projecting into the future

creating into the future/void;
worrying of the future;
planning and plotting; intend; guessing;

< Creator 2 > As she lay awake at night with a tremendous feeling of release surging over her, she came to another realization. She realized that she had been living in the future, and she had been creating a picture of fear for what the future might hold. She realized that she was worrying about unpaid bills in the future that never existed. She was worried about illness that may come to her. None of these were real, but she was projecting her own sense of unworthiness into the future. The future represented a lack of trust in her divinity. She found that she was spending much of her time and energy in the future with her fears.

< Creator 2QA > Many of you wondered what type of experience would come your way in the next few days relating to the discussion that we had. First it is not to project into the future any fears that you may have, but to understand that you are the ones providing yourself with this important and key experience that will come your way.

< Creator 3 > Because you existed outside of All That Is, in a sense, you existed in a void, and you were turning void into reality. In order to create in your Earth environment, it was necessary for you to go into the future. It was necessary for you to go into the void and create based on thoughts of what would come to be. In other words, you were always projecting yourself into the future. These vibrations created the pathway for your tomorrow. This is the way you have operated ever since you first came here to Earth. You were bound by the memories of the past (karma), and you created the future by projecting yourself into your tomorrows. This is how most humans on Earth create. This is how the future is created. The future reality is an assimilation of vibrational frequencies from all the humans on Earth.

< Creator 3 > We have said before that Spirit does not know the outcome of things. That is because it does not exist! It is not a pre-planned maze or an obstacle course that you must run through in hopes of finding the finish line. No, indeed each of you here, each of you in the second creation is taking void and nothingness, and transforming it into a new reality based on the vibrational frequencies of your thoughts that go into the future (guessing based on the past experience?).

< Creator 3 > You have spent many lifetimes creating into a future, creating a future from a void. Take a moment to think about what we are saying. You have lived in your thoughts of what tomorrow will be like. This has been appropriate. And it is still appropriate for many who walk the Earth. But as you become creators in the new energy, you will learn the importance of living in the divine moment, the moment that is now! You will be tempted many times to want to live in the future, to want to project what your tomorrow will be. You will be tempted to have fears of tomorrow, to create scenarios in your mind. But as a new creator in this new energy, you will find much power of "living in the divine moment," which is now.

< Creator 3 > It may seem difficult to comprehend how you can be a creator by not pushing thoughts and vibrations into the future! But, dear friends, as you learn to accept all things as they are, and as you learn to accept your human self, and you learn to "live in the divine moment", you will be able to go to places, like Aaron, that you could never have imagined before. These are places that you could never have charted and plotted and directed yourself to "in your mind." As you go to these new places, you will begin to understand a new power within. You will begin to understand a new way of creating.

< Creator 3 > You lie awake at night and project into the future. You lie awake at night and worry about what will be. You lie awake at night and plan for how you would truly like tomorrow to be. To "live in the divine moment" will be somewhat of a challenge for you, to say the least!

< Creator 4QA > In the old energy you created the future by projecting your thoughts and your energy into it. This essentially took the void and transformed it into a reality. Creation in the new energy will be quite different. It will not be projecting into the void, it will not be projecting into the future. It will be staying in a moment, in a space, in an energy, creating in that moment, and emanating the energy out, not specifically to your future, but into all moments.

< Ascension 2QA > As we have said, there was an impasse in creation, in this creation, where all things, in a sense, were energetically stuck. They could not go forth. They could not move. Creation, as we and you know it, stopped. It stopped because there was something that needed to be resolved. This is what created the Order of the Arc - the archangels - responsible for projecting their energy into the future to find a solution to this impasse of energy, so that all of the second creation could move forth. What you are doing, as grandiose as it may seem, but as challenging and difficult as it is… by the very work that you are doing as Lightworkers, as human beings is to help resolve this impasse. It is to help things move forward. IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU ANYMORE.

< DivineHuman 11 > You are learning that you do not need to plan all of the details in your life. You do not need to plan out what will happen in a month, or six, or six years. It simply comes to you. We know this is a challenge. We know you question it so deeply. But this is the way of the New Energy. You learned so well how to plan everything. You became masters at it. Now that you understand all the planning, and organizing, and living on the Old linear path… now you can leave it.

< DivineHuman 11 > Now it is time to put down those techniques in order to explore the New consciousness. That is what you are doing now. Little by little, but sure enough, you are learning to allow the New Energy to come into your life and then to dance with it. You are learning that in all of your planning and plotting and organizing, you could never have done it this grandly. You are learning to be the Creator in your Now moment.

< NewEnergy 1QA > The first thing to do is to breathe in, to be in the Now, and to understand that everything appropriate comes to you. In the society that you live in now, in the consciousness that you are in, yes, indeed there is a - what you call - goal setting or planning. You can do this in the New Energy way by doing two things. Remain in the Now, but expand your Now to encompass the potentials of what may come. Expand your Now to include those. Bring those to you to the Now. Then be open to any changes that might come.

We understand there is planning because of the dualistic energies that you live in. There is planning that is required for some of the day-to-day things in your life, but always incorporate the energy of potential change in those. You as a group of humans came into this world at a time when this goal-setting, this focus on goals, was so important. There was value in that at the time.

So many of you developed plans and goals because you wanted to accomplish much in this lifetime. Much of that centered around the release of Old ways, Old karma. But you can release that goal-setting now, the way you did it before, for it does not serve you. Certainly, you have to be aware of what's out in front of you, but bring that energy into the Now and allow it to change. Allow it to transmute all of the time. You will see the subtle but very important differences between just setting goals and planning, and allowing it to come into your Now, but to change.


