separation / illusion of separation


< Discovery 8 > Now I'm going to skip over to the next subject that's connected with this is the biggest illusion of all, beyond all, is separation. Separation. You have an illusion that you're separate from your higher self, because you've been told that, because you have bad thoughts, stinky thoughts. You have an illusion that you're separate from God, illusion that you're separate from the other dimensions, when in fact you're not. There's no difference between the Edith that's sitting here, thinking of herself as a human and the Edith that's absolutely divine and integrated, complete. No difference whatsoever. It's the illusion of separation.

< Discovery 8 > It's the illusion that was taught into many of you when you were young that there is God and then there is you. And the illusion that you bought into when you got into the new age that there is the higher self and then there is the little you; there's grand angels and spirit guides and there's you. Separation, separation, separation; compartment within compartment within compartment within compartment. And it's an illusion that your thoughts have bought into because they kind of like it. They kind of like all of these compartments. It helps them have more thoughts, and these compartments, these illusions – and that's all they are. They're not real. There's no real walls. There is no difference between the dimension that you're in now and the other dimensions.

< Discovery 8 > Because there are those who are still wanting to have thoughts, little fart bubbles, chase after other thoughts and round them up, collect them, control them and now you just have even more of a mess – more thought and more separation. Take a deep breath and you allow. You're allowing yourself. You're allowing a natural process of basically unconnecting, disconnecting all of the thoughts that have linked together, creating kind of a strange bond with each other, but yet creating a huge veil or a huge illusion. They cannot stay connected in their dysfunctional way – your thoughts – the moment you start allowing.

< Discovery 8 > You don't need to have a huge traumatic event happen in your life to understand that separation is an absolute illusion. You also don't have to be an intellect, a philosopher to understand that. It's in your core. You know exactly what I'm saying right now when I say separation is just a game. Separation is a way of playing a huge game. You already know that. You do it just to do it. But try to get out of that separation? You put your mind to work, you say, “I'm whole, I'm one.” Oh, shut up! You don't really believe it. I mean you don't believe it because it's just another thought thingy out there. But you can feel it. You can feel it.

< Emergence 2 > So now into phase two, you're on the planet Earth and you take on the human form. In a way, you kind of leave behind the wisdom, the Master, and you leave behind the I Am, the soul. You don't leave them behind, but you kind of shut the door so you're not aware of them, so that you could get away from all those senses that you'd created – because it was kind of confusing now – and go into Focus and go into experience. Go into deep experience. And the experience with this sense of focus, this experience was all about finding answers. Finding answers to the “Who am I?” question, but I would say there was an adjunct, a side question that came right along with this that your soul was asking: “Am I ready to be a creator?”

< Emergence 2 > Let's give a lot of credit to the human for walking alone, being alone on this journey. I'm not talking about other people; I'm talking about without a conscious connection to the Master or to the I Am. It brings up a very interesting discussion we have all the time in the Ascended Masters Club. Was it the human who chose isolation, to be alone? Or was it the I Am that says, “No, this part of me needs to be out of touch”? We still debate it almost every night.


