it comes to you;
< New Earth 13 > You will find that all things will come to you as you activate the energies, as you voice your intent, as you act as a creator. You will not need to go out seeking what it is that you desire. It will come to you. Through your intent, you are literally activate and polarize and energize the energy that was in neutral, and like a giant grand majestic magnet, all things that are appropriate will be brought to you.
< New Earth 13 > All things will be brought to you. They will come knocking at your door. They will be so obvious that you will tend to say that it is not real, and you will look right past them. As you activate through your intent, as you activate your new house, understand that all things appropriate will be brought forth to you - abundance, health, understandings, wisdom, relationships, friends, new information, new tools. Your new house is a giant magnet that will bring things to your doorstep.
< Creator 3 > As you begin to allow the two primary strands to come back together in appropriate vibrational harmony, it will then change the way the other magnetic strands interact and embrace. It will change the whole way all of the strands are composed. As you live in the divine moment - as you change the frequency within you - understand that all of the appropriate things will be brought to you. You will be like a magnet with a new charge that will attract things to you.
Embodiment 2QA > A salute to you… I, Ohamah,
will answer this for you. Every expression of
who you are that exists in another
dimension or another reality must pass through you, dear child, in the Now.
It must pass through you. It must come in through you now. It is not that you go
out there. It is not that you have to worry about all of these expressions
having all of these various livelihoods and jobs and other things that they do.
Everything comes back through you.
Now, you have to realize that many of these expressions that are out there - it
is so difficult to put into words - but many of them are fragments of you,
fragments that you have disregarded or abandoned. They are like orphaned
children, wanting to come back to their mother. Many of the expressions are also
potentials that you are working out in other
realities, some potentials that you are afraid to bring into this
reality, others that you just choose to keep out there.
It is time for your re-integration. It is time to
bring everything back in through this vehicle of the Now
moment in your physical body and your divine
being in this Now moment.
Is there another part of you wandering lost across the Earth somewhere else? We
don't even know why you would want to think this. You are sovereign.
It is contained within YOU right now. Stop fragmenting yourself.
Yes, there are parts and pieces of you wandering
around. They don't have physical bodies, though. They are aspects and
energies of yourself that you have fragmented, that you have abandoned, and that
are roaming the Earth. And, they don't even come with you when your physical
body dies. You leave them roaming.
Not just you… we are not singling you out. Tobias is asking me to settle down
a bit (audience laughter). It is all of humans.
I look at humans and become so aggravated sometimes - and I was one at one time
- because you shatter yourselves, and you deny yourselves, and you leave parts
and pieces of yourself. You are littering the cosmos (more laughter) with parts
of yourself. And, we are trying to clean this up (more laughter). But, in
greatest love to all of you, it was done for many, many reasons. But, now it is
time for all of that to come back together, all of that to rejoin you in the
So, don't worry about aspects of yourself
in some other part of the world, other than the aspects that you have sent out
there in nonphysical ways. Don't worry about a soul
mate, or any of this.
What matters now… we are going to ask you to take a deep breath. What matters
now, yes, is this moment. Everything comes to you now (new
paradigm #3). You are like a magnet now, a magnet
energetically attracting, bringing in all of these aspects, all of these
energies so that you can be the sovereign God being
right now. Everything emanates from this
moment, so bring it all together. Bring it all back home.
< Embodiment 6 > You are like a magnet, but a magnet that works different than your physical magnets on Earth, for the opposites attract in your magnets on Earth. But, with the type of magnet that you are the likenesses attract. If you feel disempowered, disempowered things will come to respond to you. You will be surrounded by disempowered people, or people who use their power to take yours away. You are asking for it. Like responds to like. If there is a lack of abundance in your life, it is because you are feeling that you are not worthy. You are energizing yourself, or spiritually magnetizing yourself, and you bring it into your life. Everything around you and everything in your life is a direct literal response to who you are. It is not being inflicted on you. You are bringing it in. You are manifesting it. That is how strong and powerful a Creator that you are.
< Clarity 3QA > So often Shaumbra takes on the consciousness burdens of everyone else. And, you have a difficult time separating your self, your energy center from theirs. You tend to bring everybody else's into yours. You pick up their energies from the news, from your associations, from your meetings with people. You pick them up literally while you're driving down the road and you see other people. You, in a sense, are like a magnet. You bring their energies in. But, then you convert them to your own. You take them as your own burdens. So, if it's not you, it's obviously about others. Because you are a natural healer and a natural teacher and also naturally very empathetic, you pick up on energies.
< Returning 4 > In this Point of Presence everything comes to you. When you're out there, it doesn't. It's as simple as that. When you're here it comes to you. When you're here and you're making conscious choices it, in a sense, magnetizes you. It causes those things to now start flowing into your reality. You don't have to get specific. You don't have to say, "I need a thousand dollars." But if you're in your Point of Presence and you've chosen abundance, it will be there. In the Point of Presence, health comes back, vitality, energies - everything - in the Point of Presence.
< (Next) 12 > No. You, human beings, have consciousness. Everything else is a response to consciousness. Everything. Everything. Other people, yes, but put them aside for a moment. Everything else, including the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom, these things are all the response to your consciousness. You created them. Your consciousness is like a multidimensional magnet. It's attracting and repelling. It's solidifying, it's deconstructing. All the time this is going on. So, dear friends, consciousness is constantly bringing things in, putting things out.
< Kharisma 1> Kharisma is the true attractant. The true attractant. There are books that have been written about Law of Attraction. Interesting, going in the right direction, but they tend to be very mental. Everybody starts thinking about what they want – jzzz, jzzz, jzzz, jzzz – it doesn't work. It's not very effective. And then they get all depressed and then they feel bad about themselves and then they identify with themselves – “I'm not very effective at attracting things. Nobody likes me and that's why, and I can't attract anything.” No. You're just not being very genuine about it. You're being very mental about it.
< Kharisma 1> Mental has little or no Kaikho, fire, passion. It's not authentic. Every time you think a thought, most of it really isn't yours. Ninety-five percent of it, when you think about something, it's not even yours. But yet you pretend it is. You act like it is. You act out like it is. It's not. So we're going to strip all that and get down to what is yours. Your Kharisma doesn't mean you need to go out and be an extrovert. It doesn't mean you need to go walk down the street shaking everybody's hand, telling jokes in the grocery store. No, you'll look like an idiot if you do that. (some chuckles) Kharisma is a natural attractant. It attracts energy naturally. It attracts people.