Great White Brotherhood / The Brotherhood


< MNEC2006-A > Now, this brings up some issues. If you are sitting here in this room, if you are physically present, you have been in an order or a secret society in the past, haven't you. And that is how we have known each other, that is how you and I have connected our energies. For some of you the orders go back to the Essenes. Others, the Knights Templar. Others, to the Brotherhood. Others, to the Illuminati, and for some of you in particular, the Rose Cross. Orders are created, at the appropriate time, for humanity. Orders are created to bring structure, focus, organization and manifestation to particular energies at a particular time.

< Master 4 > It's, by the way, as you probably know, this (President Obama) is a fulfillment of the - I don't like the term - but the Great White Brotherhood's desire. It was an old Atlantean club that we had. It had nothing to do with white and it wasn't all that great. (laughter) It was good, not great. But it was a desire to have America as the land of the new hope when we knew, hundreds of years ago - where we couldn't get the energy unstuck in Europe, we couldn't get the compassion or the acceptance between different countries, there's still too many human issues of power of greed and religion - that this United States was designed as the new Atlantis or the new hope.

< Master 4 > To see now, years later, from my perspective, of course, having been very involved in European politics, to see how a leader of this grand nation could be as spiritual as he is and as his wife is - they can't flaunt it publicly, just as, well, you know from your own discussions with others; but there'll come a time very soon where it's going to be much more open - but to see a spiritual being, a compassionate being, a Black human - not that it should make a difference, but it has - and a young, fairly young, human, to be in this environment was most inspiring. Most inspiring. It gave me a renewed hope in humanity. I have the hope in you; humanity sometimes is questionable.

< (Next) 12 > So there was this great imbalance that we were having difficulty resolving. Always a fight against these other forces; one of the reasons why some of the groups, like what's called the White Brotherhood - it was actually never called that, it was The Brotherhood - the Freemasons and the others were started. Started (a) so people really could study the mystics and (b) so that they could actually get a job outside the church. Kind of like a free union at the time.


