how to get

how to get new energy / your divinity / solution;

< Teacher 10 > So you go into these realms without definition and here the answers exist. They are potentials. They lie neutral or dormant. Everything here is available. The whole issue is how do you get them back down here? First, you have to be able to go out there. If you never get past the Old Energy consciousness, you never really understand how easily it can be brought back here. So realization is the first step - conscious realization that it exists. Conscious realization that it exists, perhaps not in a form that you have expected it to exist in, because that in itself is a limitation. It exists out there but in a simple - naively innocent and simple - way and then you can bring it back here.

< Teacher 10 > This energy is New Energy. Your new consciousness is here, it's ready to come in, but if you don't have a safe space, a safe house; if you are running around frenzied and crazy and worried and angry and all of these other things; if you are being fed on by the sexual energy virus and therefore feeding off of others, you don't have a safe space. If you don't know how to take a deep conscious breath, you don't have a safe space. If you can't sustain the deep conscious breath - the breath of knowing yourself that is also the breath of accepting yourself - you don't have a safe space. And no matter how hard you try to bring this energy back, it's not going to be available, not going to want to come in.

< Teacher 10 > So it's the realization; it's the breath; and it's the safety - safety being acceptance of you and All That Is. Then it's ready and it can be brought in very simply. Very simply. It can be brought in as simply as touching one finger to your third eye. Any finger you want, whichever. One finger. Now, it's not so special, just a finger or your third eye. You're not truly necessarily just activating, but is the act of realization, "I'm ready for it." It is saying you're ready to bring it in here. You're ready to accept it into your life. You're ready to know it, to bring it in. Then let it be. Let it unfold, let it expand in your life naturally. Don't try to force it, don't have all these expectations. It will come in in the most beautiful and simple and easy way.

< Teacher 10 > It's that simple, Shaumbra. Simple - it's taken us seven years - but it is that simple. And we wanted this group of scientists and Tesla to be here today to understand the simplicity of it, to understand that the physics of New Energy are absolutely simple and authentic. Old Energy is not authentic. Now I could go into a whole Shoud about that. New Energy is simple and authentic. You can bring it in just that easy. No stress, no expectations. It's just there. Then it starts integrating with you, it starts integrating with everything that happens within you, easily and simply. Again, please let go of the expectations of what you think it's going to do. Rather, observe and be a part of what it is doing.

< Teacher 10 > Now, that leads us to the next part of this discussion. You have just brought in your New Energy, whatever that happens to be. It is there now. It is in your reality. It's no longer a shadow, no longer a parallel. It is now integrated. Now, Shaumbra, important: do something. Do something. If the energy is just sitting there, it's either going to go dormant, go back out of actualization, or it's going to, in some case, implode on you. New Energy is energy in motion. Do something in your life. Write a book, start a business, run a marathon - do all of the above - but do something.

< Teacher 10 > Stop complaining about your job - quit it. Stop wondering where the abundance is - bring it in. Stop using your spouse or your mate or your children for your reason for not fulfilling yourself. It is a cheap reason. It's not very nice either. Do something. I know each one of you has had dreams, aspirations. A lot of you have talked real big in the past in front of other people about the great things you were going to do. Now do them. Do them. Move the energy within yourself. That allows the new to meld, mix with all of you. It allows the energy to stay in motion. It allows the efficiency to come in. Do something. Complaining doesn't count, that is not doing something. Do something in your life that satisfies you first and fulfills you. You're not doing it for other people. You're not doing it for any other reason than the creative expression in the expansion of energy.


