new understanding of love / new love

new melding; new unity; new fusion;
new energy
; new balance of energy;

< Ascension 8 > When the agenda stops, this creates something new. It creates a new love, dear friends, a new love. When you take agenda off, combined with the grand wisdom that you have gained over lifetimes and lifetimes… now the elements of duality (three marbles) can meld together (union=love), each with their own imprint intact, but no longer as opposing forces. They can meld together and create, not one, but a spiritual quotient of 4. That is why we have spoken of 4 over and over.

< Ascension 8 > Duality is the energy of "two." It brought you here to help you understand who you are. It was a play-tool for you, this white and dark marble. When you release agenda, do not put a spin on either one of those energies. They combine, in a sense. As you could say, they make love with each other. This creates the energy quotient of "four." This is the new understanding of love.

< Ascension 8 > In the past, your understanding of love was somewhat limited. Your understanding of love was part of your quest for love. You would seek out another individual who was compatible and who truly filled the void within you and helped to balance you in ways. Indeed there were strong emotional feelings in connection with this person, but ultimately you did not find yourself through them. You only found a partner or a mate to take the journey with. They did not hold any energy of your divinity.

< Ascension 8 > In the new understanding of love, it goes beyond words. It is not what you think it is. It is the release of duality. It is no agenda. No agenda. Now, those elements of duality that you have always had with you… shed their old energies. Oh, you might feel some of the effects on you physically. Allow this to happen.

< Ascension 8 > The energies of duality are like waves, or wave lengths. There are highs and lows. They play off of one another. The lows propelled you to highs. The highs brought you to new insights that could sometimes be called low periods. They worked with each other. It is now about embracing ALL of that, the highs and the lows, the white marble, the black marble, the positive, the minus. Embrace all of it. Don't focus on just one energy of duality. Embrace all of it. This will give you a new understanding of love.

< Ascension 8 > You have done so much to avoid the lows and the pains and the darkness and the negative and the bad. But, it has all been part of you. It has been part of this grand game, if you call it that, or grand experience. Embrace all of it now. Release the agendas about the right and the wrong. Release the agendas about what others need and about what the world needs at this point. Embrace the highs and the lows, because they ARE all part of the same.

< Ascension 8 > That is why we have spoken so ADAMANTLY about these drugs of yours. They take away the light and the dark. ALL of those elements are important. You need the ups and downs. It is how they are polarized now, how you work them within you.

< Ascension 8 > There is a new love that is within you. And, it is an understanding. It is, in a sense, a wisdom, a feeling. It is so difficult for us to put into words. But, it is emerging. There is nothing you need to do. That is why today's lesson is so easy, and it is such a turning point. That is the reason why there are so many guests here on this day. You do not need to go home and scratch your head about this. The energy of the new love has been planted in this space. It was already within you. Now, it is anchored here.

< Ascension 8 > The reason why the soon-to-be children come in today is because they want to understand this also. They have a journey in front of them. But, they want to see a group of humans who has come to the point where duality can be released. They want to see a group of humans who has transcended the old energetic ways of duality. They want to see how this new group accepts the dark and the light, the up and the down… accepts all these… no longer struggles, trying to get out of the void… no longer tries to cling to the high points… but understands that the rhythms of this are all appropriate, and in doing so, that there is no energizing of the old elements of duality.

< Ascension 8 > The important thing, more than anything… as agenda is taken off, there is this melding (love)… there is this new dynamic of what used to be duality. But, it is now going to this energy of four, rather than two.

< Ascension 8 > What happens here in the new understanding of love is that Home, Home can finally come in. That is what is happening. That is why we are so fascinated. That is why the children-to-be are so excited. For the first time since all of us left Home, Home is starting to come in. Home is starting to, in a sense, reawaken, expand forth, come to meet you. This is what we have all been excited about ever since our journey began. We all wondered, "Where is Home? Where is Spirit?" We all wondered when that time would come when Home would come to get us. And, you thought that Home would save you. But, it’s not like that. There is no saving. Home comes to greet you and to hug you and to thank you for this long journey that has changed the nature of All That Is. "Was" is no longer "was." "Was" IS now.

< Ascension 8QA > When we speak of New Energy, indeed it is so very true. The old ways of duality are leaving. They (white and black) are melding together (new love)… going through a sacred alchemy of their own. This is releasing the need for the interplay between the dark and the light that has always existed. They do not need to drive each other like they have in the past.

< Ascension 8QA > Duality, an energy used to move yourself forward, can now begin leaving. When that happens, you come to a new understanding of love. As we said before, the quest for love has been on ever since you left Home. The quest for love is the desire to understand who you truly are. You have sought to know your Self with your own unique identity and fingerprint… a being who IS Spirit, but has uniqueness as well… a creator in your own right as well… one who will soon inherit the throne, as we have spoken of. The new understanding of love is something that you have sought.

< Ascension 8QA > But, there is a new understanding of love that comes in when duality is released. It is the fulfillment, the completion of the Second Circle. It is the fulfillment of a journey.

< Ascension 8QA > Now, is there work ahead? Indeed, there is! You still live in a world of duality around you. It will still have an effect on you. You are still going through the transformational process. You are still releasing energies from the past. There will still be body aches and pains for a period of time. There will still be doubts and swings back and forth. But you will notice an underlying and an overlying New Energy, an energy, an understanding of love that you could never have had before. It begins within you. It is not found in another person. It is found in Self.

< Ascension 8QA > Oh, that new understanding of love will be a new fuel and energy unto itself! There will no longer be the need for the interplay of duality, of the 2/3 to 1/3 ratio, of the back and forth. Those polarities always drove each another. It is not needed anymore. It is a weight that is being released and dropped from you.

< Ascension 8QA > The message we brought forth to you on this day was from yourself. And, it was saying, "The time is NOW. The time is in this moment. It is not in the future. In this moment the duality is leaving. Slowly, quietly, and patiently, it is leaving. It is leaving, and it is being replaced by a new understanding of love, a love that has no agenda." Can you imagine that? Love without agenda! A love that is patient and quiet with you… a love that is honoring of you and of others… a love that continues to fulfill itself over and over… continues to grow unto its own energy. Yes, yes, creating New Energy, all by itself!

< Ascension 8QA > In duality, energy was created when one element, perhaps the dark, collided with the light. Those aspects of who you are, in a sense, were bashing into each other and creating an energy as a result of the collision. That is how energy was created. Oh, in these months and years to come, it will seem so crude the way you used to produce energy to move you forth. The energy of love will fulfill itself and complete itself over and over and over again. Dear friends, love does not need to be understood in the mind. It does not. Love, this new understanding of love, will not come from the mind. It will come from all parts of your being. That is why we needed to talk of the Language of Ah before we ever got to this point.

< Ascension 8QA > There will be times with "no agenda," when you first begin to use this, that you will feel like a jellyfish with no structure or no strength (neutral state). Do you know that duality (polarity) gave you strength? It energized you. And, that (the energizer) was the purpose! It polarized you. It created energy. Now, it will feel awkward at first, being without agenda, but then you will come to a new understanding of true love (unity) that will surpass any of the old understandings of duality (split).

< Ascension 8QA > You have been trained to have expectation. You have been trained to think of desired outcomes. As the awarenesses of the New Energy, the new love, and the new dynamics come in, this will quickly replace some of these concerns and doubts that you have.

< Ascension sp > There is a New Energy that is blossoming, and it is coming up within you. And, in this is a new physics of love, a new balance of energy. In the past you knew love as a mirror. You learned of love through the mirror. You learned of it by playing this game of duality - light and dark, good and bad. That is how your consciousness grew. Yes, and there were times when you found another who you loved so much. But, in a sense, they were a mirror to you, that mate or spouse, that family member, that dear friend. You came to understand love by looking in the mirror, by going through the steps of duality.

< Ascension sp > In the new understanding of love the elements of duality come together in a dance. In the new understanding of love there is no mirror anymore from you to the outside, or from you to yourself. In the new understanding of love, there is a marriage that takes place. And, it is within you. It is all of those elements that are you. It is the light and the dark joining together as a new type of illumination. It is not light like what you have thought of before. And it is not the void of darkness. It is a new illumination.

< Ascension sp > In the new understanding of love, there is a marriage of the elements. These elements have always been there. In a sense, they were opposing each other, bumping into each other. This action transformed energy from one state to another. But, it was not new energy. It was only the transofmration of existing energy. In the new understanding of love that is coming into you, there is something new being created. It is no longer simply a transformation of energy from one form of consciousness to the other. The new understanding of love IS New Energy.

< Ascension 10 > The loves and the relationships in your life indeed will change, but it will be different than what you have known in the past. Some of you rejoice for that. It will be different. It will be a new type of love. It will be a love that is complete unto itself because YOU are complete in yourself. It will be a love that carries no agendas. The love will not be the other face of duality like it was in the old energy. It will be a love that is complete, and full, and true unto itself. It will engage you only for the purpose of love. Imagine that - a relationship with another human that engages you ONLY for love. It won't be about agenda, or about somebody trying to get into your emotional back pocket. Only for love!

< Ascension 11 > You will find that love is changing. That is why relationships are changing. In the Old Energy, love was the bringing together of energies to create wholeness. In the new understanding of love you are whole unto yourself; therefore, when you meld with another, it creates yet a new energy. Love is changing. The perception of love… the feeling of love… and the experience of love… they are all changing. Why do you think your relationships are changing also? As you change your consciousness, those things around you will change as well.

< Embodiment 4QA > An interesting thing is happening right now that you and other Shaumbra are beginning to experience that most humans don't. And, it is that there is a melding that is taking place, that there is an opening for every part of yourself to come in.

There is this thing called the "oversoul" that you humans talk about. The oversoul is a collective of all of the energies of everything you have been. It is not this grand angel that is controlling everything. You have to understand YOU are the grand angel controlling everything. The oversoul is your collective. And, it is looking to come back in to serve you through all of its various experiences. But, you cannot look to it for the answers, but simply for the presence.

There is also - how to say - your divinity. Your divinity is what we call the pure essence. It is the most innocent… and the most grand… and the most glorious of all energies. And, it was - how to say - sealed away for so very long by all humans, by most angels… as a matter-of-fact, by most angels. Most angels will have to come the way of Earth (through 3D human reality) to reintegrate with their divinity.

So, you are seeing aspects and feeling aspects of yourself. And, it is a grand and glorious time that these are coming in. By default for you - and for any of you - if you are seeing things and feeling things, or dreaming of things, understand that it is you, that it is parts of you. Use this as your default when you dream of strange and unusual things. You are really dreaming of yourself. When you feel presences around you - as we were talking earlier today of the Atlantean energies - it is that aspect of you. It comes to you. It is all flowing to you right now.

So, you are very perceptive, very wise to know that this is part of you. It will change. It will be difficult to go back and try to recreate it because it will continue to change and evolve and to be with you in new ways. And, we are going to tell you - you personally - you are going to find and understand a whole new definition of being in love because it is going to be about being in love with yourself.


