central processing facility

mind; intellect; brain;

< Ascension 5 > The Language of Ah emerges from your current human senses. It will birth. It will blossom from within through that you are already using. But, it will add new perspective to your hearing, to your sight, to your smell, to your taste, to your touch. It will add a new dimension to each one of these things. But, what do you think happens in the meantime, as this language is coming forth? You will have change and transformation in each one of these human senses in the meantime, much like the farmers went through much change when they went from a central processing center to an intranet system with individual processing centers. It was not easy at first. There were challenges. There were some breakdowns. There were days they each wished they had stayed with the old ways of doing things.

< Ascension 5 > Each one of your senses in the divine energy has its own form of intelligence. And, we do not like to use even that word. They have their own form of responsibility and responsiveness. In the Language of Ah you will not send the information back through the brain. The brain does not really want it anymore. The information will come independently through that hearing, the knowingness; through the sight, the insight; through the smell, the intuition; through the taste, the discernment; through the touch, the sensitivity.

< Ascension 5 > The central processing center for the farmers represents the brain. All of your current human senses are connected to your brain, even though it is a sense in itself, even though the farmer who managed the central processing facility was also a farmer. All of your other senses of feel, touch, taste, sight, all of them are connected to your brain. They have been connected to your brain. But, now each one of your seven senses with the Language of Ah is getting their own processing center. In the new divine energy, information does not have to be processed through the brain, the sense that is the furthest away from the other senses. Things do not have to be shipped to the brain anymore before they are distributed into your life.

< Ascension 5 > Understand the Language of Ah works through each one of your current seven human senses. But, now it operates individually. Yes, they are all intra-connected. They all understand when you have an experience through your new sense of touch, using the Language of Ah. All of the other senses will be aware. They may pitch in to help at the appropriate time. They may limit their production in order to make the production of the hearing the most powerful at that time. They will work to balance each other, for they are connected. But, much like an intranet, there does not have to be a central processor. They are independent, yet they work together.

< DivineHuman 5 > On the New Earth, you will not have a brain (central processing facility) like you have now as a human because you will FEEL everything. You will not need this barrier, this filter of the brain, to process things through. In a sense, all of the records of all of your experiences will be contained within you. You will have access to them, but it will not be like a brain that makes judgements, that tells you what’s right or wrong. On the New Earth there is no right and wrong. It is simply "I Am."


