edges of creation / edges of the first circle

edge of the All That Is; limits of the kingdom;

< Creator 2 > You were always pushing the envelope, always seeking new experiences, new experiences that allowed the Eternal One, the Creator, God, or Spirit - by whatever name you call the Oneness - to continue to expand. The experiences that you had within the circle of All That Is, within the original creation, allowed that circle to continue to expand. Then you began pushing the outer edges of creation. You began creating at the very fine line of existence of All That Is, if you could possibly fathom that. You began to have experiences there that were given in love by you to Spirit, and accepted by Spirit in thanks and honor.

< Creator 2 > You began to feel a rumble that you had never felt before. You began to feel an uncertainty that was never known within your being. You began to feel a disconnection from Spirit (original separation). In your perception, you began to feel that Spirit was no longer One. That created within you a sense of uncertainty and mistrust. It created within you a sense that all things perhaps were not what you thought they were. The rumbling was the first time that you felt Spirit, the Eternal One, did not have control of everything. You were living on the outer edge of the circle of the first creation. This is, in a sense, the impasse that we have talked of, where you could go no further.

< Creator 2 > At this "edge of creation" you were at, there came to a type of impasse, and then you began feeling - and we emphasize the word "feeling" only - that the core of all things was crumbling. It was coming apart. There was a feeling of uncertainty, a sense of mistrust, and a feeling that there was division (original split) within the house of One. My friends, understand that you were experiencing these feelings because of the work you were doing on the outer edge of Creation. You had gone so far in your work that this impasse was creating a division in itself. It did not come from the core, though that is what you felt, that all things were being pulled apart.

< Creator 2 > There are levels that are difficult to describe here. In this great and grand process that took place, a circle outside of All That Is was created by you and other angels with only the slightest intersection, only the slightest overlap, with All That Is. You and the other angels who were living on the edge of All That Is moved into this new circle. You began experiencing there, forgetting who you had been, forgetting where you had come from. You took with you a new sense of division (veil) and duality that you had never known before, completely shutting the door to Home. You did this in order to create a closed environment to set the foundation energy of the Second Creation. You, the Creators!

< Creator 2 > Do you know, my friends, that when you left the First Creation and you took physical body, you were shocked that you would have to own anything so crude and low? You knew that you would have to carry this body around with you for lifetime after lifetime. You took this human body as punishment for going too far at the edge of the First Creation. That is not so, and we ask you to release all of those thoughts and beliefs now.

< Creator 2 > The biggest challenge will be the remembrance of the time when you lived at the outer edge of the All That Is. This is when you felt the original rumblings of duality and separation, and you lost trust in Spirit. This is what will be coming back to challenge you right now. It is not about your past lives. It is not even about this life. The nightmares you are having are about a different time and a different place and the original feeling of the rug being pulled out from underneath. We are reminding you of this at the very time we are asking you to trust in self. This will be the challenge.

< Creator 3 > To help you understand a bit more of your creative nature, of how things are created, we go back now to a time when you were in the original circle, when you were in the first creation. There you had certain creative powers and abilities. We say "certain," for they were somewhat limited - difficult to describe - but there were underlying parameters of the type of creation that was possible in the first circle. When you came to the edge of this first circle, to the edge of creation, and when you crossed over, you came to this place of Earth that was outside of the first circle. You began living upon Earth. You began walking upon Earth.

< Creator 4 > As difficult as it is to understand here, dear friends, you created with such expression and such passion - passion that is still within you - and finesse that you literally went to the edges of creation. When you got to the edges, there were rumblings. When you got to the edge of creation, my friends, something happened that you and Spirit had never experienced before. It was the transition from oneness into a duality. You were at the fringes of it. You were not in human form at that time. You were in what you would call your light body. But you began to feel changes. You begin to feel something unusual and very uncomfortable.

< Creator 4 > And this was duality. You continued to create and experience at the edge of the first circle. And dear friends, this was a very challenging and difficult time. This is where you first felt disconnected from Spirit. It is when you first felt there was no longer a single harmony but rather an opposing duality. This was all part of the experience that you chose. There was no mistake in this. There was no mistake in what you were doing here.

< Creator 4 > In this zone at the edge of the first circle is where you have experienced some of the most traumatic and difficult things that your soul has ever gone through. If there is ever an understanding of what hell is like, it was there. If there was ever true war and combat, it was there, and this hurt you deeply. It is something you and the others who were there never felt or experienced before. There was disharmony, and there was to an extent an energy destruction.

< Creator 4 > But friends, understand that none of this was a mistake. There had been an agreement with Spirit that you would be explorers, that you would go out to areas of creation that had never been explored before. You would learn something new, and none of you, neither you nor Spirit, nor any of us, knew what this would be. It is now called duality. There was so much energy behind this, so much focus here, so much intensity in this experience at the edge of All That Is, that it literally catapulted you into a new place called the second circle, the second creation. It took you from the caterpillar through the cocoon to be here on Earth.

< Creator 4 > We have said to you before, this idea of karma we do not like so much. We do not like using that word. For it was not karma. It is not karma. What is it, dear friends? For all of the experiences and the events that you experienced at the edge of the first circle, you are now trying to understand, trying to define and solidify and deal with by having a parallel experience on Earth. Separation: you have experiences of separation to help you understand happened at the edge of creation before you came to Earth. Pain: you find experiences of pain here on Earth to help understand and define what happened in that zone before you left the first creation. Imbalance: you find experiences as humans with others humans, experiences of imbalance in your emotions, for instance, to help you understand what happened at the edge of creation.

< Creator 4 > Do you understand what we are saying to you? There is nothing that you have done wrong here on your Earth! You have chosen experiences to help you understand something and to help Spirit understand something that happened a long time ago, but not that long ago. You use Earth and the elements of duality, the physics of duality. You use mass and matter to help you and Spirit understand. You use physical bodies to help you understand, to help you RELIVE the experiences that you had at the edges of the first circle. Your experiences on Earth relate to the experiences in the original Creation. You are now playing them out in duality and matter for deeper understandings and definition. It is not about karma, rather about a REENACTMENT of something that happened in any other time, in another place.

< Creator 4 > Somebody had to jump into this great pool of duality to explore the lowest and the deepest parts of it. Oh, it is easy to be one who simply puts your toe in and says, "I am filled with light for I do not sink. And I gather and collect the sunlight, and therefore I am special." It is difficult, dear friends, when you have taken the challenging path. You have jumped in deep when you agreed to become the alcoholic, to have the worst nightmares of nightmares, to have the most challenges.
And you thought this was just karma. You thought that you were paying debts to yourself. Dear friends, this doesn't even sound logical to pay debts to yourself. You and other Taylors that are family, that are Shaumbra, and that are deeply loved by everyone of us… you have chosen difficult experiences in your lifetimes to help explore the depths of light and dark. You have given much in service by doing these things. You have helped to reenact the energetic experiences from the edge of the first circle, and by doing so, helped Spirit to truly understand something new.

< Creator 4 > You who thinking of your child right now and the difficulty they are going through: understand what they are truly doing. That is compassion, when you can understand. Dear friends, what you are experiencing here on Earth is helping to understand and helping to define that experience that you had at the edge of creation. And you have done that well.

< Creator 4 > Understand that quite unlike what your books tell you and what other teachers tell you, there was never a fall from grace. There was never a Lucifer that was thrown out of heaven. These are all metaphors. You experienced the very edge of creation. You experienced something that you had never done before, and it was called duality. That sent you into the second creation. There was an energy that was needed to send you beyond the limits of creation. This duality, this friction created the energy that catapulted you into the second creation called Earth, into where you are right now. It was like feeling the power of the rockets exploding with so much force that it made you forget where you came from. But there was not a fall from grace. We look at it like it was a step from one into two, a step that was taken in love for Spirit and all of us who will follow behind you.

< Creator 5 > As he pushed forward on his journey, which had now taken months and months of time, he came to the edge of land. He came to water, an ocean like he had never seen before. He had seen lakes, and he had seen rivers, but he had never seen anything like this before. He had heard of grand oceans in the lore of his kingdom. He had heard of the place where land ends. He had heard that it is not to be journeyed past. He had heard that this is where the kingdom ends, and it is not appropriate to go past. Young prince Jack sat up all night long contemplating whether to take the next step. He debated with himself whether to set sail onto the ocean … or to return home.

< Creator 5 > You were the ones who were restless and wanted to explore. You went to the very edges and the limits of the kingdom. You were ones who set sail and went beyond the first circle. You ended up in the place that you now call Earth, that is encompassed by a universe that you are helping to create, even as we sit here on this night. You are the ones who are building the new village, creating the new ways, discovering new things that you could not possibly have discovered in your old kingdom. You are the ones who are creating the templates for the second creation. You are the ones who are trying to remember where you came from, what your roots are, what your origins are.


