with humans. When you are ready to release something, you want the answer to the new before you release. It does not work that way in the New Energy. Go into a void. We say "void," because you just allow it to be for a period of time.

< Ascension 10QA > The children come in with a heightened sense of awareness. They come in with more sensitivity. The veil around them is not quite so thick as it was for you when you were growing up. They remember these things we have spoken of. They remember past lives. And, in particular, they are troubled by the energies and the memories of the times before they ever came to Earth. They are troubled by the times that are being replayed in so many ways, replayed on your movie screens, replayed even in the experiences that you have today. What is being replayed are the times before you came to Earth when you were in the void, creating the universe.

< DivineHuman 5 > When you crossed through the Wall of Fire, the first question you asked was, "Who am I?" You were no longer at Home. You were no longer part of the oneness. You were no longer the Prince or the Princess of a Kingdom. You were nothing. You were in the Void. You were nothing. You asked in the darkness, - "Who am I?" - That single, energetic question has propelled you through a journey that has gone for eons of time. That single question - "Who am I?" - has taken you out into the Void where you and all the others have created the universes. Indeed, there are universes. What you see out there is your physical universe, but there are many, many layers, many dimensions that you do not see with your human eye.

< DivineHuman 5 > You created stories, stories out in the universe (in many dimensions of the Second Circle), out in the Void that will be told from here to eternity. The stories are about how you shifted from one identity to another, and how you teamed with other identities who were also in search, asking the same question, "Who am I?"

< DivineHuman 10 > The Spiritual Artist that you are created the pathways to lead you to this place. The Spiritual Artist that you are used creativity as your paint and your brush to make all of this happen. Your canvas was a void in the beginning. It was nothing, and you filled it with the cosmos. You filled it with something called life. When you came to Earth and took on that body of yours and took on duality, you forgot about creativity in so many ways.

< NewEnergy 10QA > Indeed… this is going to be happening more and more with you - and with others - where the dreams become so much deeper and so much more mystical and, as you said, like a soul experience. And, indeed, they are because you are opening the imagination and going into a whole different level in your dreams also. You've all noticed your dreams shifting lately. You are going into different levels.

There is a different purpose now for your dreams. The dreams of the past in the Old Energy were designed to help - how to say - resolve issues. They were also designed to help live out different potentials of situations. But, now that is changing. And, the dreams are - how to say - your dream, in particular, was - finding the right words - it was an expression of how the divinity is going to be melding - and is melding - into your life right now. So, what was a dream to you will now also begin to happen in your everyday life of your waking Now state. It doesn't have to be a dream anymore.

< Embodiment 3QA > Yes, indeed… indeed… and as a human begins their whole awakening process and opening up, one of the first things that is affected is their dreams, which you have experienced. The dreams become much more intense, and sometimes it appears to be quite violent, or confusing, or dis-empowering.

The vast majority of these dreams have to do with times long before you ever came to Earth in what we call the Star Wars time and when you were in the Void. And, there were so many things that happened back then that all of us are still trying to understand, trying to come to terms with. When you go into your dream state, you almost immediately project back to these pre-Earth days, back when there was no physical body, trying to help understand and resolve the situation. You will literally pick up pieces or aspects of conflicting energy situations that happened back then. You will literally attempt to go back there through the dream state so that you can pull some of the energies into your Now reality, into this lifetime, to help them get resolved. You could say you're trying to go back there to rescue yourself.

Now, you don't have to do it that way anymore. You don't have to go back and go through the trauma of the dreams and relive so many of the things that have happened. You can literally allow those pre-Earth energy aspects of yourself to come to you now to be in this space with you. You have built a beautiful and safe house, meaning that in this lifetime you have created a very stable and a very healthy type of energy around you.

Now, you can invite all of those aspects of yourself - they are like your spiritual relatives - to come into your house. In your house you can heal them. You can help release them from the energies that they are tied up in. You can tell them about who you are. You can sit with them… and share the love you feel in your heart… the joy that you have for living… what you have learned about being in human form… and what Earth represents. So, invite them into your house. Then you can release them from the energy that they are currently bound in. You can release the spell, you see. And, you will no longer need these types of dreams affecting you.

< Embodiment 6 > You are allowing that (victimhood) to be a hindrance and a block. Why? Because you don't necessarily want to face what it's like to be a Creator. You're sometimes afraid of going back to being a full and conscious Creator. You regret some of the things that were done in the past, especially before you came to Earth. You see… I created this cottage that we are sitting in. I made it real through the imagination. You used to do that also, especially before you ever came to Earth in a human body. When you were creating the stars and the heavens, when you were free out there, without a body, you could create very quickly and imagine very quickly. There were many, many things you didn't like about what you created.

< Embodiment 10 > We spoke recently to a group of Shaumbra about the Third Circle opening up. The First Circle, of course, was Home, the energy of the Kingdom, All That Was. The Second Circle was everything outside of Home, the existence, the reality that you have been in ever since you went through the Wall of Fire and went into the Void and began creating. Now, you are on the very edge of completion of that cycle. The New Earth that we spoke of a week ago is indicative of that. The New Earth could not be built; it could not even be conceived, if it was not the appropriate time. There are so many questions about the New Earth: where it is… how it is progressing… who can go there. But, none of this would be possible, Shaumbra, unless you were at the point right now of completing the Second Circle.

< Clarity 3 > Do you think God tries? God just does. God watches as the results unfold. God has no agenda about how the creation unfolds. God creates and then frees, breathes life and energy and creation into whatever she chooses and then gives it freedom. That's why you're here. That aspect of God that you are breathes life, gave you freedom, and said, "Go out; go out into nothing and create whatever you choose. Call me if you ever get stuck."

< Teacher 9QA > WHITE EAGLE: Beyond energy is consciousness. Consciousness would be more likened to the structure of God, because it's the plane, it's the field, it's the nothingness into which energy creates form. And so in that, only when you allow yourself in that indefinable place are you giving yourself permission to move to real Spirit, which is above the ability to be experienced in the old way. If you hold on to the need for experience, you will convict yourself to an experiential world.

TOBIAS: ... and beyond consciousness is no consciousness. It's undefined even beyond. You see consciousness, it means something has been taken and defined, and it's structured in a certain way. Albeit, consciousness is grand and vast, but what lies beyond consciousness? And isn't that exactly what we were doing today (sans definition) - going beyond any known consciousness, even consciousness known by God or Spirit? That is exactly what you all did when you left Home, when you went through the Wall of Fire. You went into nothingness, void. And here you are again trying to put all definitions - including throwing in the definition and the words of God and Spirit - into where there is none. Can you go to a place where there is no God or Spirit - without fear?


