low feelings / low vibrational feelings


< Clarity 6 > You see, now the car has feelings, and it begins to operate in a whole different way… emotions and feelings and awareness. The car now has a certain level of awareness that adds a new dimension. Many humans operate in body/brain and low feelings. We call them "low-vibration" feelings, a certain degree of understanding, awareness of pain and feeling of what pleases them, what makes them happy, what makes them sad… you see. So, most of humanity is in those levels of either body/brain or body/brain/somewhat-feeling basis.

< Clarity 6 > Now, let us add spirit to the car, spirit. Oh, imagine what that does! Spirit is purpose. Spirit is awareness. Spirit is "I am." The car now realizes that it is a car. It has its own personality, its own identity. It has a body and a brain and some feelings. But, now it is truly complete. With spirit added to this vehicle, now there is meaning. Now, there is purpose, not just survival, not just avoiding pain and seeking pleasure. But, there is the purpose of evolving and expanding, growing and creating.


