blood line / blood lineage / family lineage

biological family;  biological line;  genealogy;  family tree;  ancestral biology;
See also:  ancestorancestral karma;

< New Earth 10 > As the past continues to file by, as you continue to thank them and bless them… it is also, my friends, your ancestors who pass by, for they are you also - your grandparents, and their grandparents, and all who are in your biological lineage. Make no mistake about it, that you are also tied to them. But as your DNA changes and as the Christ consciousness emerges from its sleep, your own ancestors - who are you - also file past, file through the gateway and thank you and ask you for release to return to the oneness of your soul.

< Creator 11 > This space fills up with many who are simply waiting for you to say it is time to release the ancestral karma as well. Do you know that within your being, and within the setup of your life, it is not only your soul karma but it also your family karma? It is karma for things that were done five generations ago and ten generations ago and a hundred. It is carried forward in the biology. Indeed you see it with diseases that are prevalent within certain blood lines. If there is a tendency for diabetes in your family, it is carried karmically in your DNA. There are also emotions - ancestral karmic emotions - that are carried within you. There are events that were created by your father’s forefathers five hundred and a thousand and two thousand years ago that you are trying to heal in this lifetime of yours. And you wonder why life can be so difficult and challenging? As we have said, it is not just about you anymore.

< Creator 11 > They ask you now if you are so ready to release and to heal the ancestral karma that has been part of your blood line. They ask you now, in your heart and your silence, to release this. It will release and heal them also. Be in silence for a moment to feel this energy of the male, this energy of the father, that you brought with you. You have carried it with you ever since you left Home. It wants to be balanced and healed now. The karma, the energy of the Father, wants to be healed. And in doing so dear friends, it allows the loving, nurturing, life-giving energy of the Mother to come forward in more balance. If it is appropriate for you to release and heal this, not only the energy of the Father but the energy of your ancestors, do so now.

< Creator 11 > James was much like many of you. James came into this lifetime for a clearing, for a final clearing and completion. James chose a family lineage that he had been with in the past.

< Creator 11 > Indeed, when you come into a new body and a new lifetime on Earth, you do choose your family. But you do not just look at the millions and millions of families that are available, and say, "I will take this one or that one." It is not quite that simple. You have an affinity for the blood lineage that you came from. Generally, you will choose to return to a family that you have been with in the past.

There are those who believe that they bounce around from one country to the next, from one race to another. Dear friends, this is not so accurate. You tend to follow patterns. You follow families that you have been part of in the past. Do you know that you could be your own great great great grandfather? (audience laughter) This is not so uncommon, for you choose to come back in certain lineages, certain blood lines. There are many reasons for this that we will not go into right now.

There are stories in your Holy Scriptures that talk of twelve tribes and families of Earth. In a sense, this is accurate and true. From these twelve tribes certain lines have been developed. You have tended to stay within these until the most recent years. Until approximately 50 years, it has been common to stay within fairly tight blood lines. This is changing now and there are many reasons for this. We do not want to take up so much precious time now discussing this. But understand, you tend to stay within the same family patterns. That is why there is a fascination for your own genealogy. You will show up on your own family tree several times! (audience laughter)

< Creator 11 > Those who gather in this space shed tears not of sorrow, but of release knowing that you are now also releasing them, releasing much of the karma that has been engrained in your own family. Yes there are families here who have had karma of alcohol, karma of incest, karma of emotional imbalance. You dear friends, dear Shaumbra, chose the most difficult of the difficult by coming into this lifetime to not only heal yourself, to not only heal your past soul lives, but to heal your own lineage.

< Creator 12QA > It is difficult in the human condition to deal with the fact that there are karmas that you are paying for from past lifetimes. As we have said in recent discussions, it is not only your past soul lives, but also the lineage of your family, of your ancestry, of your bloodline. We know it is difficult to not know exactly what was done back then, to not know whose head you cut off, to not know what things were done, but yet to have to release them. There is a blessing in this however. If you had specific and vivid recall of what those things were, it would be overwhelming. It would be overwhelming. It is not necessary to know what all of these were.

However, dear friends, as you find some quiet time by yourself, sit for a moment and observe the energies that surround you. Observe the circle that is around you. It is the identities of your past lives. It is the identities even of your ancestral lineage. They are all standing around you, cheering you for the work you do.

As you release things in this lifetime, as you walk through the difficulties and learn to deal with them, you are not just healing yourself in this lifetime. You are healing the past of who you were. You are healing the past of your families, of your bloodline. You are healing the past from before you ever came to Earth. As we have said before, you are the designated "ascendee" for all of who you have been. That is why the work that you are doing is so important. We understand it is difficult going through this, dear friends, but you are literally rewriting the book of the past. You are healing what has been done in the past.

At the same time, while you are going through your challenges and releases and healings, understand that the energy of your past lives has been held in the Earth. When one of you has died in the past, the Earth has held that energy until the appropriate time. Now is the appropriate time. Now is when the Earth is releasing the energies of the past, letting these go. Not only are you releasing, but the Earth is also releasing, through the volcanoes and the earthquakes, through the winds, through the natural movements of Earth. She, this precious spirit, is now releasing you from the past.

And yes, this will also cause your body to ache. This will also cause your body and your mind quite some conflict if you live in those spots on the Earth that are letting go right now. If you live next to these quake lines and the volcanoes and the areas that will attract the high winds, it will affect you. These are difficult and challenging places to live. Do you not think there is a reason why you, Shaumbra, are there?

< DivineHuman 2 > Now they want to jump back in and experience more. It is like the human who takes the roller coaster ride, and is filled with fear, but then wants to get right back on to feel it again. At this point, so many humans do go back to Earth. They go back without deep contemplation of where they choose to go in that lifetime. They go right back into the drama of being human, right back into the same family line, into the same group of friends - and enemies - that they have traveled with before. And, we smile. And, we shed a few tears. But, we understand.

< DivineHuman 11 > There is group consciousness as well. We have talked before about groups who have traveled together, long before they ever came to Earth, even traveled together here on Earth. You and your biological family are almost certainly part of your own group consciousness. You have been together before. You came back together in his lifetime.

There are religious groups. We have talked about some of these. The ones that you would call the Mormons have a group energy, a group consciousness. The Jews indeed have a group consciousness. There are many different types of group consciousness. It's an awareness. It is an attraction that draws you to continue to work together over and over again, lifetime after lifetime.

< NewEnergy 9 > Belief systems about money… another crucial one with Shaumbra. You believe money is limited. You believe you have to work hard for it. You believe you're not worthy of a lot of it. You believe that the only way to heaven is either not having the money, or not giving yourself enough of the flow that comes through you, diverting the flow around you. We see some of you do that. You are excellent manifestors, but you divert the flow around yourself. Another Old belief system… a belief system that the biology will break down… belief system that you have this hereditary, biological line. It is time to let all of that go.

< Embodiment 4 > We have talked before about the aliens, about the UFO's. And, indeed they are out there. Indeed, there are - how to say - there are these entities from other dimensional realms. They are not material. They are not in matter like what you are. But, they are out there. They are either aspects of you from the past, or they are your lineage from your family. And, they also know that if they come too close to the energies of Earth, they will get pulled in as well. It is hell for an alien to begin going through incarnations when they have never done so before… very, very difficult.

< Embodiment 8 > The family hypnotic effect goes into other lifetimes, past lifetimes. Tobias has talked about ancestral karma. We understand that he is going to give a whole session on it. I will be there with him. There is a karma that follows the lineage of your forefathers. And, this type of hypnosis affects your entire family tree. And, you are part of your family tree. You go back several lifetimes ago when you were probably your grandfather's great-grandfather or great-grandmother. You are part of your family tree. And, you carry that hypnosis with you and through you.

< Embodiment 10QA > Indeed… any of you who have come from a family have a curse (audience laughter). Indeed there is an element that we spoke of recently and that you have this. You not only have your own past life karma - and karma simply means an energetic type of influence or balance - but you do definitely have a type of ancestral karma. In your case, in particular, there are some very - what you would call - very dramatic, wicked, and violent energies that are associated here. And, there are some - what you would say - some very deep, dark secrets. And, they influence you because they race through the DNA.

As we spoke of recently in our gathering in the "mecca" of the Midwest, Minneapolis, that there are certain attributes in particular that flow very easily through the bloodline. Diabetes is one. Alcoholism is another. Many physical attributes that are passed down through the DNA… some do not pass as easily as others. But, when there is - what you would say - dark ritual combined with torture and combined with death, as in the case that you are speaking about in your family tree, then it does have an influence. And, it flows down.

< MNEC2006-T > Sometimes it flows through your genealogy or through your family tree through the blood line, but it finds its way to you. And sometimes, Shaumbra, this coding has caused your body to be something it wasn't really designed to be. This coding sometimes even comes in a karmic form and it causes your body to be distorted. It causes your body to shut down in certain areas. It causes you to take on a look in your face and in your physical features that truly isn't you.

< (Next) 8 > Picked the wrong family, absolutely. Sexual energy flows through ancestral lineage, and there is nothing biologically that you can inherit from somebody else about with sexual imbalance or sexual deviancy. Oh, they've done studied and they've tried to prove it, because they said, "Well, the grandfather had this same issue," and all the way down the line to the children. Well, it's not biological, although it eventually finds its way into the cells and into the DNA, yes, but where did it come from? It came from this SES virus going right through into the ancestral line. Absolutely.

< e2012 6 > Problems related to physical health – also, in many cases, the mental health – relate to ancestral karma. A lot of your biological issues are passed down through the bloodline that you incarnate back into. So you pick up on those. And they’re really not yours, and you’re really not your bloodline. Ultimately, everyone will find out that they can get off of this ancestral karma. It’s just releasing yourself from that bloodline. It also has tremendous implications on the probability of another incarnation, because if you’re still very, very connected with your bloodline, you’re probably going to incarnate again in that bloodline.

< e2012 6 > No matter how much planning and no matter how enlightened you think you are, when you get to the other side, you think that you’re not going to incarnate, or if you do, you’re going to choose a healthy, wealthy family, there’s a very good probability that you won’t. Why? Because of a type of almost a magnetic or electromagnetic attraction. A suction that pulls you right back down into that same bloodline, into that same family. Old karma, old relationships, love, in some cases, happiness and satisfaction in some cases, but this ancestral karma has profound impact.

< e2012 6 > But sooner or later the sovereign being releases themselves from that bloodline, and you can do it right now. Matter of fact, You’re going to actually learn to appreciate your relatives, your bloodline a lot more when you release them. You’re going to understand why they did certain things – things that were not necessarily by conscious choice, things that they just adapted coming into that bloodline and being part of it. You’re suddenly going to realize that they were just a byproduct of their grandparents and their grandparent’s grandparents and going all the way back.

You’re also going to realize that somewhere along the line, if you go back on your family tree, you’re right there. One of your previous incarnations, one of your soul’s incarnations – it’s really not you – but there you, are perpetuating all of the energies, all of the issues, all of the things associated with it.

< e2012 10 > Your physical body is simple a byproduct of your damn ancestors. What's happening now as these energies are coming in, for those who are ready, it's pulling apart, getting you out of the whole ancestral thing. This body should be and can be the byproduct of your own passion, your own soul, and your own choosing. What am I saying by that? I'm saying that with these intense energies coming in, literally you can transform your body, if you choose; it no longer belongs to this ancestral line. This is my life; it's not just a byproduct of my past life aspects. "This is my mind. It's not just a byproduct of hypnotic programming. I Am that I Am.” Then, you see, you start literally transforming your body, mind, your identity.

< e2012 10 > Ancestral karma is one of the big glues that binds you to your body. There are some disease characteristics that are woven into all of it. Well, the first thing should be a release of some of these ancestral diseases – heart disease, diabetes, cancer. So many of these things literally are flowing in through the ancestral line, flowing right into your body. Your body is filled with potential diseases right now that were flowed through. And it's not just the disease, it's the root of the very disease that comes through as well. What causes cancer? Hatred. So hatred starts the process and then this energy of cancer flows through, it goes into the ancestral karma, into your blood, into your DNA, and it's there. It's not really yours.

< Discovery 9 > It's been said that you have a planning session before you come back, come to a new lifetime. Some actually do. Most don't though. No, most of the time when somebody comes back for another incarnation, they have no idea what's going on. They're drawn by the compelling and magnetic forces of emotions and memories and karma and other people; sucked right back to the planet without the benefit of even knowing where they're going to end up. But we kind of know where they're going to end up. They're going to end up right back with the family that they've been connected to for a long time. So most people really never have this type of planning session. They go from one lifetime to another to another, tumbling through time and space; tumbling through challenges and difficulties; tumbling through their own demons and darkness; once in a great while surfacing for a bit of air, but not so often.


