Clarity 4QA > L. Ron Hubbard, who - how to say - we work with on
this side, is essentially the leader of an angelic
family that has come to Earth to bring in a new energy primarily for
themselves. L. Ron Hubbard, during his time, channeled very high galactic
energies for his group. These things have been written in books and put into his
channels, although they do not like to call it
channeling. But, that's simply what it was. And, it is primarily designed for
that group.
Now, something interesting has happened that we think even Ron would not like at
this point. But, the group has become very stuck in its own consciousness of
those words. His original goal was to help those who read the materials or
attended the workshops to understand that they could get out of their reality
and quite simple. He developed some techniques that would allow them to become
very empowered, that would allow them to literally go back and clear many of
their old past life issues and allow them
to understand that they are God also.
Those works, as so often happens with humans, have become very limited and very
restrictive and filled with their own rules
and laws. So, it is no wonder at this time in history that the
Scientologists would be running into so much resistance on the planet, because
the planet is basically turning away from rules. And, it is no wonder that you
as Shaumbra would feel uncomfortable with this because you see it as a box,
not as a potential.
And, as Cauldre has discovered, it is very intellectually based now. Where at
one time so much of the information was so very heart-based and so very
empowering, now it is almost disempowering to those who feel they have to
memorize words and memorize techniques. And, in a sense, it literally traps some
in their past life, because they go back and
discover that they have had all of these traumas, but there are not the tools
that are being taught right now to help release the trauma. And, no, holding
onto this mechanical, electrical device does not help to release those traumas.
Shaumbra has discovered that it is about accepting,
understanding that everything you did in those past lives was for a reason. It
had a way of feeding the consciousness at the time. There is nothing wrong with
it. It is about total embodying and accepting
everything that you've done that truly frees
the energy, not trying to analyze your way out of it. That keeps you in the box.