symbol for transmutation/alchemy/clearing/cleansing;
< Ascension 9 > "Are you ready for the fires that will sweep through your physical body?" You may know this fire as the flu. You may know it as skin irritations. You may know it as hot flashes. These are the fires that come from the clearing within, for there is much friction taking place right now in your energetic being at your deep, deep levels. The friction causes heat, which brings on the inner fires. These fires clear the inner being, and clear the old scars. In your forests there are trees that are down. There is debris on the ground. In your own being it is much the same. There are things that need to be cleared now. The inner fires help release them.
< NewEnergy 4 > So, what happens is… you have these tremendous bursts and eruptions in the sun - releases, and expressions of your anger - saying it is time now for Home to come to me. A phenomenal amount of energy moves from the sun and goes right to the Earth. You have been experiencing that the last few days. And, it manifests exactly where it should - fires, dear friends, the ones Metatron talked about. Fires… haven't you seen them in this last week? Haven't you seen them - even in this area of these mountains - but especially in the areas of Southern California, even other places of the world? So much energy and attention has been focused on the ones in this place called California, clearing energies, releasing energies that were there.
< NewEnergy 4 > Indeed, thousands lost their homes. A small number lost their lives. Nothing… nothing in comparison to what could have happened several years ago - catastrophic earthquakes that would have taken out that whole region. Millions and millions would have lost their lives. They would have returned to our side of the veil. Yes, we were ready to handle it. Instead, some fires that allow clearing in a land that has been so - how to say - intensely focused… so much a part of the whole New Energy movement… a few fires that can be put out so the lands and Gaia can be cleared, so that we can all move on.
< Clarity 3QA > The Earth is causing the weather problems because, whether they like to admit it or not, there is global warming. It is caused by a whole layer of pollutants around the Earth that are preventing the proper intake and output of energy, whether it is from the sun or other realms. This is causing disturbances in the very delicate balance of Gaia. Gaia reads these disturbances. Gaia reads that there are weather changes, that there are temperature changes, and knows it is her time to come in now and do clearing. She rides off of this energy, brings in her troops - which would be the hurricanes and the earthquakes and the fires - and helps facilitate the cleansing and the change that is going on.
< Clarity 11QA > Heat generally has to do with transmutation. You are transmuting many of the old energies.
< Teacher 6 > It is also the potential, in this explosion of the consciousness elements that have collided, it is the potential to clear out old structures - energies that have been suppressed, hidden, buried, locked away, distorted, perverted, all the rest of these things. You have a beautiful moment here that is taking place, but a moment that goes unnoticed to most humans because again, what are they focused on? The drama of the collision. And we paint this picture here - they're focused on the fire. They're focused on the earthquake. They're focused on the drama.
< QuantumLeap 3 > The Earth has approximately six billion people on it, and Gaia can handle about ten billion without going through some major changes. One of the changes is that the Old Energy of the spirit of Gaia is leaving, turning over the responsibility to humans. How much more population can the world handle? What will the weather patterns be like? What will happen with things like earthquakes, storms, hurricanes? Even these things, the fires recently in California, a way of clearing out old - what do you call - sexual energy virus. But also anytime that you have a very dense population of humans, humans who are under stress - their own stress, the stress of Earth beneath them - you're going to get a reaction . A fire, a flood or some other type of cleansing.
< Master 7 > So the Earth quakes, the Earth shifts, the Earth has fire and snow and all the rest of that. What's happening is the energy is transmuting. So, the world is releasing right now. You see it in earthquakes, you see it in strange weather - that's the obvious stuff. There are a lot of other things going on as well. You can become aware of it just tapping into it. It's not just shifting the physical Earth itself. It's shifting magnetic grids. It's shifting the axis and then an earthquake comes along and really shifts it into place.
< (Next) 12 > So humans started developing these many, many gods, worshipping a lot of them. And in a way they were correct, because there is a bird consciousness. There is a tree consciousness. There's an ant consciousness. You take any of the species and there is kind of a group or collective consciousness that you can tap into. But it's not a god, so to speak, and it doesn't need to be worshipped. Fire is an energy brought into manifest by consciousness. It's an energy that responds to consciousness. All energy responds and manifests in a variety of different ways.
< e2012 5 > It always amazes me that people bury other people in the ground. I never did quite understand that, from an energetic standpoint. There is an energy that stays there, that doesn't go along with you. Well, yeah, you're on the other side. You're doing whatever you do. You're doing past life reviews, which are kind of boring. You're going to the New Earth, which is phenomenal. Part of you is still not there. I've always preferred the cremation or burial by fire. Why? It's a transmutation. It releases the energy. It gets it all back down to the natural state. It literally transmutes, burns out your old energy.
< freedom 2 > It's an international center as well. So it is no wonder that the storm goes there. It's an energy – a nice energy center – just that's been misused. Yes. Absolutely. So the storm finds its way there. Now, you can take a look, very symbolically or very simply. Why wasn't it a fire or an earthquake? Why was it water and wind? Cleansing, even though fire does cleanse, but it's a different type. By the way, Fire – alchemy – does not have to be hot. I say “fire” and you see flames and you think “hot.” Actually, that's an illusion.