energy of Jack that divided into two
parts after crossing through the Wall of Fire;
energy of King (light,
positive, outward, you) and Queen
(darkness, passive, inward,
< NewEnergy 12 > Let us talk for a moment here about the energies of light and dark, the original energies of duality, the two basic and prime energies that have existed up until now. There is the light, which we call the AH (pronounced like "awe") energy. And, there is the dark, which we call the OH (pronounced like "owe") energy. They emanate from the same source. They are simply different expressions (the mirror for each other). The AH and the OH - the original sounds, dear Shaumbra, the original vibrations coming across somewhat crudely in the human language.
< NewEnergy 12 > Take a moment here together to listen to the AH, the real music and vibration of AH - what you experienced when you first left Home, the light energy - AH. Take a moment to feel the OH energy. Listen. Listen to the OH - the opposite of AH - the negative, the dark. AH… and the OH… the original sounds, the original vibrations when you left Home… the original parts of you… the AH and the OH… so much a part of each other and so deeply in love… oh, like two lovers sharing an experience together… committing to be together forever… committing to be in service to each other… committing to love each other unconditionally.
< NewEnergy 12 > So, as the AH and the OH energies within you began the experience outside of Home, there was such tremendous love between them, such compassion and sharing that the OH energy - the dark energy - said to the AH, "I love you so much that I will take on all of your pain. I have so much compassion for you that I will take on everything that you don't love about yourself. I have so much joy in the journey that you are about to embark on that I will take on everything that you don't like about your journey. I love you that much." And, over the course of eons of time and many lifetimes on Earth, the AH and the OH energy have been playing together, have been supporting each other, have been loving each other.
< NewEnergy 12 > The OH energy has taken on all of the attributes of "dark," all of the attributes of "negative," all of the attributes of the pain in honor and compassion for the AH energy. The OH energy has allowed itself to be separated in consciousness from the AH energy because the AH energy couldn't bear to look at it any longer. Because the darkness was being absorbed within the OH energy, it became burdened. It became crippled. It became ugly. It became vile in the eyes of the AH. Dear friends, what we are talking about here is the separation of light and dark, the reality of what light and dark energies are. They are nothing like humanity understands them to be right now.
< NewEnergy 12 > Humanity continues to battle light and dark. Humanity continues to try to annihilate the dark. Humanity continues to try to dump all of what it doesn't love about itself in the darkness, in the OH energy. Humans, individual humans, do this to themselves. Everything they fear… everything they reject… everything they deny about themselves is dumped into the OH energy. And, the OH has taken on this role, taken on this whole role of the darkness. And, as you know, then the human thinks that they have to battle the dark. They have to annihilate the dark. They have to get rid of the dark. But, Shaumbra, as you already know, it cannot be done. It is all part of the same (the mirror for each other).
< NewEnergy 12 > Take a moment to look at the OH energy, the dark energy. It isn't what it appears to be at all. Humanity, individual humans continue to fight the light and dark within themselves. This provides a barrier, a wall, which prevents them from integrating everything of who they truly are. It prevents them from truly living in the New Energy. By separating the light and the dark within themselves, it prevents them from experiencing the joys and the miracles that life offers. Dear friends, we ask you to take a moment with us. Look beyond the obvious of the darkness, of the OH energy. Let us feel the compassion that this energy has had, the lover who would do anything for you.
< NewEnergy 12 > All energy seeks resolution. And, in this moment the darkness seeks to be released from the role that it has played within you. It seeks to be released as the dumping grounds… the demon… the bad and the evil… the unacknowledged… and the hated. It has carried this burden for so very long now. It wants to come back to you. It wants to love you in a whole new way. It wants to be in love with you in a whole new way. It is not at all what you have thought it was. All energy seeks resolution. And, what you have called the "dark"… the "negative"… the "bad"… is simply part of you.
< NewEnergy 12 > Dear friends, THE DARKNESS IS YOUR DIVINITY. It has been hidden away. It has been hidden away for so very long. Oh, yes, indeed, the divine IS the darkness. That will give you all something to ponder for a long, long time.
< NewEnergy 12 > But, in this safe energy that we are all sharing together, I want you to take a whole new look at what AH and OH truly are. OH - the divinity that loved you so very much that it took on all of your burdens and pains, all of your darkness - it seeks resolution. It wants to come back right now. It wants to stop playing the game of AH and OH, and simply be the unified tone within you. OH seeks to come back.
< NewEnergy 12 > OH… and you have been calling out for it for so very long. But, you were denying what was there, weren't you. Calling out to your divinity, "Where, oh, where is it? Where is the golden angel? Where is the God within? Why has my divinity… why has my God forsaken me? Why am I alone here on Earth? Why don't I hear the voice of Spirit?" Dear friends, it has been there all the time. It is the OH. It is what you have labeled the darkness, the negative. It has been your spiritual landfill for everything you didn't like about yourself. It is time to let that go now.
< NewEnergy 12 > It is the Shadow that has always been there, dear friends, always closer to you than anything else… the Shadow that you have been afraid of for so many times… the Shadow that you didn't want to look at because there were parts of yourself you wanted to deny, that you wanted to reject, that you didn't love. Oh, the OH loved you so much that it took all of this on with the greatest compassion, the greatest compassion ever, ever imagined. OH took on every imbalance, every bit of suffering, every bit of self-loathing, and self-doubt. You've dumped it there, and the love of OH, hidden by the veil of darkness, has held it so that you could continue experiencing.
< NewEnergy 12 > The Shadow has always been there. As we told a group some six months ago, think about it in these terms. A shadow can only exist when light shines upon a unique spiritual identity - you. When the light of Home and the source of God shine upon your soul, your individual being, it casts a shadow. Those beings who have no soul have no shadow. It is only you who were given the gift of true spiritual identity and creatorship. It is only you that has a shadow.
< NewEnergy 12 > Let us embody the OH and the AH. Let us release old mental thinking and images of what darkness was and what divinity was. Let us let it all flow together in this safe and sacred space. This is where the healing of the soul is right here, right now, dark and light back together.
< Embodiment 1 > While you were doing your thing, not conscious of other things going on around you, the energy of the OH, the holder of the darkness, your divinity, wants to share with you what it was doing… you see. Oh, it wasn't doing it here on Earth so much. It wasn't doing it in any part of the physical universe that you know. The energy of the OH was embracing you the entire time. It was living through other experiences for you, other potentials for you, things… oh, my dear, dear friends, things that you could not possibly imagine in your mind. It only can be imagined in your soul, in your divinity, in your full expression of you.
< Embodiment 1 > Imagine now for a moment here what your divinity was doing… playing with all of the potentials that could have been brought in, experiencing those on your behalf. Those things it would like to share with you in your life now. That is why we stress the imagination. That is why we said it is time to open the heart and the mind… because we knew that when the divinity was embodied within, when the essence of the OH energy was accepted and brought in, there would be stories to tell, experiences to share.
< Embodiment 1 > So, dear friends, 60 years ago we talked at great lengths. We expended great energies towards this whole gathering of Allatone. It is indeed the combination of the knowingness that would eventually be the bringing together of the AH and the OH, the knowingness that many, many things would have to happen between now and then. But, here we are together 60 years later. So many different things could have happened.
< Embodiment 1 > You all carry a story, you know. It is an illusion. You think that you had a certain type of upbringing. You think that you have become a certain type of person. We are here today to tell you that it is an illusion, a very potent one, one that seems very real. But, you are not bound to it. You are not stuck in it. You are not caught in it. With the Shoud of last month, with your agreement to let forth this information, now this provides the opportunity to let go of your story. It provides the opportunity for a remembrance of who you are. It provides the opportunity for the OH energy to come back to you and share everything about itself, which is also you.
< Embodiment 1 > In these days to come, as the OH energy integrates on a very careful and safe level, it is not going to all come in at once. It does not want to overwhelm you. It is going to come in safely, slowly, gently into your being. You are going to feel full, full in your body. Some of you are going to be thinking you are gaining weight, but then the scale shows that there are no pounds that were brought in new. But, you will feel full in your body. And, a funny thing happens when your body feels full, your physical body. It doesn't then need to store… it doesn't then need to consume great amounts of food. And, indeed, indeed this provides the perfect energy to lose weight. Your body will feel full because you are bringing in all the aspects of yourself.
< Embodiment 1 > When you left the gathering of the Allatone, every one of you was given hundreds and hundreds of celestial helpers, of runners, of angels, who would be there supporting the energies, holding all of the inter-dimensional aspects and all of the potentials together while you went and experienced one on Earth, one reality, one illusion. But, there have been so many others around. You are going to start meeting some of those angels. You are going to start meeting some of those runners. You are going to start having remembrances of some of the - what you would call - parallel experiences, multi-dimensional aspects of what was going on. You are going to start feeling and hearing and knowing some of the experiences that the OH was having.
< Embodiment 1 > But, now without the Old story, now without the Old baggage, it allows you to pull in the energies of the OH energy into your life. It allows you to actually, literally re-experience everything you've ever experienced. With this new wisdom and this profound understanding about the energies of OH and AH that you have articulated, it truly allows the re-experiencing of everything that you have ever gone through. In a sense, you could say all of your enlightenment shines across time and space of everything that you have ever gone through. It doesn't change the sequence of events of past lifetimes or things in this lifetime. But, it truly changes how you experience it. You will find here in these days to come that you can go back and re-experience (rewrite/heal) what have been very difficult and painful memories.
< Embodiment 1 > As you allow yourself to re-immerse, to come back in now, you bring all of the energies of AH and OH, nothing rejected, nothing left behind. There can't be anything left behind. You allow it all to come in. You also allow all of the experiences of OH to come in to be shared with you at the appropriate time. You allow all of your being into this Now moment, no longer ashamed of humanity and your humanness, no longer ashamed of this beautiful thing called a "human reality." Now, you can bring it all in, all into this Now. Through the breath, the deep breath, let us re-immerse in a whole new way.