Isis / house of Isis

feminie side of Spirit (greater energy quotient in the Kingdom); the Queen; Mother;
birthing and nurturing inner working aspect; divinity (greater part of self); ⇔ Chiron

< NewEnergy 4 > If you are female, allow the male energies to come in. If you are female, allow yourself to heal the wound - the wound of Isis. Indeed, she is here today also. She had to come in to counter Rapha. The wound of Isis - so many of you, those who are physically female and intuitively female understand exactly what I'm talking about -is the greatest wound of all. Allow yourself to breathe in the masculine energies back into you. And, as you do, allow this archetypical energy of Isis - the Mother… the Creator… the giver of birth and giver of life - to heal. You know how it was abused, grandly abused. That has caused the counter-reaction, particularly in your contemporary society. But, it has been going on for a lot longer than just these lifetimes recently on Earth.

< NewEnergy 4 > The male energy that you have allowed to get strong, women… you have allowed it to get strong because you are hiding from who you are and what you have done. The wound of Isis is deep, deeper than the wound of Chiron. You know exactly what we are speaking about here. You have tried to hide it. You've been angry about it. You don't know what to do with it. You have turned over responsibility to the male. It is time for the divine to meet the human. It is time for the man to meet the woman. It is time for you to release Isis now. The wound has been deep. But, seven days from now, we can all heal this thing. It is all of our past - not just a human thing - it is all of our past.

< NewEnergy 4 > You have brought this event of the healing of the Star of David into consciousness. And, now all of us can do something with it. Remember the energies of Rapha will be with you. Raphael will be with you to help transmute. The energies of Isis will be there - with her tears - for the healing.

< NewEnergy 5 > It is time to understand that you were carrying a burden for all of femininity, for all of Isis. It is time to understand that you put yourself through the experience of abuse on behalf of all women in your culture and your society now, as well as the feminine energies of Isis. You allowed this to happen to go to the depths of sorrow, the depths of pain, and the depths of understanding, pure understanding. We know you struggle with this. And, you have difficulty opening up because of this.

< NewEnergy 5 > Understand that you were doing this energetically on behalf of Isis, but that you don't need to do this anymore, that other women don't need to do this. Once you acknowledge that you are ready to have understanding about the event - not to deny what happened, but to have understanding of all these events - then the sisters of Isis, the daughters of Isis, can work with you in helping you to transmute that energy into wisdom, understanding, and compassion. You are still… so many of you are still holding on to some of these old, old hurts that took place while you were in human form.

< Embodiment 4 > Some of you are holding energies for abused and battered women, women who have had the Isis energy violated within them. You help them to hold that energy, to hold their space and their balance. This is wonderful work. You help them from falling into a deep, deep abyss… and you know that. You help them from going over the edge. You hold it because you have been violated. Your Isis energy has been deeply wounded. You were able to work through most of it. And, now you become an energy holder for the feminine energy that has been abused and wounded and mistreated.

< Teacher 4 > These forces at their core have to do with the integration of the masculine and feminine energies. Tobias has talked to you about this before and he puts on a most excellent school dealing with this reuniting of the Isis and the Adam energies - the reuniting of the masculine and feminine. But it's more than just the masculine and feminine as you would think in your mind. It's much more than that. These two energies of masculine and feminine - Isis and Adam - represent the original split. The masculine and feminine aspect of any souled being was the first split in self, the first division of consciousness, even at the angelic realms.

< Teacher 4 > And you could ask yourself why, what is the agenda? Aren't they enlightened beings on the other side? Not particularly. Some of them feel very righteous in what they're doing. They feel that this essential split of the soul into masculine and feminine was the fault of one or the others of the energies, and that if these two energies of masculine/feminine reunite, that one in particular - the feminine - will try to now dominate and annihilate the masculine energy. They don't truly understand about energy balances. They don't understand about the reunion. They are so into their own consciousness, into their own hypnosis, that they're playing out this drama.

< Teacher 6 > Kwan Yin has been very quiet, sometimes not so quiet, mostly quiet in the background. Kwan Yin has stood for compassion. Kwan Yin has stood for the energy of Isis, the feminine aspect. Now that you are allowing yourself to be feminine-masculine joined together again, you're going to find her energy. It's going to shift and change this year. She's going to go beyond compassion. Compassion is of course the total acceptance and honoring. She's been working with you and working with the Crimson Council to help you understand the sense of compassion.

< Teacher 11QA > It sounds like a book! It could be a fascinating book, a book about the masculine/feminine energy. And whether the story of Lilith ... it is just an interpretation. It is a type of way of explaining how energies work, how Lilith wouldn't accept the terms because of the commitment to the Isis energy, so another aspect of Isis came in became what you would call Eve, took the rap, took the blame for everything that's happened since. And actually, the energy of Eve, you could say, was set up by the churches to bring down the energy of Isis.

In a sense it is interesting to explore the energies of history, energetic history that is, but in another sense it doesn't really make that much of a difference. You can get caught in the trap here. The important thing to remember is that masculine, feminine, duality, the aspects of opposition are wanting to come back together right now. That's the only important thing. Every part of you, every part of the reflection of yourself, wants to join back together. You don't need the two parts of you to understand the question, "Who am I?" Who am I is answered in this Now moment and it is about the complete integration.

< Returning 11 > I'm going to speak somewhat metaphorically here, but actually there's a lot of reality to it. We've talked before about how you have a variety of different energies in you - the light, the dark; the yin, the yang; the masculine, the feminine. We're going to go back in this case to the story of Isis and Adam, which is basically the masculine and feminine within you. But I also want to use it to express another duality concept, and that was the inward and the outward expressions of your soul.

A long time ago when you left All That Was, when you went through the Wall of Fire on your journey that would bring you to Earth, you created your original separation and that created the inner looking spirit, what you now call your soul, your divine; and your outer expression, the part of you that would journey out into the void and create reality. The outer expression that would eventually come by way through the Order of the Arc to this planet Earth for a completion and fulfillment.

Using the concepts of duality, the metaphor, we'll talk about Isis and Adam, but understand it relates to the inner and the outer parts of self - the light and the dark, every opposing duality.

When the energy of Adam left Isis it created tremendous pain, for the two energies are essentially the same. They were always meant to be together. They were always in love. So when the separation occurred between Isis and Adam, you can imagine the pain that it caused. You can also imagine an anger that was caused as part of you left on a journey and left another part within itself. This caused the pain of love and separation, but also you could say a type of anger - "Why are you leaving? Why are you allowing the separation?"

So the energy of the masculine, of Adam, or the energy of the outer expression of self, went off, knowing - both parts of you knowing - that you would return together at the right time and the right place. This part of you - let's call it the Adam energy - Adam went off searching. Adam went off looking for new solutions, oh, out of absolute love to Isis. He wanted to create a place that was so perfect that Isis would want to return.

So Adam started, what you could say, building or constructing the perfect castle, the perfect home, the perfect space. And as he was building it through his imagination and his creative expression, he kept on wondering if Isis would really like it - would she like the colors? Would she like the style? - and he began to doubt himself tremendously. He wondered if Isis would be comfortable here. He wondered if he was just doing this for himself or if it would really be appropriate for Isis.

He kept on wondering if Isis really missed him and really loved him. He kept on wondering if maybe this was a plot from Isis to get rid of him. He wondered at times if Isis was deliberately doing this to him to totally annihilate him, to enslave him, to make him insignificant. And you see this myriad of opposing energies was flowing through Adam all the time while he was working on building this perfect dream castle for Isis.

Of course, the castle has never been good enough. Oh, it is spectacular in my opinion, but Adam is still working on it. It's the castle that can never be completed because, dear Shaumbra, in the somewhat imbalanced heart of Adam he fears most of inviting Isis in and her not accepting it.

That means her not accepting him. That means no reunion. That means no going forward. So if he keeps building his castle and he keeps modifying it and he keeps doubting himself, he keeps playing the game, he never has to face the question: is he worthy of Isis's return. Is he worthy?

And Isis, all this time, is wondering, "What happened to Adam? Why hasn't he called? Maybe he doesn't love me anymore. Maybe he's found another. Maybe he's betrayed me. Maybe he's trying to assume and collect power. Maybe he's trying to totally annihilate me. Maybe I'm not beautiful enough for him. Maybe he has discovered something within himself that has higher qualities than I. Maybe I'm not worthy of ever receiving the love of Adam. Maybe I'll turn my back. I'll hide my tears so I never have to face the issue, is Adam calling out for me. Is he welcoming me back to him? So I'll keep myself distracted. I'll do everything but look."

Dear Shaumbra, that's the story of Isis and Adam. It's also your story. It's a story of your inward and outer expression. It's a story of the human self and the divine. Maybe you don't think you're worthy, that you've built a good enough house for your divine to join you here, so you keep trying to build the house. And maybe your divine, right now at this moment, is wondering, "How come I haven't received the call? How come I'm not being invited into this holy sacred place called the human existence?" Maybe the divine is thinking that you betrayed it.

So this game continues. The deception continues and the separation continues, because what if, just what if the human didn't like the divine? What if it was disappointed with the most intimate part of itself? What if it had had so many experiences and so many loves in all of its lifetimes, it doesn't want itself anymore? What if…?

You face some of the most important issues in your existence right now. You face the issues of completion and of acceptance. The big dark energy rolls in right now and says, "What if the divine doesn't like me? What if it thinks I built a crappy house? That I'm not worthy? What if the divine comes in and tells me I have at least another dozen lifetimes before it'll even consider?" And that's the sabotage. It is artificial, and those of us who are sitting in our own Third Circle can tell you it is the biggest delusion and deception that you'll ever give yourself. But it is also the biggest gift.

< (Next) 10 > Gaia is a spirit like you, an entity like you, an angel supported by millions of other angelic beings, including many of you. Deep connection to Gaia. Gaia comes from the House of Isis and is a very pure, loving, what you would call a feminine energy, beautiful energy, a creator energy. Gaia, the angel Gaia, came to this planet, I'd say millions of years ago, to infuse a life force energy into this rock. She was preceded in her literal journey here by other angelic beings, coming here, not in physical form but in celestial form, who provided what you would call the design or the imprint for crystalline energies that would ultimately allow Gaia to stay here for awhile. This planet is filled with crystalline energies. You have a crystal grid. You don't have to study it; just feel it.

< Transhuman 6 > And then recently, after that and only after that, could we do Wound of Adam.* The Wound of Adam talks about love. It's a story of love between the characters Isis and Adam, which are simply the feminine and masculine aspects within you. And in Wound of Adam it talked about this great love. It talked about Isis' shame, but then the great love that they eventually discovered together here on Earth.
I won't go into too much of the story on that, but, needless to say, the two tie in so beautifully. In Isis', the feminine pursuit of love, her desire … let me put it this way. Isis, the feminine aspect, is the one that's going to insist on the experience of true love, while Adam, in love to Isis, holds down the fort. Adam will maintain the place, the balance on this Earth where you still live, where you still have your body, while Isis comes to find true love on a place called Theos.


