

< DivineHuman 1 > There are ones who feel they are being left behind. You, Shaumbra, are on a journey of the Divine Human. You are cutting loose all of the Old so that you can walk into the New. The others around you don't like it. They want you to stay. They love you. They enjoy you. In so many cases you help to enable them in good ways and in bad. Some of them need you as the enabler in their life, even if it is a past life aspect. You tend to enable them, let them get away with their stuff. There are others who you help immensely. Your love, your light, your compassion is an important part of their life. Energetically, there are all of these - how to say - "cling-ons" all around you. (audience laughter) They are clinging onto you. They do not want to let you go.

< DivineHuman 1 > So, why is it that Mark felt the path was so difficult? It was because he was being held onto, held down, held back by the others. It wasn't a force in front of him that was keeping him from going forward. He thought it was a dense fog of the New Energy… thick, syrupy, difficult to go through. He thought that's what was holding him back. It wasn't. It was the energies of the past, the energies of the Old, and the energies of even the Now that did not want to let him go.

< DivineHuman 1 > Your own children don't want to let you go. They don't understand that when they let you go, you are still there, more present for them than ever before. They fear that you are leaving, that you are going off some place else. They feel your consciousness changing and walking out the door. But, that is from a place of fear. That is from a place of lack of understanding. You are changing. You are leaving this reality. But, the more you leave, the more present you are. The more you leave the Old ways, the more you are there in service and in love for them. They will begin to understand that quite soon. Some of them already are.

< DivineHuman 1 > That's why it's difficult. That's why our dear friend Mark was weary and on the floor. That's why ascension, the path to ascension, is difficult. What to do about this? Well, we asked Mark what to do, for he was going through the experience. He knew what it was like. What he said was simple and profound. "Talk to them. Talk to them in human form. Talk to them in divine form. Speak to them as one Divine Human to another emerging Divine Human. Speak to them in simple ways as one human to another… at the coffee table… at dinner at a restaurant. Do not explain the process you are going through right now. It tends to be intellectual, and they will not understand. Simply smile at them. Assure them of who you are. Assure them that you are always there in love. Assure them that, in your own gentle way, you will be here now more than ever."


