< NewEnergy 4 >
This energy, this soul, that you now know as the new
governor of this land - or to be shortly - has been a woman in most of her past
lifetimes. He came into this lifetime as a male caring very strong feminine
energies. But, the male parts - the new male part - didn't like this. He
felt it was weak. He felt it was unworthy. He felt that the female energies that
were so much a part of him now would be laughed at and scorned because of your
male society.
So, what does he do? Pumps iron! (audience laughter) He tries to overcome the
female energy. He comes with so much strength. But, yet there was female energy
integrated in all this because he also liked to show his body. (audience
laughing while Tobias displays Cauldre's bicep) He was proud of the physical. He
loved the attention of the body. Very interesting dynamics!
Now, he moved beyond that. He moved to where he could help people understand
some of the things that could have happened on your Earth - surely a Hollywood
version (such as the movie The Terminator), but some of the catastrophic things,
the battles, and the fights, the light
and the dark. He also takes on the role of the dark to transform
into the light. Dear friends, the answers are so simple.
He is now the governor of one of the - how to say - most powerful societies in
all of the world, governor of a land with incredible wealth, and incredible
resources, but a land that had also become burdened in Old
"new-energy-thinking." So, the people of that land elect someone who
is strong.
But, they don't see beyond the surface. They don't see the feminine energy that
is going to emerge, that is going to come to this place. It is being encouraged
by those who he - how to say - brings in around him, the one he is married to.
It is a way of bringing in feminine energy (into the male-oriented
society) under a very masculine guise. Watch to see what happens in this area.