Presented at the Crimson Circle February 7, 2004
Original Website
And so it is, dear Shaumbra, that we
continue this day, this day where it has been an honor for I, Tobias,
to be with you so directly. I love to bring in the guests, of course, and
there is a lineup of them wanting to be here. They want to be in the center of
this energy of angels who have come so far, who are working with New
Energy. But, it was nice to have you all to myself today.
Indeed, as the beautiful music says, "Go on shining, Shaumbra."
Don't run away now. You have come so far. You have completed
a grand cycle here on Earth. You've come so far in all of your learnings.
And, it is time for you to step out now to be the teacher.
We have talked to you about that from the very beginning. It is time to be a
teacher of New Energy, to be a teacher of divine and human. Some of you don't
think you have what it takes yet. Some of you are waiting, waiting to have
more knowledge and understanding. But, there are no others who possess what
you possess, no others who hold the base of experience, wisdom, knowledge.
We know that you are concerned that when you open your mouth or open
up to express yourself that perhaps nothing will come out. But, we ask you
to shine… to shine your life for others to
see… for the students… and all of the ones who you come into contact with
each day. They are your students, you know. You've set it up this way…
interesting methods for doing it.
But, the ones you work with - those who are in your family, those who are your
friends - they are your students. You've set it up that way. They're learning
from you, perhaps not things - how to say - from a book, but they are learning
from watching and observing. Just being in your energy… they learn. They
want you to shine. They want you to embrace
life, to help them understand how to embrace life.
I, Tobias, have been with you so long now in these past several thousands of
years - an agreement that we all made with each other when the divine
Christ Seed first started coming to Earth. We have walked this journey
I, Tobias, want you to embrace life. I want to see the culmination of all of
your efforts, the culmination of all this work that you have done and
everything you have learned. I want you to embrace life to stay here on this
planet. I want you to be the ones who will be MY teacher when I come back to
I want you to be the ones who show the others that you can reverse a process
that has been in place ever since you have been on Earth… this process of karmic
cycles… this process of being born… and then dying… and coming back
again and again. I want you to be the ones to show others you can reverse the
process even of aging of the physical
body. Show them how to bring life into biology… even while you are in
the body… to bring a rejuvenating life
force back into it… to make yourself younger in appearance… to make
your body more vital, stronger, more resilient… to show them that you don't
need to take knives to cut out part of your body when it was in disease…
that you can take life, life force energy, Spirit energy, and allow it to flow
into that imbalanced part of your physical body to reinvigorate it to heal on
its own. It was designed by you to do that, to heal itself. But, when you cut
off, when you suffocate the life force energies that are flowing through you,
nothing happens. The body deteriorates.
I, Tobias, have such deep, deep love for each one of you. I know each one of
you by name. I work with all of you. There are no exceptions here. And, it has
brought me concern that some of you are suffocating, choking off that life.
You are doing this because of certain expectations you might have and,
certainly, because you are only embracing small parts of things and wondering
why everything else is happening around you.
It is time to embrace every moment, everything in your life. Find joy even in
the darkest of things. There is a gift. There is a pearl in the darkest of the
dark. That is why I chose this day, this energy, to bring this forward to ask
you the very specific question, "Do you choose to embrace life right
With that I would be delighted to speak to you, to answer questions, and to
ask you a few myself.
QUESTION FROM SHAUMBRA 1 (from the Internet, read by Linda): Dear Tobias,
there is a dear Shaumbra here who has really tried to follow and has been such
an incredible, dedicated Shaumbra. She has no more cartilage in her knees and
faces the decision to live with that pain or to have something done to make
the knees easier to live with. Could you give some validation or information?
TOBIAS: Indeed… we know this has been painful, difficult, challenging for
you. And, we say to you right now that you can reinvigorate this area. You can
release what the doctors have said.
Once again Cauldre interjects, and says that he is not responsible for medical
advice (audience laughter) that I, Tobias, pass on. But, it is also time for
him to get over some of those rather restrictive thought patterns.
You can bring life force energy back into
your knees - your knees, which hold you up, which transport you, that allow
you to live each day. They have had heavy burdens on them from many of the
problems that you have carried, particularly problems for others. You can
bring rejuvenation to these.
There are times it is appropriate - how to say - to work with a facilitator,
one who works with energies. They will show you. They are not healing you, but
they can show you how to bring energies to that area.
But, before you do we want you to ask yourself this question, "Do you choose
to embrace life right now?" It is not contingent on whether your knee
gets better. You cannot tell that to I, Tobias,
or Spirit. We hear you saying, "I will
embrace it if my knee gets better." Your knee will get better if you
embrace life, if you allow the energies to flow through it.
There are other physical aspects here too that will become more balanced for
you. You have had some difficulty here. And, we know that having a physical
body can be a burden. But, if it can be a burden, it can also have the
potential of being a joy.
We will speak to you… we will speak to all of Shaumbra in our next gathering
about how to use imagination
energies… bring them into your reality… manifest them… create in a whole
new way, a type of creating that you have been desiring to do for so long. We
will speak of that. But, in the meantime, it is appropriate to bring life
force energy in here, work with anyone here in this area that understands how
to work with New Energies.
LINDA: Since you're giving advice, did you care to make a referral?
TOBIAS: This will be the choice of the questioner. There are many in the room.
And, they will seek you out before you leave.
LINDA: Thank you.
QUESTION FROM SHAUMBRA 2 (a woman at the microphone): Tobias, I choose
to embrace life.
TOBIAS: We were going to ask you that question. (audience laughter)
SHAUMBRA 2: In the past month I have experienced the flow of New
Energy. I have experienced being safe in
what could have been a very dangerous situation.
TOBIAS: Indeed… you were simply holding
an energy for someone else there. It was not about you. You were - how to
say - brought to that space to allow someone else to go through a wonderful clearing
process. But, it was all very safe, indeed.
SHAUMBRA 2: Yes, and I have experienced some of the series of events which you
talked to me about in Santa Fe. However, I continue to experience low energy,
fatigue, headaches. I think that I have released some of the fear and the
shortness of breath that I experienced last week. But, the other symptoms
continue. I think some of this is regarding my new work situation… which I
believe I have found the right situation. Can you just talk to me about all of
TOBIAS: Indeed… there are several factors at play here. One is a biological
condition that you have, an adjustment to your new environment. Your body is
readjusting to this. And, much of the body energies are being devoted towards
- how to say - helping you readjust. But, there is also some other rejuvenation
that is taking place in your body. So much of the physical energy is being
dedicated to this right now.
As you have been doing lately… and we ask you to continue doing the deep
breath work… this will facilitate this whole changeover in the body. There
are - how to say - foods that you will find yourself attracted to that will -
new foods, different than what you have been desiring - that will help this
whole process.
But, we also have to tell you that you are overdoing it a bit at night out on
your work when you leave the body and you go to the other
realms, whether you are teaching, whether you are going to… you are
spending too much time at the New Earth
these days.
SHAUMBRA 2: No wonder I'm so tired in the morning!
TOBIAS: Indeed… and you need to give yourself a break now and then. There is
no rush with these things. But, you need to tell yourself, your spirit, that
you do not need to go gallivanting all over the universe
at night, that there are some nights you need the deep rest. You need it for
your body. Thank you.
SHAUMBRA 2: Thank you.
QUESTION FROM SHAUMBRA 3 (from the Internet, read by Linda): My question
concerns being between Old and New
energy. I am part of the New Energy, but it's hard to feel safe.
For example, I left my career in favor of healing, but so far have no paying
clients. I have left the Old behind, but the New hasn't arrived. Where am I?
(some audience laughter)
TOBIAS: Indeed… specifically why we broached this subject with you today -
with all of you - about embracing life.
You are between the worlds, not merely just walking in both the Old and New,
but sometimes in neither the Old or the New. It is a challenging and difficult
process. It is a process that is going to happen anyway. It is going to evolve
anyway. It is simply about even embracing that challenging period between the
It is about understanding that - how to say - you left an Old Energy job to
pursue a New one. But, in a sense, you could say, many humans aren't ready for
the New work that you have to offer. There will be more and more of them
coming in. But, you have ventured into a whole New area. Now, even in - how to
say - in the Old Energy work you were involved in before, you were still doing
your teaching work… as we said in the previous question, saying that you are
all there teaching, one way or the other.
We say to you - and for all of the questions today - it is about truly
embracing life energy right now. That will
create a type of - what you call - "shining," where you will emanate
your energy. And, that will indeed bring new ones to your door. But, it is
embracing it even at this difficult time of walking between the Old and the
You are a gifted… we choose not so much the word "healer." You are
a gifted facilitator. You have yet to discover many of your own talents,
sometimes still relying on Old methods. You see… there is a conflict there,
relying on Old - what you would call - healing methods.
The best and most potent healing or facilitation takes place in the
moment. You have already downloaded
the information about the one who you are working with. Allow it to come into
you in the moment. Release any Old methods that you have been attached to.
And, you will know exactly what to do with them. Thank you.
QUESTION FROM SHAUMBRA 4 (from the Internet, read
by Linda): Tobias, you have stated that everything we need is there before us,
but we have not seen it yet. Well, Tobias, I'm not one to focus on money, but
why is it not there for me to see? The only humans I know that have a clear
direction of where they are going and know no issue of abundance are my
hospice patients. (delayed laughter) Would you please elaborate - where is the
money? (much more laughter)
TOBIAS: Indeed… you know that we know that you already know the answer to
this (more laughter). You have not allowed this to come into your reality
right now for a variety of reasons. How to say - you find that you are happier
with yourself right now without the abundance.
This is your choosing… not ours. You
desire the abundance, but you know that it doesn't bring the happiness, so
you've cut it off from yourself.
The question to you now is, "Can you allow the abundance in and stay in a
place of balance with yourself? Can you have abundance and have
happiness?" Now, we are not just talking about the happiness of being
able to pay your bills or taking vacations, but the true happiness.
You see… you are so good at the work you do here in hospice. You are tender
and loving. You are strength for the ones that you sit with. And, you give
them so much humor and joy in a time of their life that could be so fearful,
or painful, or angry. And, you joke with them. You laugh with them. You hold
their hand. You have learned how to breathe with them. And, you have found
And, you also remember when the money didn't bring joy, when you weren't
following your passion. So, you are scratching your head right now and
wandering about, "Where is the money?" But, what you are really
wondering about is what would you do if you had it right now?
You are coming to a new maturity within yourself, a maturity that should allow
you to have the abundance. Indeed, we want you to the have it. If we could
give you the gold coins, we would… oh, you don't use gold coins (audience
laughter). If we could give you the dollars, we would do that. But, we
don't… we can't. It is up to you. It IS there.
You were born into an energy of money. It has always been an energy that is
very strong with you. But, you wanted to experience also what it was like to -
how to say - play at extremes with money, and then not have money.
So, it is… we put the question back on you, "When will you embrace a
life when you can be happy and have full abundance?" The happiness that
you have in your soul now… we know when you go to sleep at night that you
have a satisfaction. Your body is tired indeed. But, you have a satisfaction
in your heart.
We ask you to continue doing this hospice work. But, as you know, we encourage
you to take it to a new level. You need to start teaching others how to be in
hospice. You know the drill. You know what it is like to be there. It is time
for you to teach Shaumbra. Begin with teaching Shaumbra what it is like to
work with those who are crossing over.
You have much to share with them. And, we will continue to - how to say -
"bug" you until you do this.
QUESTION FROM SHAUMBRA 5 (a woman at the microphone):
Hi, Tobias. I want to make a comment first. You talk a lot about working with
people in dreams. I never remember dreams.
But, my question has to do with… and I thank you today for going through
what I've just recently gone through. And, as you know, I have made the choice
to move forward to follow my heart, pulling and calling, that I reconnected
with when I went to see the whales
last March. And, it feels real right. I'm enjoying the New Energy around it.
The question that I have… I feel like there's something that myself and two
other Shaumbra that moved from here - Casey and Robin - are to do in this
area. And, they both feel it too. But, is that something that you can share a
potential on at this time?
TOBIAS: Indeed, whatever you choose to do, we will support you in it. We don't
want to be in the business of making these decisions. You have been feeling
something. You have the knowingness that it is right, indeed.
The only thing that we would suggest here, as your helpers, counselors - allow
it to be very fluid. Allow it to be very open. As you begin to do this work,
it will take on, as we said before, a type of life
of its own. Allow it to blossom and grow, even in directions that maybe you
hadn't anticipated. Do it with full compassion
also. This is so very important here. Do it with full compassion.
But, indeed, you are desiring to express,
to play with these energies. Indeed… it is needed right now. So, we
certainly support and endorse what you are doing.
Regarding your dreams… there are those like you who go so deeply into the
dreams… the dreams that are at a level that is very difficult to understand
through the human mind… made up of - how to
say - symbols and energies that are not of the human
realm. So, it is that when you wake up, you don't remember these because
they cannot be processed through the mind, and because you've gone so very,
very deep in these.
If you choose to remember your dreams, simply allow yourself to remember them,
to remember the symbols, even if they are difficult to understand. Ask
yourself to bring them in in terms of the symbols.
You, indeed, - and all Shaumbra - dream all night long. There are scientific
studies that say that you only dream for a portion of the night. In the rest
there is very little, if any, brain activity. That is because you have gone so
far out that the brain does indeed stop, or do the minimal functions. But,
you've gone so far. But, the dreaming - which is just a type of journeying -
the dreaming continues. Thank you.
SHAUMBRA 5: Thank you.
QUESTION FROM SHAUMBRA 6 (from the Internet, read by Linda): Tobias, I was
wondering - why am I so awfully tired all the time? Do you think it's the New
Energy? But, we have jobs and work to do. How much longer will this last?
TOBIAS: Indeed… if you - who asked the question specifically - if you embrace
life, if you rekindle the life force energy within yourself by choosing to
be in life each moment, you will find that the energies return to you. You are
one who, like so many, are not sure whether you want to be here, not sure what
this New Energy thing holds. You cut off so much of the experiences of each
day of your life, judging some of the experiences as menial or trivial, things
that are - how to say - human necessity. But, in all of those experiences -
all of them - is such a wonderful gift. So, embrace all of life. Breathe in on
a regular basis. And, the life energy that you have been suffocating will
return to you. Thank you.
QUESTION FROM SHAUMBRA 7 (a woman at the microphone): Tobias, thank you for
your clarification about the New Energy
and embracing life. It's very
helpful. In terms of that, I have some questions with my relationship with my
mother. My mother has been terminal the last year, and I'm visiting her. Ten
months ago her husband was unexpectedly killed. And, I've been caretaking with
her and living in Michigan. One of the paradoxes that keeps happening is that
I feel like I get a very clear knowing that there is a death date coming up
for her. And, you know, I'm trying to caretake her and somehow still manage my
life here in Colorado. And, so you know, I'll try to plan or whatever it is I
do. And, then just before that time, I'll get a very clear knowing that this
isn't the death date. It has been changed to this. And, it's like happened
three times now. So, in terms of this New Energy and embracing life, maybe you
could elaborate on the situation of my mother and my journey with her at this
TOBIAS: Indeed… she is spending much of her time consciously on our
side of the veil, going through a somewhat slow process, but by her own
choosing. You are perceptive, intuitive, in knowing that she has - how to say
- chosen dates, but it is not so much a calendar date as an energetic marker.
She has chosen these and, for a variety of reasons, has decided not to go. One
is to - how to say - spend more time with you. And, part of it is also a
concern for you that she has chosen not to go.
It is good at this point to let her know that you are in a safe
space… energetically balanced… that she does not have to keep a
portion of her energies here for you… but also to let her know that the crossing
over will be much easier than she anticipates. There is also - how to say
- much that she is bringing back energetically and sharing with you. But, let
her know that her body does not need to be here for the two of you to continue
And, also from your own standpoint, it is about allowing her to go in joy.
And, we know that you know this, but it is just affirming this to release her
in joy and understand truly there is no death. There is just a recycling or a
re-transformation of energies. Thank you.
SHAUMBRA 7: Thank you.
QUESTION FROM LINDA (SHAUMBRA 8): Tobias, I have two full folders of
questions. I could read these over, and over, and over again, but so many of
the questions are the same. And, there are so many people that seem to be in
so much pain right now. Is there a reason for that at this particular time?
TOBIAS: As we spoke of today at great length, it is about embracing
life. It is about not knowing if you, Shaumbra, choose to be here or
choose to come back to our side. And, indeed, the pain does intensify if you
have not embraced life. That is why I was so adamant about that today saying,
"It is time to embrace it."
As you embrace life, this brings all of
the things to you, whether it is abundance… or relationships… or even
a new type of passion, but a passion
different than your Old Energy passion. Embracing life sets up a whole new
dynamic. And, then the pain that you speak of here, the challenges,
mysteriously disappear.
We see so many of you not living. And, as
we said during our doing our discussion today, life
is such a gift. Every entity will pass this way, will come through this, where
they manifest in matter. They come to life in creation. Every entity will come
this way. It is a gift.
But, so many of you are tired and weary. So many of you had expectations that
could not possibly be fulfilled - what we call the "Superman
expectations." Then, you become frustrated and disappointed.
So many of you have been waiting for the savior energy. In this we mean Yeshua,
or any of the other masters. But, more than that, just the hand of Spirit to
come down… and give you things… and do things for you… tell you what to
Shaumbra, in the New Energy you are
God also. You are the Creator. You are
the one making the choices. It is up to
you. We do know that it's difficult, and we will not try to deny this. But, we
will try to help you understand how to overcome the low energy… the pain…
the frustration… the walls that you have placed in your way. We will try to
help you to overcome these things today, talking about embracing life,
embracing life.
We do want to add one note here to the previous question about her mother
(referring to the question from Shaumbra 7). The energy has come back here
while we were talking. Your mother has now chosen a date. And, she says she
will stay true to that date (audience laughter). She, in a sense, felt the
energy of our discussion here, and - how to say - it is again not a date on a
calendar. It is a "consciousness marker." But, she knows it is time
to go now. So, thank you.
LINDA: Last question, should you so choose.
TOBIAS: Indeed.
QUESTION FROM SHAUMBRA 9 (a woman at the microphone): Hi, Tobias. I'm
curious about your comments about the New Energy being… we're safe in our
bodies in the New Energy. I came out here in November to work on my book on
real estate investing to go with my seminars… and walked into a glass wall.
And, then about a month after I went home… I slipped down some icy steps.
And, just yesterday I was taking a half hour walk… and I just slipped onto
my knees on the ice. I mean it wasn't major, but I'm like what's up with this?
And, it seems like it doesn't matter if I'm in Kansas or Colorado. So, how do
I stay grounded in my body?
TOBIAS: Indeed… you are here at the microphone talking to us. You are whole.
You are together. You are safe. You've made
it this far (some delayed laughter). Living in this reality in matter does
have its challenges. So many times something will happen, and Shaumbra will
want to know what Spirit is trying to tell them. It is simply that living in
matter has its risks.
You are safe - all of you are safe - from the standpoint that you can be
yourself. We do not mean safe only to a physical level. It is safe to be
yourself. You don't have to worry about any dark
energies taking you over. You don't have to worry about being possessed,
which is a whole other discussion.
You don't have to worry about losing your mind. So many Shaumbra have truly,
truly worried about that. We talk about "safe," meaning that you
don't have to worry about outside energies taking you over or your own - what
you call - ego or mind playing tricks on you.
It is safe to be who you are.
Once in a while you'll still bump into a wall… as Cauldre
and Linda both do (some laughter).
SHAUMBRA 9: You're speaking figuratively for you two, though.
TOBIAS: Literally.
SHAUMBRA 9: And literally?
TOBIAS: Once in a while you'll take a fall. It's part of the human experience.
Can you embrace that it's part of living… that you have this body and you
can feel things through it… and stop wondering what all of this means? It is
safe to be who you are. You understand - and you have counseled many - you
understand what it is like to be NOT safe with yourself. But, now you can be
who you are.
And, generally… physically… all of you will be safe. There will be no -
how to say - accidents coming out of nowhere… as long as you embrace
life. So, thank you for your question.
SHAUMBRA 9: Thank you.
TOBIAS: With that, dear Shaumbra, it has been a wonderful day… an intense
day… a day that we will remember for a while. It has been good for I,
Tobias, to be here with you like this - as I said as we began our session - to
feel the difference in energy… energies that are delivered… the words that
are said… the support group that is here… and more than anything, the
energies of that divine self… that
need to know… that divine energy…
the "more you" that wants to come in. But, it can't come in unless
you embrace life in every way. How can the divine
- which is like a child, playful and innocent - how can the divine come in if
you're not here, or if you're wondering if you should go?
If you're wondering about whether to continue, or if you're even just sitting
on the fence, not sure, the divine will sit on the fence with you… you see.
(audience laughter) If you are complaining about life, the divine that loves
you so much will complain about life with you. If you're holding back, if
you're closing down, everything around you will close down. It responds to
you. If you're not sure whether you want to continue here, how can abundance,
and love, and health, and prosperity come into your life?
If you embrace life - put your arms around every moment - then life comes to
you. It responds to you.
Now, we have made arrangements here for a bit of singing at the end of this Shoud
session. And, this wonderful song that you have… and the words are - Cauldre
is saying - the words are written on your bulletin sheet. Most of you know the
words. The title of this is, "What The World Needs Now." But, we
would like the words changed a bit. Instead of "what the world needs now
is love, sweet love," we would like you to sing - if you feel so -
"what my world needs now is life, sweet life." (some laughter)
"What my world needs now is life, sweet life."
It has been a delight being with you. And, remember this day because some day
you will talk to your students about this very thing. They will come to a
point in their consciousness where you will speak to them about choosing
And so it is!
Tobias of the Crimson Council is presented by Geoffrey Hoppe, aka "Cauldre," in Golden, Colorado. The story of Tobias, from the biblical Book of Tobit, can be found on the Crimson Circle web site at The Tobias Materials have been offered free of charge to lightworkers and Shaumbra around the world since August 1999, the time when Tobias said humanity moved past the potential of destruction and into the New Energy.
The Crimson Circle is a global network of human angels who are among the first to transition into the New Energy. As they experience the joys and challenges of the ascension status, they help other humans on their journeys through sharing, caring and guiding. Over 50,000 visitors come to the Crimson Circle web site each month to read the latest materials and discuss their own experiences.
The Crimson Circle meets monthly in the Denver, Colorado area where Tobias presents the latest information through Geoffrey Hoppe. Tobias states that he and the others of the celestial Crimson Council are actually channeling the humans. According to Tobias, they are reading our energies and translating our own information back to us so we can see it from the outside, while experiencing it on the inside. The "Shoud" is the portion of the channeling where Tobias steps aside and the energy of the humans is channeled directly by Geoffrey Hoppe.
Crimson Circle gatherings are open to the public. The Crimson Circle receives its abundance through the open love and gifting of Shaumbra throughout the world.
The ultimate purpose of the Crimson Circle is to serve as human guides and teachers to those walking the path of inner spiritual awakening. This is not an evangelical mission. Rather, the inner light will guide people to your doorstep for your compassion and care. You will know what to do and teach in that moment, when the unique and precious human who is about to embark on the journey of the Bridge of Swords comes to you.
If you are reading this and feel a sense of truth and connection, you are indeed Shaumbra. You are a teacher and a human guide. Allow the seed of divinity to blossom within you in this moment and for all times to come. You are never alone, for there is family around the world and angels in the realms around you.
Please freely distribute this text on a non-commercial, no-charge basis. Please include the information in its entirety, including these footnotes. All other uses must be approved in writing by Geoffrey Hoppe, Golden, Colorado.
Copyright 2004 Geoffrey Hoppe, P.O. Box 7328, Golden, CO