Arthurian energies / Knights of the Round Table


< NewEnergy 1 > Was King Arthur real? In a way, in a way… not so much as depicted in your books, not so much as the human king, the boy king. Part of that did occur, in a way. If you go back to the original lands of Britannia, you can feel it there. You can feel his energies. But, it was happening so multi-dimensionally. It has been - how to say - developed into such an energy that all of you have accepted within you. You all relate to it in one way or the other. You all have the Arthurian energies within you. With that are the energies of Lancelot, Guenevere, Morgaine, Mordred, and all the cast of characters.

< NewEnergy 1 > Dear friends, they are ready too to leave. They are ready to bid their farewell, for there are changes that will be sweeping the very lands that they are associated with - the lands of England, what you would call it, the lands of Great Britain. There are sweeping changes there that are coming about in this next 12 months.

< NewEnergy 1 > We will let you observe to see what happens. And, as you watch the events in this wonderful land, the land that birthed the energies for so many of you, that birthed the energies for the continent of Europe, that provided the gateways for those who came to the Americas, to found the free land… oh, this is all woven together. And, at the core of all this is the Arthurian energies. They are here. They are such an integral part of who you are, or who you have been. Dear friends, from this came the Crusades. From this came the search for the Holy Grail… all metaphors, but all taken place in reality.

< Embodiment 4 > Many of you are holding energies from the Arthurian times… King Arthur and Camelot and Merlin. You are holding this so that magic comes back once again. We talked about magic recently in the land of Slovenia. We explained exactly what magic is. We brought in the energies of Merlin. We talked about Camelot. We talked about how all of this can be integrated into your day-to-day life. We talked about the fact that magic is nothing more than a belief system that you get other people to buy into. And, Cauldre says here that the tape will be available soon.

< MNEC2006-A > I, Adamus Saint-Germain, have been responsible for setting up many, many organizations and orders on Earth before including: the Knights Templar; the Masons; the legendary but very real Knights of the Round Table; and my favorite, the Illuminati. And although the Illuminati has gotten a bad name because of influences from those who did not like what we were teaching - teaching the meld of science and spirituality, teaching the truth - the Illuminati has always been one that is near and dear to my heart up until this moment.


