
1. the circle of All That Wasthe First Creation;  the First Circlethe kingdom;
2. another dimention of physical earth's reality;  heaven;  home away from Home;  an in-between zone;
    heavenly way station;  resting spot;  family room;

< New Earth 1 > This is a blessed moment. It is a blessed time that each of you will go through. Know that as you boldly walk through those fears. Know that as you call up all of who you are, as you choose in your heart to become a divine human. Allow your intellect to simply guide you in 3-D, but allow your heart to carry you Home.

< New Earth 3 > One of our greatest joys will be when you come Home after you have accomplished what you came to do on earth in this lifetime. We will play back the memory thoughts for you and to show you what was truly happening. We will show you the impact that you had on the lives of others that you touched, and the impact that you had on the earth as a whole. And we will show you what you have created in another place that really does not quite yet exist, but you are helping to create it. We call this place the Second Creation. This be a joyous day when we can share with you what you have done on your Earth!

< New Earth 5 > This event was when your guides and angels, who have always been in your energy field for as long as you have been on this Earth, made their final retreat from your energy. They had always filled a sacred space around you. They had always been close by. Oh, yes, perhaps they could not always fulfill all of your humanly requests but they had always filled a space. They were place-holders and balancers of energy for you. They were the ones who bridged the veil for you, who maintained the balance. While you were in your focused human state, they maintained the balance back to Home.

< New Earth 6 > You have not been abandoned by your True Self. Your True Self is not punishing you. Your parent has not left. It has been on its own journey. At the core part within you, you are still connected. There is a still a remembrance. Oh, you wonder why, why, you desire to return Home - because you can still feel at the very center of your heart your connection with something so grand. You wonder why you search for your soulmate, your twin flame. My friend, your twin flame is in a blanket, is in a deep sleep. How you long for the return! You wonder why the emptiness is there in your being, why you feel at night in your dreams that you are crying. It is because you know, you know, that your self has not been complete while you have journeyed here on Earth.

< New Earth 6 > My friends, Home as you knew it is different. We know there are those that are here that desire to return Home, but it looks different. Things have changed. They continue to change. It has not been appropriate for you to return to your Home. Certainly between lifetimes, you come back to a type of family room. You do not return all the way Home. It has not been appropriate for you to return all the way Home. There are resting spots along the way, for sure. But Home has changed. It has changed from the very work that you have done here. As we have said before, we encourage you each to continue on the path, for you have gone so far. You have gone so far. We understand the yearning in your heart. But, my friends, we are there from the standpoint of the awakening of the True Self, the integration and the melding.

< New Earth 9 > Many angels-turned-human have dropped out. Many, many could not continue to withstand the veil which separates you from a knowingness of Spirit. When they returned Home, they were honored for all of their work. They turned right around to continue helping you in this lifetime. The ones who are in the room here tonight and are reading this message - honor yourselves for the work that you have done.

< New Earth 10 > Many entities have been waiting for you, the aspect of your soul that exists in this lifetime and in the Now. They have been waiting for you to open, to allow the seed of Christ to germinate and to come forth. They have been, as you would say, Earth-bound. They have not been able to fully return Home until you, the human in this lifetime, the human that sits here, came to the point of finding the Lost Child of Christ within.

< New Earth 10QA > There is the perception on the part of many Lightworkers that when you are released from your physical body that you return to Home. We would tell you that this is not an accurate statement. You are still held by a very strong grid-work or vibrational web to Earth. If you were to return to Home, you would not choose to come back to Earth. There is an outer room that you return to where you are well attended by what you would call angels, those from the angelic realm. You are facilitated between lifetimes, but you do not return Home. Your soul has chosen for the repetition of coming to Earth time and time again. Now, my friend, it was written for you and others that this lifetime would no longer be of lesson but of new experience.

< New Earth 13 > There came a point in time in your life within the past several years when you were asked, or when you came to a decision point, about whether to stay here on Earth or whether to leave. You came to a critical time. Each of you was asked differently, each in your own way, whether you would stay on this Earth or whether you would return Home. Think back for a moment. You may recall this time. For some of you, it occurred in your dream state. For others it occurred while you were driving down the road or while you were reading, or perhaps while you were ill.

< New Earth 13 > The reason why we mention this on this day, dear friends, is that each of you here knew you were coming to the end of your old contract. You had fulfilled what you came to the Earth to do. At that point you could have left. You could have departed the physical body and come back Home. Obviously the ones here (and the ones reading this also) chose to stay! (laughter) In a sense, as we jokingly say, you "re-enlisted" in spiritual service. You "re-upped." You knew that there was additional work to do on this Earth. That is why you are here.

< Creator 1 > Now there came a point to choose whether to move forward, to continue in human form and human consciousness, or to return back to this circle, to the circle that we exist in. Each of you knows of that moment in your life that we speak of, that moment when you were faced with the choice to stay on Earth or to return to this circle that we exist in (Home). Now obviously you chose to stay! You chose to move forward. There is one reason for that. It is an inner commitment that you made. Each of you has chosen to be a teacher of the new energy. You will do whatever it takes. You will sacrifice whatever it takes. You will release whatever it takes from your life to be one who is at the forefront, one who will be a teacher. You are the ones who work with other humans to help guide them through their transitional experiences.

< Creator 2 > You came from the circle of All That Is. This is what we have called the "first creation." That was your Home. The Home of all things exists within this circle. And certainly we speak in some metaphors here for better understandings.

< Creator 2 > There are levels that are difficult to describe here. In this great and grand process that took place, a circle outside of All That Is was created by you and other angels with only the slightest intersection, only the slightest overlap, with All That Is. You and the other angels who were living on the edge of All That Is moved into this new circle. You began experiencing there, forgetting who you had been, forgetting where you had come from. You took with you a new sense of division (veil) and duality that you had never known before, completely shutting the door to Home. You did this in order to create a closed environment to set the foundation energy of the Second Creation. You, the Creators!

< Creator 2QA > We have mentioned in previous channels that between your human lives on Earth that you do not go Home, so to speak. You do not go back to the original creation, to the first circle. You go back to an in-between zone where you are met by those in the angelic realms, those who have also walked Earthly lives. In a sense when you first arrive at this heavenly way station, because you have released the physical body and because you feel so much lighter, there is a sense that this is heaven, that this is Home. But my friends, we tell you that it is not. You do not return back Home between Earthly lives, for if you did you would not choose to or essentially be able to come back into your circle of Earth. Also if you returned fully Home at this time, you would not recognize it. You would not recognize Home as you knew it before you left. This in itself is the subject of a much greater discussion. But the very work that you have done in your human circle has changed the very nature of what you would call Home.

< Creator 2QA > Now we had mentioned earlier in one of our very first channels with Cauldre that the humans literally create the new stars in your universe, and he challenged us bitterly on this. He thought that we were speaking metaphorically, and we told him that we were speaking literally. What you see in your physical universe - the new stars that are coming into being and the new discoveries - are things that you are creating, that you are creating through the work that you do here. And as Cauldre was looking upon the stars the other night, he asked the question of us, "is there indeed new life? Is there indeed human type life or any type of life out in the universe?" And our reply to him was "not much."

< Creator 2QA > Your universe has certain life forms but none that are of the complexity of the human. There are - and some will be challenged here - no alien beings flying in little crafts from planet to planet, as you thought. What you are feeling and interpreting and understanding are activities that took place in the original circle, in the original creation before you ever came here. You are translating and interpreting those in human understanding. There were, on those dimensions in that Home space… there were many activities that you are now interpreting as perhaps what you would call your alien beings. When you look into your universe, there is very little life form as you would know it.

< Creator 5 > Like you, the wall of fire is changing. In a relatively short period of time, it will be possible for the others of the kingdom to come through. And at that point, dear friends, the boundaries of the kingdom of sIAM will expand. The kingdom will expand beyond the great wall of fire. It will expand into this new place you have created. There will come a day, that most of you will experience, when the rest of the kingdom will come through to you. You will recognize the angels, and then you will remember Home. And then we will coexist with you. The kingdom of sIAM will be a grander place for the work that you have done on Earth.

< Creator 7 > But all of this time, each of you were resisting this slowing down, resisting this solidification that was taking place in you, in your entire universe. You started having strange experiences. You started crashing into things! You didn’t pass through objects any more. Energy did not pass through energy. Things were becoming so solid, so slowed down, you actually would find yourself crashing into stars and planets and meteors and asteroids. This surprised you, and it depressed you. The wars continued. The battles intensified. This was not a good time. There were pockets of those who were trying to find the way back Home, trying to find the proper vibration, discovering things about the energies of love and light. But for the most part, things were spinning down.

< Creator 9 > The work you are doing is powerful. It is incredible. It is done in the greatest service to Spirit and All That Is. And you do not yet see it! You do not yet see who you are or the effect that you are having on the people around you. You do not yet see the effect that you are having on your Earth and the consciousness of this planet. You do not yet see how you are changing your universe, and how you are changing the place that we call Home. The very work that you do today, tomorrow and in the days to follow is changing everything around you. Indeed it is changing the very nature of the kingdom from whence you came.

< Creator 9 > As you sit here on this day, your thoughts, deeds and actions are indeed changing the very nature of the kingdom you came from. We are amazed that you do not see the powerful nature of the work that you do. You think you are just living a lifetime in this body, trying to get through day-by-day. What you are doing is changing the nature of Home. We honor you for this. We thank you for this. And as we have said, someday we will cheer and laugh together. When you are able to open those spiritual eyes of yours, you will see the effect that you are truly having on this entire creation, not only on this universe that you are living in, but on the entire creation.

< Creator 9 > We have been asked before the question, "Do you return Home between lifetimes?" The answer to that - to the one who was going to ask it later tonight - is, "No." You return to a place that has the attributes of Home. It is filled with your family. It is filled with angels who work with you for a rebalancing after you leave your physical body. They work to prepare for your next time on Earth, but it is not the Home that you once knew. If you went back there, you would never return to Earth. You would find it too difficult to return. And also, dear friends, if you returned back Home now, back to the kingdom, you would not recognize it. The work that you and the other human angels have done has changed the very nature, the very vibration, and in particular, the depth of the kingdom from whence you came.

< Creator 9 > The guides would collect this energy, and then another group (runners) would come in when these vessels were full. This group would take the vessels and replace them with new empty ones. They would take this incredible honey of substance - golden and sweet and nurturing - back on the other side of the veil. This energy would be used to continue creating your universe. This energy would find its way back to the kingdom from whence you came. This golden honey energy that you were producing here on Earth through your enlightenments and understandings would find its way to the kingdom to change the very nature of Home, to expand All That Is. It was the greatest gift of love that any entity has ever given. And you wonder why we honor you and why we weep when we sit in front of you, knowing that you don't recognize who you are!

< Creator 9QA > There are teams of angels who do nothing but wait for you to come back between lifetimes. They know how to work with you when you return. Do you know when you return to our side you carry such strong attributes of your human experience that many times you do not even see us, the angels? If you have not believed in us, or if you have shut us off, it is difficult to reconnect when you come back. You bring back the attributes, and particularly the strong emotions, that you carried on Earth. There are teams of angels who work to help bring you back into a spiritual balance, back to the angel that you truly are. These teams help to adjust and release the energies of the human experience that you just went through. There are those who return to our side of the veil who require much time, much energy, much love and nurturing. It can take hundreds of years of times and maybe more. When there are those who come back with strong emotions or who have gone through trauma, it can take much, much time for them to open their eyes and to awaken into this place that is like 'a home away from Home'.

< Creator 10 > You have the Free Will to do what you choose. But you have also had the veil so you could not remember so much your decisions and your experiences. Now, here you are, Shaumbra, coming to the completion of your own circle of lifetimes on Earth. You are coming to completion of your journey, coming to the final clearings that will allow you to go to new understandings. As we have said to you before, you do not return Home from here. You continue going forward. You continue expanding but there will come the point when the veil is released, when you do have an understanding of your journey, you do have more of a complete understanding of who you are and why you are here.

< Creator 11 > In the Kingdom, all was One. All was singular. There was a singular expression in the Kingdom. But at some point in this Oneness, in the love and the bliss of Home, Spirit, All That Is, the Eternal One, God, knew that it was time to take an inner look. It was time to come to a greater understanding of why existence existed. It was time for All That Is to take an account of Self, of all of creation, of all that had been done. Everything up to that point had been a singular outward expression.

< Creator 11 > The female energy, as you know, is one that births. It is one that is creative. It is one that is filled with love and nurturing. The Kingdom is predominantly nurturing, predominantly creative, predominantly birthing. So therefore we say that the energy of Home is predominantly female. Isn’t it interesting that in your society you refer to God and to Spirit as "Father." It should be "Mother"! It should be Mother. And that is why we are speaking of this in this energy. It is time for a healing to take place. It is time for a change in the energy. The new energy, dear friends, that you are moving in to has a dominant "female" energy. It is balanced, but it reverts back to what you knew in the Kingdom.

< Creator 11 > They knew that one day he would cross through this thing we call the "Wall of Fire". He would leave Home. He would leave the First Circle and go into a void where nothing existed. The King and the Queen had no concept and no idea of what existed outside of the First Circle, the original creation of Spirit. But their only begotten son was to journey there. In a sense, it frightened them for they did not know what would happen to their own offspring. In another sense they understood the implications of love behind the journey.

< Creator 12 > The energy that comes to visit today is that of Home. It is that of Home. They gather in the second circle. You are in the first. They gather all around. It is the remembrance of Home, of the Kingdom, where you came from. It has been eons and eons of time since you left - but not really so long ago - since you came on this incredible journey. It is the journey of the angels, from the Kingdom through the void to this place you call Earth. It has been an incredible journey, an incredible journey! And today the energies of Home, the energies of the king and queen come to visit.

< Creator 12 > And dear friends, with the consciousness you have created, it is now possible for a piece of Home to come here into this very sacred space, to come here to visit you on this day, at this moment. Home comes to you! We ask each of you to breathe deeply. Breathe in this energy of Home into your being, this love, the love of Spirit, of the king and queen, of the original creation. It comes to love you, to thank you and to honor you for the work you have done.

< Creator 12QA > You left Home eons and eons of time ago, but we add with a wink in our eye, that it was not so long ago. Do you know that creation as you know it is really not that old? In a sense, time is going backwards as much as it is going forward. It was not that long ago that you left Home.

< Creator 12QA > You come to this place of Earth to help determine a new balance, to create a nest, to create a new home to birth a new type of divinity. That is why you are here. This Earth is a nest, a home. You are birthing a new type of divinity (new ascension status) that has never been seen in all of creation. You come here to create the new energy, what we have called the "second creation."

Dear friends, when you ascend, you do not go back Home. Home will eventually come here to you. It will come here. We do not know how to say this so well - you cannot go back Home. You cannot. But Home can come to you. Creation, All That Is, the First Circle will expand into where you are. It will come to you.

Ascension means going into this new energy where your divinity shines in this new place (second creation) where you have birthed it. It is not about going BACK Home. It is about creating something new for Spirit that could never be done before. You who are here… you exist outside of All That Is. Oh, Cauldre has challenged us over and over on this, but we continue to say that when you left the Kingdom, you went outside of All That Is. But someday All That Is will come to you. It will expand. That is the whole reason why you left the Kingdom in the first place.

< Ascension 1 > The vision, going back some 2,500 years ago, dear friends and Shaumbra, was to bring this seed of Christ consciousness into this grand and glorious planet of yours. And as you did, and as you now allow it to emerge, to come through you, to be breathed through you, this opens a whole new - what would you say - you call them "portals." It opens whole new pathways, not into the darkness of your outer space, but it opens pathways all the way back through what used to be the void, all the way through the Wall of Fire back Home to the kingdom. As you open these pathways through the work you do, through the consciousness changes that you are going through and through breathing, this allows All That Is, the kingdom of God and Goddess, to now begin their journey from Home to you.

< Ascension 1 > Remember our words that we have spoken before: You do not go Home. It comes to you. This is the beginning of a new part of your journey on Earth, a journey that began some 2,500 years ago. Oh, yes, you have been around even longer than that. But the latest chapters of your book are 2,500 years old. You are opening those paths from Home to you. We will talk much about this in the next year or so. We will talk about how to do this, how to affect your life, how to help others, how to welcome the new visitors that come from Home to see you.

< Ascension 1 > All of creation is watching. Now you understand the importance of your work? All of creation is watching and waiting and wanting to know. We are waiting to come in, waiting to expand the first circle into the realities that you have created (second creation), which do not exist within All That Is. Much to think about here! (Home/Spirit/God/Oneness/King and Queen comes to you.)

< Ascension 3QA > Why? … is such a good question, and it is about your journey. It is about your search. It is about your ascension. It is the question that has been asked by entities ever since we left Home. It is about your journey on Earth. Ever since you left Home there has been one basic thing - the search for God, the search for God. When you were in the void and creating this Second Creation, the real question was about where to find God, how to get back Home. As we all matured, we understood it was not about getting back Home. It was about creating something new. But, the search for God continued.

The Order of the Arc was created, it was to help define a very imbalanced energy (duality), an energy that was searching for God. It was an answer to the question "why." It was about a venue and an experience that would enable you, and then ultimately us, to once again know God, but a different relationship than you had with the King and the Queen when you were Jack. The relationship now comes from within you. The relationship is yours to hold personally. It is about integrating your divinity.

Why? If you return to the story of Jack, you will recall that we chose our words very carefully. It was said that Jack was the prince, the son of the King and the Queen. One day he would inherit the throne. But, he wanted one last journey. Why? It was to understand how to bring the energy of Home, how to bring the energy of God, how to bring the divineness into you directly, into your experience and your being. Jack did not have ownership of this when he was in the Kingdom. In order to be a true creator, Jack needed to discover this on his own.

You have been searching for God ever since. You are beginning to understand the dynamics of this and how this works. It is difficult. It does not come so easy. Why? It is the fulfillment of a circle that started the moment Spirit contemplated Self and began a whole dynamic of new creation, of duality, and of experience. It is the completion of Spirit’s quest to know Self, to know of expression by living through experience.

< Ascension 4 > You left Home with the promise to self and to Spirit that you would go off on your own. You would learn what it was like to be outside of All That Is, what it was like to be a creator in your own right. You left Home to release the reins, to release the connection from Spirit. You did that intentionally. You did that with the love and the approval of All That Is, the Eternal One, the King and the Queen - whatever name you would like to attach to it. You had the approval of the most loving being to leave, to go off on your own. And now, eons of time later, and with so much experience that there would not be enough libraries on your Earth to hold all of the information of your experiences… eons of time later, you now come to the point where you are fulfilling the very reason you left Home.

< Ascension 4 > That reason (leaving Home) is to understand your own identity outside the realm of All That Is, to connect with that identity, to experience through it, and then at a given point, to integrate your birthright, the Christ seed within, your God-self, to integrate that into everything that you are. That is why we are sitting here with you now. That is why you are here, dear, dear friends. And, that is why I, Tobias, sit here with you on this day. You are at that magical, miraculous, incredible point, where you are coming to the full completion of the circle. You are coming to the point now where you are completing the circle. And, that is when you integrate your divinity.

< Ascension 6 > You do not go back to "1." In their spiritual teachings, so many talk about going back to "1," similar to talking of going back Home. But you do not go there. As God, you continue to expand, and you continue to express in new ways.

< Ascension 6 > When you were at Home in the Kingdom eons of time ago  Ebut not so long ago at all  Ethe energy was about oneness and singularity. When you left Home, went through the Wall of Fire and eventually came to Earth, it was about "2." It was about polarity. It was about the mirror image. It was about seeing yourself, dear God, in a new and different way that you could have not seen in the energy of "1." So, you created "2." You have been in that energy for so very, very long. Earth has been about the energy of "2," polarity, light and dark, the lessons of good and bad, male and female, opposites. Your journey on Earth has been to understand, at the most intimate levels, what duality, what "2" was about.

< Ascension 8 > There are also those from the Crimson Council who come in today. This is the family that you join when you come back to this side of the veil. This is like a Home away from Home for you. When you reunite with those who you had known in the most immediate lifetime of yours… and you hugged your grandmother… and you hugged that dog that you loved so much as a child… then, you realize that all things are all right. And, you realize that there is purpose and meaning and flow in Spirit.

< Ascension 8 > You went forth, out into the void. When you did, this created duality. You were split into billions of pieces, and brought back together again at a point. Now you had your own unique identity. But, in that unique identity, you had also forgotten how to get back Home. You were set free, outside of the realm of Home, to go explore and to create. In order to do so, you took on the original energy of duality.

< Ascension 8 > When it came time for what we have called the Order of the Arc, when the Earth was created, you came to Earth once again, carrying these energies of duality with you. You had the energy of duality, the polarity of the "plus" and the "minus," the "black" and the "white," the "high" and the "low." And, you also had the veil, the veil, which brought you to a new level of experience. Now, not only had you forgotten the energy of Home, but you had also forgotten the energy of home away from Home. It provided the opportunity to come to this grand place to take on body, to slow things down so that you could make conscious decision, so you could make conscious choice - all this a way of helping you to understand who you truly are.

< Ascension 8 > You, Spirit… you, divine one, have also been learning to understand your own identity. As you do, as you come to understand the identity of your own divinity, then you begin to understand God. It has been said that you could never figure out God in your head. And, indeed that is true. It comes in through your heart. And, it comes in after you learn to understand your own divinity. When this happens, dear Shaumbra, then Home comes to you. As we have told you, you never go Home. That was not the purpose of all this. You don't go Home. Home comes to you.

< Ascension 8 > What happens here in the new understanding of love is that Home, Home can finally come in. That is what is happening. That is why we are so fascinated. That is why the children-to-be are so excited. For the first time since all of us left Home, Home is starting to come in. Home is starting to, in a sense, reawaken, expand forth, come to meet you. This is what we have all been excited about ever since our journey began. We all wondered, "Where is Home? Where is Spirit?" We all wondered when that time would come when Home would come to get us. And, you thought that Home would save you. But, it’s not like that. There is no saving. Home comes to greet you and to hug you and to thank you for this long journey that has changed the nature of All That Is. "Was" is no longer "was." "Was" IS now.

< Ascension 8QA > We have talked to you today about grand information: Home finally, finally being able to have the first rays of its energy touch you. Home, now for the first time, being able to touch you and to acknowledge you and to share with you once again. It will take place over a period of time. It will start small within you. It will grow, and then it will touch more and more of mass consciousness. This is grand information, and it opens the door to grand self-doubt. That is part of the energy dynamic of what is going on right now. That is part of this whole process of the transformation of duality into the New Energy. This is appropriate. When the self-doubt comes in, dear friends, this is one of the cycles, what you would call perhaps a low cycle or a down cycle. Do not try to put the blanket over it, or to extinguish it, or to deny it. Walk through it. Walk through that self-doubt. It is one of the snakes on the road. It is there for a reason. It is still helping to produce energies that will propel you, that will propel your own divinity to new levels of understanding.

< Ascension 9 > Duality was a method for you to look at yourself, to look at the opposite in the mirror. You came from One, from the Kingdom, where there was only One. When you left Home, when you left the First Circle, dear friends, the first energies of duality came in. This is when you were first able to start looking at yourself in the mirror. Duality - two opposites. Dual reality. This is when you first began to have an identity that was your own. Until then, you were simply one who lived in the Kingdom, in oneness. Now you were beginning to develop your own identity. This identity of yours as the Prince, as Jack, was like a boulder in the water. We spoke about the boulders recently. It was like a boulder. It caused the water to break its flow.

< Ascension 9 > We said earlier that when you left Home, the Kingdom, a finite amount of energy came with you. No new energy has ever been created outside of the First Circle. You have just changed and transformed the existing energy base. And do you remember when we have spoken to you about all things in the Second Circle coming to an impasse? The energies of the universe came to a standstill at one point. Duality could no longer re-express itself. It was the "star wars" period where energy could move forth no more. It came to an impasse. It stopped. That is when the Order of the Arc was created to find a solution to the impasse. Earth was created to find solution to the energetic impasse that occurred. When you gaze into the stars at night, you are looking at your past. When your scientists use the new, sophisticated telescopes to probe the universe, they are also looking at your past. They are looking at what you left behind, at what you created. That is what it is.

< Ascension 9QA > As we have talked of before, you do not go Home. You do not. You left Home so long ago on a grand journey to discover who you were, to discover a truth that could not be known in the First Circle. The journey has been most interesting, filled with many experiences. We know that you have had the desire to be at Home again, to leave this journey and return to the place that you came from. But, even as Gautama (Buddha) found out on his long journey, you never go Home. You can't go Home, for you are in a new place of consciousness that does not make going Home practical anymore. Home will come to you. Home expands to meet you. This is what is happening now. The energy of Home, represented by Metatron, comes to Earth, comes to you.

< Ascension 9QA > You are coming to a point of fulfillment, not to the end of a journey. Even Gautama found that the journey continued. The journey continued. Truth evolves. You are coming to a point of fulfillment, of completion, before going into a next cycle. The fulfillment is creating New Energy from a finite source, getting out of the game of duality, where you were just changing the appearance and the looks of two energies of duality. Now with your new identity and knowingness, you are making it possible for the creation of New Energies, and, at the same time, making it possible for Home to come to you.

< Ascension 10QA > Indeed, we heard the discussion earlier on this day about your movie, "Star Wars." This is your past. This is your past. It was about duality. It was about the conflict between the light and dark. It was about individuals or groups trying to consume others for their energy. Again, as we have talked about, this was done because you were all trying to find your way back Home. You felt that if you could conquer others and take them over, then you could find your way back Home.

< DivineHuman 5 > Dear friends, you left Home so very long ago on a journey to learn something that Spirit, that you, could not have learned staying in the Kingdom. You left Home to learn about something that was not possible for Spirit to learn on its own. Part of this journey meant leaving Home and essentially erasing any identity that you had in order to create a new identity. When you left Home, you created a new identity so you could experience in a whole new way. It was a brilliant, brilliant plan to forget who you were, to wipe out identity… be on your own.

< DivineHuman 5 > When you crossed through the Wall of Fire, the first question you asked was, "Who am I?" You were no longer at Home. You were no longer part of the oneness. You were no longer the Prince or the Princess of a Kingdom. You were nothing. You were in the Void. You were nothing. You asked in the darkness, - "Who am I?" - That single, energetic question has propelled you through a journey that has gone for eons of time. That single question - "Who am I?" - has taken you out into the Void where you and all the others have created the universes. Indeed, there are universes. What you see out there is your physical universe, but there are many, many layers, many dimensions that you do not see with your human eye.

< DivineHuman 5 > "Who am I?" is the single question that has created all of this. How could any of it be wrong? It is all designed to help you learn and understand, and help you come to a new depth of understanding of "Who am I?" It’s been a wonderful journey, a long journey. But, you know, dear friends, it was not really so long ago when you left the Kingdom, not very long ago at all. It is an illusion that so many years, centuries, eons of time have passed. In a sense, it was only the blink of an eye ago. It was only one breath ago that you left Home and asked the question, "Who am I?"

< DivineHuman 5 > The New Earth will be a laboratory for studying the applications of New Energy, and how to use it for creation. The New Earth will be a learning place where the energies of Home can come in fully. Yes, indeed the New Earth will be a beacon to Home, to allow the energies of the Kingdom, of the King and the Queen, to now expand outwards.

< DivineHuman 8QA > When you come back to our side of the veil, no, your divinity does not automatically come out of what we have described as a cocoon to be with you. Just because I, Tobias, or even Moses, is back here on this side of the veil, indeed we do not have access to our full divinity. That is why we honor the work that you do. As you integrate, as you allow that god-portion of yourself to come into your reality and your moment, and you allow it to be birthed, you allow it to come out of the cocoon. You give it a safe environment for it to come out. It also changes and affects our access to our divinity. As we have said before, you are the ones going first. You are integrating first. When you do, when you bring Home to you, it changes the entire universe. It changes the omniverse.

< DivineHuman 10 > You stepped off the Old road, the Old road that led from one linear lifetime to the other, the Old road that was paved in karma. Now, you go multi-dimensional, off of the karmic path, off of the Old Energy. You wonder sometimes why you feel so strange, and why you act so strange. It is because you are truly becoming multi-dimensional beings, integrated with all that you have been, all who you are in this moment. This is a point of separation, the fulfillment of a journey that began when you left the Kingdom, when you left Home.

< NewEnergy 3 > Communications is helping to open the First Seal. As it does, that will help bring Home into the energy of Earth. All of this works together. The First Seal is the seal of separation when you left the Kingdom of All That Is. Oh, you have carried that with you ever since - that separation… that longing to go Home… that longing to feel the love of Spirit. But it will be opening. It will be opening through communications. It will be part of this quantum leap. Separation also goes into the veil. It helps to create the elements of the veil. The separation is no longer, as things come back together. As Home comes to you, the veil also begins to disappear.

< NewEnergy 3 > You see… when Earth makes a quantum leap, the rest of us can also. When Earth goes from a vibrational state of being into (Old Energy) an energy that expands in all directions simultaneously (New Energy), then we can also. On our side of the veil we are in vibrational reality. Indeed, it is beautiful - the vibration of colors, and sounds, and energies. But, they vibrate. They are linear. When you go into this New Energy, the expanding energy, we can do that also. Then Home can truly come to you. There won't be separation. Then we all embark on a whole new way of living, and growing, and being God in our own right.

< NewEnergy 4 > What we have really been saying energetically underneath this is about the whole message of your journey… the whole reason why you are here on Earth… why you left the Order of the Arc and came to Earth. It comes to you, dear friends. Home comes to you. You don't go Home, as we said so very long ago. You don't go Home from here. You don't die and go back into this eternal oneness. Instead, Home comes to you. It is the fulfillment of the journey. Home comes to you. It comes to you. Everything that you could possibly need… or want… or desire… or create… it comes to you. And, along with it comes Home, comes the New relationship with Spirit, the energy of the King and the Queen.

< NewEnergy 10 > Remember… the whole time Dorothy was seeking to get home, even when she was in the Emerald City, even when she was in this grand palace, she still sought to get home. She allowed her imagination to soar. She allowed herself to get back to the Now moment. She allowed herself to bring part of that New Energy, part of the New Earth back to her. She, in a sense, by crossing over the rainbow the first time took one huge step, transcended into a New level. She was able to go to the New Energy. But, then she did another beautiful and wonderful thing. She completed the circle by coming back, by bringing it into her Now.

< Embodiment 7 > Energy doesn't exist… at least not at the core level. Energy does not exist. When you go to this place called Home - what Tobias talks about in his story, Home, the source of All That Is - there is not a drop of energy there. Nothing… it is clear. It is nothing. Home contains no energy, for it needs no energy. Energy is a dualistic term. Home needs no energy. There are those who are trying to find this place called heaven. There are those who are trying to find God. And, they are searching energetically. They are scanning for an energy source. We did this in Atlantis - remember? - constantly searching the heavens, the bodies, and the Earth for an energy source. Home is no energy. It simply is.

< Embodiment 7 > When you left Home and went through this thing called the Wall of Fire - when you were in the Wall of Fire for those who remember from the schools - you were shattered into billions and billions of pieces, almost an infinite number of pieces. Every piece that you were shattered into represented a potential of something that you would experience. Now, can you imagine how many potentials there are just in this moment? I will give you some ideas of potentials that you went through in the Wall of Fire.

< Embodiment 7 > Every potential, every potential experience and thought and deed creates energy outside of Home, outside of the Wall of Fire. You could say that the outside of the Wall of Fire, the outer view of the Wall of Fire, is the grid that we speak of, or "the field." It is the source of the energy that you have used once you left Home. It lies in a dormant state. It is neutral. It is, in a sense, a nothing, a potential, waiting to be expressed.

< Embodiment 7 > In reality it is an illusion, but you can't push on it; you can't force it. Transmutation comes from understanding what energy is at its core level. It comes from understanding that energy is an illusion to begin with. There is none. At Home there is no energy.

< Embodiment 10 > We spoke recently to a group of Shaumbra about the Third Circle opening up. The First Circle, of course, was Home, the energy of the Kingdom, All That Was. The Second Circle was everything outside of Home, the existence, the reality that you have been in ever since you went through the Wall of Fire and went into the Void and began creating. Now, you are on the very edge of completion of that cycle. The New Earth that we spoke of a week ago is indicative of that. The New Earth could not be built; it could not even be conceived, if it was not the appropriate time. There are so many questions about the New Earth: where it is… how it is progressing… who can go there. But, none of this would be possible, Shaumbra, unless you were at the point right now of completing the Second Circle.

< Embodiment 12 > From the time you left Home, whatever you want to call it - the great central sun, the Kingdom, the oneness with Spirit - when you left Home, and chose to leave Home, and when you were blessed by Spirit to leave Home so you could go off to explore what Spirit did not know, you went through this thing we call the Wall of Fire. And, in the Wall of Fire your individual identity was created. What you call your soul being, your Creator-ship, was created.

< Clarity 7 > What is happening from an overview, and we're talking a grand, grand overview. At a time and a place, you were oneness. And a difficult concept to try to verbalize, but everything was oneness. Tobias speaks of this as home or the kingdom. The Oneness then opened Itself up to create many, many parts and pieces, giving each part and piece an individual identity - giving every part and piece a sovereign identity. That is what you have. Some of you call it a soul. Some of you call it the inner spirit or God, but that's what it is - your inner identity.

< Clarity 7 > The Whole or the Oneness splits into pieces. The pieces then help to recreate the Whole but each piece stays independent, totally free, totally sovereign. It was the plan that we all agreed to when we left home. Tobias talked in our last gathering about the Soul desire versus the human desire. He said the Soul sometimes truly doesn't care about the human desire. It doesn't. The Soul simply wants to discover what it's like, what it's absolutely like, to be sovereign. That means total freedom, total creation, total empowerment. If you look deep within yourself, there is one purpose in the Soul of yours - total discovery that you are God also. It's also, by the way, the total discovery of what love is.

< Teacher 9QA > WHITE EAGLE: Beyond energy is consciousness. Consciousness would be more likened to the structure of God, because it's the plane, it's the field, it's the nothingness into which energy creates form. And so in that, only when you allow yourself in that indefinable place are you giving yourself permission to move to real Spirit, which is above the ability to be experienced in the old way. If you hold on to the need for experience, you will convict yourself to an experiential world.

TOBIAS: ... and beyond consciousness is no consciousness. It's undefined even beyond. You see consciousness, it means something has been taken and defined, and it's structured in a certain way. Albeit, consciousness is grand and vast, but what lies beyond consciousness? And isn't that exactly what we were doing today (sans definition) - going beyond any known consciousness, even consciousness known by God or Spirit? That is exactly what you all did when you left Home, when you went through the Wall of Fire. You went into nothingness, void. And here you are again trying to put all definitions - including throwing in the definition and the words of God and Spirit - into where there is none. Can you go to a place where there is no God or Spirit - without fear?

< Master 5 > So the question is where did this energy come from in the first place? Good question. When you left Home - I'm going to put Home in a big cloud up here. You left Home, your own unique identity, your own consciousness - one of the first things you did was to separate, of course, from Home. So you … I'm going to show this as a way of depicting it, but - many different ways - but you basically separated yourself from Spirit. The original separation, the original seal. So you separated yourself from Spirit, pulled yourself apart.

< Master 5 > This illusion of separation - that's an important factor; an illusion of separation - created such an intense energy where only consciousness had existed, it created the energy to bring you back Home. That's how brilliant you are. Would you have separated yourself and not given yourself the tool to get back together? Would you have separated yourself and said "Maybe I'll be lost forever"? I don't think so. I don't think so. I know not.

< Master 9 > You had consciousness, represented by this (Adamus draws the circumpunct), and you had energy, which was created by your desire to go back Home, that came in to consciousness (Adamus draws) - energy, consciousness - to create reality, to manifest so consciousness could experience itself. They were two separate components - consciousness, energy. This thing we call New Energy is very different, because it's not consciousness and it's not a separate element of energy. New Energy is literally the integration of consciousness and energy together in the same packet.

< (Next) 1 > When you left the Wall of Fire, when you left heaven, All That Is, whatever you want to call it; when you left to become a pure sovereign being, as you went through the Wall of Fire, you imagined and experienced all of the potentials of everything that would ever happen to you outside of Home - outside of Home, outside of the First Circle. That's why it felt so awful. You felt you were ripped into billions of pieces, because you were suddenly experiencing everything, every potential that was to ever be. Well, maybe not all of it. You experienced all of it up until right now.

< (Next) 5 > You've been taking that very deep dive inside. And while you were doing it, this part of you that Tobias talked about years ago, this part of you that left Home - remember in Journey of the Angels, part of you left Home and became an outer expression; part of you went into its own cocoon in the other realms - you're done with that on the other realms and here on Earth. You don't need to do that anymore. You don't have to do it. So what happens next is there's a natural tendency to be at one with your own sha-dhar, the ability to breathe life into life, into your life. Many of you were trying to squeeze life out of your life and go numb, denying life. Now we come to the point of breathing life into life.

< (Next) 10 > Their agendas - oh, they feel very righteous about this, very righteous - but what they're doing all the time is sucking the energy, sucking the life force, and feeding themselves. Ultimately, stealing energy. And, as ridiculous as it sounds, stealing energy to try to get back Home when they actually don't believe in a home. But yet something, even in the darkest being - dark meaning empty of consciousness, very little consciousness - even in the darkest of these beings, there's that little speck of light, meaning some consciousness or awareness. And that little something is trying to get back home. Ah! Ha ha ha! Yes, a dual-ality, it is.

< freedom 1 > When Spirit, the Eternal One, gifted you with your potential sovereignty, your unique I Am-ness, said, “Go forth. Discover yourself. Discover the I Am,” you did. All of you did. Any souled being did. But they came to a point, a point that still exists, a point that's still in its form of stuck energy because of stuck consciousness. Consciousness of all of the angelic beings played and had fun and created cosmic, angelic experiences. But at a certain point, this consciousness –your consciousness, the consciousness of your angelic families, of the Order of the Arc and everything else – suddenly stopped and said, “The next step is freedom.”

Freedom from what? Well, essentially freedom from Spirit. Freedom from Home. Freedom from God. Freedom from the Eternal One. You see, as children of God, we all come to the point of even releasing that. Some of you saying, “But, but, but … how can I possibly have freedom from Spirit? Am I not Spirit? What happens when I accept my freedom from Spirit, from the Godhead?” Well, you suddenly accept the I Am-ness and your own sovereignty, free and independent – something that Spirit always wanted. Always wanted.

< freedom 8 > That passion of its existence – to know its existence and to feel it – created energy outside of itself, but some would say that it was the passion of going Home – I have actually said it before myself – partly true, but where is Home? Humans like to think of Home as being heaven, God, oneness, All That Was, all the rest of that crap. It's not. The true journey Home is not back to some celestial palace. The true journey Home – right there (tapping his heart). That's all there is to it. You don't go back to the oneness; you are the oneness. You go back to awareness.

< Transhuman 9 > Free Time, it's outrageous. It's wonderful. One thing you'll start noticing with Free Time is that this whole concept of time and, let's say, of the past and future are really predicated on experience. Experience. And, in a way, there is no past or there's no future, in a way. What there is is an unfolding of experience. One could say that nothing happens in the future until it has been experienced, but yet the future is always there. It's actually not realized until it is experienced, but yet it is there. Everything you're going to do in the future is there. Every potential of everything and every iteration of every potential of everything that you could ever experience, that you would ever say, that you would ever do was all there when you went through the Wall of Fire, when you left Home. That was the thing Tobias talks about, shattering into billions and billions of pieces; it was just pre-creating all of your experiences. And so many are still out there in what you would call the future, but the future is nothing more than a reservoir of potentials and all their iterations yet to be experienced.


