human reality / human illusion / the third dimension

physical reality;  physicality;  earth reality;  earthly realm;
this reality;  your reality;  Now reality;  Now moment;

< NewEnergy 7 > They are the ones who also take the energy of your choice, your choices in your life, and then take these energies back to the other realms, our realms, back to the inter-dimensional realms, and put them to work. These are your runners, the ones who respond to your decisions and choices, and then help support you in these. If you did not have these runners… if you did not have these angels who supported your decisions, you would truly feel empty and flat. You would truly feel that there is no activity or energy in your life. It is because you reside in this thing called "the human reality," what you call "the third dimension." In a sense, you would feel lost here if it weren't for the runners and the angels doing their work.

< NewEnergy 8 > From this moment forward you have many, many potentials to choose from in your life, many scripts to choose from. You have written every one of the scripts yourself. (Your full self has worked out multiple realities and found the solutions.) Indeed, you have had help on our side, but they are your creations. It is up to you then to choose which one you want to act out, that you want to bring to life in your physical reality. So, you imagine all of the potentials.

< NewEnergy 8 > Sometimes you go off in the imaginative realms and the etheric realms. You act-out out there, but you don't bring it back to Earth. What happens now is we work with you in opening those conduits, opening those energy flow highways, to help you now realize that you can bring things into this reality. You can imagine them and then bring them to life. You see… you are choosers of life now, so you can bring things to life. And, you bring them in by simply breathing them.

< NewEnergy 9 > As you choose and embrace a potential, the grander potential behind it begins to unfold. Generally, when you go and feel a potential, you don't realize everything that surrounds it. There are potentials within potentials. So, now you embrace, and you choose this thing called unemployment. You say, "It is time to release that Old job. Let me choose unemployment." Now, you simply breathe it in. What does that mean - breathe it in? How can you breathe in unemployment? What you are doing is taking this potential that you have chosen, and now letting it come into the human reality, the Now moment. You're not keeping it off there in some distant place, some dreamy place. Now, you are bringing it in. There is no easier or more effective way than through the breath. Breathe in the potential you have chosen.

< NewEnergy 10 > All of this that is happening to you right now is coming from within… the divine Christed energy coming to you… into your reality… into your Now moment as you breathe… as you embrace life… as you open up. Some of these feelings that you have been getting lately - this feeling of parts and pieces wanting to come together - all play into this. It is the Christed energy wanting to become part of you and part of your life.

< NewEnergy 10 > So, you are in the safe energy, and now you can begin to open up into these other realms. You can have multiple realities occurring together at the same time. Your imagination has wings. It can soar, but it brings the energies back to you. It is about breathing these in. It is about feeling so safe to have these things begin to happen in your life and so comfortable, all while being in human form in the Now moment. It is not about you denying the humanness. It is about expanding the humanness, all at the same time.

< Embodiment 2 > I, Tobias, give myself permission to be fully present in the Now, and that includes not just the human reality, not just the human illusion, but all of the others. I give myself permission to be here with Shaumbra on Earth as I am on the angelic realms. I give myself permission to be full and expansive, soaring across the realms and through the realms of dimensionality. I, Tobias, give myself permission to be more than Tobias, to be more than an aspect that it was in one lifetime a long, long time ago. I give myself permission to be all that I am and all of the potentials that I can ever be and all of the expressions I choose to express.

< Embodiment 2 > Shaumbra, you have asked for this. You have chosen this to go through these changes. Your reality is changing. Every moment now it will continue to change. The nature of reality is no longer what you thought it was. The nature of reality is no longer the stable form that you were building on before. The whole foundation of reality has been pulled out from underneath. It has been pulled out from underneath, Shaumbra. The whole nature of reality changes. You don't have your story. You don't have a stagnant Old Energy. What you have is New Energy… new freedom… new creativity. You wonder sometimes why the days are difficult, why everything seems to be in disarray. It is… because it is changing.

< Embodiment 2QA > A salute to you… I, Ohamah, will answer this for you. Every expression of who you are that exists in another dimension or another reality must pass through you, dear child, in the Now. It must pass through you. It must come in through you now. It is not that you go out there. It is not that you have to worry about all of these expressions having all of these various livelihoods and jobs and other things that they do. Everything comes back through you.

Now, you have to realize that many of these expressions that are out there - it is so difficult to put into words - but many of them are fragments of you, fragments that you have disregarded or abandoned. They are like orphaned children, wanting to come back to their mother. Many of the expressions are also potentials that you are working out in other realities, some potentials that you are afraid to bring into this reality, others that you just choose to keep out there.

It is time for your re-integration. It is time to bring everything back in through this vehicle of the Now moment in your physical body and your divine being in this Now moment.

Is there another part of you wandering lost across the Earth somewhere else? We don't even know why you would want to think this. You are sovereign. It is contained within YOU right now. Stop fragmenting yourself.

Yes, there are parts and pieces of you wandering around. They don't have physical bodies, though. They are aspects and energies of yourself that you have fragmented, that you have abandoned, and that are roaming the Earth. And, they don't even come with you when your physical body dies. You leave them roaming.

Not just you… we are not singling you out. Tobias is asking me to settle down a bit (audience laughter). It is all of humans.

I look at humans and become so aggravated sometimes - and I was one at one time - because you shatter yourselves, and you deny yourselves, and you leave parts and pieces of yourself. You are littering the cosmos (more laughter) with parts of yourself. And, we are trying to clean this up (more laughter). But, in greatest love to all of you, it was done for many, many reasons. But, now it is time for all of that to come back together, all of that to rejoin you in the Now.

So, don't worry about aspects of yourself in some other part of the world, other than the aspects that you have sent out there in nonphysical ways. Don't worry about a soul mate, or any of this.

What matters now… we are going to ask you to take a deep breath. What matters now, yes, is this moment. Everything comes to you now (new paradigm #3). You are like a magnet now, a magnet energetically attracting, bringing in all of these aspects, all of these energies so that you can be the sovereign God being right now. Everything emanates from this moment, so bring it all together. Bring it all back home.

< Embodiment 3QA > You will all realize, as you let go of the Old structures, as you allow yourself to be so much more multi-dimensional, that these can become more and more real. You will also find perhaps some difficulties in these because defining real will become very difficult to do. You define right now being here or listening to us online as being real, but you will have occurrences happen to you that you have to question yourself. You have to say, "Now was that real or was that my imagination?" And, then we have to say, "What is the difference? What is the difference?" This reality, 3-D, is simply your imagination put into a very, very tight focus, perhaps a focus that you are learning to relax right now and expand.

< Embodiment 6 > It could be so real that it makes the reality of humanness look small in comparison. This reality of imagination is real. This reality of imagination that we're sitting in right now - in my home, in my cottage, in the Shaumbra Room, in the gathering room - is real. And, it helps to set up a pattern of energy that can be brought back to your human reality and used there. It helps start creating the templates, the weavings, the patterns, and the paths for your own life in your human reality. And, you can go back and forth at any time.

< Embodiment 6QA > You can come in here and practice using your imagination. The imagination energies can be left here. They can be used - how to say - expanded to the other dimensions. They can be brought back to Earth with you. Imagine a joyful, abundant life. Imagine it while you sit here in the Shaumbra Room. And, then bring those energies back. Manifest them in your reality. Bring them back to Earth. You don't have to define exactly what they are like, simply that you are imagining an abundant life, a healthy life. Then, bring it back to Earth.

< Embodiment 7 > Now, you deal generally with three or sometimes what you would call four dimensions. But, imagine now going back to "the field," tapping into it with a simple plus and minus, and now starting to add more pluses, more minuses, sometimes a lot more pluses, sometimes a lot more minuses. But, this helps you take energy and now turn it into something. All of these little structures turn into these 12-stranded-type-of-energy particles. And, they are eventually brought into your human reality to create the illusion that you have now, a very complex structure, very detailed.

< Embodiment 9QA > Adamus talked to you about this whole concept of living beyond. It involves the intimate - the deepest and most intimate - trust with yourself. He talked about the concept of the total, unconditional love. And, again, you have heard the concepts. But, now you are going to start living this way, the total love of self, reintegrating every part of who you are. He talked about expanding, going beyond the limits. And, God knows, there are many limits that you create. The limits actually help you to understand the reality around you. But, the limitations and the restrictions on the energy also lock things into place.

< Embodiment 12 > One of the things that all of the angels of the universe, the archangels, came to feel and to know was that at some point we had to slow all of this down. We had to come to this material form of existence… what you call the Earth… matter… slowed down energy… third dimension… in order to have a truer, grander understanding of ourselves… in order to release us… or in a sense, re-integrate us in this Wall of Fire (limitation of 3-D). So, one of the things that we are literally experiencing right now is that we are still in the Wall of Fire. And, we are choosing yet another potential to be in a third-dimensional, material reality as our choice, a way to re-integrate what we feel to be all of those parts and pieces that were shattered, shattered on purpose, shattered in great love. But, to bring them back we felt the path of 3-D, a material world, would be the best.

< Clarity 1 > The potentials… let us envision these almost as bubbles, as circles. Each exists outside of physical reality, waiting to be brought in. Each, in a sense, is a bubble on its own, representing a different potential. As the human chooses their experience, and chooses to bring things into reality, literally these bubbles of potential start gathering together, similar to what the atoms do in all the molecules in your scientific structures. These little bubbles of potentials begin to gather together. They form a larger bubble of potential. That eventually finds its way through this very thin layer, very thin layer that separates what you would call physical reality from the invisible, the unseen, or the etheric side. These potentials gather together.

< Clarity 1 > We are asking you to return to core root energy. You aren't going to get there logically. You're only going to get there by allowing yourself, by understanding the building blocks of energy. It starts as potential. Everything… everything starts as potential. Then, the potentials, like bubbles, flow into your reality because you are calling on them. One way or the other, you're calling on the potential. As these bubbles of potential cross over that thin line that separates the material from the nonmaterial world, it starts transmuting, changing its energy. It turns from potential into energy. From energy it can turn into matter. It can turn into something material. It can also turn into simple etheric energy that you can use in your own life.

< Clarity 2 > Oh, life, yes, can be hard. It can be very harsh at times, very, very harsh. You exist in a harsh dimension. Everything is so real, so tangible. It has such an effect; everything has such an effect. You know, on the other dimensions energy doesn't have the direct effect like it does on Earth. Take that hundred-pound rock you have been carrying around with you, and hit your head against it. It hurts. You can feel it. You can't do that on the other dimensions. That is one of the great joys of living on Earth.

< Clarity 2 > Take this imaginary stone out of the other imaginary realms. Bring it into your reality in a potential bubble. Breathe it into your life and watch how it manifests… perhaps as a literal stone… perhaps as many other things in your life. It is that simple and that clear.

< Clarity 3 > But the other realms are your laboratory. And, then it is time to bring it here to Earth. Sometimes you get stuck with that. You're not sure how to bring it in or what to do. You're waiting for us to give you guidance. You're waiting for us actually to do it for you, but that's another thing. And, then you get all the credit, and we don't. It doesn't work that way. So, with this energy of Shaumbra right now go back into some of those passions and dreams. Go back into some of those things that you have wanted to do for a long time. You'll find that this energy comes in and supports in a very beautiful way, in an incredibly clear way. It supports you in the work that you do.

< Clarity 3 > So many of you have had wonderful ideas. You've developed them in your own etheric, celestial laboratories. But, then you fear bringing them in. They get stuck. We are going to show you some that are stuck today. They get stuck right outside of the 3-D realm. They're at the doorway of the 3-D, but you don't want to open that door.

< Clarity 3 > So, you hold many of your creations out. This literally blocks energy, plugs up energy. When you have dozens - thousands, some of you - of ideas and creations stuck at the doorway into this realm, it is because you are afraid to bring it in. Or, you are waiting for us to tell you that you have to. Or, you're waiting for something. Or, you don't have enough time. Or, you're too tired. Or, whatever your excuse is, it literally plugs up energy. It stops the natural flow of energies. And, then you become a victim of your own beliefs. You become tired. You become broke. You become worn out. You become, more than anything else, very frustrated because you know you are so close. You know you are so close, but yet you are not doing it.

< Clarity 3 > The reality of the unseen energies… they have an influence… they have an effect. They come back down from the imagination realms, and they start playing in your reality. Those who are blocked right now from the imagination versus what you would call the practical or the tangible… those are the ones who get frustrated. There are humans all over the world who discount anything that they cannot analyze. My, oh, my… what a limitation to only have the mind! What a limitation not to be able to go into the Divine Intelligence, the grander you! You discover that you don't want to analyze when you get out onto the other realms. You don't want to have to put everything into a little box.

< Clarity 4 > But, eventually any entity will have to come back to Earth, even with an expanded set of beliefs to basically manifest them here on Earth to see how they play out. In the astral realms everything is a bit etheric, as it is were. Everything is a bit temporary. So, it is about being able to bring the belief systems back to Earth in an expanded way, in an expanded consciousness for the soul, for the divine being to finally take it in, to finally meld it all together. So, Shaumbra, belief systems - beliefs that you have - define and create the reality. That is your consciousness. That is your awareness level. Most humans live in a very limited or very restricted set of belief systems. They are very, very focused and sometimes extremely rigid.

< Clarity 5 > When there is enough energy behind a concept and imagination, whether it comes from one person or a group, it therefore becomes a reality in its own right. It doesn't have to exist in the physical planes. It can co-exist in the physical planes. Shaumbra, for instance, was created out of your hearts. It is now an entity, much like Santa Claus is. Shaumbra is real on our side of the veil. It has a definable, identifiable nature; therefore, it becomes real on your side as well, if you allow it and accept it. Shaumbra carries an energy just like Santa Claus carries an energy. The imagination, allowing yourself to be who you are, creates things, creates them on probability dimensions and planes that are… oh, it would be difficult for your mind to even fathom right now.

< Clarity 5 > So, there's been this separation between the human reality and the other realities up until now. You've created a wall or a veil between them. You've created belief systems that kept the two very separate. But, they're coming together now, Shaumbra. They're coming together where they can co-exist, side-by-side, multi-dimensionally, material and nonmaterial together. This is very real, very - how to say - actual potential.

< Clarity 5 > You can call these alternative realities, but generally when you think of alternate realities, you think of them existing in some other dimensions far, far away. But, literally they can co-exist with you in this physical reality because you also… as your "shadow selves" start coming forth, you'll realize you're also not in this third dimension, not the way you thought you were. You're not locked in here. You are many dimensions.

< Teacher 1 > But also what was really going on, and some of the very difficult issues, the buttons that were getting pushed, were about "Are you ready to go beyond dreaming and wishing and hoping? Are you willing to go beyond some of this creative work - and creator work - that you do during your sleep state, that you do in some of these astral realms, are you willing to bring it into Earth now?" That is a difficult question.

< Teacher 1QA > Now if you combine that idea... by the way, it is floating out in the etheric realms right now. It is not a dead idea., it is hovering out there and there are many, many of them out there. But now using gnost you can bring that in and actually manifest it or bring it to life here on Earth. And it's not that difficult. We were able - you were able - to take pure energy, angelic energy, and somehow bring that to Earth and manifest it in biology and here you stand now. That in itself is proof that the miracle can be done again. You can bring in your idea now from the outer realms and materialize it.

< Teacher 3 > What you (Shaumbra) are learning through this series of illusions and mazes that you are going through is something that none of the others have learned. We said to you a long time ago that you are the first to go through this pathway of ascension. And ascension simply means that you are evolving to your next level; that you are integrating all of the parts and pieces of Self together into a whole; that you are completing a cycle, a circle even, and moving from this place of Earth, which is one of the most difficult and challenging experiences - and I speak from experience myself - on your way to a new level. We call it the Third Circle.

< Teacher 3 > Your other part of your consciousness has been in your brain, in your mind, in this relational database that you have. Consciousness that you exist in right now is based on belief systems more than anything else. It is a series of belief systems: beliefs in right and wrong; God; self; humanity; beliefs in how much you can push yourself; how smart you are; all of these other things. A myriad of belief systems at the top level that then create themselves, as you would say, moving downwards to create physical reality and, ultimately, your experience within that physical reality.

< Teacher 4 > For all we created Shaumbra, for all we created on heaven and Earth, they work together. They work together. They are the same. Ultimately, there is no veil. There is no split. It is all the same, just that some walk in physical while others do not. It is all the same about the energy evolving towards this reunion of masculine and feminine. It was our original split. It was our original division within our self and its time is coming to an end.

< Teacher 6 > Philosophy has a very old and sordid background. It has been responsible for some very interesting evolutions of human consciousness, but also for some very distorted beliefs - beliefs that humans have latched onto and held onto. And then, as you heard earlier, when a human adapts a belief, accepts a belief, then they manifest it, many times subconsciously, occasionally consciously. But you are - your environment, your reality - is the result of how you build your belief systems.

< e2012 2 > But the real magic is the awareness of yourself, of your presence right now, in every dimension that you're operating. You like to think that you're just operating here, but you're operating in a multitude of dimensions. This (human reality) is kind of the center where so much of it's happening. Yes, a lot of amazing things are happening for you, with you, in these other realms. This is kind of the point where it's all coming together, where it's all coming into focus and it's all coming into materialization.

< Discovery 8 > Next it was used for simple memory and the simple kind of a relationship of time and space. The true light body really doesn't understand time and space. Doesn't want to. It doesn't acclimate well to time and space. So it's like a big puffy, drifty thing. So it was very difficult to stay embodied here. But through this connection device called the mind, you were able to do that. The mind also allowed a discernment in this dimension that the divine intelligence, let's say, really didn't have. Divine intelligence had no familiarity with this physical reality, and therefore, very little sense of any discernment.


