self discovery / self-realization

knowing thyself; Who am I?
enlightenment; ascension;

< Teacher 8 > You know, it is really not so difficult, but there's a consciousness that tends to make it difficult. And plus, indeed, you have things like gravitational forces, very odd magnetic forces and other things that make it seem difficult. But the journey here is really quite simple. The journey here is about, ultimately, self-discovery. A relationship with your Self and therefore a relationship with other energies - the other entities that exist. It's really quite simple. In a sense it doesn't have to take hundreds or thousands of lifetimes to accomplish. In another sense there's a choosing for this path, which we're going to talk about today. But now, take this moment to feel Shaumbra gathering, yes indeed.

< Master 8 > We talked in our last conversation about the Body of Consciousness, but the Body of Consciousness has different - I'm going to call them - waveforms or different dances that they do. Your spirit has a waveform. It's a beautiful waveform. Don't take this literal, this is symbolic. Your spirit is on this journey, and it has a few of its own desires. The desires can be summed up very easily. Your spirit, your self wants to know thyself, in answer to the age old question you asked a long time ago, "Who am I?" It's finding out. It wants to know thyself, and it does it through what I call the three X's - triple X-rated - which are experience, expansion and expression.

< Master 8 > This is what your spirit, divine, whatever you want to call it, wants to do. It's out there dancing along, floating along. It just wants to know itself, and it wants to experience. It can't know itself without experience, so it goes through experience. And it wants to continue expanding. That's the joy of spirit, expanding. Going backwards doesn't work. Staying in neutral or park will eventually bring explosion. Bring boom! Something has to move the energy. So it wants expansion and it wants to express that joy. To just know that joy within thyself and then not to express it is, well, unfulfilling. So it wants to express - through singing, through music, through books, through a job, through a bad relationship, through a health issue. They are all forms of expression and this is what your spirit waveform does.

< Master 9 > So here in this ("X") zone there is a deep dive within. It's a dive of self-discovery. It's a dive to see what's going on. It's a dive to open up the awareness, but it leads to a lot of doubt, a lot of overly critical analysis and it becomes obsessive. It becomes your first thought in the morning and the last one at night. And a lot of times you bring that obsessive analysis over to our side during dream state and - whew! It's interesting … not! It gets to a point in analysis where I think Tobias summed it up perfectly - "I don't give a damn!" No, he said, "It doesn't matter."

< (Next) 3 > It happens to everyone I've ever known who is on the spiritual path, including Buddha - lot of makyo there - including some of the great spiritual leaders of the times, including every Ascended Master that I've ever known. They get to this point of makyo on the journey. It happens kind of near the end of self-realization, and they start polluting themselves with a lot of crap - spiritual bullshit, rhetorical, dogmatic, organizational and structural stuff.

< (Next) 5 > Some is altered from what you have come to know here on Earth. Some of the very harsh things of this physical Earth won't necessarily need to be implemented on these other New Earths. But these beings - the angelic beings, billions of them - are wanting to go through their ascension, their discovery of the I Am. They want the answer to the question "Who am I?" That's why the New Earths are being built. That's why this Earth - what this Earth is going through these next few years - is so important, is so profound. And that's why you've chosen to be here.

< (Next) 5 > What the world needs now, in my humble opinion, clear everything away - community. And you're seeing it happen, kind of. It's trying to happen on the Internet and other ways. When I talk about communities I don't mean communes. We're not going back to communistic ways or Atlantean communes or communities that take away the individual identity. But actually, the New Energy community takes a lot of self-empowered, self-realized humans, puts them together and what happens? The sum is greater than all the parts. And everybody - every individual part - can then tap into that greater sum. More potentials are created than, potentially, what you could create on your own. Anyway, a different set of potentials; potentials that you can tap into.

< (Next) 10 > A certain part of the consciousness of humanity said a while back, "No more. No more inequities." Everyone who comes to this great planet should have an equal and fair chance. And then it's up to them. It's up to them what they're going to do with it. It's up to you what you do with that, but everyone should have an equal and fair chance. An equal and fair chance for what? Discovery of the I Am. We could put in a lot of other words, but it's about the integration and the discovery of the Self, of the being, without manipulation or interference from the other realms, without interference from this realm.

< e2012 6 > A long time ago you chose ascension, self-realization, knowing yourself as God also, not dependent on anyone else, not contingent on you knowing you're God also. You can be a Master. It shouldn't have to be. It doesn't matter. Compassion is the acceptance that she's absolutely experiencing it how she wants to. You're actually both ascended. You already are. There's no time and space.

So you've already ascended. Now, the soul says, “Yeah, well, that was great, but how did I get there? What wisdom did I accumulate through my experiences to get to this ascension?”

What you have right now is kind of an incomplete ascension. I mean, it's completed, but the experience of how you got there – that's absolutely up to you. Absolutely up to you how you want to get there. You want to do it on your hands or knees? Or you want to do it with a big, happy, rich smile on your face? Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter.

< e2012 12 > But the enlightenment is a natural, natural part of yourself. The answer to the question “Who am I?” Enlightenment, as I've said so many times, is going to happen anyway. It's natural. Sooner or later – probably later – the rest of the humans on Earth are going to go through an awakening, when they're ready, in their appropriate time. For some reason, you, my dear friends, have chosen it now, and it's happening.

< freedom 1 > When Spirit, the Eternal One, gifted you with your potential sovereignty, your unique I Am-ness, said, “Go forth. Discover yourself. Discover the I Am,” you did. All of you did. Any souled being did. But they came to a point, a point that still exists, a point that's still in its form of stuck energy because of stuck consciousness. Consciousness of all of the angelic beings played and had fun and created cosmic, angelic experiences. But at a certain point, this consciousness –your consciousness, the consciousness of your angelic families, of the Order of the Arc and everything else – suddenly stopped and said, “The next step is freedom.”

Freedom from what? Well, essentially freedom from Spirit. Freedom from Home. Freedom from God. Freedom from the Eternal One. You see, as children of God, we all come to the point of even releasing that. Some of you saying, “But, but, but … how can I possibly have freedom from Spirit? Am I not Spirit? What happens when I accept my freedom from Spirit, from the Godhead?” Well, you suddenly accept the I Am-ness and your own sovereignty, free and independent – something that Spirit always wanted. Always wanted.

< freedom 1 > Now it's time for freedom, something the Eternal One has always wanted. Why? Well, you could say that to truly know the I Am-ness of the Eternal One, of Spirit, Mother/Father God, however you want to put it, to truly understand it, there had to be freedom. There had to be a final release of self, a final letting go of self. No more control of self, and for a long time that self was also you. But ultimately it's about the release, about letting go, so Spirit, the Eternal One, can really know thyself. As you come to know yourself, to accept your freedom and sovereignty, Spirit will understand Its sovereignty.

< freedom 6 > The soul is much like this beautiful globe. The soul comes initially empty simply wanting to know itself, so it creates this thing called aspects that eventually turn into facets. And the aspects, through their experiences, start filling the empty vessel with experience and knowingness, wisdom and love. Within the empty vessel when it first starts, it is filled with potentials, but the potentials have yet to be realized or experienced. So it is like it is empty, and the desire of the soul is to fill itself with its potentials and its experiences, to know the I Am of itself. And it cannot do that through Spirit. It cannot do that through another being, even though it has tried. It can only do it through the experience of its potentials (of energy).

And when this vessel is full, when it has felt into its potentials and experienced as many as it chooses to experience, and even felt into the ones that were never experienced in physical reality, it becomes complete, pure, crystalline, fulfilled. That is the I Am. And within that state of I Am, this vessel, this soul, knows itself beyond knowingness. It knows all of its facets, all of its angles,

And you ask, “Does it continue to experience?” Yes, it does, but not like a human experiences. It continues to experience its love for itself, and that's all it needs, all it wants, all it desires. When the vessel is full, complete, it continues to fall in love with itself every breath, every moment, without condition, without doubt, certainly without shame. It continues to fall in love with itself, because that is the grandest thing of all. I Am that I Am falling in love with myself each day.

< freedom 6 > This psychic gravity will pull you deeper until you know love within yourself, until you know completion, acceptance, compassion for yourself, it will not let you out. It will not let you emerge. It will pull you back for what you call lessons. It will pull you back for all things unresolved and uncompleted. You designed it that way. You put together the game that way and said, “I will not find my way out until I find myself.”

< freedom 10 > One of the difficulties about being where you are at with the realization of your enlightenment – and I say the realization, because the enlightenment is already there, and you know that. It's the realization or the awareness of your enlightenment. It's the allowing of what is already within you. This stage or in this experience of the realization is that there is very, very little guidance at this point.

You've got a little bit of guidance from me and from some of the other angelic beings, but please realize that there are not that many human or angelic beings who have ever realized and accepted their true sovereignty – you call it being an Ascended Master – very, very few, a little over 9,000, more on the way. Yes, through you of course, more on the way, but very, very few. So how could some of the beings who are in service to humanity – and some who say they're in service to humanity but are more in service to themselves – how could they possibly be working as your guides right now? Because they don't know.

I'll tell you, there are many channeled entities that are being channeled through humans these days, but they have not gotten to where you are in their own freedom, in their own sovereignty. They're still searching just like you. Just because they're from a different dimension or some mother ship or they had an illustrious famous past life, doesn't mean that they understand any more than you do.

You're at the point where there is very little guidance, because there are very few who can actually guide you at this point, who actually understand what you're going through and why you're going through it. Very, very few beings angelic or otherwise who really understand. Furthermore, the ones who do understand, they know it's time to take a few steps back to let you go through the discovery yourself.


