complete / incomplete


< New Earth 6 > You have not been abandoned by your True Self. Your True Self is not punishing you. Your parent has not left. It has been on its own journey. At the core part within you, you are still connected. There is a still a remembrance. Oh, you wonder why, why, you desire to return Home - because you can still feel at the very center of your heart your connection with something so grand. You wonder why you search for your soulmate, your twin flame. My friend, your twin flame is in a blanket, is in a deep sleep. How you long for the return! You wonder why the emptiness is there in your being, why you feel at night in your dreams that you are crying. It is because you know, you know, that your self has not been complete while you have journeyed here on Earth.

< Creator 3 > The divine moment is now. The divine moment has no judgements. The divine moment is complete in itself. It needs no other fulfillment than just to be. It is a quiet place. The divine moment is a space where you can feel love, where you can feel love washing through your entire being. The divine moment is not held back by the past. It is not plotted into the future. It is simply in the now. And it is perfect in all things. The divine moment can last for a fraction of a second. It can last for hours. In this case here, dear friends, our divine moment extends at least through the period of our gathering in the circle on this day. It is here surrounding each of you. This is indeed a divine moment where there are no needs or wants. You are all that you are.

< Creator 7QA > We previously discussed the concept of "twin flame". Dear friends, there is not a lost part of you or me, in all of creation. If the talk of "twin flame" is meant to express love for two beings who walk together, and the intent is to say they are the same in many ways - they are deeply in love - there is good energy here. However, if the intent to talk of the "twin flame" is to fill in a part of you that you feel is incomplete, you will search the world and the universe in an unhappy journey. You are complete in yourself! The feeling of being incomplete is the residual of going through the shattering in the Wall of Fire. Is it not amusing to you … the relationship of the words "twin flame" and "Wall of Fire"? (audience laughter) There is not another part of you that is lost. It was just an experience you went through in the Wall of Fire. You and I are complete unto ourselves.

< Creator 9 > The energy that comes from you and from your divine being and from your new house is complete and full in itself. There is no reason to attach agenda or direction or anything to it. It emanates from you in purity. It emanates from you in completeness and in love. Do not put your human spin and mind on it. Accept that it comes from you in the most perfect way. It comes from you already in a state of perfection.

< Ascension 3 > When the darkness comes up, and the fear comes up, and the snake comes up within you, own your divinity. Breathe it in. Stay in your balance. Do not try to change something that you do not quite yet understand. Do not try to kill it. Do not run away in fear. Hold and own your divinity. Ask the darkness within you why it is there, what needs to be released. There is an imbalance of energy within you that needs addressing. Perhaps there was an old remorse. You do not need to go back into lifetime after lifetime to know exactly what it is. That would be a waste of time and energy. But, there is perhaps an old remorse or guilt. Or perhaps it is part of a wisdom that it is not fully complete, so it stands in imbalance within you. The snake will come forward at the appropriate time to let you know that there is something within that needs to be released.

< Ascension 10 > A completeness will come about. A completeness will come about. It will be a different type of emotion. You will not even want to use a word to describe this new feeling because a word is too limiting. In the meantime, understand that we know what you are going through.

< DivineHuman 5 > The answer, dear friends, was that Joe had no self-worth. Joe did not value himself, or what he was doing. So, how could he possibly have enlightenment? Joe felt that he was less than perfect, and less than God. Each time he came to sit in the Chair of Enlightenment his lack of self-worth showed. When Joe sat in the Chair of Divinity and asked if he was ready for his enlightenment, all of the angels had to respond, "No, you are not ready yet because you have no self-worth. You view yourself as something less than God, as something less than perfect."

< DivineHuman 5 > Joe realized that he didn’t have to ask if he was he ready for his enlightenment. The answer was already there. He didn’t have to ask the angels. All he needed to do was to accept himself with total compassion and love, just as the angels accepted him. But, he needed to do it within himself. At that moment, Joe achieved his enlightenment. At that moment, his divinity glowed within him. He realized, in the moment, that everything was perfect and right. So ends the story of Joe.


