spiritual family / spiritual group

;  order;  house;  energy families;  celestial families;  family of angels;
group consciousness;  other aspects of you (the soul);

< New Earth 10QA > There is a group… there is what we would call a spiritual family that has been together for eons of time. They have gone and created many new energies in your universe and other universes. You and the others that are here, the ones that are impacted by these messages are of that family, what we call the Crimson Council. There is a band of energy or color associated with those who go into new energies to understand how to work with them and then go to teach others. For instance, you in particular as part of the family have been to many other parts of this universe, not necessarily in this dimension, but dimensions that exist in this universe to teach others of things that you have learned along the way. That is the purpose of this family, of the Crimson Circle. The attributes of crimson itself are embodied in an energy of love and an energy of " high will." When combined this creates the vibration and the color attributes of crimson.

< New Earth 11 > Now there is a group that has been together on our side of the veil but also on yours, a group with deep intent, a group that truly understands the workings of energy and the workings of creation. We call this group "Lightworkers." They are all over this world but they are small in number. They are adept at working with and handling vast amounts of energy. They have taken on - you have taken on - incredible challenges in your lifetimes to know about the workings of energies, to shift and balance the energies of this Earth. This is indeed a spiritual family, a spiritual family. There is a name associated with it, a name that is a vibration. This name, the family that you belong to, the family that you are, the name that we call you is "shaumbra," a word that you perhaps have not heard before. It is a vibration. It is shaumbra. It is family. That is who you are energy worker, one who goes into the deepest of experiences, one who creates. Shaumbra … the ones who are moving forward in the new energy of Earth.

< New Earth 11QA > In most cases there is not a strong interaction between groups on our side. We are aware of much of the work being done but the work we do and the work the Mark group does are highly focused. Many times they are subsets of each other. Many times they are using the same basic energy principles, but yet dealing with entirely different groups. This group that you are working with is indeed a small group with a specific mission or goal here of guiding this group of humans through some somewhat difficult changes. We do see and are aware of the healthy effect of this group. We choose, however, not to make strong comments about any other particular group, but it is for you to know that each serves unique purposes.

< New Earth 13QA > At its simplest level, shaumbra means family. Shaumbra means this family. As you know, we have been together before many, many times. We have traveled together, and we are back here now in this group. We are back with our extended family across this Earth. So in simple form, shaumbra means our family.

In the vibration of shaumbra there are two basic elements that come together. The first portion of this is the vibration of the word, what you would pronounce as "shau-home." "Shau-home" is much like it sounds. On this side of the veil "shauhome" means the energy of Home, the energy of family.
The second portion of this, "ba-rah," has to do with experience and journey and mission. So when this energy is put together, it is "shau-home-ba-rah" which means " family that is on journey" and experiencing together.

< Creator 4QA > This one carries a distinctive Christ energy. This one brings much wisdom to your Earth at this time. While we are of the Crimson Circle and he is associated with another spiritual group, there is great compatibility and great honor between the two. The words that he brings forth at this time are filled with wisdom and love, but we remind each of you that even as new teachers come to earth, and even as you are teachers, it is always incumbent to remember that the Christ is within each of you. You cannot find it in another, you can only see in another. We deeply honor the teachings of this group and work closely with them, but this group also teaches that the Christ is within you.

< Creator 8 > There were many entities who gathered. This is the forming of what you would now call councils or energy families, celestial families. They met, and at the highest levels of these families, there was an agreement to descend, to lower the vibration of certain entities, certain angels, representing both sides of duality. In this lower vibrational form these entities would take on what you now know as biology. They would take on mass. Part of the reason for this was so that creation would not occur so fast as it had before. It would be slowed down. There would be opportunities to live through experience. There would be opportunities to assess and evaluate and to help balance. When you were angels in your newly forming universe, you created almost as quickly as thought. At times this got out of hand. At times, dear friends, you did not know which side you were on! You did not know how to properly assess your own energy and things seemed out of control.

< Creator 12 > Some 2,500 years ago it became appropriate to begin bringing more of this consciousness to Earth, to your reality, to your 3D. At that time there were families of angels who chose to come in to help facilitate this process. There were individuals who received notoriety for this. There was the one who is called Buddha - Siddhartha - who came in with many, many others. It was not just the Buddha who brought in the consciousness. It was all who came in at that time and the surrounding times.

< Ascension 1 > That is why we sit with you here today. That is why those who come from celestial families that have tremendous energy, archangel energy, are here today. That is why they come here today, to thank you for opening these doors. They have asked me, as spoken through our friend Cauldre (Geoffrey Hoppe), to bring you news on this day, which we will discuss in a bit.

< Ascension 1 > But you know, dear friends, it (World War II) really was not about light and dark. It was the final clearing for much of humankind. It was the final clearing for major spiritual families that had came in. For the ones of Israel - indeed - it was a time of clearing and retribution, with the rest of the world watching. The world watched to see if they would hide, or to see if they would take part, to see if they would raise their swords for justice and love, or to see if they would turn their back on their own brothers.

< Ascension 3QA > There is the energy of Yeshua, who you could say was the being or the entity, an old friend who walked the Earth. This was his name and the energy imprint identified with it. Yeshua is part of a spiritual family. Now, human words sometimes are quite limiting. But, he is part of a spiritual family. You would say that it is the family of Sananda (Order of Sananda). Now, within the family of Sananda, there are many beings and many entities who carry this energy. Even on your Earth you have many Lightworkers, you have many Shaumbra who channeling Sananda. Does that mean they are channeling Yeshua? Not necessarily. Sananda is a broad family energy. It would be as if you had the name Smith. There is a broad family associated with this, but your name is Jim. This is the individual.

So, there is the family of Sananda that is indeed part of the Order of the Arc. It is - how to say… it has somewhat different attributes than the regular beings you know as archangels, but Sananda is a very unique energy within the Order of the Arc. Its members, its family members, tend to come to the Earth at certain times of major changes and major leaps of consciousness.

< Ascension 3QA > I, Tobias, am one who walked the Earth thousands of years ago. I am one who is an old friend with you, back to the times of Atlantis. I have also walked with you in non-physical form, even in these past several thousand years.

But there is a grander, broader Tobias family energy (Order of To-Bi-Wah). I am not just a dead human, or as Cauldre calls me, the "old Jew." (audience laughter) There is a much broader family energy. It is in direct lineage to the Order of the Arc. The Tobias family energy has been written recently by others as TO - BI - US. This is not so much an accurate interpretation. It energetically would sound - these are very difficult to translate - it would energetically sound like "To-ah-mus." But, you call it the family of "To-bee-us." This is a very broad, very large, very dynamic spiritual energy that I, Tobias, am part of, and you are part of. It is different than just the Crimson Council, for that is a group within this energy of "To-bee-us."

This group, this family that we are from, comes to Earth at specific times. We work closely with the Sananda energy, but we come in as the workers of change energy. We come in at times when there has been a major consciousness shift. This is the time to send in the seasoned energy workers. You are the ones who know how to take the change in consciousness - to take this etheric energy - and to help implant it, to help it move forward, to help it materialize.

< Ascension 8 > There are also those from the Crimson Council who come in today. This is the family that you join when you come back to this side of the veil. This is like a Home away from Home for you. When you reunite with those who you had known in the most immediate lifetime of yours… and you hugged your grandmother… and you hugged that dog that you loved so much as a child… then, you realize that all things are all right. And, you realize that there is purpose and meaning and flow in Spirit.

When you get back to this side, then generally you return to the energetic family of the Crimson. You return to this group that you have spent so much time with, this group that has been working with the understandings of the energy of teaching. You return to those who you have known since nearly the beginning of your time, those that you have worked with in helping to create this universe and this beautiful place called Earth.

< DivineHuman 9QA > It is not God dictating the terms. It is not some celestial Order handing these down. It is not some council of 300,000 angels that is making this happen. It is your Divine Plan. It has been somewhat hidden from you up to now, somewhat hidden so that you could go through a series of new understandings. Dear friends, from this point forward always call in your Divine Plan to understand what is happening in your life.

< DivineHuman 10QA > The Jehovah family bonds are not just from lifetimes on Earth. They are from a group prior to coming to Earth, back before Earth was ever created. This was more of a celestial group called - how to spell - C-I-D-A, Cida, that you were all part of.

We emphasize that so many groups and religions right now have ties from long before they ever came to Earth, including the tribe of Israel that I was a part of. We were a group that knew each other so very well prior to coming to Earth. We brought much karma with us when we came to Earth.

This was intensified during the period of Atlantis, where our group tended to rule Atlantis. We tended to dominate. We were a very elite group. There was a karmic condition and karmic cleansing that the children of Israel, the Jewish tribe, agreed to. This is what you know as World War II.

< DivineHuman 11 > There is group consciousness as well. We have talked before about groups who have traveled together, long before they ever came to Earth, even traveled together here on Earth. You and your biological family are almost certainly part of your own group consciousness. You have been together before. You came back together in his lifetime.

There are religious groups. We have talked about some of these. The ones that you would call the Mormons have a group energy, a group consciousness. The Jews indeed have a group consciousness. There are many different types of group consciousness. It's an awareness. It is an attraction that draws you to continue to work together over and over again, lifetime after lifetime.

< NewEnergy 3 > But… but, some of the angels from certain celestial families had implanted into them… what has been called the "alien agenda." They had an agenda that was imbedded deep within them, representing the agenda of their celestial families. Let's say they came from the "grays." They didn't know that they had this implant placed within them. In a sense, there was a hypnotic suggestion placed within them that would carry the gray agenda to Earth. It wasn't supposed to be this way. But they did it anyway. And we all knew about it. They weren't hiding anything.

< Embodiment 1 > Sixty years ago on this very day - 60 years ago on a day (* 1944-8-7) that has a 33 number - there was a grand gathering in the greatest chamber of the Order of the Arc. And, at this grand gathering there were representatives from all of the family energies, including those of the Order of To-bi-wah… the Order of Michael… the Order of Sananda… the Order of Raphael… and all of the others gathered on this day. All of you were there in one form or the other. A few of you were already back on Earth in the physical body at a young age indeed. Many of you had not reincarnated yet. And, you attended this grand gathering, this gathering of the Ah-lah-oan, Allatone, as we have said before, meaning creation, meaning "I create, I am."

< Embodiment 1QA > Indeed… there are so many - what we would call - spiritual families all over the Earth and all over the omniverse. These are groups that have been together before and are choosing to come back together again now. They usually rally around a leader. Often that leader is what we - how to say - call a "soulless manifestation." It is the manifestation of that group's consciousness brought into a physical body, but doesn't necessarily have to have a soul.

In the case of Joseph Smith, he is a "souled" being and - we could tell stories about this but (audience laughter) - but, it was, in a sense, Joseph Smith choosing, being chosen to bring back together the family energies. And, this was a celestial family to come to Earth. There was quite a bit of karma involved here, things they thought they had to work out. And, there was quite a bit of - how to say - feeling that if outside energies were recruited into their fold, it would make them right for things that they felt wrong about in the past.

So, it is a very appropriate group. There are many who feel attracted to this because they have worked with that group on the other realms. And, in a sense, they are going through their own… it is a type of cleansing process, a type of renewal process on their own. But, indeed it is really not meant for everybody.

But, on our side of the veil there is the highest respect for this group. And, there is the great understanding of what they are doing in the work on Earth. However, it is not meant that they - or any other religion - should be the only religion. It is meant as a… creating an energy for new understanding of Spirit and of themselves… much as Shaumbra is a group who have been together before on the celestial realms. We come back together again in this lifetime. It is not a karmic thing. It is a desire. It is an energy connection with each other.

< Embodiment 2 > You aren't the identity that you have on your driver's license. You are much grander than that. You're not just a human… much more than that. Here today, listening or sitting here - or even those who will read this message, or hear it later - here today we are addressing the ones who have been the leaders of the celestial families, the ones who have been called the King and the Queen in the past, the ones who have been the teachers in the other dimensions. Then, you come here to Earth to yet learn something new on behalf of All That Is. Sometimes you don't see it because you're only looking at it from one perception of the illusion. Sometimes you forget who you are because it's easier to just be a human sitting in these chairs

< Embodiment 4 > We have talked before about the aliens, about the UFO's. And, indeed they are out there. Indeed, there are - how to say - there are these entities from other dimensional realms. They are not material. They are not in matter like what you are. But, they are out there. They are either aspects of you from the past, or they are your lineage from your family. And, they also know that if they come too close to the energies of Earth, they will get pulled in as well. It is hell for an alien to begin going through incarnations when they have never done so before… very, very difficult.

< Embodiment 7 > There is this thing called the Crimson Council on our side of the veil. You are all participants and members and strong influences in it. This is where we get together during your dream state or during your multi-dimensional travel. The Crimson Council is not one of the pillars of the Order of the Arc. We all come from different places, different families… the family of Michael… and the family of Raphael… the family of To-bi-wah. We converged into this thing called the Crimson Council at this time. And, as you know, it also consists of the energies of Ohamah, Kuthumi, Tobias. (and of course St.Germain) There are strong influences with Quan Yin and many, many others. You are active participants in this. We are not at a higher level than you. You are simply manifested on Earth right now, and we are not… possibly.

< Embodiment 8QA > The major reason right now for the distortions and the disease in the biology, as well as the - how to say - the changing of the human mind are not so much directly related to Atlantis, although there are some fringe elements there. But, right now it is more a combination of individual karma of a human. And, when there is the non-acceptance or the anger with who they are, and they bring this into biology, it shows up in the biology as disease and imbalance.

There are also some overall group consciousness reasons for some of the things that are going on. There are groups of humans who are working literally at changing DNA structures. And, this has a tendency at times to cause some distortions in the biology. There are those who are living out group or family karma. And, this again will bring in the distortions.

There are, for instance, in this disease known as AIDS… it is a manifestation of humanity's sexual guilt consciousness that those who are 13-stranders - what you would call gays and lesbians - are bringing onto themselves on behalf of humanity to help better understand the sexual guilt. But, as we have said before, it is not necessary for them to do this any more. There are other ways of handling energy changes and problems.

The mental imbalances that you speak of (ADD) are so often right now caused by this change of energy going from mental, or a mind-type of intelligence, to a Divine Intelligence. The mind is almost rebelling and almost shutting down in many cases, for it wants to be relieved of the burdens that have been placed on it. And, this is causing - how to say - deterioration of the Old mind skills. But, for those humans who are ready, the Divine Intelligence will quickly pick up where the mind leaves off and will expand far beyond that.

So, biology is an interesting thing. It is a very delicate fabric. It is a very, very delicate type of organism. It has been susceptible to disease and all sorts of other types of fluctuations. But, as we have talked about recently, we are coming to the point where the biology doesn't have to suffer. And, the biology doesn't have to take the brunt of what is going on inside the soul of the person.

We are coming to a point where the biology can remain very balanced and literally, as with the energies of Saint-Germain, he maintained an appearance of looking approximately in the mid-30s to forty-ish… he felt that was the most appropriate age to be at. He maintained that look, even though the biological body that he had was at well over a hundred years old. And, this is something that all of you can do as well.

< Clarity 3 > Evil is essentially stealing of energy, taking of energy. It started out as a simple thing. One being wanted to take energy from another, felt that would make them stronger, or smarter, or give them the answer on how to get back Home. And, when consuming one, or trapping, stealing their energy didn't work, they tried others. When that didn't work, they teamed up together in groups or families. And, they went and attacked other groups or families on the angelic realms. And, it has been going on ever since we left Home. Stealing energy… that is all evil is… trying to take away from another what belongs to them.

< Clarity 5QA > You - and all humans - came from the source, the Oneness. You are an expression of Spirit with a very unique identity of your own. You are God also. You are part of that oneness. But, you gave - you God - gave yourself the gift of an individual identity. You are part of the whole, but you are whole unto yourself… you see. It seems like a contradiction or a paradox, but it is not at all. You are part of the fabric or the matrix of everything, interconnected to every other energy. But, yet you, by yourself, are wholeness and complete. You can literally let go of your connection to everything else and still be whole and complete within yourself. So, that is truly where you came from.

And, as you entered into the realms of Earth, into this reality, you literally came through the house of Metatron. There were 144,000 archetypical portals, or what you call "archangels." And, you came through that of Metatron. It is your spiritual family. It is what you have been connected to in lifetimes as well as when you are not physical here on Earth. But, you are also coming to the point now of releasing that definitive tie that you have to Metatron so that you can begin to embrace all of the other energies of the archangels. You no longer need to define yourself as a Metatron-ic family member. You can become all. It is a true sign of one who is evolving when they can let go of their family connections.

< Clarity 7 > In this energy era crisis, it has the tendency to bring up old issues that are looking for resolution. It has a tendency to bring up wars, for instance. It brings up old, old issues between tribes and spiritual families. It is all part of the process, but be very aware of it. Be very aware of what's going on. It's going to cause money to shift in all sorts of different parts of the world. There are certain countries that have dominated the money supply. That's going to change. It's going to shift it. It's going to shift the center of power in the world. And all very appropriate.

< Clarity 10 > Also on our side of the veil, in the angelic realms, beyond the dimensions that are directly connected to Earth, beyond the crystalline dimensions, are the angelic levels of your spiritual family - what you call your angel family. They have been waiting and watching. They have been waiting for you, as a representative of the spiritual family... they've been waiting for humanity in general... to evolve, to grow, to learn on Earth.

< Clarity 10 > Now that this quantum leap is coming to be, now that you are truly taking ownership in yourself, becoming a sovereign being, these spiritual families are starting to come out of their type of hold - an energy hold. They've been in an impasse, waiting... waiting to discover, through you, what it is like to go to this place called Earth, what it is like to walk back through so many of your experiences from when you were with them, what it is like to go to Earth and take a body and be alone. They have been waiting and now, because of the movements within you, their energies are starting to move again also.

< Clarity 10 > If you could, feel for a moment back to your spiritual families. It's not important to know the name, but just feel the energy of your own spiritual family. Their energy has been, in a sense, frozen or at an impasse, waiting in a holding pattern, but now it is moving once again. Now you can begin to feel an energy shift even at these highest levels. So there is quite a bit of activity outside of your realm. Quite a bit of activity in the angelic realm, Shaumbra. That's why you continue to feel movement... and it's not just about you, it's happening on all these different realms... continuing to feel the shift and the change of energy.

< Clarity 11 > It's going to be different from here on. You ARE going to be teaching. That's what you came here for. That's why you took on this most difficult challenge when you didn't have to come back to Earth, when you sat and met with the grandest angels - you being one of them - in the Order of the Arc and in the Crimson Council, when you, a representative for your spiritual families in the other realms, didn't need to come back but yet you did. That is sacrifice. That is love. That is crazy!

< Teacher 1 > So there is quite a bit going on in those levels. That's why some of you some days might feel scattered, might feel a bit frustrated. You are feeling your home, your angelic family. So he (Kuthumi) has been back there for the past year of time working with these awakening dimensions or realities from the past (impasse).

< Teacher 1 > You have a hard time understanding that you were chosen by your angelic family to come here to Earth representing one of the 144,000 energies of the Order of the Arc. You have a hard time understanding that you would have given up being royalty for your angelic family, given that up so that you could help to teach them, so they could learn from you. You have a hard time understanding that you would have ever left your angelic home to come here to disguise yourself as a human, as a commoner, as Bob, as Pat, as Mary, as whoever you are. Dress like every one else, act like every one else.

< Teacher 1QA > You are also teaching, working with your original angelic families, the ones you left eons of time ago. You went off on your own journey, you went off to learn and to eventually teach. You came here to Earth to learn very valuable lessons that have to do with energy and all the cosmos. You put yourself in kind of suspended state of being here, trapped in a physical body in a very slowed down energy so that you could go back through and understand so many of the things that happened when you were in the angelic realms.

< Teacher 1QA > You put yourself here so that you could develop the understanding and have the empathy and compassion to deal with the issues that your celestial family is having, or would have, particularly at the point when they began to awaken (from the energy impasse) again. And that is happening now. That is where Kuthumi has been. He has been working in advance of the work that you will be doing with your celestial families as well. So there's much more to this work of being a teacher than just the other humans that you're working with here on Earth. You're going to be working teaching your celestial families as well.

< Teacher 1QA > When Saint-Germain went through the initiation order for the Crimson Circle on Earth, it impacted many of you in different ways. And one of the reasons it impacted you, and sometimes even brought out a level of fear, was that because you realized this is what you came here for. It is the culmination of hundreds or sometimes thousands of lifetimes here on Earth, to learn those things about energy and about understanding yourself as a sovereign Being, as God also, so you could then work as a teacher with those who are from your angelic family. And that brought up many issues because some of you are wondering if you're truly ready.

< Teacher 1QA > This feeling of loneliness is very, very common amongst Shaumbra, because you have gone out on your own; you have left old Orders and organizations; you have left your angelic family; you have left everything that you were connected to; you've disconnected from even things like the Field. So you are by yourself. The gift in this is that you're learning to become a sovereign Being. You're learning to find the happiness within. You're learning to find that your own God-self is within. You're learning to bring in all the various aspects of yourself that have been scattered all over, but yet this loneliness is persistent because you can continue to feel energies of family and friends and things that you've disconnected from - again, a very, very common feeling.

< Teacher 2 > Now, the Correspondent doesn't make up your mind for you. The Correspondent doesn't set the direction. The Correspondent isn't any more intelligent or divine or wise than you are. They are there to serve your needs. They are there also to help convey the energies from your consciousness and your wisdom back to the angelic realms and back to your spiritual families.

< Teacher 2 > It would be very difficult for you to do the job of teaching your celestial families while you are so focused here as a human on Earth. You are doing parts of it when you journey off in a daydream, when you... sometimes you think you are watching your television programs and you are so far out, (chuckling) you are somewhere else. Haven't you ever noticed when somebody walks into the room and says "Oh, what just happened?" Even though you're staring at the set, you have no conscious recollection of even what you're doing.

< Teacher 2 > These Correspondents help to convey a consciousness back to your spiritual families. Correspondents also bring back a type of information or consciousness back to you. Let's not call it energy here because it's more of an information. They carry back news from the other realms. Now, as they are carrying it back, bringing it into this 3D reality of yours, it has to be put into - at least temporarily - put into something that is definable and understandable by your human mind. So when they are bringing back basket-fulls of wonderful information for you, some of it gets - how to say - lost in translation. It doesn't disappear; it's not gone.

< Teacher 2 > These Correspondents help to convey a consciousness back to your spiritual families. Correspondents also bring back a type of information or consciousness back to you. Let's not call it energy here because it's more of an information. They carry back news from the other realms. Now, as they are carrying it back, bringing it into this 3D reality of yours, it has to be put into - at least temporarily - put into something that is definable and understandable by your human mind. So when they are bringing back basket-fulls of wonderful information for you, some of it gets - how to say - lost in translation. It doesn't disappear; it's not gone.

< Teacher 3 > There will be those who assist them and serve them, and yes some of those assistants and servants, some of those Master Teachers may be you. When you leave this physical lifetime, before you go off into the Third Circle, many of you are going to choose to spend time at the New Earth, spend time helping to teach angel beings... many of them who will come from your angelic families seeking you out ... and you will sit with them. You will help them to understand the consciousness of what you experienced.

< Teacher 3QA > We're going to go back to the number one problem with humans right now: They're giving their energy away. They've been giving it away for a long, long time. There is a... not all, but part of the indigenous of the African regions come from a spiritual family that has very interesting and long story. As a matter of fact, one of the projects that I, Tobias, would like to do is to write a story to follow this spiritual family through the heavens, down through the Order of the Arc and to Earth. And there has been a history of giving it away.

< Teacher 6 > Kuthumi's going to take on more of an active role with Shaumbra this year. He's been off in the other regions of the dimensions much of this past year helping to balance things having to do with your spiritual families, having to do with essences of you from a long time ago. Helping to create some new bridges and links so the energies can open up and flow once again, both in your reality here and in these other realities that you are not consciously aware of right now. But now that his work there is done, now that these conduits have been opened up to allow the flow of what you would call your True Self into this reality, he's going to be here as your inspirer.

< QLCeleb 4 > There was a shift back in your spiritual families - the family of your origins - because they felt this Quantum Leap. They felt, and have felt for a while, that they had lost their family member - you. You, the one who came to Earth to work through this thing called the energy impasse. When you passed through this corridor into the Quantum Leap New Energy, they felt it. It was like the communication was re-established with them and they knew you made it and they rejoiced as well.

< QuantumLeap 7QA > On Earth and in the heavens right now there is a tremendous, tremendous amount of activities. Your spiritual families - your true spiritual families from so far away, so far back - they are starting to, in their own way, awaken again. What was once this settling in or the non-expansion of even their energy is now starting to awaken and to move once again. And you're feeling it. You're so closely attached to it that you take it as your own, and it's not. It was just the spiritual family.

< Returning 4 > You spent a long time here - some of you fourteen hundred, fifteen hundred lifetimes on Earth - and now it's happening. The energy in all of the other dimensions is starting to move once again. It is expanding, but not like it was expanding before. The energy consciousness had a certain way of moving long before Earth was ever created. It's moving once again but it's moving quite differently. It's moving with a new consciousness and a new sense of itself.

As a result, the spiritual families - the angelic families from where you came - they are moving again as well. They are waking up. They are able to once again start moving and freeing their energy. And that's why we've told you in recent gatherings that Earth is the original. It is the first of the physical planets, and after Earth there will be many, many others like it - maybe not in this dimension that you're familiar with, but because of what has been learned here, it helps to create many other Earths where many of your spiritual families will go to, to learn about themselves. To learn about this great gift that spirit bestowed upon them called the unique identity - a soul, a Godself.

< Returning 11 > It was the time of departure of the guides ten years ago, to take away those spiritual training wheels. And, oh, dear ones, sometimes right now you think you're having difficulty right now in this Now moment. Back then it was true difficulty that you went through. It was the true dark night of the soul. When you released the angelic beings who had been with you for so very long - your nearest, closest friends - they felt so much like a part of you. You felt they were you. They were the angelic beings who were at your side helping to keep all of the energies between your humanness and your divine, between you here in this lifetime and your spiritual families - your angelic families - to help balance the energy of this very harsh 3D environment with the energies of all of the other dimensions, and they left.

< Master 2 > It's one of the oldest connections and one of the oldest karmas that you'll ever have, so they threw you out - and it hurts. When you feel the disconnect of energy from your spirit family, your angelic family going back to near the beginning, it's a sense of abandonment. You feel it at some level and then you say, "Why should I live anymore. I have nothing. I have my biological family …" Of course, we don't need to talk about that. Some of you picked them so quick, without much thought. You came in willing to take anything. But your spirit family? Getting kicked out. That hurts. But, you know, it's a step to sovereignty.

< Master 3 > So Shaumbra - this group of New Energy pioneers, this group of beings who have had so many experiences here on Earth and in the other realms, a group of people who have been leaders in their spiritual families, leaders in your spiritual families. The ones - you - who left your spiritual family to go it alone, but knowing all the time that it would have a profound impact on those that you left behind.

A group that in recent years, a group - you - who have actually disconnected from the spiritual family from which you came, whether it was the Order of Sananda, whether it was the House of Michael, Gabriel, any of the other archangel houses where you were leaders. You eventually, in recent years, disconnected from those, for a couple of reasons. You had to find out what it was like on your own without carrying the responsibility of trying to free the energies in the other realms. You had to free yourself first. You had to do it for you, not for everyone else. You had to learn to love yourself first.

< (Next) 1 > I hate the near Earth realms. Oh, there's so much garbage out there, so much garbage. It is polluted with energy garbage. It's my passion to clean it up. Eh, it's my passion to have you clean it up. The Near Earth realms are where beings go after they die to act out their continual dysfunctions. They've forgotten that you go past the Near Earth realms. You go either into the crystalline realms or you go back into the angelic family realms. They hang out, and it's just become … what used to be such a beautiful, beautiful place.

< (Next) 5 > That is why we say, dear Shaumbra, we would love if you stayed. We would love if you continued being in physical body, but now did that in joyful experience - clear, joyful experience. It has a profound effect on all of these other New Earths that are coming into being, on all of those you call your spirit families that are going to be taking on the attributes of physical reality.

< (Next) 5 > There's not just one New Earth anymore. The original New Earth that we talked about, this mirror of physical Earth, was a starting place. Remember, there are billions of angelic beings who have never been embodied in matter, who've never had a physical experience, that have been waiting to come in. Your spiritual families, standing back and watching as you've been going through your experience, wanting to go through their own. This Earth, this physical Earth that you live on, can accommodate about 10 billion, maximum, right now, for a lot of reasons. So where do the others go? To the new New Earths. What are the templates for those new New Earths? Right here.

< (Next) 10 > "What is this whole purpose of the new Earth? There are billions of angelic beings in the other realms from your spiritual families - spiritual families that you were leaders of or you were the progressive element of those spiritual families, the ones whose connection you could still feel deeply into - they're waiting. They're waiting, waiting for you, waiting for a space. There are not too many spaces left on Earth anymore in physical body. Tend to get precedence for those who have been here before, they kind of elbow their way back into the physical body.

< (Next) 10 > And as the cosmos, as the omniverse is starting to move once again after a long sleep, after stillness, which energy is not good at doing, suddenly it's moving. Suddenly, there are members of your spiritual families from whence you have come who now want to move on for themselves, want to move forward in consciousness. They are looking or feeling here to Earth, into your journey and your experience. You are a Standard. You are the path, in a way. Being that there's not a lot of room here left on this Earth - this Earth can possibly handle up to 10 billion people, even that's pushing it - there are these new Earths.

< (Next) 11 > Why are there so few that have really gotten to that point of pure consciousness? Because you came here as a representative of your angelic families, and you still have that attribute, that responsibility is a large part of you. You are connected into mass consciousness of the planet, because you love the planet. So naturally you would be very connected to mass consciousness. Mass consciousness is not something that you can do just a little bit of or get a little bit away from. It's kind of an all-or-nothing, and it's difficult to make that kind of split.

And then on top of that there are those who profess the grand oneness (angelic family). They talk about "You are all one." Do you really want to wait for the last one to pass through that? No. No, and for a very good reason. They need you. They need to see your light. They need to see the walking conscious Master on Earth, otherwise they're not going to come through. Otherwise, they're going to stay back there. And that big oneness, that big Borg, is just going to stay stuck in its big drifting square in the ethers. ("Borg" refers to a collective portrayed in Star Trek)

But it's very difficult to let go of the oneness, of the spiritual family, of the Order, of the commitment. That's why there's been so few. That's why so many have turned back when they're within sight of the ascension, of the understanding, the knowing of the I Am. They turn around.

< e2012 3 > So many of you came to this planet on behalf of your angelic spiritual families. You came here to learn something that would eventually set them free. Everything in the cosmos had kind of come to a big stop, and couldn't move anymore, and you came here to learn what had happened. You came here to go through a series of lifetimes, kind of reliving some of the events. They weren't in physical form but physical form allowed you to have a whole different understanding. The work that you did has freed the energy in creation with your spiritual family. That's why there's so many in line now to come to this planet or the New Earth. They are free. It is moving again. You're out of a job.

< e2012 3 > And that's a tough one, because that's really one of the core reasons you came here. You dedicated yourself to that, and when that's done, you do feel kind of like, "Well, now what? What do I do?" This is at a very deep level. Your mind may not recognize it, but you do. So you tend to have strange things - dreams of reenlisting in the military, reenlisting in a service organization, wandering around aimlessly trying to find if anybody needs your help, and they don't. You know, it's kind of an aftermath of getting the job done.

So you say, "Where was the grand celebration? Where was this big celebration for the work I did? My spiritual family's free now." They'll have it later, but right now they want to leave you alone. They know what you did, but they want to give you time, right now, for yourself. It's been a journey. It's been a lot of battles, been a lot of trials and tribulations just doing this, and they know right now that you just need time for yourself, with you.

< freedom 6 > You came here on behalf of your spiritual family. You came here to help resolve, let's say, stuck energy. That's why you're still resolving stuck energy. You came here on behalf of your Spiritual Families to come to the wisdom of something that then would be shared with them, to free them. We talk about freedom here in this Shoud – freedom of the human – but in reality, it is truly freedom for your Spiritual Families. You could say that right now back at their home, they're waiting, their energies and their consciousness on hold. They're waiting for you to go through with your lives to learn how to clear energy, move energy, love yourself. Then you will become the true Standards.

< freedom 6 > In your spiritual family, you could say that you had the most – I'm using human words here – but the most prestigious of titles. The most exalted of all were what were known as teachers. Teachers – higher than the leaders, than the courts and all of the hierarchy – the teachers at the top. It is because the teacher, in its true definition, is one who allows themselves to go into unknown experience where no other human or angel has gone before. They are the ones who go into creation that has yet to be created or even imagined yet. The teacher goes into that to experience newness, to experience themselves, to bring in life force energy, to bring in the I Am Presence into the Nothingness.

< freedom 6 > The Order of the Arc was the assembly of representatives of all of the spiritual families, including you. Each of you integral in setting up, creating, organizing the Order of the Arc. From 144,000 spiritual families they came. Many from each family, including you. There was consensus for the first time ever in creation outside of Spirit. A consensus, a recognition of soul being to soul being that had never taken place before, and a consensus that each souled being has a spark of Spirit, each souled being has certain inalienable rights and each souled being eternal.

< freedom 6 > One of the most difficult, challenging, beautiful, fulfilling things you will ever experience, and what you have been going through these many years of your life are things that you'll never forget. What you're going through as an Awakening Human is profound and moving, and this has an effect right here, on your Spiritual Family. The wisdom that you're extracting from this portion of your journey is the most profound and moving of all things you've ever done on behalf of your Families.


