divine moment / divine Now

the moment of melding with divinity that occur only when being in the now moment;
the moment when all things come together in conscious perfection;
the moment when a feeling of Oneness occurs; the moment of cosmic consciousness;
the moment when you are in the divine balance in the now;
place of love; sweet spot; expanded now;

< Creator 2 > She said, as she released her grip and opened her palm, "I will now live in the NOW. I will no longer fear a future that does not exist. I will live in the NOW." She began living in the NOW, as she continued to practice standing behind the short wall in acceptance of all that is. As she began to consciously release her grip on her own guilt and pain and the past, she realized that she was creating a moment, a divine moment, in all of the NOW that she was living. She was learning once again to trust self. She was learning that there was no need to project a future fear scenario, but simply to live in the NOW. As she did, there was a unique melding of her humanness with her divinity.

< Creator 2 > She realized that the Spirit within always provides the divine moment - always - but that she had been blocking it. Much like when she was a child, she had blocked her own light and had not helped to teach and heal others, as she knew she was capable of. She had put up a wall, the wall of unworthiness. But now as she brought this down in her adult life as a Lightworker, as a teacher of the Crimson Circle, she realized that she could trust in herself to provide the divine moment.

< Creator 2 > Many of the pains you are feeling in your physical body are related directly to holding onto old belief systems that no longer serve you. You are feeling the pains in your physical body as a reminder to you to let go, to release the grip. These are pains of old beliefs, of guilt, of the way you thought things should be. Letting go allows the divineness to come in and provide that moment that you chose to create.

< Creator 2QA > This is another example of getting caught in the duality, of choosing a certain right and wrong, and certainly within the human a feeling of righteousness about things. We ask you when these feelings come over you to understand that it is time to be in the now and present, to understand how you are creating divine moments each step of the way. This will have much more of an impact on any type of healing for other humans or the planet than worrying about something in the future that has not occurred.

< Creator 2QA > The "divine moment" occurs in the now. It is not something waiting to happen in the future. It occurs in the now. It is when the divinity and the light that are emerging from within you are allowed to be released, and there is what you will sense to be a divine melding, a truth, as we just mentioned, a feeling of Oneness that occur. Some have defined this as cosmic consciousness. It is when all things come together in conscious perfection.

< Creator 2QA > Now again this (divine moment) does not come from outside of you. It comes from within, and it comes when you allow and accept all things as they are. It is when you accept your human that this divinity, this light - the light that is waiting to be released from every cell and every strand of DNA and every vibration within you - can come forth. It is waiting to be released. When you open up and allow and release the fears, it can find the path up through your being.

< Creator 2QA > There will be a conscious reaction, also an emotional and a physical reaction. The physical reaction will be able to be measured at some point. The effects that this opening to your divinity has will change the structure of your human and physical being. We cannot tell you where to go find this divine moment, but we can tell you that the potential for it exists within each and every one of you. Simply release the grasp, dear friends, to allow it to happen.

< Creator 3 > You have spent many lifetimes creating into a future, creating a future from a void. Take a moment to think about what we are saying. You have lived in your thoughts of what tomorrow will be like. This has been appropriate. And it is still appropriate for many who walk the Earth. But as you become creators in the new energy, you will learn the importance of living in the divine moment, the moment that is now! You will be tempted many times to want to live in the future, to want to project what your tomorrow will be. You will be tempted to have fears of tomorrow, to create scenarios in your mind. But as a new creator in this new energy, you will find much power of "living in the divine moment," which is now.

< Creator 3 > The divine moment is now. The divine moment has no judgements. The divine moment is complete in itself. It needs no other fulfillment than just to be. It is a quiet place. The divine moment is a space where you can feel love, where you can feel love washing through your entire being. The divine moment is not held back by the past. It is not plotted into the future. It is simply in the now. And it is perfect in all things. The divine moment can last for a fraction of a second. It can last for hours. In this case here, dear friends, our divine moment extends at least through the period of our gathering in the circle on this day. It is here surrounding each of you. This is indeed a divine moment where there are no needs or wants. You are all that you are.

< Creator 3 > We will help you to understand more of the physics of this. As you are in the divine moment, there is a new type of vibration that emanates from you. It attracts all of the appropriate things to you. In the past you have had to seek those things to bring them to you, to seek your abundance, to seek even your happiness, to seek a mate. You have had to go out into the void of a future that does not exist and to create a reality within it. That is how reality has been shaped on Earth, but you as the new creators will be discovering a new way.

< Creator 3 > After working with this concept of living in the divine moment, go out to one who reads the energies, to those who are psychic, those who see auras. Go to them. You will scare them! (chuckling) They will tell you that you do not exist anymore. They will not be able to see an aura around you, for it will have changed. They will not be able to see your chakras because they will have turned into one chakra. They may be afraid of you! (chuckling) They will wonder what is going on. Sit in your divine moment with them. Sit in a place of love with them. Do not brag of what you have done or who you have become. But let them know energetically that they too can move to those new levels.

< Creator 3QA > You will see things begin to change around you. But you must begin the process with the conscious intent to stand in your divine moment, to stand on the other side of the short wall, and then just be in that moment. It should be no struggle. It should not be difficult. As you consciously intend this and practice this on a regular basis, it will become more natural. It will become easier and easier. This divine moment wants to be part of you. It wants to come forth in your life. It is not like you have to make it happen. You simply have to allow the space for it to happen in.

< Creator 4QA > In the old energy you created the future by projecting your thoughts and your energy into it. This essentially took the void and transformed it into a reality. Creation in the new energy will be quite different. It will not be projecting into the void, it will not be projecting into the future. It will be staying in a moment, in a space, in an energy, creating in that moment, and emanating the energy out, not specifically to your future, but into all moments.

< Creator 4QA > We come here to work with you on becoming creators. It is about becoming and realizing and manifesting your divinity. It is not so difficult, it is not so difficult at all! It was difficult - nearly impossible - when duality had a different balance, when duality had characteristics that were not so harmonious. But as you come into balance with yourself, as you adjusted the balances of duality within you, and as they are balanced in all humans across your earth, it is becoming much easier to become true creators. Being able to create within your being and from your being will not be so much of a struggle! It will be as easy as allowing Grace to handle the balance. It will be as easy as bringing this energy forth into your being, into your reality, into your divine moment and then playing with the results.

< Creator 6 > Lesson Three: Live in the divine moment. Dear friends, as you know so well, it is easy to live in the past. It is easy to worry of the future. As a creator, you will not be in the past or the future. You will be in the moment, the divine moment. Interestingly enough, the divine moment includes the past and the future. If you are in your divine moment, you are healing your past. You are creating a future that is awesome. In the divine moment you are in the past and the future all at the same time, but you are truly in what we would call "no time."

< Creator 6 > While in this divine moment, dear friends - to give you some incentive to be here - your aging process is greatly reduced. That makes sense if you are both in the past and in the future and in "no time." If you choose to reduce the aging process of your biology, be in the divine moment. Healing of your physical body is exponentially faster if you are in the divine moment. The work that Dr. Mindy Reynolds spoke of tonight with the new machines will show this to be true. When you are in the divine moment, the healing process is exponentially faster and the aging process is slowed.

< Creator 10 > As you move into the new energy you will begin to understand the power of the I AM, of the NOW and of the DIVINE MOMENT. You will no longer need to pray to an outside entity or to a spirit that you do not know so well. You will not need to a guide who you have never met and do not even know their name! You will not need to do that in the new energy. It will simply be in the I AM with no intent, but simply IS-NESS.

< Creator 10 > I AM in the DIVINE MOMENT.
We say to you NEW ENERGY is here. This DIVINE ENERGY that emanates from within you is here at this moment. Search no longer for it. Struggle not in your mind but open your being to allow it to come forth.

< Creator 10 > Lesson Three was also of accepting, of being in the Divine Moment, of no longer being in the past. For the past, dear friends, the past is the future for you in many ways. The past is the future in many ways. We have talked to you about being in the Divine Moment, that Divine Space, about not worrying about has transpired or what will be. It is about being in the Now Moment.

< Creator 10QA > What you are experiencing is an evolution in what you are learning. Prayer was an important part of your life early on. You moved from prayer to intent and now you are moving past intent to what we call the I AM. A simple Isness exists now. It is part of you. It is already here. As you teach others, you will walk through the process of prayer … to intent … to now simply I AM. Intent was appropriate at the time when we spoke to you of it. It is still appropriate for most humans. But you are now moving past intent into Isness, into the All. You are transcending intent, and moving into the Divine Moment where all things that you need exist. Intent has been an important tool. We are not saying that it was inappropriate, for it served its purpose at its time. But now we are moving you past that.

< Ascension 4 > Now, step into your Divine Will. Step into this divine moment and allow this to be transformed. That means not placing an agenda on it, but rather allowing it to be released from the old energy hold that it has been in and to transform itself into the solutions that you seek. Do this now. Let this issue, this problem, this illness out. We will work with all of this energy here. We will work with each of you on the non-verbal levels to transform this. As the wise one said earlier, "If you dare. If you dare." Because when you let these energies out, when you release them, a transformation occurs that will lift your consciousness and your enlightenment to a new level.

< Ascension 9QA > From our perspective, and talking to those who crossed over to our side, there were so many humans who sat in meditation with expectation. There were so many who attempted to clear the mind. And, as you know, this does not work so well. These were times of denial when you put up the blocks and keep the waves of energy from coming through. Ultimately, you struggled so much with this thing called meditation. Others used meditation to deny living in the "now." They used meditation to escape duality, their humanness and life around them. Being in ascension status means being in the moment. If you are in the moment, there is really no need to meditate. You do not need to DO meditation. You ARE a walking, living, breathing meditation.

< Ascension 9QA > When you get sick, you want to fix it right away. Be in the Void of Ascension. Know there might be a temporary imbalance within your body. Know that your divine being will provide a solution that was far grander than anything in your medicine cabinet. But, humans, you want to replace everything so quickly. You want to replace your meditation, since we took that away, with something else. You want to replace your ceremony with something else. It is a time of "nothingness" when there is no pressure or struggle. You are not trying to replace. You are not fearing or panicking. It is a divine moment. In that moment the answers come through. If you feel yourself struggling in the mind, struggling in your being, chances are very good that you are not going in the right direction. You are still struggling with duality.

< DivineHuman 2 > Right now, in this moment you sit in… having released the issues of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow… the moment you sit in is complete. Allow yourself to feel it… in this moment that you sit in. It is not about what happened in the past… or what will happen tomorrow… or worrying about that stack of bills… or worrying about anything else… or screaming to us for answers… but rather sitting in this Divine Moment. It IS filled with abundance… and healing… and wisdom… and love. Allow yourself to feel this as we sit here together as Shaumbra. All things are appropriate… all things are balanced… all things are in the Now.

< Embodiment 2 > You know every answer right now. And, you know that you know, don't you? It's that feeling. It's that knowingness that you have within you. But, then you doubt it. You discount it. Shaumbra, stay in that Now moment, the Divine Now. Breathe in and let that answer come out. Do you think you wouldn't have given yourself every answer as a potential before you came here to Earth in this lifetime… every answer to every potential? You could say you "pre-buried" every tool and resource you would need along the path so that when you got there it would pop up and be right there for you. You know the answer.

< Embodiment 11 > Being in this pure moment together like this without expectation, literally allows you to spiral and to transform into a new level of living, a level that you could not comprehend in your Old Energy human mind. That Old Energy human mind always wanted to know details, structures, controls. That Old Energy human mind always wanted to have everything defined through the brain. You transcend that. Let us just sit here in this moment, not trying to do anything, not trying to force anything. As you do this in this sacred state of being, the radiance, your radiance, expands. Your divine comes in and melds with your human. Everything starts expanding, glowing, radiating.


