
1. non-physical dimentions; other side of the wall;
2. relatively higher non-physical realms/dimentions; ⇔ hell
3. Home; the kingdom; the original creation;

< New Earth 10QA > There are entities that, because of their belief system and because mostly of the guilt that they remain in what you would call a very dark or very depressed state. There are entities, my friends, from your previous lives that are like that, that are in a sense trapped. When you leave this Earth, there is a portion of that personality from that lifetime that can remain in the energetics of Earth (crystalline grid), even while your more pure self, or Truer Self, returns to the room referred to. A portion of you, a portion of your soul, can remain behind. When we took you through the exercise earlier this night of having the dead awaken and come for the judgement, which was simply you, thanking them and them thanking you. This is part of the process that you are going through - to release those lifetimes that are held in that type of energy limbo. Indeed they want to be released from that but do not know how. Indeed it is truly only you that can release them. As we have said before, even Spirit cannot. It is you that must offer this to them. With the enlightenment that you and the others here have you now have the capability to do this, to release your past lives, to allow them to walk through the tunnel of ascension.

< New Earth 11 > Your new house - your castle - has no roof either which is good because roofs are a problem. It does not need a roof on this new house, this castle of yours. All that is brought in is the energy from heaven, energy from the universe and All That Is. Only the appropriate energies of Love can be brought in.

< New Earth 13 > Dear friends, in your new house you are Divine. You are empowered. There is no other on Earth or in the heavens that can hold and use the power the way you can in your new house. You have chosen the service of Spirit in this lifetime. You have chosen to come to this place. You have chosen to now begin working with the energies of all that you are, of your true and divine being. We bless you for being on this journey. We bless you for all that you are about to create in your life. This house is you. It is owned by you and none other. And none other can take it away.

< Creator 2QA > We have mentioned in previous channels that between your human lives on Earth that you do not go Home, so to speak. You do not go back to the original creation, to the first circle. You go back to an in-between zone where you are met by those in the angelic realms, those who have also walked Earthly lives. In a sense when you first arrive at this heavenly way station, because you have released the physical body and because you feel so much lighter, there is a sense that this is heaven, that this is Home. But my friends, we tell you that it is not. You do not return back Home between Earthly lives, for if you did you would not choose to or essentially be able to come back into your circle of Earth. Also if you returned fully Home at this time, you would not recognize it. You would not recognize Home as you knew it before you left. This in itself is the subject of a much greater discussion. But the very work that you have done in your human circle has changed the very nature of what you would call Home.

< Creator 2QA > There is tremendous energy form and structure and activity taking place, things that are not necessarily seen with the human eye. There are tremendous weavings taking place of a new tapestry. And when Cauldre looked into the sky and realized that there was not much out there and that that is not where heaven exists, he asked why would there be such an expansive universe without much there, other than Earth. And our answer was simple - and this is the foundation and the template for the second creation - you are creating it as you go.

< Creator 4 > Understand that quite unlike what your books tell you and what other teachers tell you, there was never a fall from grace. There was never a Lucifer that was thrown out of heaven. These are all metaphors. You experienced the very edge of creation. You experienced something that you had never done before, and it was called duality. That sent you into the second creation. There was an energy that was needed to send you beyond the limits of creation. This duality, this friction created the energy that catapulted you into the second creation called Earth, into where you are right now. It was like feeling the power of the rockets exploding with so much force that it made you forget where you came from. But there was not a fall from grace. We look at it like it was a step from one into two, a step that was taken in love for Spirit and all of us who will follow behind you.

< Creator 4QA > It is to honor her for all she has brought into your life. When one departs Earth and come back to our side of the veil, they often bring with them guilt and tears of sadness. There is energy that they bring back over. It is best to simply honor them. We are somewhat harsh here with you tonight, but so many humans pray for one who has crossed over to the other side, praying that they go to heaven, praying that there is no bad thing for them, like going to hell, praying that they find the right space.

My dear, and all who are here, simply honor them and thank them for the process, for being part of your life. You do not so much understand the energy that we are in back here. We are often curious why you are praying for them to go to someplace that even we do not understand or see. At times it can be confusing to them because there is an energy that is placed around their being that is trying to direct them to a place that does not necessarily exist!

Now, indeed there are legions of angels who guide those who are recently departed safely back on the journey. But it would give those who have crossed over the greatest joy if they looked back and saw another human honoring them. It would begin to dissolve the veil so quickly when they look back and could see that you understood the journey.

< Creator 11 > "It is not about you anymore." Now that you are working in the new energy, you are finding this to be more and more true. It is not about you anymore. You are healing, and have healed, your own past. And now you are healing the pasts of others. There are churches that even understand this concept. They pray for their ancestors. They pray that their ancestors will join them in Heaven no matter what sins have been done. They understand, to a degree, the energy behind this. They understand that there is ancestral karma.

< Creator 11 > You are beginning to understand now that there is not a Father in Heaven as you have been taught in your schools. We will tell you now it is the King and the Queen and the energy is predominantly female, or Queen. The energy of All That Is is predominantly that of birthing and nurturing and loving. Your energy as Jack has been that of a journeyer. It has been that of strength, it has been that of moving forward.

< Ascension 10 > Those who teach your Bible and scriptures tell the story of Michael and how he fought Satan, or Lucifer in the giant battle in the heavens. Michael threw Satan out of heaven. Dear friends, the story is somewhat mixed up, because in the story, the one that is Satan is really you! (audience laughter and Tobias chuckling) But, it made a better story to present it as the devil. It was YOU that left the Order of the Arc, or what would be called "heaven." It was Michael who trained you. It was Michael who gave you the sword and sent you on your way. You were not thrown out of anywhere. You chose to leave this "heaven" and come to Earth. You agreed to it in advance.

< Ascension 10 > The real story is not about a big battle where Satan was thrown out of heaven. It was about your own departure from the Order of the Arc to come to Earth. It was about your journey to find your truth, dear friends. Your truth is your divinity. You had to find it on your own. You had to find it with the elements of duality, and furthermore, with the element of the veil - two very strong forces that hid you from your past, hid you from yourself, and hid you from us for so long. You had to go out on this journey to Earth in a very - how to say - neutral environment to discover your divinity. The Sword of Truth represents your own journey.

< Ascension 11 > You can never, never find God through your head, through your mind. Humans have tried for eons of time. Many of you still try to figure it out in your heads. You think that if you can help to understand the hierarchy of the angels that you will figure out how to get to heaven. It does not work like that. You try to figure out this soul of yours through the mind of yours. It does not go that way.

< DivineHuman 6QA > It is also an interesting metaphor. It has been used by the churches to refer to Hell, to refer to as the opposite of Heaven. When you crossed through the Wall of Fire and went into the Void, you looked back. You looked back, and what did you see? A great Central Sun, a great single brilliant light that was the Wall of Fire surrounding the Kingdom.

< NewEnergy 2 > The energy of suffering and struggling came from the fact that it was difficult to accept your self and your identity. You thought of yourself as something far removed and different from God. Humans felt that they were banished from heaven, punished for having done something wrong, waiting for a savior to pull you out of the depths of the human condition. You believed that you had to crawl on your hands and knees, worship God, be devout and suffer. The struggling and suffering energy has been deeply ingrained in the human condition for some time now.

< NewEnergy 4 > It is the energy of Chiron, the Wounded Warrior… the victim… the warrior who has guilt of what he has done… the wounds, the karma, and the remembrance of the past. So, the Wounded Warrior has to come in right now to be part of this Star of David to say, "Are you ready to release the wounds?"… because that is what keeps the two halves from coming back together. That is what is keeping the union of the male and female from happening - is the Wounded Warrior, Chiron. That is what is keeping the separation of heaven and Earth - Chiron.

< NewEnergy 5 > But, God is not impersonal. God is not simply an energy. God has the character of all creation… the love of All That Is. God has such a presence within you and all around you. And, it is appropriate on this day, on this gathering after the recent alignment of the stars that the energy of God can be here. There is not some far-off place called "heaven." There is not some point a long, long way from here that holds the energy of Spirit and is limited to that. It is all around. It has always been within you, waiting to come forth. It is simple. It is loving, unconditional compassion.

< NewEnergy 9 > So many of you were there during the time of Yeshua, even were there during the time of Moses and the time of Abraham. You've been following… you've been actually leading this whole thing. So many of you were there in the early days of the church with Peter. So many of you helped to start churches all over the world. Some of you got tired of what you had started in the past, and started a whole new church, a whole new way. But, it was just based on the Old Energy, the Old consciousness of God - God is male… God is punishing… God is separate… you see… always separate… living off there somewhere in the heavens, but not manifest here on Earth.

< Embodiment 1 > Yeshua didn't accept either one of these things. He didn't accept that there were gods in - how to say - all of these different types of idols. He didn't accept even that there was a God in some far-off heaven. He didn't. He did not. He has been misquoted so much in Bible. He didn't accept that there were all of these demons. And, he didn't accept that there was this energy of Satan that was going to overtake everyone if they didn't follow some crazy set of rules. So, he went off into the desert to discover for himself. Oh, he believed in what you would call Spirit or God. But, he didn't believe it the way the churches, or any of the cults, or any of the groups were portraying it. He was so confused. Does that ring a bell, Shaumbra?

< Embodiment 8 > There are intelligent, well-meaning people who believe that there is this place called "heaven." They believe, actually literally, in this being called Saint Peter, who has this register and looks you up after you leave Earth to see if you have been naughty or nice (some laughter)… or perhaps that's Santa Claus (more laughter). In that belief, Shaumbra, reality occurs; it does. Reality occurs because the belief system is there because there is this hypnosis that has been laid out, and people have fallen into its trap. So, there is a hell, and there is a heaven. And, there is judgment on the other realms because the other realms are filled with nothing but grand potential.

< Embodiment 8 > You want an experience? You can have it on the other realms, the nonphysical realms. You can go to heaven. You can go to hell. And, there are millions of souls laying in rest, waiting to be judged, waiting for Yeshua. It is difficult. And, you work with them at night. You are the type of EMS workers for those who are so locked into their own beliefs and their own type of hypnosis. Hypnosis works on both sides of the veil. It does. The churches of Earth have laid out this energy of fear, this energy of the devil. And, it still lays so heavy upon mankind. It (religion) is a relatively new creation and invention. Truly, only in the last six or seven thousand years of humankind has there been this hypnosis of religion. Prior to that we didn't have it.

< Clarity 4QA > You probably would assume that even the angels in heaven are taking a look at what feeds them. But, most don't, particularly those beings who have left Earth and who have not gone beyond the Earthbound dimensions. Most of them will never even look at these things, what feeds them. They simply try to jump right back in, coming back to Earth, taking on another lifetime and physical body without the true understanding of what's going on, what's sustaining them and how they're developing and maintaining their consciousness.

< Teacher 4 > For all we created Shaumbra, for all we created on heaven and Earth, they work together. They work together. They are the same. Ultimately, there is no veil. There is no split. It is all the same, just that some walk in physical while others do not. It is all the same about the energy evolving towards this reunion of masculine and feminine. It was our original split. It was our original division within our self and its time is coming to an end.

< (Next) 1 > When you left the Wall of Fire, when you left heaven, All That Is, whatever you want to call it; when you left to become a pure sovereign being, as you went through the Wall of Fire, you imagined and experienced all of the potentials of everything that would ever happen to you outside of Home - outside of Home, outside of the First Circle. That's why it felt so awful. You felt you were ripped into billions of pieces, because you were suddenly experiencing everything, every potential that was to ever be. Well, maybe not all of it. You experienced all of it up until right now.

< (Next) 10 > At the same time all this is going on, there are parts - a lot of parts - of the Near Earth realms … these are the nonphysical realms that you could say surround Earth. That's where the ghosts and the spooks hang out. That's where your aspects that are all screwed up tend to hang out when they're not pestering you. That's where beings with very deep convictions, strong belief systems, particularly those of a religious nature; this is where the addicts and the others hang out in between lives. They don't go to heaven; they don't go to hell. They go to the Near Earth realms, which is kind of heaven and hell all at once.

< e2012 2 > You know now that the only way to heaven, which is actually just awareness, the only way that I know of, that the other Ascended Masters know of, is to love yourself. That's it. It is so simple to me that when you love yourself, it means you've accepted yourself. You've had total compassion for you without having to go to confession or without any sort of remorse - any at all. And I hear the "buts" come out all the time. "But … I did this really bad thing." "But … if I give myself full forgiveness, then I'm probably going to go back and do something bad again." Absolutely not.

< e2012 2 > When a person absolutely loves themselves and has full compassion for themselves, to me, to the other Ascended Masters, there's a very beautiful side benefit. Suddenly, they love everybody else. Suddenly, they have compassion for everybody else. Suddenly, they understand everyone else's journey. Suddenly, they're not trying to push everybody else through this tunnel to heaven first. Suddenly, they're going there first, right to their home first and becoming the Standard.


