All That Is / All That Was

1. the First Creation; the kingdom; Home;
2. Oneness; Eternal One; Spirit; light and dark; yin and the yang;
3. all of creation; all derivatives of Spirit (king and queen); all energy except new energy;

< New Earth 1 > But your history, your lineage, goes much further into the universe. It goes into all of creation. This time on Earth has been but a blink of the eye. You have lived under the veil not knowing who you were, not even believing when the great masters came to tell you. When the angels appeared at night you did not believe their words. The duality, the veil, was so strong that each of you continued to choose to return to Earth lifetime after lifetime. You returned for something that would eventually benefit the whole of creation - that would benefit all of One.

< New Earth 1 > These fears will continue to come into your life. They will be like weights trying to hold you down by the ankles. At times they will seem to be insurmountable walls that can not possibly be crossed, and certainly not gone through. But, my friends, when this happens simply remember who you are. Simply remind yourself of these words: "I Am that I Am. I Am All that I Am. I am All that I Am and All that Is. I am One."

< New Earth 2 > Together we will create a new space, a new dimension. It is not simply the human dimension and not the dimensions that we exist in, Rather, together we create a totally new reality and consciousness. It is the reality that each of you, and all of your human brothers and sisters, will be moving into in the days to come. So, with permission given from your hearts, those who join us tonight will begin to weave this energy - to meld together All That Is.

< New Earth 2 > When the dynamics of your universe and your consciousness were originally created, it was that there was a "split." There was a split from what was once Oneness, or All That Is, into duality. There was a separation of energies and this was by design. This was for Spirit - for you - to understand more of creation and of energy. It is somewhat difficult to explain the rationale, but this split from oneness into two, into opposites, was of utmost importance for Spirit.

< New Earth 2 > Now when this separation occurred - this creation of the opposites - it began at the very core in the center of All That Is. That has been referred to as the Great Central Sun - that which you know as God, the Eternal One. And the separation emanated out from the center into this creation (Second Creation), into this dimension of consciousness. A separation went forth like waves into all that existed. As the waves moved through the consciousness and through matter, it broke those pieces and thoughts and energies into two. Then each of you went into that consciousness of opposites and began your work.

< New Earth 2 > We, Shaumbra, understand that our consciousness is truly a precious thing. When we take our consciousness and place it into a probability or a potential, it becomes our new reality. Our consciousness is our Spirit. It is our oneness with All That Is. Our consciousness is the collection of everything we have been and everything we have done. It is our wisdom. It is our heart. It is our soul. It is not contained within our body. Our consciousness is all of who we are. When we place that into a potential or probability, we transmute what was neutral energy into new reality. Our consciousness melded a probability a becomes reality. Through this formula we understand that we are the Creators.

< New Earth 6 > Think of the physics of this, think of the physics. Here you sit, supposedly as humans, and invite Spirit into your space, invite us into your space. This melding, this overlay of consciousnesses, creates truly a new dimension. It is not a dimension that you can relate from what you would normally think as in your third or fourth or fifth dimensions. My friends, this dimension does not own a number. It is a new dimension, a new consciousness that is created when humans meld with Spirit like this. Here you sit in a safe space. You open your hearts. You invite All That Is (God, divinity) into your being. This creates a new and sacred energy, a sacred consciousness. This is the consciousness and the state of being that you will walk in in your "now" time.

< New Earth 6 > Now there was a question at the core or the center of All That Is. There was a yearning for a type of creative expression that came forth. And to help manifest and to help understand Creation, this physical universe of yours was created. And the question to be understood was that of polarity or balance or one of opposites. Again, this is somewhat difficult to bring forth in human language. So this place of Earth was created. Indeed this entire universe was created, but it was known that the ultimate experience would take place on your Earth. Now each of you here has created and been in many other parts of the universe and other universes. But when this call came out for those to come to Earth, all that are here agreed to do this.

< New Earth 6 > We will also have you know that after you go through the process, those of us who have stayed back as your guides and your angels and your archangels, we will then be honored to go through the process and the tunnel that you have created. You are the first for others to follow. We have stayed back at home to guide you through. It is not us who have ascended and are waiting for you, my friends. You are ascending and allowing all of the rest of All That Is to do the same. And you wonder why we wash your feet, why there are the tears from our side!

< New Earth 9 > You have been journeying into new areas that even Spirit does not understand. That is why you agreed to come to Earth in the first place. In your lifetimes in the past, in your current lifetime up until recently, you were working under the veil to help to understand the balance of light and dark.
It is only through you, through your work on this Earth, your work in duality, that we learn. It is only through your work that we learn.
You have been pioneers on the forefront, and through you, all of creation, all of God, is learning something of great importance. This is the classroom of the new spiritual energy.

< New Earth 10 > If you would, now simply imagine yourself at a grand doorway… the doorway that is the veil, the doorway between Earth and All That Is. Here you are, the human aspect of this lifetime, standing at that doorway, the human aspect that is creating and moving through the tunnel, the tunnel of ascension, of the Second Creation.

< New Earth 10 > Understand that what you have felt for so many years of your lifetime, the dark entities around you, has been true. Just as your own guides and angels left your energy in these past months, my friends, there was a counter to those. You could call them your "dark angels." They were there. For indeed you do not think you were simply a being of light? You are a being of All That Is! And certainly as much as your guides and angels were with you, there was a balance. There were the "dark angels." They now walk past. For all the harm and all the grief and terror and fear and death and destruction that they brought to you over the period of lifetimes, they file past. You watch them in amazement, for in spite of the darkness they brought to your lives, there is a ring of light, an aura around them, an aura of love.

< New Earth 14 > Our second truth on this day is that God has no agenda. God has no agenda. Again this may be somewhat difficult to understand. You, especially the ones that have been called "Warriors of the Light," have assumed that you were supposed to go in one direction, a direction that you have called light. God has no agenda like the human does. God does not understand "good" or "bad," "light" or "dark," "right" or "wrong." These are human conceptions and terms. There is no agenda. Therefore, dear friends, we ask why do you judge yourself so harshly? There is no agenda here. It is about experience. Your journey is about experience. From all that you do and all that you go through, this gives all of creation important feedback. But again there is no agenda.

< Creator 1 > You, the humans, are in a circle of your own (the Second Creation). It is a circle that is different than the one that the rest of Creation resides in. You have chosen to go beyond the circle of Spirit, creating new dimensions, and a new circle, that will benefit All That Is. That is why you have chosen the many lifetimes on Earth. That is why you are sitting here now in this classroom. This is important information to remember - that the humanity of Earth exists in a separate circle (reality) than the rest of Creation.

< Creator 1 > He knew that life as a human was over. And indeed it was! Because in this final moment of releasing, Oryan transformed at that moment of greatest fear and greatest terror. He realized that all that he was experiencing was simply an illusion - simply an illusion! The illusion had been grand and valuable, and it had implications beyond his life, beyond the life of any others. It had implications all the way back to the source of All That Is. He realized that it was an illusion. He realized in that moment of terror and panic that he was the Creator of that illusion. He realized that he could create anything that he wanted now. He could create wings for his canoe! Or he could create for the river not to exist at all!

< Creator 3 > Your true creative ability, your true Creator ability, was hidden from you in the very essence of duality. There was a reason for this. Part of the reason, as we have mentioned, is that the second circle, the circle of the energies of Earth and of your physical universe exists outside of All That Is. You deal with an energy called "duality," which is the two different sides, what you would call the "light" and the "dark," the "good" and the "bad," the opposite face, the reflection in the mirror.

< Creator 3 > Because you existed outside of All That Is, in a sense, you existed in a void, and you were turning void into reality. In order to create in your Earth environment, it was necessary for you to go into the future. It was necessary for you to go into the void and create based on thoughts of what would come to be.

< Creator 3 > Because you existed outside of All That Is, in a sense, you existed in a void, and you were turning void into reality. In order to create in your Earth environment, it was necessary for you to go into the future. It was necessary for you to go into the void and create based on thoughts of what would come to be. In other words, you were always projecting yourself into the future. These vibrations created the pathway for your tomorrow. This is the way you have operated ever since you first came here to Earth. You were bound by the memories of the past (karma), and you created the future by projecting yourself into your tomorrows. This is how most humans on Earth create. This is how the future is created. The future reality is an assimilation of vibrational frequencies from all the humans on Earth.

< Creator 3QA > Your space, your energy (3-dimention) that has been created around Earth and your physical universe is unlike any other. It is, as we have said, existing outside of All That Is. It is not at all getting a bad rap! It is only the most difficult to go through. From my own personal experience… I had walked the Earth in many, many lifetimes and found it to be extremely difficult to be in duality, to be cut off from connection with Spirit. It was overwhelming. That is why there is so much respect and honor from our side for what you are doing. All realities, all dimensions indeed have validity, but there is none other in all of creation that is like what you are experiencing here. It is the most challenging but yet it provides the greatest potential of new creation.

< Creator 4 > As we have mentioned before, many of the dreams that you have now, many of the terrors and the nightmares that are in your life do not relate to this lifetime. They do not even relate to other lifetimes. You wonder where these terrors come from? Dear friends, much that is coming to you now has to do with the experiences that you had before you left the first circle. You are experiencing these in another way - in your dreams - to help create the fabric of what we have call the second creation. This is your universe, your Earth, an extension of All That Is.

< Creator 9 > The work you are doing is powerful. It is incredible. It is done in the greatest service to Spirit and All That Is. And you do not yet see it! You do not yet see who you are or the effect that you are having on the people around you. You do not yet see the effect that you are having on your Earth and the consciousness of this planet. You do not yet see how you are changing your universe, and how you are changing the place that we call Home. The very work that you do today, tomorrow and in the days to follow is changing everything around you. Indeed it is changing the very nature of the kingdom from whence you came.

< Creator 9 > The guides would collect this energy, and then another group (runners) would come in when these vessels were full. This group would take the vessels and replace them with new empty ones. They would take this incredible honey of substance - golden and sweet and nurturing - back on the other side of the veil. This energy would be used to continue creating your universe. This energy would find its way back to the kingdom from whence you came. This golden honey energy that you were producing here on Earth through your enlightenments and understandings would find its way to the kingdom to change the very nature of Home, to expand All That Is. It was the greatest gift of love that any entity has ever given. And you wonder why we honor you and why we weep when we sit in front of you, knowing that you don't recognize who you are!

< Creator 10 > We ask you to remember these words for much of where we are going with you will revolve around this: Dear friends, it is not about you any more. It is not about you! You thought it was, but it is not. We will spend much of our third series dealing with this. You will come into new enlightenments and understanding of who you are and why you are here. You will feel it at the very deepest levels within you - it will be almost like a shock, almost like a cold shower - when one day you realize it has not been about you and it is not about you any more. You will realize that what you have been doing is for a love of Spirit, a love of All That Is.

< Creator 10 > When Jack crossed through he now had the attributes of Free Will. It was no longer singular expansion of All That Is. He entered into a new dimensionality. Jack had always been the prince, the son of the king and queen, the one who would one day accept the throne. But now he was experiencing something totally different - Free Will. He did not quite so much know how to handle this. For he always thought he understood his Mission, his purpose and his contract in the singular will of the Kingdom. But now, all things were available and all things possible. There was no prescribed path or pattern.

< Creator 10 > This Free Will was an incredible new toy. But it also caused you much grief along the way. Much hardship and much pain. You took the Free Will and went to places that were at the lowest of the low, at the bottom of the bottom, at the most painful of places that all of Creation could have ever imagined. But you were simply playing with the new energy. Oh, indeed you also took it to wonderful places of love and sharing and compassion in creation of light.

< Creator 10 > But now dear friends we are asking you to step beyond that into Divine Will. It will be challenging. You will wonder what this thing called Divine Will is - who owns this? Is this Spirit coming back now to once again tell you what to do? Is it your guides or angels now who will dictate to you? No, Divine Will comes from within. It is your Will but it is on a Divine basis that transcends duality. It transcends the human dynamics that you have been used to. It is directly linked to All That Is and to Spirit, but understand dear friends that you are Spirit. Divine Will comes from within. It provides answers and solutions and experiences and new powers that you have never experienced before.

< Creator 11 > In the Kingdom, all was One. All was singular. There was a singular expression in the Kingdom. But at some point in this Oneness, in the love and the bliss of Home, Spirit, All That Is, the Eternal One, God, knew that it was time to take an inner look. It was time to come to a greater understanding of why existence existed. It was time for All That Is to take an account of Self, of all of creation, of all that had been done. Everything up to that point had been a singular outward expression.

< Creator 11 > For those who walk on earth in the female biology in this lifetime, you will appreciate the fact that in the Kingdom, sitting on the throne, is predominantly a "female" energy. It is not balanced 50/50, male to female. In your way of thinking, Spirit and All That Is is predominantly female. And again, we caution here. We are using terms for the easiest understanding.

< Creator 11 > You are beginning to understand now that there is not a Father in Heaven as you have been taught in your schools. We will tell you now it is the King and the Queen and the energy is predominantly female, or Queen. The energy of All That Is is predominantly that of birthing and nurturing and loving. Your energy as Jack has been that of a journeyer. It has been that of strength, it has been that of moving forward.

< Creator 12QA > You come to this place of Earth to help determine a new balance, to create a nest, to create a new home to birth a new type of divinity. That is why you are here. This Earth is a nest, a home. You are birthing a new type of divinity (new ascension status) that has never been seen in all of creation. You come here to create the new energy, what we have called the "second creation."

Dear friends, when you ascend, you do not go back Home. Home will eventually come here to you. It will come here. We do not know how to say this so well - you cannot go back Home. You cannot. But Home can come to you. Creation, All That Is, the First Circle will expand into where you are. It will come to you.

Ascension means going into this new energy where your divinity shines in this new place (second creation) where you have birthed it. It is not about going BACK Home. It is about creating something new for Spirit that could never be done before. You who are here… you exist outside of All That Is. Oh, Cauldre has challenged us over and over on this, but we continue to say that when you left the Kingdom, you went outside of All That Is. But someday All That Is will come to you. It will expand. That is the whole reason why you left the Kingdom in the first place.

< Ascension 1 > The vision, going back some 2,500 years ago, dear friends and Shaumbra, was to bring this seed of Christ consciousness into this grand and glorious planet of yours. And as you did, and as you now allow it to emerge, to come through you, to be breathed through you, this opens a whole new - what would you say - you call them "portals." It opens whole new pathways, not into the darkness of your outer space, but it opens pathways all the way back through what used to be the void, all the way through the Wall of Fire back Home to the kingdom. As you open these pathways through the work you do, through the consciousness changes that you are going through and through breathing, this allows All That Is, the kingdom of God and Goddess, to now begin their journey from Home to you.

< Ascension 1 > All of creation is watching. Now you understand the importance of your work? All of creation is watching and waiting and wanting to know. We are waiting to come in, waiting to expand the first circle into the realities that you have created (second creation), which do not exist within All That Is. Much to think about here! (Home/Spirit/God/Oneness/King and Queen comes to you.)

< Ascension 6 > Moving again counterclockwise on this five-pointed star is the divine SENSE of COMPASSION. Compassion. We also call this the Unity Sense. This is the divine sensitivity that gives you an understanding that you are I Am, but you are also part of All That Is. This sense of compassion allows you to see God in another's eyes. It allows you to feel and to understand another. This is what links you to every other human, to every other animal and to every molecule on this planet. This is the sense that links you to All That Is.

< Ascension 7 > That was Lesson One, a difficult lesson in many respects. Suddenly you were in the Hall of Ascension, and it looked nothing like what you thought. Nothing. Surprise. It is an empty hall with all of the potential of love and all the potential of completion of the very reason why you left Home. It has all the potential of compassion, all the potential of expanding the energy of All That Is. But, in a sense, it is an empty hall, waiting for the new inhabitants to come in, waiting for the new inhabitants, for you, the "ascendees" to come in, and to begin shaping it in any way you want.

< Ascension 7 > You were still not accepting your own strength and your own power, and the fact, dear friends, that you are divine humans. You were not owning the fact that All That Is … is who you are.

< Ascension 7 > A major shift occurred, a shift that is allowing us on this side of the veil to work more directly with you. It has helped Metatron work closer to the Earth plane. This September shift (after the event of 9-11) bumped up the consciousness and the vibration of All That Is.

< Ascension 8 > In the First Circle there was the energy of "Was." It simply was. That energy of Spirit did not know love, for there was nothing to compare it with. All That Is… simply was. All That Is was not aware of Self. It did not need to "be." It simply "was." It was an energy that existed and flowed. It was not even an energy of "one," as you would think of it. For, in order to have a "one," you would have to have something to compare it with. Spirit simply was.

< Ascension 8 > From this union, and from this to-be-discovered love between the King and the Queen, you were birthed. You were birthed from an energy that was part of the King and Queen, but yet different and separate. You, the creation of Spirit, went forth outside of the First Circle. That in itself is amazing! For, how can you go outside of All That Was? How can you go outside of a circle that contained all of the known energy and had the ability to expand itself within that circle? These are all things we will address, all fascinating issues.

< Ascension 8 > What happens here in the new understanding of love is that Home, Home can finally come in. That is what is happening. That is why we are so fascinated. That is why the children-to-be are so excited. For the first time since all of us left Home, Home is starting to come in. Home is starting to, in a sense, reawaken, expand forth, come to meet you. This is what we have all been excited about ever since our journey began. We all wondered, "Where is Home? Where is Spirit?" We all wondered when that time would come when Home would come to get us. And, you thought that Home would save you. But, it’s not like that. There is no saving. Home comes to greet you and to hug you and to thank you for this long journey that has changed the nature of All That Is. "Was" is no longer "was." "Was" IS now.

< DivineHuman 1 > We, Shaumbra, understand that our consciousness is truly a precious thing. When we take our consciousness and place it into a probability or a potential, it becomes our new reality. Our consciousness is our Spirit. It is our oneness with All That Is. Our consciousness is the collection of everything we have been and everything we have done. It is our wisdom. It is our heart. It is our soul. It is not contained within our body. Our consciousness is all of who we are. When we place that into a potential or probability, we transmute what was neutral energy into new reality. Our consciousness melded a probability becomes reality. Through this formula we understand that we are the Creators.

< DivineHuman 2 > I, your essence, am not the identity of one lifetime. I am the identity of All That Is You, the identity that was gifted upon us when you left Home.

< NewEnergy 1 > So, when you say you are God also, it is different. It is different than certainly the Old Energy, the Old illusion of the old man with a long white beard, sitting in heaven. That is so long gone. It is different than your concept of an - how do you say - All That Is. So many of you have held the concept, the feeling, how you are all interconnected and that Is-ness makes up the Ones-ness, and that is God. That is different also. You are God also means you are all those things, but you have had the unique, the unique experience of your journey as an angel, of your journey on Earth as a human and now coming full circle, so it is different.

< Embodiment 2 > You aren't the identity that you have on your driver's license. You are much grander than that. You're not just a human… much more than that. Here today, listening or sitting here - or even those who will read this message, or hear it later - here today we are addressing the ones who have been the leaders of the celestial families, the ones who have been called the King and the Queen in the past, the ones who have been the teachers in the other dimensions. Then, you come here to Earth to yet learn something new on behalf of All That Is. Sometimes you don't see it because you're only looking at it from one perception of the illusion. Sometimes you forget who you are because it's easier to just be a human sitting in these chairs.

< Embodiment 3 > You keep wondering, "But who am I? What part of me?" It is the part that I am talking to right now - not some grand angel off somewhere else… not just your mind… not just your body - but you. We can do that. Let us do that right now. "Spirit… me… out there… in here… spirit, I choose this. I choose to embody the New Energy. I choose to have these changes graceful. Spirit, I choose to connect with The Field and All That Is… the universe… the grid… the lattice… whatever you want to call it. I choose to connect in a new way, an open way."

< Embodiment 10 > We spoke recently to a group of Shaumbra about the Third Circle opening up. The First Circle, of course, was Home, the energy of the Kingdom, All That Was. The Second Circle was everything outside of Home, the existence, the reality that you have been in ever since you went through the Wall of Fire and went into the Void and began creating. Now, you are on the very edge of completion of that cycle. The New Earth that we spoke of a week ago is indicative of that. The New Earth could not be built; it could not even be conceived, if it was not the appropriate time. There are so many questions about the New Earth: where it is… how it is progressing… who can go there. But, none of this would be possible, Shaumbra, unless you were at the point right now of completing the Second Circle.

< Embodiment 11QA > We give you a bit of riddle, a bit of an understanding here about who you are, who Spirit is. You see… Spirit was… and now is… and isloves… and expands… loves to find joy in creation. Yet, in creation Spirit finds that everything is, and it always was (All that was). That will give you something to reflect on for a period of time. It is the basic understanding of Spirit and of creation. You see… Spirit is this dynamic energy that always was. It changed into "is" when it wanted to find out more of itself and to express itself through creation. But, it found creation simply is. Everything is there, and it always was there… you see. And, that is where you are at right now, Shaumbra. The synchronistic life: it already is, and it always was. It is allowing yourself to be the radiant Creator… always is… and always was.

< Clarity 6QA > Then you're going to be posed with a question - "Are you ready to open it up again?" Are you ready to again connect on the crystalline non-mental levels with yourself, with All That Is. You still maintain all your physical attributes. You still maintain all of the - the fact that you're a human on Earth. But now you open to a whole new level. Imagine that you are this vehicle with the Soul, the feelings, the brain and the body and somewhere you have shut down or hidden this connection to realms that are indescribable. Imagine now what that adds to the mix, to the multidimensional layer of Self if that is brought back into reality.

< Clarity 7 > So, you're in this month of love now in your human consciousness. Human love is nothing compared to the love of Spirit and Self. The whole purpose of Soul is to understand that sovereign nature - the gift of love from Spirit, from All That Is. But in order to fulfill that, there must be the total disconnection. Total disconnection.

< QLCeleb 4 > And Shaumbra, somewhere, somewhere right now, I don't know where, somewhere the original energy of I Am, God, Spirit and All That Was is celebrating right now.

< Returning 4 > But we talked a long time ago about this, how the expansion of All That Is, an expansion of the consciousness of the One and the Many, came to a stop. It could expand only as far as it could go. That is why you as angelic beings agreed to come to Earth, agreed to go back through so many of the experiences you had in the non-physical realms but to do it in physical reality, slowed down, where you could be consciously aware of choice and then the result of your choice.

< Master 5 >
This is you. This is you, as we talked about before. It's represented by the circle with a dot in between, very simple, ancient symbology because it shows that you came from All That Was - which does not exist anymore and because it's changed. You came from All That Was. You went outside of All That Was. You developed your own unique identity, your soul expression. So this is you. It's consciousness. You are consciousness. In a very, very unique way your consciousness draws in energy - neutral energy - so I'm going to put "neutral energy" here. (Adamus adds to the drawing) The question is where did that energy come from to begin with? Spirit wasn't energy. Spirit was - still is - absolute consciousness.

< (Next) 1 > When you left the Wall of Fire, when you left heaven, All That Is, whatever you want to call it; when you left to become a pure sovereign being, as you went through the Wall of Fire, you imagined and experienced all of the potentials of everything that would ever happen to you outside of Home - outside of Home, outside of the First Circle. That's why it felt so awful. You felt you were ripped into billions of pieces, because you were suddenly experiencing everything, every potential that was to ever be. Well, maybe not all of it. You experienced all of it up until right now.

< freedom 8 > That passion of its existence – to know its existence and to feel it – created energy outside of itself, but some would say that it was the passion of going Home – I have actually said it before myself – partly true, but where is Home? Humans like to think of Home as being heaven, God, oneness, All That Was, all the rest of that crap. It's not. The true journey Home is not back to some celestial palace. The true journey Home – right there (tapping his heart). That's all there is to it. You don't go back to the oneness; you are the oneness. You go back to awareness.


