
/reflection/balance/partner of oneness;
duality; polarity;

< New Earth 2 > You have lived for many lifetimes not knowing who you are. You have lived in duality. You have lived with the constant conflict of light and dark, of good and bad, of void and love. You have lived in this so long that you accept the dualities as reality. You accept the two faces of the mirror. You have forgotten what the Oneness is like. You have lived, for all of the days of your life on earth, with the dynamics of opposites. What you would call the light and the dark. No matter how, my friends, no matter how hard you tried to move to the light - to be only in the light - there was always the shadow. There was always the darkness that was there with you.

< New Earth 5 > Earlier in what you would mark your calendar year (1999), there came an event before it was anticipated. There came an event where at the core level of the energy of your universe, there was an agreement between the poles, between the light and the dark. There was an agreement that the light and dark would return together as one again, as a result of the significant understandings and knowledge from the eons of battle and the eons of separation. Now, in reality they had always been one, but they had chosen to be different sides of the mirror (king and queen). They had chosen to understand for the betterment of the One through separation. And they now have chosen to come back together.

< New Earth 9 > Then there was the measurement in December. The measurement was to determine the energies of the two Earths, the split of consciousness. This was made appropriate by something that happened on a more cosmic level. Prior to this there was at the core of creation the unity of what you would call light and dark - and we caution here that sometimes the human words escape the total appropriateness of the energy of the event. But at the core of your known creation what had once been two parts, light and dark - what had been two mirrors to each other - were brought back into unity. When this occurred, it was then appropriate for the split in consciousness of your Earth.

< Creator 3 > Your true creative ability, your true Creator ability, was hidden from you in the very essence of duality. There was a reason for this. Part of the reason, as we have mentioned, is that the second circle, the circle of the energies of Earth and of your physical universe exists outside of All That Is. You deal with an energy called "duality," which is the two different sides, what you would call the "light" and the "dark," the "good" and the "bad," the opposite face, the reflection in the mirror.

< Creator 5 > After much time exploring this new land, one day he came upon a woman (mirror). They talked, and they rejoiced in seeing each other. There seemed to be a familiar bond, but they did not know from where. She brought him back to a village where there were others. In this village they were making buildings. They were having children. They were creating a new civilization, but none who were in this village could remember where they had come from. They could not remember who they were. They just knew it was time for them to move forward. It was time for them to continue on with their lives...

< Creator 5 > Generally, the white marble has usually stayed white, and the black marble has usually stayed black. The clear marble is the one that changes, moving back and forth between the white and black. However, there have been periods of time where the white marble and the black marble would reverse their polarities, for they indeed are just mirrors of each other. The black would become white and the white would become black. And at times this greatly confused the clear marble! Now these changes of polarity occurred very infrequently, every several thousands of years. It happened not just within your individual being, but within the consciousness of the planet in general. This shift of polarities, from light to dark and dark to light, would take hundreds of years to react through your population, but it only occurred every several thousands of years.

< Creator 7 > When Jack (you) popped through the Wall of Fire, he saw his opposite. He saw his mirror. He began to have experiences, first with himself and then with other entities. These early experiences created an energy that poured out from him (you) and then set up structures and patterns of energy in the universe that had previously been a void. Jack (you) was going through experiences that then created energy weavings, tapestries, foundations that would later become your stars and your galaxies and your solar systems. This was a very interesting period of time for Jack (you).

< Creator 8 > Part of Jack, though, did not go into the cocoon. Part of his being continued past the Wall of Fire where he entered a void. He entered nothingness, total darkness. When he opened his eyes on the other side of the Wall of Fire, Jack saw the mirror image of himself. He saw his opposite. He saw duality. For the first time ever Jack was no longer an extension of oneness. He was now "two." And this was the beginning of duality as you know it.

< Creator 10 > When you came to Earth with your Free Will and you took on duality, your Free Will allowed you to see the mirrors of who you were. The Free Will allowed you to see the light and to see the dark. It allowed you to see up and to see down, but in a sense Free Will with a veil is very limited, as you have discovered. Many of you have even questioned whether you truly DID have Free Will or if you were simply puppets for the angels or for Spirit. But no, indeed you had Free Will the whole time.

< Ascension 6 > When you were at home in the Kingdom eons of time ago - but not so long ago at all - the energy was about oneness and singularity. When you left Home, went through the Wall of Fire and eventually came to Earth, it was about "2." It was about polarity. It was about the mirror image. It was about seeing yourself, dear God, in a new and different way that you could have not seen in the energy of "1." So, you created "2." You have been in that energy for so very, very long. Earth has been about the energy of "2," polarity, light and dark, the lessons of good and bad, male and female, opposites. Your journey on Earth has been to understand, at the most intimate levels, what duality, what "2" was about.

< Ascension 7 > Control of another is old, and we have found that this does not work so well. That is an agenda. It is an agenda that you could say is of the dark. Do you know that there is another agenda, an agenda that some of you here might be guilty of? You will argue until the end of the day that you are right. I ask you to look in the mirror at your agenda. You are the ones who call yourselves the "peacemakers," the "liberators," the ones who pray for world peace. Do you know that you have an agenda also? "No," you say, "but Tobias, peace is good." We will not argue that, but we tell you that you have an agenda. Call it an "agenda of the light." That perpetuates the agenda of the dark. You play the game also. We speak here of letting go of your agenda.

< Ascension 7QA > Duality’s time has come. It is time to release the black and white, the good and the bad, on and off, up and down. No longer do you need the mirror in front of you, the mirror that first appeared when you crossed through the Wall of Fire, when you became aware of Self. You needed the reflection. You needed something to look in. You needed to see the opposite. You have carried duality with you ever since you have known. But, its time has come. Its time has come. Without agenda you can transition past duality into the consciousness of the New Energy.

< Ascension 8 > As we have talked about in our story of Jack, at some point something happened - and yes, we will talk of this some day in great detail - that caused this energy of "was" to want to understand…what it was. It wanted to understand all that it could do and all of the potentials. When this happened, when there was the slightest contemplation on the part of Spirit of who Spirit was, then the energies became mirrors for each other. There was a type of split. It would not be what you now call "duality." That came later. But, there was a mirror image of self.

< Ascension 8 > Duality - let us talk about it in terms of that white marble and the black marble, the two forces that work off of each other. Duality was created in your consciousness to help you understand who you were. Without duality, dear friends, how would you discover who you are? How would you come to know yourself? There had to be a mirror. There had to be an opposite for you to truly understand. This energy of duality has been with you since you first left Home. It has been the tool that you have you used, that you have owned and become so familiar with, to help you see aspects of yourself.

< Ascension 8 > We spoke to you a month ago about agenda. When you have agenda, it energizes one of the elements of duality (light or dark). And, that is fine and wonderful when you are still playing that game of duality. Have agenda all day long, and you will see the effects! You will polarize one end, and that will cause an equal and opposite reaction in the other part of duality. When you place all the emphasis on the light, that also builds the dark, and vice versa (mirror each other). That is why neither polarity, the light or dark, has ever been able to win over the other in the course of all humanity, and in the course of the universe, and in the course of your own soul.

< Ascension sp > There is a New Energy that is blossoming, and it is coming up within you. And, in this is a new physics of love, a new balance of energy. In the past you knew love as a mirror. You learned of love through the mirror. You learned of it by playing this game of duality - light and dark, good and bad. That is how your consciousness grew. Yes, and there were times when you found another who you loved so much. But, in a sense, they were a mirror to you, that mate or spouse, that family member, that dear friend. You came to understand love by looking in the mirror, by going through the steps of duality.

< Ascension sp > In the new understanding of love the elements of duality come together in a dance. In the new understanding of love there is no mirror anymore from you to the outside, or from you to yourself. In the new understanding of love, there is a marriage that takes place. And, it is within you. It is all of those elements that are you. It is the light and the dark joining together as a new type of illumination. It is not light like what you have thought of before. And it is not the void of darkness. It is a new illumination.

< Ascension 9 > Duality was a method for you to look at yourself, to look at the opposite in the mirror. You came from One, from the Kingdom, where there was only One. When you left Home, when you left the First Circle, dear friends, the first energies of duality came in. This is when you were first able to start looking at yourself in the mirror. Duality - two opposites. Dual reality. This is when you first began to have an identity that was your own. Until then, you were simply one who lived in the Kingdom, in oneness. Now you were beginning to develop your own identity. This identity of yours as the Prince, as Jack, was like a boulder in the water. We spoke about the boulders recently. It was like a boulder. It caused the water to break its flow.

< Ascension 10 > You go through a period of no identity. No identity. You look into a mirror and it does not have a reflection. This is the zone many of you are in now. This is part of the reason for the sadness. This is part of the reason why you wonder who you are, and you wonder what you should be doing. This is part of the reason for the deep and extreme self-doubt that you have within. Your identity is fading away. In the meantime you have no identity before you develop your new identity.

< DivineHuman 5QA > Duality was a wonderful game that you (God) created to help you see both sides of yourself, to help you see the mirror in order for you to understand who you were (* in the kingdom). But, now you are moving into a time and energy of "I Am. I Am Spirit. I Am God also. I Am the light, and I Am the dark. I Am That I Am." (* re-uniting of the king and the queen, male and female)

< DivineHuman 11 > Oh, they were waiting, the Anasazi. They had been holding such an energy (energy holder), waiting for Shaumbra to come, waiting for Shaumbra to step up. They had been holding it for thousands of years. They were waiting for the gathering last week, and they rejoiced. They rejoiced. They rejoiced, and sang, and danced. They were thankful for the time that they had here. But, they knew it was time to handoff to Shaumbra. It was time for you to take on the energies of reflection (mirror, opposit, balance) that they held for so long.

< NewEnergy 11QA > There will be a group of Shaumbra and soon many, many others who are going to allow this very simple process to take place, the coming back together, the resolution of the elements. As it was shared with this group earlier today, the darkness is not what it appears to be and neither is the light. These are values… these are judgments that have been placed on the energies… the darkness having taken on all of the negative attributes… all of the things that you didn't want… all of the things you are afraid to look at. All of the fears were all put and burdened onto the darkness. If you were to clear all of these negative energies and perceptions away, you would find that the dark is not what you think it is. The negative is not what you think it is at all. It has beauty. It has depth. It is the reflection. It is part of the Creator energy.

< NewEnergy 12 > Let us talk for a moment here about the energies of light and dark, the original energies of duality, the two basic and prime energies that have existed up until now. There is the light, which we call the AH (pronounced like "awe") energy. And, there is the dark, which we call the OH (pronounced like "owe") energy. They emanate from the same source. They are simply different expressions (the mirror for each other). The AH and the OH - the original sounds, dear Shaumbra, the original vibrations coming across somewhat crudely in the human language.

< NewEnergy 12 > Humanity continues to battle light and dark. Humanity continues to try to annihilate the dark. Humanity continues to try to dump all of what it doesn't love about itself in the darkness, in the OH energy. Humans, individual humans, do this to themselves. Everything they fear… everything they reject… everything they deny about themselves is dumped into the OH energy. And, the OH has taken on this role, taken on this whole role of the darkness. And, as you know, then the human thinks that they have to battle the dark. They have to annihilate the dark. They have to get rid of the dark. But, Shaumbra, as you already know, it cannot be done. It is all part of the same (the mirror for each other).

< Clarity 6 > Now, several years ago at our annual Shaumbra gathering, we talked about that darkness is your divinity. It was the toughest one we ever had to get through Cauldre and a few of you, opening up to say that the darkness is simply the companion of the light. It neither is right nor wrong. They have been lovers. They have been mates. They have filled in for each other. They have been the mirrors that have allowed you to look at who you are.

< Teacher 5 > The New Energy, it works totally different, totally different. First, it is much more efficient - much more efficient than the Old Energy. The New Energy doesn't need duality. It doesn't need conflict and it doesn't need its mirror image in order to understand itself. This New Energy that is you, already knows. This New Energy can't be controlled like you're used to doing with Old Energy. It can't be manipulated because that was just you manipulating or controlling yourself. This New Energy has a purity to it. This New Energy is very difficult to measure in any terms, any terms that you've been used to measuring energy or consciousness in the past.


