
knowingness;  realization;
one of five divine senses;
realization of self;  awareness of being a part of God, but yet having own identity;
awareness of being sovereign‘I am’ sense;

< New Earth 10 > For there is a grand one… there is a grand one, who wants to be your light, who wants to integrate. It is your True Self, your Christ consciousness. As we have said, in your current human mind, even the human consciousness that you bring here today, you could not possibly imagine the depth of love and the depth of awareness and the depth of creativity that is contained within this divine human that you are becoming. It is time for the old human to release, to allow, and to do "NO-thing."

< Ascension 6 > Nancy was suddenly aware that she was very hungry, very hungry indeed! All this talk of crops and food and farms, all of this delectable and wonderful nutrition in Lesson Five. She was very hungry indeed. She was aware that hunger was calling out through her being.

< Ascension 6 > Imagine the shape of a star, of a five-pointed star. At the top of the star is the first of these five senses. It is the SENSE of AWARENESS. Now these are etheric, spiritual, divine senses, the first being awareness. You developed this sense immediately when you left Home, when you left the Kingdom. Up until this time, you really did not have an awareness of who you were. You simply were. But, when you left the Kingdom and went through the Wall of Fire, you immediately developed a sense of awareness. This is the "I am" Sense. "I am part of God, but yet I am my own identity." It is the first of these five senses.

< Ascension 6 > One other thing we ask you to do now. Imagine yourself, your body, yourself. You generally have a head, two arms, two legs. The five divine senses correspond to these parts of your human being.
The sense of Awareness is represented by your head, dear friends.
The sense of Imagination is associated with your left hand.
Compassion is associated with your left foot… ergo, the human saying, "if you could only walk in my shoes."

< Ascension 6 > It is not just the seven human senses where the Language of Ah will come in. It will come in through your awareness for who you are now, a new awareness for the angel that you are. It will come in through your imagination. Your imagination will be ripe, and it will be bursting in these days to come. It will come in more than ever with your compassion for others and for yourself. Do not reserve compassion just for others. Bring compassion into your body and for yourself.

< Ascension 6QA > You will find in this year of 2-0-0-2 (two-zero-zero-two) that the balance is (human) consciousness and spiritual awareness. But it births the application of science and technology. Science is changing. There is much work taking place with what you call "stem cell" research and cloning. This is a way of trying to increase the longevity of life, of healing the body. This is appropriate, for it changes the human molecules and DNA to enable you to live not just one lifetime in the body, but multiple lifetimes in the body.

< Ascension 7 > As you accept all of who you are, and as you accept the fact that you are God  Ethat you are Spirit  Eas you accept this into your being, you become so much stronger. You become so much more aware. This opens new dimensions and whole new areas of consciousness for you.

< DivineHuman 3 > Living in one world was difficult enough… and, now we’re living in two worlds. But, as we live in the two worlds, we are finding that there is another simple tool, a very simple tool. It is awareness of the moment, "MOMENTAL AWARENESS." It is being in the moment, fully present. Again, we would have never thought that it would be quite so simple to be in the Now… to not worry about the past, for we have released it… to not worry about the future, for we have not created it yet. When we are fully present in the Now, in this moment, we are balanced.

< DivineHuman 11 > Consciousness is simply awareness… awareness. Awareness can be a very personal thing. It can be personal awareness where you are aware of yourself and what is going on within you. That is personal consciousness or awareness.

There is group consciousness as well. We have talked before about groups who have traveled together, long before they ever came to Earth, even traveled together here on Earth. You and your biological family are almost certainly part of your own group consciousness. You have been together before. You came back together in his lifetime.

There are religious groups. We have talked about some of these. The ones that you would call the Mormons have a group energy, a group consciousness. The Jews indeed have a group consciousness. There are many different types of group consciousness. It's an awareness. It is an attraction that draws you to continue to work together over and over again, lifetime after lifetime.

Then, there is mass consciousness or human consciousness. You see, you all share a type of journey together, every human who is alive here on Earth right now, and any who have ever had a human journey or human lifetime. You are part of mass consciousness. It is a collective consciousness. It can be tapped into at any time.

< Clarity 4 > "What is consciousness?" Well, put quite simply, it is a set of belief systems that defines your reality. It is your level of awareness that becomes your consciousness. You are aware of a certain level of activity, of a certain understanding. Consciousness is also limited by belief systems. And, particularly when you come to Earth, these belief systems become very rigid. And, they define everything in your life. They define how you perceive yourself. The belief systems define how you interrelate with yourself, how you interrelate with the environment around you, people around you.

< Clarity 4 > But, eventually any entity will have to come back to Earth, even with an expanded set of beliefs to basically manifest them here on Earth to see how they play out. In the astral realms everything is a bit etheric, as it is were. Everything is a bit temporary. So, it is about being able to bring the belief systems back to Earth in an expanded way, in an expanded consciousness for the soul, for the divine being to finally take it in, to finally meld it all together. So, Shaumbra, belief systems - beliefs that you have - define and create the reality. That is your consciousness. That is your awareness level. Most humans live in a very limited or very restricted set of belief systems. They are very, very focused and sometimes extremely rigid.

< Clarity 6 > But, what are the blocks? What is holding you back? Why doesn't it seem to work? Well, first of all you're trying too hard. You're trying to force it in, and you're trying to figure it in. You're trying to actually, some of you, con it in and manipulate it in, and it can't be. It is a realization. It is in itself its own belief system. It is an overlay absolutely. It is a belief that there is more to you than you. That is also a truism, but it is a belief. It is about allowing yourself to believe that, allowing yourself to get outside of the box that you've been in, but to do it without struggling and pushing and fighting.

< Clarity 6 > You see, now the car has feelings, and it begins to operate in a whole different way… emotions and feelings and awareness. The car now has a certain level of awareness that adds a new dimension. Many humans operate in body/brain and low feelings. We call them "low-vibration" feelings, a certain degree of understanding, awareness of pain and feeling of what pleases them, what makes them happy, what makes them sad… you see. So, most of humanity is in those levels of either body/brain or body/brain/somewhat-feeling basis.

< Clarity 6 > Now, let us add spirit to the car, spirit. Oh, imagine what that does! Spirit is purpose. Spirit is awareness. Spirit is "I am." The car now realizes that it is a car. It has its own personality, its own identity. It has a body and a brain and some feelings. But, now it is truly complete. With spirit added to this vehicle, now there is meaning. Now, there is purpose, not just survival, not just avoiding pain and seeking pleasure. But, there is the purpose of evolving and expanding, growing and creating.

< Clarity 6 > In your case it was the other way - the spirit that took on feeling or emotion, that took on brain, that took on body… you see. We want to have you to understand how each one of these layers work… how when adding a brain to a body, it changes, the whole composition… when adding feeling to the brain and the body, it changes everything. And, adding spirit is the ultimate. It adds the ability to understand self as self, have an awareness of self, have purpose in self, the purpose not just to survive, not just to live, but to drive like hell, to feel the wind against the windshield, to see the beautiful, panoramic views. The spirit helps it to understand joy, fulfillment, creation, all of these things.

< Clarity 6 > One of the other blockages, Shaumbra, the biggest blockage, the biggest blockage of all… you've been operating in the body, in the brain, and to an extent the feeling levels or dimensions. You've been removed from Spirit. Spirit has been with you, even though you've been looking out there. Spirit has been there. Now, let's bring in Spirit into this mix. It is you; it is the "I am." It is the awareness. It is the part that knows no death… you see. Spirit cannot know death… ever… never. There is no death in the heart of Spirit. It is re-creation, re-creating, re-inventing yourself over and over.

< Teacher 3 > The consciousness operates at many different levels but you have had it operating at only a few. You are literally going through a transition right now of consciousness. We're not talking about thought here either. We're not talking about the mind. We're talking about consciousness or awareness.

< Teacher 3 > A consciousness. Well, now where do you find that? It's not in your brain, it's not in your physical body necessarily. Consciousness is all around. Consciousness is very close to you and very, very far away. Consciousness is awareness. Awareness first of self, of identity, and then ultimately of everything. That's what consciousness is. You are consciousness. You're consciousness that has a unique identity. You were granted this thing that we call - or you would call - soul beingness, as Spirit. Not all beings have a soul. Trees, planet Earth, most animals do not have a soul being like you. Soul being also is the key to creatorship, or holds the keys to creatorship. You are a soul being. You are consciousness.

< QuantumLeap 3QA > Every emotion and every bit of consciousness or awareness that is held within is stored somewhere in the physical vessel that you carry around. Emotions like love, of course, are directly related to the heart, and you've stored all of these energies in the heart. And no matter how much you thought - and that is the underlying problem, "thought" - that you were letting go, you were still hanging on. The breathing, true breathing, opens you up, but it also changes you and so many people are afraid of that.

< Master 4 > You are divine consciousness. You are a souled being. Nobody can ever take that soul away. Your soul is consciousness. Consciousness is awareness. If you took away your physical body, your mind, your memories and everything else, you're still awareness, because you're always going to be aware of yourself. Even if everything is stripped away, even if you go back to the time when you went through the Wall of Fire into nothingness, you're still aware of yourself, and that was the scary part - aware of yourself in nothing. It's also a wonderful part, because it caused you to start creating.

< (Next) 5 > This is, again, the definition of ahmyo - the understanding that you as divine parts of God already put every tool in your path long before you got to that place on the path. You have already put all of the potentials in place, and now it's just a matter of being aware of that. It's a matter of clarity. It's a matter of simplicity.

< (Next) 9 > Potentials are not energy. Potentials are little flecks of consciousness. They're little pearls of consciousness floating around all out there. When activated by humans, by you, through clear and conscious realization, then those potentials draw energy to them, and then they bring that energy to life, kind of like a beautiful ball of consciousness now layered with very dynamic energy, and then they can be manifested or experienced here on Earth.

< e2012 1> There are sensory awarenesses. These come in through your five human senses that you have, and they are things like the smell and the touch, hear. I would say that humans are, in general, oblivious to about 98 percent of the sensory awarenesses around them. They've learned to tune things in and out. Sensory awarenesses are an important part of consciousness. Getting back into sensory awareness just requires stopping once in a while and observing that a fly is going around the room here. But unless it sits right on your face, you're generally not going to notice it, and you tune it out.

< e2012 1> There is mental awareness, mind awareness. Most of you didn't really talk about what was going through your mind, and there was a lot. There was a lot of junk going through there. You've learned to tune a lot of it out, but a funny thing about mind junk, it'll come back around. It does go off somewhere, but it tends to come back. Every question that you've ever asked is still out there floating around until it receives an answer. And even things like problems that you're flowing through your brain that are not resolved will come back. They're like questions. They're unresolved, and they're looking for something.

< e2012 1> And then finally there is what you would call more esoteric, spiritual intuition, knowingness. I'll use the word intuition here (he writes), intuition awareness. Now, this is something that actually is constantly, constantly connecting and communicating within you. You're all very intuitive beings. However, you let the mind overcome it, and you let your doubts then push it off somewhere else. But the intuition right now is actually bringing in feelings of things that are going to show up in the newspaper on Wednesday.

< e2012 1> When I asked the question before, "Where is your consciousness?" that's a really good question. Some of you say "Here." Well, but are you really being conscious here? I would contend that a lot of your consciousness is out there somewhere, is out in another realm. You've held it out there. You've kept it from being in here. You're avoiding it in a lot of ways. You've hidden it somewhere, and you really don't know where it is. And when I ask the question, "What is consciousness?" you give me a mental answer. You say "Awareness." Okay, but really, what does that mean? What is consciousness?

< e2012 1> Consciousness is awareness, but put more concisely, distilled down, consciousness is your presence. That's a little bit different than being in the Now moment. Very similar, they're like cousins, but it is your presence. Your consciousness is your presence and what you are allowing yourself to be aware of. Your consciousness is your presence, and your presence right now is right here, is sitting right here. Your consciousness is your awareness of sensory, of mental, and intuitive. And the question that I have for each and every one of you: How present are you? How real are you in the moment? How conscious are you?

< e2012 1> As you start to become aware of it through the senses, your physical senses, even through your mind, and the mind starts saying, "Am I present?" and then through your intuition, you're finally going to start feeling yourself more present. You're going to start feeling more around you. You're going to have more awareness of yourself present.

And the moment you have awareness of what is present, what is here, you're going to start understanding what is not present. You're going to understand what you've been holding back on. Then, my dear, you get that state of pure consciousness that goes beyond any of these types of awareness. It becomes the I Am awareness. The I Am awareness, and the fact that "I am present and that's all that counts. I Am that I Am, every part, every piece, the Body of Consciousness, every aspect, every thought, every feeling. I am fully aware. I Am that I Am."

< e2012 1> Mass consciousness is going through that right now. It's not going to settle down right away, but sooner or later mass consciousness will evolve beyond the mind. You're doing it right now. You've been doing it for a while. What is beyond the mind? Awareness and consciousness are all beyond the mind. Intuition. You don't have to think about things anymore, you just know them. Where you don't have to try anymore.

< e2012 1> You are consciousness; you're not energy. Energy naturally falls into place and goes to work for you, totally efficient, as you become aware, as you become conscious of your presence. Consciousness is awareness, of all the different things that are gong on. Consciousness ultimately is about your presence right here, right now, your presence in this moment.

< e2012 2 > You know now that the only way to heaven, which is actually just awareness, the only way that I know of, that the other Ascended Masters know of, is to love yourself. That's it. It is so simple to me that when you love yourself, it means you've accepted yourself. You've had total compassion for you without having to go to confession or without any sort of remorse - any at all. And I hear the "buts" come out all the time. "But … I did this really bad thing." "But … if I give myself full forgiveness, then I'm probably going to go back and do something bad again." Absolutely not.

< e2012 11 > To learn about radiant presence. That's the next step. That's the next thing we're going to work on – being present. Ah! Enlightenment – it's about being present. It's about being aware, and there is a huge difference in being in the mind and being aware. Truly is. Aware – actually you really don't have to use much of the mind. Enlightenment is about allowing a natural flow to take place. The minute you start messing with it, the minute you start tampering with it, the minute you think just the human alone knows how to do this thing and you don't invite the soul, you don't invite the aspects, you don't invite your self in, it's not going to work very well.

< e2012 11 > We're here for enlightenment. One and only reason. You're here for enlightenment. Enlightenment is about awareness. Enlightenment is about, you could say in an odd way, about fulfillment or completion. Enlightenment is about simplification. Enlightenment is about … (there is a peal of thunder; laughter) integration. Integration with all these parts and pieces floating around out there. Integration, and you can't really do integration if you're trying to make it complex. Enlightenment is a natural process, my dear friends. A natural process. That is perhaps my biggest point and will be until I leave.

< freedom 8 > That passion of its existence – to know its existence and to feel it – created energy outside of itself, but some would say that it was the passion of going Home – I have actually said it before myself – partly true, but where is Home? Humans like to think of Home as being heaven, God, oneness, All That Was, all the rest of that crap. It's not. The true journey Home is not back to some celestial palace. The true journey Home – right there (tapping his heart). That's all there is to it. You don't go back to the oneness; you are the oneness. You go back to awareness.

< freedom 10 > One of the difficulties about being where you are at with the realization of your enlightenment – and I say the realization, because the enlightenment is already there, and you know that. It's the realization or the awareness of your enlightenment. It's the allowing of what is already within you. This stage or in this experience of the realization is that there is very, very little guidance at this point.

You've got a little bit of guidance from me and from some of the other angelic beings, but please realize that there are not that many human or angelic beings who have ever realized and accepted their true sovereignty – you call it being an Ascended Master – very, very few, a little over 9,000, more on the way. Yes, through you of course, more on the way, but very, very few. So how could some of the beings who are in service to humanity – and some who say they're in service to humanity but are more in service to themselves – how could they possibly be working as your guides right now? Because they don't know.

I'll tell you, there are many channeled entities that are being channeled through humans these days, but they have not gotten to where you are in their own freedom, in their own sovereignty. They're still searching just like you. Just because they're from a different dimension or some mother ship or they had an illustrious famous past life, doesn't mean that they understand any more than you do.

You're at the point where there is very little guidance, because there are very few who can actually guide you at this point, who actually understand what you're going through and why you're going through it. Very, very few beings angelic or otherwise who really understand. Furthermore, the ones who do understand, they know it's time to take a few steps back to let you go through the discovery yourself.

< Discovery 1 > Consciousness is awareness. It's not thinking. You cannot think your way into consciousness. You can't. You've tried thinking. You think, “I Am that I Am.” But you can experience it and you can have the consciousness of it. Consciousness is the wisdom. Consciousness is the deep wisdom. Consciousness is that “aha” that you get. Right now you've allowed yourself a lot of experiences that have you ready for new states of consciousness, but – this issue with the mind – you're thinking about it. You're wondering and you're worrying about it. So it's held off. It's just waiting.

< Kharisma 4 > Cauldre will allow me to tell an interesting story. He had an experience the other night, sitting after dinner watching some inane television show and relaxing, he says. He was relaxing. And suddenly he could see in a way he had never seen before. Not just with his eyes. He could see all around 360 degrees. Even if his eyes were closed, he could see into everything, into the stone on the fireplace, into the wood on the cabinets, into everything. He could see in and through things. He could sense everything with no effort. With no effort, not even trying. Suddenly the awareness was there. That's what it's like. Suddenly, just all the awareness.

< Kharisma 11 > And in a sense you could say that's what you're telling yourself right now is “Open your awareness. Allow your awareness.” Allow yourself to realize everything that's here in the Now. Not mentally. Not mentally. You just do it by, well, being absolutely brave and bold and saying, “I've got nothing else to lose. I'm going to absolutely open right now.” And then stop thinking about it. That's so important. And your Self, your enlightened realized Self is telling you that right now, “Stop thinking about it. Just get on with whatever you want to do.” You allow. You open and allow, and then stop thinking about it. Go about your everyday life. Go about whatever you want to do.


