divine plan / divine desire / whole plan

divine passion
divine willKasama;
human plan/desire;

< DivineHuman 9 > You see, you have been looking at your own journey through the eyes of a limited human, and that has been appropriate. You placed the limitations on yourself. You created a human plan for yourself. You said that you wanted to have certain things in your life. You wanted to be married. You wanted to have children. You wanted to have a certain type of house, certain type of friends. This was a human plan that you developed.

< DivineHuman 9 > When the plan didn't work out, you got angry and frustrated. The churches told you that you were a sinner, and you believed them. (audience laughter) You thought that is why the human plan did not work out. You became frustrated and confused. Many of you spent countless hours on your knees, praying, wondering what to do next, asking for guidance, asking for forgiveness from a God that you didn't know. But, dear friends, you had laid out a human plan that was not necessarily consistent with a Divine Plan.

< DivineHuman 9 > Your Divine Plan is not something that is written. Rather it is the passion of your soul. It is a desire to learn something, or to grow, or to expand, or to sense, to have experience. For so long your Divine Plan has been blocked from you. When you come to Earth, you take on certain attributes of duality and the veil that make that Divine Plan inaccessible. There are so many humans who come back to our side of the veil, come back to their angelic energetic form, who still do not have understanding or access to their Divine Plan. Sometimes it is hidden even from the angels. It is hidden sometimes so that the angel or the human can go through an experience, unencumbered by what they think the turnout should be, so they can go through the experience totally free of what a plan says.

< DivineHuman 9 > You see, the Divine Plan, or the whole plan, is no plan at all. It is a "becoming" that is always taking place. But, it is a "becoming" that at times has a certain direction or a certain bent to it. It has a certain desire, a fulfillment to it. The Divine Plan of your soul has been a great mystery to you throughout so many of your lifetimes, especially in this lifetime. We hear you say over and over, "Spirit, what is it that I should be doing now?" And, the response you get back - you do not like so much - is, "We don't care, whatever you choose, whatever you choose." (audience laughter) Now, it has been difficult, and we know you get frustrated with us because you want to understand the Divine Plan.

< DivineHuman 9 > I, Tobias, Hossaf, or any of the other angels cannot tell you what the whole plan is. But we can tell you now, as New Energy humans, how to access it and how to integrate with it. We can tell you how to bring it into your life. It is yours. It is your gift. It is between you, your human condition, and your divine self. It is yours. The Divine Whole Plan is like the flow of water in a river. It has banks or boundaries, but these can be overcome at anytime. It has a flow to it that is magnificent, and beautiful, and natural. It does not need to be manipulated or controlled.

< DivineHuman 9 > Your Divine Plan is the fulfillment of the soul. It is the passion of the soul. The Divine Plan would be very difficult to put into words. We know, you will want to try to intellectualize it, maybe even write it down, post it on your wall, and say, "This is my Divine Plan." You have just defeated the very purpose of connecting with your Divine Plan. The Divine Plan changes constantly, because you change constantly.

< DivineHuman 9 > The Divine Plan is in the Now, but it embraces the past as well as the potentials of the future. The Divine Plan can integrate with your human plan. They can complement each other. The Divine Plan can bring the type of material fulfillment that you desire while still bringing a fulfillment of Spirit, of the creator energy. They can work together. In other words, your Divine Plan can hear the needs of your human self. And now your human self can feel the flow of your Divine Plan.

< DivineHuman 9 > How do you get there, dear friends? How do you connect with the Divine Plan and have it meld with the human? It is by giving yourself permission to go to that point of separation, that energetic crossroads where the two meet - that point that you sit in now. Your Divine Plan is all around you. If you try to race in your mind and put it into words… try to analyze it… try to segment it, like you do with time or space… it will elude you.

< DivineHuman 9 > Remember, we said time is an illusion. It is what is on the device on your arm. It is the result of what you see in the skies. It is an illusion. The Divine Plan, dear friends, cannot be segmented, or packeted, or analyzed like you do with time or even space. It is just there. It is a feeling, not put into words, not written out on a scroll. It is a feeling.

< DivineHuman 9 > We cannot define for you. We can only tell you that it exists, in this moment, in this point of separation that we sit in together. You can bring it into your reality by staying in this now moment with us, by breathing. Aah… that will bring its energies into every tissue of your body. It will bring the Divine Plan into every aspect of your consciousness. As you breathe in the moment, it will bring the melding of the Divine Plan and the human plan.

< DivineHuman 9 > We have to laugh because even the word "plan" is not appropriate. It is simply a fulfillment and a becoming. It is your soul, wanting to play. It is your soul having great compassion for life. It is your soul having the passion to experience something new. The two (divine plan and human plan) can meld together in the New Energy like this. It is so simple! Shaumbra, don't make it complex. It is so simple!

< DivineHuman 9 > You can sit in the moment of the melding of the divine and human understandings anytime. It does not have to be just at this time of gathering of the Crimson Circle. What you experience here right now can be in any Now moment. The Divine Plan no longer has to be hidden. The Divine Plan does not have to be elusive anymore. It is no secret. It is in your Now.

< DivineHuman 9 > It is unlike energies you have worked with before. It cannot be controlled. It can only be embraced. It cannot be confined because it is growing all the time. It cannot be captured and imprisoned, used at your discretion for how you want, because it is you. And, it is grander than just the human you. The Divine Plan cannot be taken from you because it doesn't belong. It simply is. It will always be there. So, dear friends, in this New Energy, you can now can expand your consciousness, travel between the layers, travel at all dimensions. The Divine Plan can come into you now for a greater understanding of the purpose.

< DivineHuman 9 > You have been wondering, "Dear Spirit, where is my passion?" It is here now. Breathe it in. Feel it. It brings life in. It brings new understanding. Avoid the temptation of trying to analyze it. Avoid the temptation of trying to lock it up. You see, it is like a bird. You want to lock it in the cage so that you can enjoy it at your will and discretion. It does not need to be locked in a cage. It is always there, always evolving, always available to you now. No longer do we have the dualistic attributes of a human plan and a divine plan being separate, or not even having awareness. There are here now.

< DivineHuman 9QA > We have talked to you today about the Divine Plan, what we prefer you call the "whole plan," the integrated plan between what you, the human, need and desire, and what your soul, your spirit, is becoming and fulfilling. The two can integrate together. It is the whole plan. When you are having challenges or difficulties, stand back a moment, breathe in, and ask, "What is the essence of the Divine Plan?" And, then meld it together with your human plan and your human needs. You will begin seeing a whole new picture. You will have a whole new understanding of why things happen the way they do. You will understand that you are not a victim of your Divine Plan. You simply did not understand where your soul level was trying to go. Now, you the human and the Divine Human can be on this journey together. It does not need to be separate.

< DivineHuman 9QA > There are Divine Plans, not only for individuals, but also for groups. There is a Divine Plan of Shaumbra that you created. You can feel it if you allow yourself. The Divine Plan is for a group of humans who have been searching… a group of humans who have been trying to understand… to come to new consciousnesses… to move together… to share together… to support each other… and to bring an entire group energy out of Old into the New… into a melded, unified energy. There are Divine Plans in your workplace. Allow yourself to feel these - a group of humans who have come together in an office… in a building… or a company for a purpose… perhaps, not known anywhere in the boardroom… but agreed upon at other levels by all of the humans participating. There are Divine Plans for nations. There are Divine Plans for families.

< DivineHuman 9QA > It is not God dictating the terms. It is not some celestial Order handing these down. It is not some council of 300,000 angels that is making this happen. It is your Divine Plan. It has been somewhat hidden from you up to now, somewhat hidden so that you could go through a series of new understandings. Dear friends, from this point forward always call in your Divine Plan to understand what is happening in your life.

< DivineHuman 9QA > Humans have been a victim to death in the past. Shaumbra, as you become more fully grounded in the New Energy, death will be a choice for you. You will not be able to overcome death, at least in this lifetime. It is part of a process that is still very deeply embedded and has a certain amount of intelligence behind doing this. But, instead of being subjected to death because of a disease that comes into your body, or any of these other painful experiences, you will begin having the choice of how you want to leave, and even when you want to leave. This happens when you integrate with your Divine Plan. So, you will not be able to escape the coming back Home, the dying. But, you will be able to define it and create it much better yourself.

< DivineHuman 10 > You are coming to understand that the human plan was a plan of protection, and a plan of fear, and that the Divine Plan is one of fulfillment, and creation, and New Energy. The essence of the New Energy is creativity. It is allowing the creative forces to now come flowing through you, but to create in a New and different way, a way that even those of us who join you on this day cannot define or describe.

< NewEnergy 4 > At this time of November 8th (11/8/2003 - Harmonic Concordance) - and for every day that follows - is a time for the divine plan to meet the human plan. You've kept them separate, much as these two triangles have been separate in the Star of David. You have kept them separate - your divine plan and your human plan. And, this also brings in anger.

< NewEnergy 4 > Your divine plan was to go out and experience, create a sense of Self, self-identity, so that some day you could inherit the throne. That was the divine plan. The human plan was simply to survive… simply to survive here on Earth… to have food, and shelter, and clothing, and just get by. Your divine plan was to give you everything that you needed in this lifetime - all of the resources, all of the tools - to give you everything. And, it is there. But, it wasn't meeting with your human plan. Your human plan, oddly enough, was to give you bare minimum… bare minimum.

< NewEnergy 4 > You see… it is interesting because you ask for abundance. "Dear Spirit, pay this bill. Give me the money I need." Oh… but, when you look at your human plan, it was quite the opposite - give yourself as little as possible, learn as quickly as possible on your journey. Oh… you said to us… you said to yourself, "I can endure anything. This little stint on Earth as a human being… I don't have to have anything." Your human plan was bare necessity. Allow it now to meld with your divine plan, which is grand abundance of every kind. You thought it was the other way around. You thought divinity was holding out on you. Dear friends, it was YOU holding out on you. Allow your divine plan and your human plan to come together.

< NewEnergy 4 > The divine plan was the grand reintegration of the energies of the masculine and feminine (King and Queen). It has always been part of the plan. The separation took place so that you could truly experience and understand yourself. We are not talking about the male body and the female body. We are talking about the yin and yang energies, the feminine and the masculine, both so appropriate. The divine plan was to bring them back together.

< NewEnergy 4 > Your human plan was to make yourself one or the other - to be male, or to be female, and to exaggerate whichever one that was, and to feel separate and removed from the other energy. Part of this was so that you could experience what it was like to have this outgoing masculine energy. Part of it was to experience the nurturing and loving feminine energy. But, the divine plan and the human plan weren't meeting. It is now time to bring those together. You are at the point of awareness. You're at the point of enlightenment where they can come together now. They don't have to be separate.

< NewEnergy 4 > The divine plan was to come full-circle in the understanding of Self. You have been given a unique gift by Spirit. It was called Self-awareness… your own identity… no longer in the grand oneness of All That Is. But, you were given the ability to have a unique spiritual fingerprint all of your own, and to grow that. The human plan was so limited. It was - try to get what you could. It was - try to, at first, to develop your identity of Self in this lifetime without regards to the wholeness of all your other lives.

< NewEnergy 4 > The divine plan is Self-realization. The human plan that so many of you had is Self- annihilation. Can you bring these together and understand the Self has served a purpose here? Can you meld the divine and the human plans now? They don't have to be separate. The human plan was for death, and sickness, and disease. The human plan said that you had to bring these things into your reality to gain new understanding. You had to get sick. You had to get disease to bring you back on your path. You had to have death, so that you didn't get trapped or lost here on Earth. The divine plan is about life and is about creating. That's all it is - experience.

< NewEnergy 4 > Part of this process of healing, of understanding the wounds… your wound is simply a division. That's all it is - a division, a cut that divides. Part of it is taking responsibility for all of your journey, for everything up to now. But, in responsibility comes enlightenment… and love… and understanding… and compassion of why you created what you created. Responsibility is knowing that you did something… that you created… but also knowing there was a divine plan in it.

< NewEnergy 4 > It is about taking responsibility and loving yourself once again… taking responsibility for all of your journey. As we have said before, you are either victims or creators. The energy of Chiron is currently a victim. Can you see that in yourself… how you blame incidences, and people, and angels, and events that have happened in the past? There is no need to blame at all. We know what happened. They know what happened. Simply taking responsibility and understanding there were divine reasons… there was a divine plan behind all of it. That is why it took place.

< NewEnergy 4QA > But, for those Shaumbras who are in this land of Israel and any of the neighbors surrounding that land, it is a time for the realization that this can be healed. It is a time to bring back together the Star of David, which originally was the shape of a diamond - four points - to bring these back together in this New Energy of four. It is time to bring this together for all of you here - even in your own lives - to provide the melding of these two pieces back together, as we spoke of… the male, the female, the light, the dark, the divine, the human… to bring these all back together.

< NewEnergy 4QA > Dear Shaumbra, you already know this, but all of this is going to happen anyway. It truly is. The ascension, which you are already in… the movement into the New Energy… the New Energy coming into your life… the divine integrating with human… it will all happen. There is no doubt about it. It's not something you have to manipulate or make happen. It's nothing that you have to do specific ceremonies or practices to make it happen. You don't have to force it. It is such a sacred and blessed thing. It wants to come into your life. Sometimes it has to sit in the background, waiting for you to get through all of your human plans so that the divine can come in. Can you meld the human and the divine plan right now, so that it just happens… because it's going to anyway? It is just a matter of how difficult you make it on yourself.

< Embodiment 11 > There is one difficult thing in here, an area that many of you have been having difficulties with, having troubles with. It is this whole concept now of the divine desire versus the human desire. And, there seems to be so much contradiction in your life that occurs because the human desires one thing and what you would call the divine or the Spirit seems to have another concept. What happens to so many of you in your life, you will pray, you will ask for things, you will try to create things. And, then they don't happen. Then, you get angry with Spirit or with yourself. You feel that you are not a true Creator. Up until quite recently the divine and the human have been separate. You have treated them separately. You have put up a wall between them and said, "I am human over here, and I know divinity is on the other side, but we are not connected."

< Embodiment 11 > Well, they are coming back together. There is a reunion or an integration of the two. It takes place in this reality. It doesn't take place out in the ethers. It takes place in your Now moment. The two are coming back together. You are going to begin to understand what was an old human desire - a very limited desire - and what was the desire, the wish, the love of your soul, your spirit.

< Embodiment 11 > The human desire sometimes was wrapped up in such a limited story. It was wrapped up in belief systems that did not serve the grander purpose of the being. We sometimes say on our side - the human desire versus the higher, the divine desire. And, as a rule, the divine needs took precedence over the human because you do want to die sooner or later; otherwise, you get so trapped in your own old story. It is very difficult to get out. You designed death. You designed death so that you would be released, so you didn't get trapped or embedded in these stories. So, that is an example of how the human desire and the divine desire sometimes don't seem to come together.

< Embodiment 11 > But, there is a reason and a purpose. Sometimes you wonder why you don't have a loved one in your life, a partner to share things with. You get upset. You get angry about it. Sometimes the divine needs and desires take precedence over the human. Sometimes it is important for you to have that time by yourself to discover who you are, to understand who you truly are. The divine understands that you would be distracted if there was another human in your life. Sometimes you wonder who's really calling the shots. But, what happens as you are opening up, Shaumbra, as the human and divine are melding back together, you get a sense for the overall desire, the overall flow. You're not caught up in the human limitations. You're not caught up in what would be considered petty needs. But, you are going for the higher need, the higher grander purpose.

< Clarity 6 > One of the biggest blockages is the different agendas - the human agenda versus the spiritual delight, the spiritual purpose, the spiritual presence. You have been asking for all of these things in your life to satisfy the car - to try to fix the wheels, to try to take the tears out of the upholstery, to try to correct the rust, to try to make the engine sputter a few more miles. Your focus, Shaumbra, humans, has been on repairing the car.

< Clarity 6 > And, it's time to re-invent the car, re-create the car, and stop trying to rebuild it. The fear has been death. The fear has been finality. You've been operating in the three - what we would call - lower levels, or basic levels, of trying to always maintain the integrity of the car, trying to preserve and protect it. So, your agenda for making the car just a little shinier, a little faster, making the car a little better than someone else's is not necessarily consistent with the desire of the soul. You've been removed from your soul because you've been trying to focus on the basic things of keeping that old car running.

< Clarity 6 > There's been a disconnect between you and soul. You've been crying out for things that perhaps really weren't that important to the soul. Ultimately, the soul wants simply to expand and to re-create over and over again. The aspect that you hold on so tightly to in your life, that aspect of you, the human, sitting here in the chair, wanting just a few more years of life on Earth, doesn't really matter to the soul. It doesn't care. That part of yourself isn't concerned about things like that. Sometimes that part of you, which you blacked out, knows far better, knows sometimes it is time to end a life in order that it can re-create itself.

< Clarity 6 > So, you see, the biggest blockage of all has been what you consider to be your agenda, your desires versus the soul desire. We are going to put these together. We're going to bring them back together. We're going to put them into an eclipse together, a soul eclipse, a complete understanding. You see, you think your soul knows everything your humanness wants. It doesn't because you've shut it out. You've barricaded it. You've had so many vows and oaths and promises. You've cut out soul and (human) self. And, let's bring them back together now.

< Clarity 7 > The Whole or the Oneness splits into pieces. The pieces then help to recreate the Whole but each piece stays independent, totally free, totally sovereign. It was the plan that we all agreed to when we left home. Tobias talked in our last gathering about the Soul desire versus the human desire. He said the Soul sometimes truly doesn't care about the human desire. It doesn't. The Soul simply wants to discover what it's like, what it's absolutely like, to be sovereign. That means total freedom, total creation, total empowerment. If you look deep within yourself, there is one purpose in the Soul of yours - total discovery that you are God also. It's also, by the way, the total discovery of what love is.

< Clarity 7QA > It's all with a wonderful soul purpose. "Soul purpose" being letting go of the Whole or the One, becoming full and complete in yourself, which reinvents the One once again. A wonderful spiral of energy.

< Clarity 8 > We talked about a very simple process for how things are created and then manifested. Four very simple steps in our discussion about Sacred Geometry, saying that on the purest level of you there is Desire. Desire. Desire without an agenda, desire without a particular outcome, but just desire. It's not a want. A "want" connotates that you need something. Desire means you simply have the desire to be, to express yourself, to express the spirit within you (God is expression).

< Clarity 8 > The Desire then comes down to the next level which is then the Idea behind the desire. You have a desire just to create. Now you come up with an idea that fulfills that desire to create. The idea can be anything... to start a business. The idea can be very broad and general. The idea could be a new invention. It could be anything... but it comes into the Idea stage. And the idea now is you saying, "I would like to, or I desire to, express my spirit energy in a certain way." Again, without having to worry about all the details. It's just the idea. Perhaps the idea is to write a book. You don't have to know how the paper is made in order to write a book, you see.

< Clarity 8 > Your idea... based on a general desire... your idea now starts to come into manifestation. The idea has a certain energy characteristic to it and it will attract the appropriate energies. If your idea is to write a book, now you're going to find that you are automatically - just like a magnet - you are attracting energies in. Energies even from our side, entities who will support you during the writing. We're not going to write the words for you but we're going to help you to keep the ideas flowing. You're going to perhaps attract people who are going to support you financially in this, or perhaps you're going to attract a type of job, or lack of a job, that allows you the space to write.

< Teacher 7 > Your creations, Shaumbra, any of them, are Sam also. Your creations are brought to life through this process we call the progression of desire - a soul desire. A soul that has no needs or wants. It just wants to express and create. Every soul has desire. We talked about this recently at School III on the island (referring to a recent Shaumbra event on the island of Kauai), the difference between a "soul need" and a "soul desire." You all have soul desires. Things that go deeper than the mind, go deeper than what you would call the heart, go far, far deeper than the human need. In a way you could say the soul desire doesn't even understand things like human needs and in a way it doesn't care. It doesn't want to get blocked up, doesn't want to get suffocated. It is a desire, a passion, within each and every one of you. It's not what you think it is. It doesn't relate to anything on your human level. It is just a desire to expand, to express, to discover.

< Teacher 7 > This is a beautiful part of the whole process of being human and creating, having that idea. Everyone of you has had many, many of them. Many of you suppress them, but you'll be driving along in your car, just have an idea; wake up out of a dream state and have an idea. You'll be watching television and an idea comes to you. This is taking the soul desire energy and now starting to form it, starting to shape it, much like a potter would shape the clay.

< Master 8 > We talked in our last conversation about the Body of Consciousness, but the Body of Consciousness has different - I'm going to call them - waveforms or different dances that they do. Your spirit has a waveform. It's a beautiful waveform. Don't take this literal, this is symbolic. Your spirit is on this journey, and it has a few of its own desires. The desires can be summed up very easily. Your spirit, your self wants to know thyself, in answer to the age old question you asked a long time ago, "Who am I?" It's finding out. It wants to know thyself, and it does it through what I call the three X's - triple X-rated - which are experience, expansion and expression.

< Master 8 > So, you have these waveforms and a beautiful natural thing normally happens. Spirit is dancing, human waveform is dancing, and there are times when they naturally flow apart. When they do it can actually be a beautiful thing because this human can go into the depths of its own discovery. The spirit can go into more expansion. Normally, a beautiful thing. And then this separation acts almost like an attractant or a magnet, and it brings them back together closer. And then there's the opening again, where the human goes deeper into its experience, the spirit goes further into its celebration, and so you have this constant back and forth.

< Master 8 > Now, ultimately, what happens, and you may already know the answer to this. So there's the spirit, and then there's the human, and at some point they touch. At some point they cross over. They cross. And then the dance changes where there is this constant weaving into each other, no longer separated. And this point right here is the critical factor. This is awareness ground point zero. In other words, you've let go of the old dance, the old past. That all becomes history, memory, a part of experience. Now the dance is together.The beginning of the awakening process is back in here. This is where your awakening started to happen.

< Master 8 > Spirit has its own song. It's floating down the river, riding the waves. It kind of doesn't care, because spirit, your divine, is getting experience. It's expanding and it's expressing even if the expression means screaming and yelling. It's expressing. A health issue is a form of expression. And spirit is going along. It's not that it disregards you, but its needs are different. Its desires, passions, are different.


