The story of David


< Ascension 7 >
Now, there is a lightworker, Shaumbra, by the name of David. David is so much like all of you. David reads these lessons. He goes through the material. He works on all these things, just like you. And, David, like you, struggles with many of the concepts. At times he hits the wall, and at times has even walked away from the Crimson Circle and has said that this is not for him! These lessons do not always make him feel good, for they are challenging. But David comes back into this energy because he understands, at the deepest levels, that this is the energy of Home.

Now, David is a human, a human learning to integrate his divinity into all that he is. David has a wife and two children. David has a regular job, and he has bills. David has many wishes and desires, the first of these being to be in service to Spirit. He is a wonderful Human In Being, like all of you.

There are things that David does not like about his job. David wishes that he was paid more money, and he wishes that he did not have to work in a certain department. He does not get along so well with some people. And, he does not like where he has to park his car (audience laughter). He does not like the fact that he only gets three weeks of vacation. There are many issues associated with where he works, but he puts up with these. He cooperates as best he can, but there are days when it takes a toll on his energy.

David also has issues with his wife. They disagree on some but not all things. And, with his children… he wishes his children were doing better in school. He wishes his son was more athletic, like David was in his youth. But his son is not and David wishes he was. And, deep down beneath, David wishes his daughter was a bit more attractive (audience laughter). It would be easier for her to get married, he thinks, if she just had gotten a little bit more of her mother’s looks.

Now, David has many, many agendas, like all of you do. He has many issues. He takes the spiritual knowledge and enlightenment that he has gained and tries then to use that energy to shape the things around him - at his home, at his office. He uses the energy even when he has an agenda …for instance, when he buys a lottery ticket. He tries to use this new energy to influence the outcome, so that he can win the lottery. Can you believe it? (audience laughter)

Now, David got to the point where he became very frustrated with himself. He doubted who he was. He was walking into the New Energy, and feeling his divinity rising from within, but also getting very frustrated with himself. He felt he could not influence things around him. He was not able to use his power to influence or change things around him.

David got very depressed, deeply depressed. He was riding a difficult low wave, and while he was riding the low wave, he was attempting to do anything to get out of it. David, like so many of you, liked the high waves. He liked the high cycles, but not the low ones. He didn’t like them at all.


We will digress for a moment here in the midst of this story of David. You experience depression, and periods of frustration on your journey into the New Energy. You fight the lows. You try to avoid them like the plague. You wonder what's wrong when you go into the low cycles. You even go to the doctor and get drugs that will take you out of this.

But, we are here to tell you that these cycles are appropriate. We are here to tell you - and we know Cauldre is already trying to stop us. (audience laughter) We will be patient. (more laughter) Do not try to fight the low cycles. It is natural that these cycles occur. It is natural that you go through them. Dear friends, in your New Energy, in your new vibration that you are in, you cannot - how to say - you cannot bottom out. You cannot lose touch of yourself. We know there is this concern - how low, how low can you go? You feel that if you do not hang on, and if you do not try to crawl out of that low cycle, it will consume you like a tidal wave.

But, dear friends, we will speak directly of the energy that causes these and how to work with it. But, we can tell you now to stop trying to fight these low cycles. They are as important as the high cycles. If you do not have the lows, you will not have the highs. Soon you will learn that it is all part of a whole. Soon you will learn that the highs and lows, in a sense, only represented the old balance of duality. And, now you can look at them in a different light.

For those of you who are going through these cycles, it is natural. Allow it to happen. There is as much, perhaps more, to be gained in these low cycles. And, yes, we know they feel terrible. They feel terrible because you are resisting them. You are not gathering the energy from them. They feel terrible because you have a preconception, based on the energy of duality, of how you should feel or not feel, what you should think or not think.

You are going through these cycles so intensely now because the duality within your being is heating up. It is heating up, so that it can be changed into something else. You try to avoid the lows. You will only knock out the highs. We will talk more of this, and that is part of the reason for Metatron being here. We will speak directly of the physics and the energy behind these in our lessons to come.


But, now let us get back to the story of David … David who was experiencing the highs and lows in his life. David had so many thoughts on the way that things SHOULD be in life and within him, preconceived notions based in the Old Energy of duality. And what was he finding? He was finding that he was hitting the wall. Things weren’t the way he thought they were going to be. Once in a while there was a glimmer of hope, and things would work out well, and he would have a particularly good day. But, the next day that gnawing of frustration and depression and doubt would return. It was an incomplete feeling. It was a terrible feeling.

David, not knowing which way to turn, called on us very recently. He said, "Dear Spirit, dear Metatron and Tobias." He did not call me "dear," for he was angry with me. "What do I do now? Where do I go from here? Why is it that I don't feel the sense of fulfillment and happiness and joyfulness that I would truly like to feel?"

What we said to him, we also told another group a week or so ago in a place that has high walls around it. It is a place that has bars, in a sense. In your contemporary version there is barbed wire. It was a prison where we first planted the seed of the energy of Lesson Seven. And, it was a most appropriate place to plant this seed, most appropriate.

This seed has been growing since. In a sense, it is the very reason why you have gone through the issues that you have for the past several weeks of time. What we told David… what we told the inmates of this facility is … HAVE NO AGENDA.


