know no agenda


< Ascension 7 > Agendas are the core energy of duality. You have had agendas ever since you left Home. You will feel naked without an agenda. As you begin to work with this lesson, you will truly call I, Tobias, and perhaps even Metatron, crazy. You will say, "We have to have agenda!" And, you will try to intellectually justify why you have to have agendas in your life.

< Ascension 7 > Speaking of agenda and of recent events in your world (9-11), there are those who have agenda for terrorism, for dominance over other humans and control over other humans. It is an old agenda. It comes from the time when you left Home, when you were trying to consume another entity’s energy as a way to get back into the Kingdom, as a way to get Home. Wars are as old as the very time you left Home.

< Ascension 7 > Control of another is old, and we have found that this does not work so well. That is an agenda. It is an agenda that you could say is of the dark. Do you know that there is another agenda, an agenda that some of you here might be guilty of? You will argue until the end of the day that you are right. I ask you to look in the mirror at your agenda. You are the ones who call yourselves the "peacemakers," the "liberators," the ones who pray for world peace. Do you know that you have an agenda also? "No," you say, "but Tobias, peace is good." We will not argue that, but we tell you that you have an agenda. Call it an "agenda of the light." That perpetuates the agenda of the dark. You play the game also. We speak here of letting go of your agenda.

< Ascension 7 > Look at some of the energy behind this lesson. It is a continuation of some of the lessons that we have already discussed. It is important to bring up at this point in your journey. Having no agenda means allowing Divine Will in, Divine Will to open up new potentials. Having no agenda is indeed an extension of the lesson where we talked of "standing behind the short wall." However, when we introduced that lesson, we were asking you only to stand behind the short wall. We knew that you still had agenda. We knew you still had your own opinion of the outcome.

< Ascension 7 > Do you know that agenda, by definition, is having a desired outcome of a situation? It is placing your energy on a desired outcome. Dear friends, when there is agenda, you are playing the game of duality. Period! You have a desired outcome. Take away agenda, and you take away duality. Take away agenda, and you allow yourself to move into a new energy. It takes you outside the realms of duality. It takes you into a new consciousness, a consciousness of ascension that is not so focused on the energy of two, duality, polarity.

< Ascension 7 > Know no agenda, dear friends. Oh, you will be highly challenged with this. You will feel naked without agenda in your life. You will feel that you are  Ehow to say  Ewithout backbone. You will feel like a jellyfish without strength, because up until now agenda has given you strength, great strength. When your agenda was strong, you were strong. You became strong in the Light or strong in the Dark. You were strong in the battle of duality. For a period of time you might feel wobbly. You might feel like Jell-O without agenda. You might feel like running back to duality, where there is a security blanket of agenda.

< Ascension 7 > So many of you have had such strong agenda these past years. You called yourself Lightworkers. Wonderful beings. It was a blanket that protected you from the realities of the world around you, a blanket that made you feel good. "I am a warrior of the light," you said. "You are fighting a battle of duality," we say.

< Ascension 7 > "Why is it that issues are suddenly in my face like never before? Why is it that I am feeling depressed and can't fight my way out any more? Why is it that I am feeling the way I am? After all this work, why is it that I like I am hitting a wall?" You will sit down, and you will talk to them about this energy of duality. They are about ready to leave duality. You will tell them that when duality is ready to leave their consciousness, it seems to come back to them in full force.

< Ascension 7 > You will discover something new for yourself. When you are in a situation with other humans, and there is agenda  Eargument, or discussion, or debate  Eand you release your agenda, you also release the other human. You release them from having to defend their agenda as well. When you put down your sword, they put down theirs. Watch to see the interesting interactions that take place between you and others. When you know no agenda, notice how it changes the energy of a situation around you.

< Ascension 7 > They will come to you, wanting you, prodding you to pick up an agenda. They will ask you to take a position on something. They will criticize you, and they will say, "What is wrong? Have you no backbone anymore? Have you no opinion? Have you no strength? Are you just becoming  Ehow to say  Ea piece of melba toast?" (audience laughter) But, as you experience being agenda-less, something new will happen. A new realization will come.

< Ascension 7 > At the beginning of this gathering, as Metatron came in, we told you that you were finally able to hold the strength of your divinity. And, we knew that we were on target for the discussion on this day. When you begin to truly hold your divinity  Ea new type of strength, not the strength of duality  Ethen you are ready to release the old agendas. At times it may feel like you are walking without clothes on, dear friends, being without agenda. You may feel naked.

< Ascension 7 > Let us tell you what agenda is like, as we see it. In the omniverse, there is a flow of energy. At the core of all things there is an energy that is always illuminated. It is always flowing. It is not in cycles. It is not "on/off." It simply is. This is the energy that you brought with you when you left Home, when we all left Home. This is a constant, illuminating energy. As the energy spreads out into the omniverse, it becomes somewhat like an on/off energy. We will get into more of that later, but think of the energy flow like a river, flowing smooth, flowing free, flowing openly. Agendas are like boulders in the river. They block the flow of energy. And, as enough boulders are placed in the river, it creates somewhat of a dam. As the dam is created, it blocks up the flow, and debris collects on the dam. Then all sorts of problems start, dear friends.

< Ascension 7 > Your agendas are like boulders in the water, blocking and restricting the flow of energy to you. The boulders have been collecting debris. It is time to remove the boulders and allow all of your divine energies to flow through you openly and freely.

< Ascension 7QA > As you "know no agenda," we want you to apply this to yourself more than anything else. You are more filled with agendas when it comes to yourself and what you think is right or wrong… what you should or shouldn't be doing… how you should act… how you should dress… where you should be in life for the age that you are… how you think your family perceives you… what your parents might have wanted you to do. These are all YOUR agendas on YOURSELF.

< Ascension 7QA > Your spiritual journey is probably your biggest agenda! You have an agenda regarding where you think you should be… how smart you are… how enlightened you are… where you are in relationship to others. The agendas that you place on yourself are like huge boulders sitting in the stream of divine energy, attempting to come through. Take away the agenda from yourself. It will be easier to look at external agendas relating to your family, your work, and your friends. The difficult agendas to release will be those on the inside.

< Ascension 7QA > We brought this discussion of agenda up a week or so ago of your time in front of a group that is behind walls (at a federal prison). They are incarcerated. These dear Shaumbra  Eindeed they are, just like you  Ethey do not have the freedoms that you have. They do not the full capability of free will as what you have. You have much free will. You can make many choices in your life. They do not have nearly as much as you do. Watch how they work with this energy of knowing no agenda. They will have it, in a sense, easier, and it will be more understandable for them. That should tell you something about the nature of free will! Free will, in a sense, is limiting. It is part of duality. The ones who are behind walls will come quickly to understand the true nature of Divine Will, free of the restrictions of duality.

< Ascension 7QA > That is precisely our point! (audience laughter) And, you precisely argue the very purpose of having agenda. And, as long as you want to carry it, we will still love you. We will still honor you. You find it difficult to put it down. And, we understand that. Agenda, you think, gives purpose, because you are still walking in duality, as nearly all humans are. Without agenda, you are NOT without purpose. Without agenda, you are merely free to explore totally new levels of consciousness.

Now, agenda does not mean that when your body says it is hungry that you should not feed it. That is not an agenda. An agenda is a desired outcome. Agenda, for instance, is saying that you must have a certain career path. Or saying you must have a certain desired outcome in your marriage. Or saying you must have desired outcome for the way your children grow up. That is agenda.

In our story of David today, he had an agenda, even about his own daughter who he wished was more beautiful. That was his agenda. It kept him from understanding her true beauty. Do you see what we mean by agenda? It limits what you experience. It limits things.

It will be challenging to release the agenda. You will feel, for a moment, that there is no purpose, or that you have no backbone, that there is no strength. But you will quickly come to see that without agenda you can move beyond duality into new levels of consciousness. And, we know, many more questions will come up about this.

< Ascension 7QA > There is no need to focus on anything other than being. When Metatron first came in on this day, he was amazed at the wonderful energy of human beings  EBeing-ness in human form. He commented on it during our lesson. He said, "Such a joy is it to be a human! Why do you need to focus on something?" We know why. It is because that has been the way of duality. You focus on this side or that side. You focus your attention here or there. There is no need to focus. We know some of you are already rolling your eyes, saying, "Tobias, without focus, I become nothing." And, that is correct. You become nothing that you were before. You leave it behind. You become all that you are. You become divine and human, all rolled up into the same wonderful package, the same sweet package. There is no need to focus, as in the terminology that you are using right now, on any particular thing.

< Ascension 9QA > A void is a nothingness, a pause. It is silence. As you go to this Void of Ascension, something will come from within you. The solution you seek cannot be credited to another. The solution that you seek, perhaps, is nothing like you thought it would be. That is why we have asked you to release your agendas. By releasing your agendas, you have no preconceived box, limitation, or idea of what the outcome is. Releasing agenda is, in a sense, being in the void, with no expectations of the outcome. The outcome in the New Energy is far grander than it was in duality.


