Kismet; divine plan; divine passion;
divine will;
Kasama is the destiny of the soul meaning it's already happened.
< Kharisma 4 > A miracle occurs when you’re willing to get out of old limitations, when you’re willing to go out of your mind, when you’re willing to go out of character, that character that you identify with so much. Suddenly, the miracles happen because you’re more available to the energies that were just waiting for you. Just waiting for you. It’s all there. That’s why I say it’s easy. I use this term “Kasama,” which some would translate to the word “Kismet,” which means destiny, but not the regular linear destiny. Kasama is the destiny of the soul.
< Kharisma 4 > And, my dear friends, it's here. It's done. There is nothing that you have to work at anymore. There is nothing that you have to study. It's the time of the realization, what already is. I used this term “Kasama” with Keahak recently. We're going to be experiencing that, all of us, in a variety of different ways. It's what has already been done, already there. Whether it's enlightenment, whether it's a few extra dollars in your pocket, whether it's your health or your light body or any of that, it's done. It came through a vision, through a desire. It's there. Not out there. That song didn't need to stay out in the future somewhere. That wild expression of creativity or abundance or knowingness or simplicity doesn't need to be out there, out in the distance. Nothing to strive for. It's here. Kasama is the destiny of the soul.
< Kharisma 4 > Now, I've said many times there is no destiny. There is no fate. Not in linear terms. There is nothing out there. There's not the higher hand guiding your life and making things happen. There's no angelic council or alien beings or beings under the ground or even government beings that are manipulating your life. There is no outside destiny, but there is the soul destiny. There is what is already within you, Edith. Already done. The money – and money is just the tip of iceberg – but the realization. The realization. We've done an effective job in these past five years of weeding out, letting go, pushing away those who weren't committed. There's no room in Crimson Circle for those who are not absolutely committed to their enlightenment. It's more than entertainment. This is it. This is it.
< Kharisma 4 > As I've told Cauldre and some of the other Shaumbra, it's the year (2015), it's the time, it's the right now when the popcorn starts popping. It's been heating up. But I say that and I start out our session today by saying it's really quite easy. But then when it comes to you, when it's right there ready to be realized, you start with the excuses and the “buts” and “let's wait” or “I don't knows” or whatever. My dear friends, Santa Claus is real, very real. You could say Santa Claus is within you. You helped to create it with your wonderful childlike, childhood beliefs in Santa Claus. It's right here, and where we are going is realizing it. I don't want to hear any more excuses, any more buts. All the tools are here, and it's just now letting yourself explode into who you are. Yeah. A beautiful explosion into Self.