light and dark

elements of duality;  the reflection in the mirror;
;  good/bad;  right/wrong;  high/low;  human/spirit;
king/queen;  father/mother;  outward/inward;
positive/negative;  truth/lie;  love・unity・oneness/split・void・anger;

< New Earth 2 > You have lived for many lifetimes not knowing who you are. You have lived in duality. You have lived with the constant conflict of light and dark, of good and bad, of void and love. You have lived in this so long that you accept the dualities as reality. You accept the two faces of the mirror. You have forgotten what the Oneness is like. You have lived, for all of the days of your life on earth, with the dynamics of opposites. What you would call the light and the dark. No matter how, my friends, no matter how hard you tried to move to the light - to be only in the light - there was always the shadow. There was always the darkness that was there with you.

< New Earth 2 > This (duality) has been the set up of your earth and truly of your universe. This has been your path by choice - by your choice - to continually transmute, to change, to integrate the dark and the light. That is why, even when you have tried to be only in the light, darkness was still there and this has been appropriate.

< New Earth 9 > You have been journeying into new areas that even Spirit does not understand. That is why you agreed to come to Earth in the first place. In your lifetimes in the past, in your current lifetime up until recently, you were working under the veil to help to understand the balance of light and dark.
It is only through you, through your work on this Earth, your work in duality, that we learn. It is only through your work that we learn.
You have been pioneers on the forefront, and through you, all of creation, all of God, is learning something of great importance. This is the classroom of the new spiritual energy.

< New Earth 9 > Then there was the measurement in December. The measurement was to determine the energies of the two Earths, the split of consciousness. This was made appropriate by something that happened on a more cosmic level. Prior to this there was at the core of creation the unity of what you would call light and dark - and we caution here that sometimes the human words escape the total appropriateness of the energy of the event. But at the core of your known creation what had once been two parts, light and dark - what had been two mirrors to each other - were brought back into unity. When this occurred, it was then appropriate for the split in consciousness of your Earth.

< New Earth 9 > In the energy of the new Earth as it relates to your physical body - understand that your body chooses to heal. There is not a cell in your body that is not attuned to healing. This is different from your old energy. In your old energy there was the contradiction at times between the energies of light and dark. There was the duality even on your cellular or biological level. In the new energy your body chooses to heal, if you desire to heal. Now this will be a point of much controversy (but most of what we say, henceforth, will be controversial). It will cause much of your old ways to change. You here are the ones who will begin to work with this, to study it, to understand it. Your biology as a Divine Human chooses to heal if you so choose. It is appropriate for you to step out of the way. Your body knows how to heal itself. You do not. Your mind does not know how to.

< New Earth 9 > Your emotions in the new energy will be quite different. There will not be the reason nor the necessity to understand the light and the dark, for, my friends, remember at the core of things, the core of creation, a unity has taken place once again. There is no reason in your new energy to continue understanding or playing the light against the dark. Your emotions now will be free to begin true creation.

< New Earth 9 > From the beginning of our channels there have been two themes of the Crimson Council. First is that there are many changes that are occurring, and certainly you have seen this in your lives, in your own world. The changes have come from the work that you have done, the work with the understandings of the light and dark. The changes continue to happen. As you know, many times when there are changes occurring, this causes difficulty or conflict in your own life. It is not because of anything that you have done wrong. It is not because of judgement of Spirit, but many of the challenges are because you have simply asked to be there, asked to be the ones to know of the workings of all things. And now you are the ones who asked to be the first to understand and to work with the new energies.

< New Earth 9QA > In the new energy there is not the cause and effect that you have been used to in the past. In the past you have called this "karma" at times. You have been playing in the old energy between the energies of light and dark to help understand the balance. In the new energy it is not cause and effect. It is INTENT and CREATION.

< New Earth 12 > From the very time that you first came to Earth until this event approximately one year ago, there has always been the set up of duality, of two forces in your consciousness on your Earth and in your physical universe. It has been the "yin and the yang," the "light and the dark," and in your judgement the "good and the bad," although that is purely a judgement. It has been "male and female," "young and old." Duality has been something that has been a way of life with you. It was the set up, the condition of your consciousness from the very time that you came here. It is the condition that allowed for this, how to say, grand experiment, grand test, but the test was not about you. You were simply facilitating the test.

< New Earth 12 > There have always been two sides, a light and a dark. You moved into this energy and accepted those parameters. You also accepted free will. You accepted the fact that you would not know who you were. You accepted a "spiritual amnesia (veil)." You came to Earth to begin a long, long cycle of lifetimes and learnings and understandings. It will be revealed to you, each of you individually in these coming times of why it was so important for the Eternal One, for Spirit, to know of these things, and why you have participated.

< New Earth 12 > The two forces, the yin and the yang, the light and the dark, had always been separate since the creation of your consciousness. These have now reunited. These came back together at the core of what you would call your being, your consciousness, your universe. What had been "two" returned to "one," but a one of much greater understanding and greater power, greater creativity. And as we mentioned to you a year ago in your time, because of the heaviness of the veil, because of the patterns you have established in your human form, because of your belief systems, it will take a while for the unity at the core of all things to make its way to you, to your daily life. It will take a while. That is what you have been working on this past year. The need for "two" has left. "One" has returned. Each of you has that gift, to be able to access that understanding of the return to Oneness.

< New Earth 14 > Our second truth on this day is that God has no agenda. God has no agenda. Again this may be somewhat difficult to understand. You, especially the ones that have been called "Warriors of the Light," have assumed that you were supposed to go in one direction, a direction that you have called light. God has no agenda like the human does. God does not understand "good" or "bad," "light" or "dark," "right" or "wrong." These are human conceptions and terms. There is no agenda. Therefore, dear friends, we ask why do you judge yourself so harshly? There is no agenda here. It is about experience. Your journey is about experience. From all that you do and all that you go through, this gives all of creation important feedback. But again there is no agenda.

< Creator 1 > What you have been experiencing in your life, what you have been observing all around you has been duality - light and dark, right and wrong, good and bad, love and anger. You have been taking a side, so to speak. You have been fighting for that side. You have been a willing and strong warrior. But my friends, all of those activities existed within duality, and you are now moving outside of duality to a new place of oneness.

< Creator 3 > Your true creative ability, your true Creator ability, was hidden from you in the very essence of duality. There was a reason for this. Part of the reason, as we have mentioned, is that the second circle, the circle of the energies of Earth and of your physical universe exists outside of All That Is. You deal with an energy called "duality," which is the two different sides, what you would call the "light" and the "dark," the "good" and the "bad," the opposite face, the reflection in the mirror.

< Creator 3 > As you live in the divine moment there is no longer the need for the two different parts of duality, or for the two different tines of your tuning fork to be out of phase. As you live in the divine moment the energies of these two can now come back into phase. They can begin to resonate at the same frequency levels that are appropriate. There is no longer the need here for a balance of 1/3 and 2/3. The balance is brought back to one and one.

< Creator 3 > The two tines of your tuning fork represent the DNA, the two known DNA strands that form the helix. There is a light and a dark, or a positive and a negative. They have been singing out of phase with each other intentionally. They have been operating at frequencies that cause friction. This was to help you understand duality. Now, dear friends, as you live in the divine moment, as you allow this tuning fork to come back into frequency, it is at your very cellular level. It is at the core of your DNA that these two strands will begin working together again. As they do, it will draw to you all things that are appropriate in your life. As they do, it will also help to heal all of the past scars within your body. It will reverse the process of aging that is taking place within you. It will mend the wounds both physically and emotionally, but it will require you to live in the divine moment.

< Creator 5 > Prior to coming to this place of Earth, you had always been in the "oneness" mode, the singular mode. All of your creations were done in a framework of oneness. When you crossed through the wall of fire, you took on the attributes of duality. This was Jack's experience. This is what Jack wanted to feel and experience. And indeed he did. And indeed you all did! There was no longer the oneness that you felt, but rather "two." There was the light and the dark, the positive and the negative, however you want to state this. As we have mentioned before, there was always the balance of energies of approximately 2/3 and 1/3.

< Creator 5 > As we have mentioned before, there was always the balance of energies of approximately 2/3 and 1/3. Within the deepest level of your being, there are the energy components that make up who you are, and that respond to your desire for experiences. Imagine there is one white marble and one black marble. These make up your core. Now also imagine that there is one clear marble. Depending on the experiences that you choose, the clear marble will take on attributes of either the light or the dark. The clear marble will transform, and for a period of time in your life, it will take on the attributes and the coloring of the white marble. You will then have an energy balance within your being of two parts white, one part dark. And you will go through a series of experiences with this balance of energy to provide the appropriate "friction," to provide the appropriate challenges, to make your experience fulfilling.

< Creator 5 > Generally, the white marble has usually stayed white, and the black marble has usually stayed black. The clear marble is the one that changes, moving back and forth between the white and black. However, there have been periods of time where the white marble and the black marble would reverse their polarities, for they indeed are just mirrors of each other. The black would become white and the white would become black. And at times this greatly confused the clear marble! Now these changes of polarity occurred very infrequently, every several thousands of years. It happened not just within your individual being, but within the consciousness of the planet in general. This shift of polarities, from light to dark and dark to light, would take hundreds of years to react through your population, but it only occurred every several thousands of years.

< Creator 5 > What is happening now, dear friends, is that the polarity shift between the light and dark is occurring very rapidly. No longer does it occur even few thousand years. You are seeing the polarity shift now - where the white marble and the dark marble are changing attributes - every few years. It is happening that quickly. The clear marble will attempt to take on attributes of the light and dark but again is becoming very confused as to which is which! (chuckling)

< Creator 5 > This is a difficult process to go through. Your biology, in particular, has not yet adjusted to this new element that is coming in. Your emotions are definitely not adjusted to it. You are accustomed to working in duality - good or bad, right or wrong - depending on what particular day it is and depending on the coloration of the third clear marble.

< Creator 7 > At some point there came, as we have talked of before, an impasse. Things could go no further. The conflicts, the battles between what you would call the light and the dark were at a stalemate. The universe, as you knew it, even stopped growing. At that point there was a decision, a consensus, an agreement to go to this place of Earth, and for once and all cross through the final veil. You agreed to cross the final barrier, to literally take on a very dense human form, to have your being go into that form that you know of as your body. You agreed to live in complete amnesia of who you were, to walk through the cycles of life and death, and what you call karma, to come full circle back around again, to remembering who you were before you ever crossed through the wall of fire.

< Creator 8 > There were many, many entities in your new and growing universe at that time, and the standoff had gotten to the point where neither side, neither energy (light and dark) of duality could function or move. There was no expanding forth of energy, for at the very core of all things there is always the desire to expand forth. This was counter to all things that had ever been known by Spirit, and all things that had ever been known by Jack. We speak in many metaphors on this night.

< Creator 8 > There were many entities who gathered. This is the forming of what you would now call councils or energy families, celestial families (Order of the Arc). They met, and at the highest levels of these families, there was an agreement to descend, to lower the vibration of certain entities, certain angels, representing both sides (light and dark) of duality. In this lower vibrational form these entities would take on what you now know as biology. They would take on mass. Part of the reason for this was so that creation would not occur so fast as it had before. It would be slowed down. There would be opportunities to live through experience. There would be opportunities to assess and evaluate and to help balance. When you were angels in your newly forming universe, you created almost as quickly as thought. At times this got out of hand. At times, dear friends, you did not know which side (light or dark) you were on! You did not know how to properly assess your own energy and things seemed out of control.

< Creator 8QA > When Jack the Prince left the kingdom he had passion. In all of his days in the kingdom, he had passion. This is what propelled him. This is what drove him. This is what caused him to journey to new places. When he went through the Wall of Fire he was shattered in many pieces, yet in every fragment of him there was still his passion. When Jack opened his eyes on the other side of the Wall of Fire, his passion was still within him. The passion was deeper than ever, more brilliant than ever. When he opened his eyes and saw his opposite and when the battles began it was because the passion emerged in both sides of duality. The passion was like a dance. The passion was the reason to continue going forward.

< Creator 9QA > Most humans have been taught that there is right and wrong. It is the old duality, the old energy. In the new energies you are finding that there is the ALL. It is no longer about left, right, or center. It is no longer about the white marble and the dark marble. It is about the "four" that work together.

< Creator 10 > When you came to Earth with your Free Will and you took on duality, your Free Will allowed you to see the mirrors of who you were. The Free Will allowed you to see the light and to see the dark. It allowed you to see up and to see down, but in a sense Free Will with a veil is very limited, as you have discovered. Many of you have even questioned whether you truly DID have Free Will or if you were simply puppets for the angels or for Spirit. But no, indeed you had Free Will the whole time.

< Creator 10 > You have had this gift and this tool of Free Will ever since it was bestowed on you as a gift from Spirit when you crossed through the Wall of Fire. You have had this gift with you for eons of time now. It has served you well to create something in the void, to create the universes and the galaxies and the stars. Free Will has served you well while you have incarnated on Earth. It has allowed you to make the choices between the light and the dark, the white marble and the dark marble. It has allowed you to experience duality in a very limited way with a veil over you. It has allowed you to experience duality in a very defined fashion.

< Creator 11 > For those who walk on earth in the female biology in this lifetime, you will appreciate the fact that in the Kingdom, sitting on the throne, is predominantly a "female" energy. It is not balanced 50/50, male to female. In your way of thinking, Spirit and All That Is is predominantly female. And again, we caution here. We are using terms for the easiest understanding.

< Creator 11 > The female energy, as you know, is one that births. It is one that is creative. It is one that is filled with love and nurturing. The Kingdom is predominantly nurturing, predominantly creative, predominantly birthing. So therefore we say that the energy of Home is predominantly female. Isn’t it interesting that in your society you refer to God and to Spirit as "Father." It should be "Mother"! It should be Mother. And that is why we are speaking of this in this energy. It is time for a healing to take place. It is time for a change in the energy. The new energy, dear friends, that you are moving in to has a dominant "female" energy. It is balanced, but it reverts back to what you knew in the Kingdom.

< Creator 11 > This creation of the love of the King and the Queen was male in energy for many reasons. The male energy is generally - and again, we use metaphors and symbols - the male energy is an energy that goes to journey. It seeks and journeys. Even in the Kingdom, the male energy was one that had the strength and stability and was also the one that journeyed. So the King and the Queen gave birth to a son, one of male energies, so that it could journey on their behalf.

< Ascension 1 > You look back on when you came to Earth in this lifetime. For some it was shortly before the great war (World War II), the war of light and dark. You knew your energies would be needed on Earth during this war and immediately after it. You knew that this was a turning point and a challenging time for all of human history. You knew prior to coming in that there was a great karmic clearing that would take place and with it all the learnings and the understandings and the emotions. This was a phenomenal time period shortly before your World War II. It was, as your books and prophets would say, the final battle, the final battle of light and dark.

< Ascension 1 > But you know, dear friends, it (World War II) really was not about light and dark. It was the final clearing for much of humankind. It was the final clearing for major spiritual families that had came in. For the ones of Israel - indeed - it was a time of clearing and retribution, with the rest of the world watching. The world watched to see if they would hide, or to see if they would take part, to see if they would raise their swords for justice and love, or to see if they would turn their back on their own brothers.

< Ascension 3 > We want you to understand some of the terminology. We are limited, in a sense, by your human languages. We want you to understand first that there is a difference between "void" and "creation." There is a difference also between "light" and "dark." When you left Home, to create the Second Creation, you went into the void. This was not dark. This was not evil. It was nothing. It was so "nothing" that not even darkness existed. You went into void, into consciousness that had never been gone into before, in order to create something new out of nothing.

< Ascension 6 > When you were at home in the Kingdom eons of time ago - but not so long ago at all - the energy was about oneness and singularity. When you left Home, went through the Wall of Fire and eventually came to Earth, it was about "2." It was about polarity. It was about the mirror image. It was about seeing yourself, dear God, in a new and different way that you could have not seen in the energy of "1." So, you created "2." You have been in that energy for so very, very long. Earth has been about the energy of "2," polarity, light and dark, the lessons of good and bad, male and female, opposites. Your journey on Earth has been to understand, at the most intimate levels, what duality, what "2" was about.

< Ascension 7 > Control of another is old, and we have found that this does not work so well. That is an agenda. It is an agenda that you could say is of the dark. Do you know that there is another agenda, an agenda that some of you here might be guilty of? You will argue until the end of the day that you are right. I ask you to look in the mirror at your agenda. You are the ones who call yourselves the "peacemakers," the "liberators," the ones who pray for world peace. Do you know that you have an agenda also? "No," you say, "but Tobias, peace is good." We will not argue that, but we tell you that you have an agenda. Call it an "agenda of the light." That perpetuates the agenda of the dark. You play the game also. We speak here of letting go of your agenda.

< Ascension 7 > Know no agenda, dear friends. Oh, you will be highly challenged with this. You will feel naked without agenda in your life. You will feel that you are - how to say - without backbone. You will feel like a jellyfish without strength, because up until now agenda has given you strength, great strength. When your agenda was strong, you were strong. You became strong in the Light or strong in the Dark. You were strong in the battle of duality. For a period of time you might feel wobbly. You might feel like Jell-O without agenda. You might feel like running back to duality, where there is a security blanket of agenda.

< Ascension 7 > So many of you have had such strong agenda these past years. You called yourself Lightworkers. Wonderful beings. It was a blanket that protected you from the realities of the world around you, a blanket that made you feel good. "I am a warrior of the light," you said. "You are fighting a battle of duality," we say.

< Ascension 7QA > As you "know no agenda," we want you to apply this to yourself more than anything else. You are more filled with agendas when it comes to yourself and what you think is right or wrong… what you should or shouldn't be doing… how you should act… how you should dress… where you should be in life for the age that you are… how you think your family perceives you… what your parents might have wanted you to do. These are all YOUR agendas on YOURSELF.

< Ascension 8 > Now, you used this energy of duality to create the universe, and to go explore. You used it to understand the depth of the dark and the height of the light. As you used these energies back and forth, it brought new meaning and new identity to who you were. And, they also worked to propel each other. For, if you had not had the energy of "dark," "light" would have been static. If you had not had the energy of "light," "dark" would have gone into an abyss. They work together!

< Ascension 8 > You have used the opposing energies of the light and the dark to help propel you forward, to help move your consciousness forward. They have been important elements for you. That is why we say, "Be careful when you speak of being Lightworkers." You are ' all' workers. You are divine workers. Be careful, dear friends, when you speak of being Warriors of the Light, because you are also Warriors of the Dark.

< Ascension 8 > We spoke to you a month ago about agenda. When you have agenda, it energizes one of the elements of duality (light or dark). And, that is fine and wonderful when you are still playing that game of duality. Have agenda all day long, and you will see the effects! You will polarize one end, and that will cause an equal and opposite reaction in the other part of duality. When you place all the emphasis on the light, that also builds the dark, and vice versa (mirror each other). That is why neither polarity, the light or dark, has ever been able to win over the other in the course of all humanity, and in the course of the universe, and in the course of your own soul.

< Ascension 8 > Have an agenda towards one thing, and it has an equal and opposite energetic reaction towards the other. No, this is not karma. This is spiritual physics. This is playing! This is having fun! Oh, it would be so boring, if there was only light! What would you do? You would have no experience. So, when you polarize one marble, it also affects the other.

< Ascension 8 > You have done so much to avoid the lows and the pains and the darkness and the negative and the bad. But, it has all been part of you. It has been part of this grand game, if you call it that, or grand experience. Embrace all of it now. Release the agendas about the right and the wrong. Release the agendas about what others need and about what the world needs at this point. Embrace the highs and the lows, because they ARE all part of the same.

< Ascension 8 > That is why we have spoken so ADAMANTLY about these drugs of yours. They take away the light and the dark. ALL of those elements are important. You need the ups and downs. It is how they are polarized now, how you work them within you.

< Ascension 8 > The reason why the soon-to-be children come in today is because they want to understand this also. They have a journey in front of them. But, they want to see a group of humans who has come to the point where duality can be released. They want to see a group of humans who has transcended the old energetic ways of duality. They want to see how this new group accepts the dark and the light, the up and the down… accepts all these… no longer struggles, trying to get out of the void… no longer tries to cling to the high points… but understands that the rhythms of this are all appropriate, and in doing so, that there is no energizing of the old elements of duality.

< Ascension 8QA > When we speak of New Energy, indeed it is so very true. The old ways of duality are leaving. They (white and black) are melding together (new love)… going through a sacred alchemy of their own. This is releasing the need for the interplay between the dark and the light that has always existed. They do not need to drive each other like they have in the past.

< Ascension 8QA > In duality, energy was created when one element, perhaps the dark, collided with the light. Those aspects of who you are, in a sense, were bashing into each other and creating an energy as a result of the collision. That is how energy was created. Oh, in these months and years to come, it will seem so crude the way you used to produce energy to move you forth. The energy of love will fulfill itself and complete itself over and over and over again. Dear friends, love does not need to be understood in the mind. It does not. Love, this new understanding of love, will not come from the mind. It will come from all parts of your being. That is why we needed to talk of the Language of Ah before we ever got to this point.

< Ascension sp > There is a New Energy that is blossoming, and it is coming up within you. And, in this is a new physics of love, a new balance of energy. In the past you knew love as a mirror. You learned of love through the mirror. You learned of it by playing this game of duality - light and dark, good and bad. That is how your consciousness grew. Yes, and there were times when you found another who you loved so much. But, in a sense, they were a mirror to you, that mate or spouse, that family member, that dear friend. You came to understand love by looking in the mirror, by going through the steps of duality.

< Ascension sp > In the new understanding of love the elements of duality come together in a dance. In the new understanding of love there is no mirror anymore from you to the outside, or from you to yourself. In the new understanding of love, there is a marriage that takes place. And, it is within you. It is all of those elements that are you. It is the light and the dark joining together as a new type of illumination. It is not light like what you have thought of before. And it is not the void of darkness. It is a new illumination.

< Ascension sp > In the new understanding of love, there is a marriage of the elements. These elements have always been there. In a sense, they were opposing each other, bumping into each other. This action transformed energy from one state to another. But, it was not new energy. It was only the transofmration of existing energy. In the new understanding of love that is coming into you, there is something new being created. It is no longer simply a transformation of energy from one form of consciousness to the other. The new understanding of love IS New Energy.

< Ascension sp > You change your consciousness. You allow it to soar to new heights by releasing the Old. Releasing. Releasing… a rather challenging and difficult thing it is for humans, I know. I, Tobias, walked in sandals at one time. Releasing is difficult . There is a fear that comes from the elements of duality that makes it difficult to release until something new is there to take its place. But, the New Energy does not work like that. It is releasing today in the "now," in the moment. And, immediately a new consciousness will come forth, a consciousness that is the meld of the wisdom of the past and the potential of the future.

< Ascension sp > Duality is shifting its consciousness into a New Energy. It is no longer of light and dark, no longer of good and bad. Duality is shifting its consciousness into a New Energy, what we have called the energy of "four." Four is a very stable energy, a balanced energy. With it will come new learnings and new understandings and indeed New Energy. But, because of this rapid shift, we find that you are at a delicate point. Your Earth is at a very delicate point.

< Ascension 10QA > Indeed, we heard the discussion earlier on this day about your movie, "Star Wars." This is your past. This is your past. It was about duality. It was about the conflict between the light and dark. It was about individuals or groups trying to consume others for their energy. Again, as we have talked about, this was done because you were all trying to find your way back Home. You felt that if you could conquer others and take them over, then you could find your way back Home.

< DivineHuman 1 > We, Shaumbra, embrace all aspects. We understand that the light, and the dark, and the neutral serve a purpose. We embrace all of the things we have done in the past, whether we have judged them to be light or dark. We embrace all of the things of other humans that we meet along the path. We understand some of them are playing out old roles, old karma. We embrace them. We do not judge them. We understand where they are on their jouney. We understand that the darkness also serves the light, also creates the new experience. We embrace all elements… light, dark, neutral, and everything in between. For, in this completeness of energy, we truly then know we are Divine Humans.

< DivineHuman 5QA > There are old rules in the old churches about what is right and wrong. And, these do nothing but to intensify duality. There are many rules even in your New Age about what is right and what is wrong. We find that so many who are awakening on the spiritual path seek out teachers of the New Age and find themselves confronted with as many rules as they had from the old churches.

< DivineHuman 5QA > Duality was a wonderful game that you (God) created to help you see both sides of yourself, to help you see the mirror in order for you to understand who you were (* in the kingdom). But, now you are moving into a time and energy of "I Am. I Am Spirit. I Am God also. I Am the light, and I Am the dark. I Am That I Am." (* re-uniting of the king and the queen, male and female)

< NewEnergy 4QA > But, for those Shaumbras who are in this land of Israel and any of the neighbors surrounding that land, it is a time for the realization that this can be healed. It is a time to bring back together the Star of David, which originally was the shape of a diamond - four points - to bring these back together in this New Energy of four. It is time to bring this together for all of you here - even in your own lives - to provide the melding of these two pieces back together, as we spoke of… the male, the female, the light, the dark, the divine, the human… to bring these all back together.

< NewEnergy 12 > Let us talk for a moment here about the energies of light and dark, the original energies of duality, the two basic and prime energies that have existed up until now. There is the light, which we call the AH (pronounced like "awe") energy. And, there is the dark, which we call the OH (pronounced like "owe") energy. They emanate from the same source. They are simply different expressions (the mirror for each other). The AH and the OH - the original sounds, dear Shaumbra, the original vibrations coming across somewhat crudely in the human language.

< NewEnergy 12 > Take a moment here together to listen to the AH, the real music and vibration of AH - what you experienced when you first left Home, the light energy - AH. Take a moment to feel the OH energy. Listen. Listen to the OH - the opposite of AH - the negative, the dark. AH… and the OH… the original sounds, the original vibrations when you left Home… the original parts of you… the AH and the OH… so much a part of each other and so deeply in love… oh, like two lovers sharing an experience together… committing to be together forever… committing to be in service to each other… committing to love each other unconditionally.

< NewEnergy 12 > The OH energy has taken on all of the attributes of "dark," all of the attributes of "negative," all of the attributes of the pain in honor and compassion for the AH energy. The OH energy has allowed itself to be separated in consciousness from the AH energy because the AH energy couldn't bear to look at it any longer. Because the darkness was being absorbed within the OH energy, it became burdened. It became crippled. It became ugly. It became vile in the eyes of the AH. Dear friends, what we are talking about here is the separation of light and dark, the reality of what light and dark energies are. They are nothing like humanity understands them to be right now.

< NewEnergy 12 > Take a moment to look at the OH energy, the dark energy. It isn't what it appears to be at all. Humanity, individual humans continue to fight the light and dark within themselves. This provides a barrier, a wall, which prevents them from integrating everything of who they truly are. It prevents them from truly living in the New Energy. By separating the light and the dark within themselves, it prevents them from experiencing the joys and the miracles that life offers. Dear friends, we ask you to take a moment with us. Look beyond the obvious of the darkness, of the OH energy. Let us feel the compassion that this energy has had, the lover who would do anything for you.

< NewEnergy 12 > Let us embody the OH and the AH. Let us release old mental thinking and images of what darkness was and what divinity was. Let us let it all flow together in this safe and sacred space. This is where the healing of the soul is right here, right now, dark and light back together.

< Embodiment 1 > You have felt it (the darkness is the divinity). You have known something that was being taught by the spiritual teachers, the churches, wasn't quite right. You have tried to make it right. You have tried to join in and participate. You have tried to make yourself feel perhaps what the others were feeling, but you couldn't because you have always known something different. From 2000 years ago you have understood inside what this whole issue of the light and the dark is. You have understood that there are no outside demons… unless of course you want there to be, you see.

< Embodiment 7 > You are souled. You have the ability to initiate potential into energy form and have it manifest. When you begin to manifest potential, when you begin to create energy back in this thing that we call "the field," you could say that it is expressed in a series of energy attributes. I am going to oversimplify this for the sake of understanding. But, you would express it in either a plus or a minus. Those are the basic elements… or positive/negative… however you want to express this.

< Embodiment 7 > Then, you start to put together all of these elements. There may be a series of pluses and a few minuses. Now, you see energy as taking shape. And, yes, there is a correlation between that and what you would call your new digital society. It is very similar, very parallel. You are going back to the origins and back to the understanding of energy. When you tap into "the field," you use a series of positives and negatives to begin shaping that potential, that energy, into something.

< Embodiment 7 > To take something, to take raw energy and convert it into matter is a very complicated, very complex equation. It is a massive series, massive series of pluses and minuses. The pluses and minuses tend to align themselves in a type of spiral. The spiral generally would have 12 elements to it. In the center of the 12 spiraling elements is a neutral element, or what you can say the connection back to "the field." If this sounds like the DNA model, it is. But, we don't call it DNA. We call it "energy structuring." Off of any of these 12-stranded energy structures, it spins other structures in every direction, every dimensional direction.

< Embodiment 7 > Now, you deal generally with three or sometimes what you would call four dimensions. But, imagine now going back to "the field," tapping into it with a simple plus and minus, and now starting to add more pluses, more minuses, sometimes a lot more pluses, sometimes a lot more minuses. But, this helps you take energy and now turn it into something. All of these little structures turn into these 12-stranded-type-of-energy particles. And, they are eventually brought into your human reality to create the illusion that you have now, a very complex structure, very detailed.

< Embodiment 7 > So, with this understanding of energy, knowing that it is actually not real, knowing that energy truly at its core, core source does not have a positive and negative, you can begin to understand how this thing called the material world that you live in seems so real. But, it is not. It is pure illusion, pure illusion, but so highly structured that it seems real. It seems like you can't get out of it at times. It seems that you're stuck in this whole cycle of incarnations. It seems that you have to rely on help from the celestial realms to get out. And, you don't… you don't. You're not trapped in this at all.

< Embodiment 7QA > It's all imagination. You use your imagination. But, the imagination seems so real and so tangible that you define it as these sets of actions that take place. It is just your imagination. You are expressing a potential. That is all energy is. Once you understand that… once you understand that you can't force it… and that it truly at its core doesn't have any dualistic elements… at its core it is generally a nothingness waiting to be expressed… then we can start doing some work. Then, you can do things like transmutation.

< Embodiment 12 > There is no energy. It doesn't exist. There is nothing but potential. "The field," the grid - whatever you want to call it - is nothing but potential in a neutral state of being, waiting to be activated by consciousness, whether it is group, family, or individual. The true source of all is in a neutral state of being, all potential, all neutral. It has no agenda… it has no desires… it has no movement of its own until it is activated by consciousness. When it is activated, it takes on attributes of energy. It takes on different types of balances of what you would call positive or negative, plus and minus, masculine/feminine… however you want to term it. But, it takes on attributes of duality. And, then it goes to work.

< Embodiment 12 > There is always a balance of this positive to minus. Generally, as we have said in previous Shouds, there is a two-third/one-third balance. But, it is always changing. And, it tends to resort back to a two-third/one-third balance, whether it is a balance towards positive, a balance towards minus. But, that is an Old Energy attribute. That is the way the Old Energy world literally operates and is fueled.

< Embodiment 12 > But, now in the New Energy, God (all that is/all things) is simply expression (of neutral poential/source). It doesn't need power. It doesn't even need the old negative and positive. Imagine and feel for a moment, existing and creating in your world that doesn't need to activate negative and positive. It doesn't need the Old Energy balances. It operates in a New Energy type of expression. You see, expression and force, or power, are two different things. We know we are dealing with semantics here. And, the English language sometimes is very limiting. But, imagine… feel for a moment operating in a synchronistic life where you don't have power. It is simply pure, clear expression. That is one very important thing to remember. God is not power. God is expression.

< Clarity 4QA > Indeed… if you take a look at the energy, or in the case of what we were discussing today - how energy feeds you - truth and lies basically are the exact same energy. There is no difference. They are both illusions. But, they are different expressions of an illusion. A lie generally tends to try to avoid reality. It tries to create a false aspect of reality outside of itself because it can't bear to see its truth. A lie tends to be a segment or an aspect of the truth that doesn't want to look at itself for whatever reason. You would consider it to be - how to say - a dark energy that is trying to deny itself, whereas the truth is an energy that's trying to accept itself and understand itself. But, both energies come from the exact same place.

< Clarity 6 > It has to be balanced. Why? Because you're understanding the light and dark… you're bringing them together. You're doing a soul eclipse. You're marrying the two. Money doesn't ever have to be out of balance… relationships never out of balance… love…sex… food… all of these things, never out of balance because you've chosen to come here. By the way, some of you worry; you say, "Well, but I'm coming into balance. I'm learning these things. I'm truly ready to accept the gifts and the joy into my life. But, what if I slide backwards?" There is a spiritual physics that almost makes it impossible - not totally, but almost makes it impossible - because you reach a certain level of enlightenment. You cannot erase enlightenment… you see. You cannot erase it.

< Teacher 4 > This division of masculine and feminine came before the split of light and dark. It came before the split of negative and positive. This masculine and feminine separation of the soul, or the illusion of the separation, goes far, far, far back and there are many, many implications of it because of the division that was caused in energy. There are many energies and groups and individuals who are very bought into this old split. Many who are very vested into a more masculine energy, many who are vested into a more feminine energy. So right now here on planet Earth you are experiencing some of what is taking place with this New Energy of evolution that is seeking to bring back and reunite masculine and feminine.

< Teacher 4 > In your next evolution of yourself, what you would call your next lifetime that can occur within this physical body lifetime, in your next lifetime you will not have a split energy of masculine and feminine. And if you could understand the implications of this you would also understand you will not have the duality energies. You will not have the light and dark energies. You will not have the good and bad. You will not carry duality in your new consciousness.

< Teacher 4QA > It is appropriate for you to also spend the time with your masculine and feminine. Give them the space, give them the energy, give them the love, for they come back together again to reunite. In a sense you could say to annihilate the old concept of division and to replace it with a higher consciousness - an expanded consciousness of a total self. And as this whole elimination of the need for separation occurs, it also lets go of the duality within you - the need to have a light and a dark, a good and a bad. It eliminates the need even of this thing that we call the veil.

< Master 2 > So, Sananda is about light and this world needed light. That's why all of you (Linda of Eesa) are here. The consciousness of the angels needed to understand light in density, in this reality, so you came here. Sananda brings light in, so you came from that. Many of you came from other spiritual families - it doesn't matter anymore because they kicked you out. (laughter) They did. They did, because you know what, Pete? You asked them to, Pete. A long time ago, when you left the Order of Michael you said, "When I get to a certain point, when I send you a signal back, kick me out. Release me of my spiritual family."


