sovereignty / sovereign being

being whole and complete unto itself; self-sufficient; self-empowered;
owning independent consciousness/identity; having total freedom;
God also; true creator; I Am; ascended master;

< Embodiment 2 > But, do you have to let that affect you? Do you have to let it take energy from you? Or, you can be the observer, and see how everything is as it should be. Do you have to get all caught up in the drama? Or, can you be in the place of your own sovereignty, your own safe energy? There is a beacon of light for others, others who come along, others who are seeking the teacher.

< Embodiment 2 > How do you activate it (divine translation system)? Simply give it permission. That's all it needs - permission from you. You are sovereign. You are the ruler of your own kingdom. Give it permission to go to work. Let it go to work for you. Now, in the beginning there will be this struggle for the mind to try to jump in there, and say, "Give me control. Send all of the information to me. I want to have it. I want to build my story even bigger." Shaumbra, tell the mind to settle back. Tell it to take a rest. As a matter of fact, send it on vacation for a month of time.

< Embodiment 2 > The nature of reality is changing. You can choose the reality, by the way. It is not inflicted on you. This is the freedom. This is the sovereignty. You can choose it. But, the nature is changing. Any assumption you have had up to now about anything… now take a look at it in a different way. If you think something is heavy, an object is heavy, change your perception. It is actually quite light… you see. What's between all those molecules that appear to make it heavy? What is between the atoms that appear to make the molecules that appear to make it heavy? Nothing… nothing… nothing… elements that move in and out of reality, so that heavy item that you are thinking about is not heavy at all. You just thought it was.

< Embodiment 2QA > A salute to you… I, Ohamah, will answer this for you. Every expression of who you are that exists in another dimension or another reality must pass through you, dear child, in the Now. It must pass through you. It must come in through you now. It is not that you go out there. It is not that you have to worry about all of these expressions having all of these various livelihoods and jobs and other things that they do. Everything comes back through you.

Now, you have to realize that many of these expressions that are out there - it is so difficult to put into words - but many of them are fragments of you, fragments that you have disregarded or abandoned. They are like orphaned children, wanting to come back to their mother. Many of the expressions are also potentials that you are working out in other realities, some potentials that you are afraid to bring into this reality, others that you just choose to keep out there.

It is time for your re-integration. It is time to bring everything back in through this vehicle of the Now moment in your physical body and your divine being in this Now moment.

Is there another part of you wandering lost across the Earth somewhere else? We don't even know why you would want to think this. You are sovereign. It is contained within YOU right now. Stop fragmenting yourself.

Yes, there are parts and pieces of you wandering around. They don't have physical bodies, though. They are aspects and energies of yourself that you have fragmented, that you have abandoned, and that are roaming the Earth. And, they don't even come with you when your physical body dies. You leave them roaming.

Not just you… we are not singling you out. Tobias is asking me to settle down a bit (audience laughter). It is all of humans.

I look at humans and become so aggravated sometimes - and I was one at one time - because you shatter yourselves, and you deny yourselves, and you leave parts and pieces of yourself. You are littering the cosmos (more laughter) with parts of yourself. And, we are trying to clean this up (more laughter). But, in greatest love to all of you, it was done for many, many reasons. But, now it is time for all of that to come back together, all of that to rejoin you in the Now.

So, don't worry about aspects of yourself in some other part of the world, other than the aspects that you have sent out there in nonphysical ways. Don't worry about a soul mate, or any of this.

What matters now… we are going to ask you to take a deep breath. What matters now, yes, is this moment. Everything comes to you now (new paradigm #3). You are like a magnet now, a magnet energetically attracting, bringing in all of these aspects, all of these energies so that you can be the sovereign God being right now. Everything emanates from this moment, so bring it all together. Bring it all back home.

< Embodiment 10QA > So, these energies will come forth. You will feel them. You can feel them in your life. They, in a sense, are like a bad driver in a taxicab, taking you to all of the places you didn't want to go. It is time to dismiss that again. You dismiss it by loving it, letting it know it can be released. Hand it its walking papers, literally if you want to create that type of scenario. Hand it its walking papers. You are not bound by your family karma anymore. When Saint Germain says the words, "I am; yes, I am," that means I am free of all of those other things. "I am my own sacred and sovereign identity. I am; yes, I am."

< Clarity 3 > "Understand that evil lurks in the ink and on the airwaves." And, you don't have to accept it one bit. It has nothing on you. If you have had its hooks into you, you can let those out right now in our service center. Remember you are divine… and sovereign… and God in your own right. The god-quality is not a quality of power or strength. You've been led to believe that God equals power. And, it is not. God is simply the expression of Spirit, of you. God simply seeks expression and expansion. It is not about power. So, if any evil ever comes to you and tells you it has more power, it is lying. There is no power in God. It is simply what you would call love, balance, expression and "being-ness."

< Clarity 3QA > Those forces who do attempt to control - who are based in fear or directly based in evil - will continue, will try to continue to do their work, especially over these next few years. Whether they are terrorists or politicians - and not much difference between the two (much laughter) - or any other beings, whether they're large companies or small, they're finally going to realize what you have already realized: you are sovereign in your own right. You don't need to steal someone else's energy. You don't have to try to take away from another. It is actually easier to create on your own as a sovereign being rather than trying to take somebody else's energy for power. Ultimately, you can have what you choose as a Creator unto yourself, rather than having to take it from others.

< Clarity 7 > What is happening from an overview, and we're talking a grand, grand overview. At a time and a place, you were oneness. And a difficult concept to try to verbalize, but everything was oneness. Tobias speaks of this as home or the kingdom. The Oneness then opened Itself up to create many, many parts and pieces, giving each part and piece an individual identity - giving every part and piece a sovereign identity. That is what you have. Some of you call it a soul. Some of you call it the inner spirit or God, but that's what it is - your inner identity.

< Clarity 7 > In a sense the Whole will create itself into pieces and ultimately each piece of the Whole, having its own sovereign nature, will totally want to disconnect from the Whole. So if you had total access and remembrance to the crystalline realms, you would still be tied into the Whole, you see, or tied into the Oneness. Much like right now, you are still tied into or feeding off of the field that ties you back into a type of oneness or in a mass consciousness. So at some point you cut yourself off from the crystalline realms so that you could develop your own sovereign nature.

< Clarity 7 > The purpose - your purpose, my purpose - for ever having left in the first place was to rediscover ourselves outside of the One, literally separate ourselves from the One in order to recreate the One. Now perhaps that gets a bit - how to say - science fiction, a little mind bending, but we can go with these energies today. The Whole puts Itself into pieces. Each piece having to become totally sovereign so the Whole can reinvent Itself. Yet, while the Whole has reinvented Itself - we'll call it the One - when the One reinvents Itself, the parts that went off are still independent. It's an amazing piece of spiritual physics. It is, what we would say, the way God works.

< Clarity 7 > You're given this sovereign potential. God in your own right, but how can you learn how to be a God (severeign being) in your own right if you're continually interconnected with all of these old systems, you see. How can you be a God in your own right if you're still feeding off of the field. How can you be a God in your own right if you're still running back to the crystalline realms that are part of an angelic mass consciousness, you see. So you cut yourself off from the crystalline realms consciously.

< Clarity 7 > Odd, that you would be living in, what we call, the Christos or the crystal time on Earth but yet cut yourself off from the crystalline realms. But you did it and I did it so we could have our own. So we could discover our own, for how are you ever going to be God also - sovereign and whole unto yourself. A God with all of the capabilities, with all of the energetics of the source of One, but yet unique in your own way.

< Clarity 7 > The crystalline energies are within you. They are yours. They are there. You brought them (Christ seed) there. Two thousand years ago you said, "I'm going to bring them to Earth with me. I'm going to bring them out at the right time. I'm going to disconnect from the overall crystalline realms so I can discover my own." That is being sovereign.

< Clarity 7 > Somebody mentioned earlier today, "We create our own spaceship, we create our own planet." You are. You're creating your own personal reality. You're creating your own new dimension. This is the whole part of the process that leads to becoming the sovereign being where creations are fast, where creations aren't dependent on mass consciousness and other people. So much of your life right now is still tied into mass consciousness. Years ago you voiced your approval to start releasing it, and you have been, but you've hit a new level of what you would call release or letting go of even mass consciousness.

< Clarity 7 > You're truly - as a great one said - you're truly going out on a limb. Your own limb by yourself. Just you. Disconnecting from the crystalline realms, from the field, from mass consciousness, from your old belief systems. Yes, sometimes you feel like you're stripped bare, but in that being stripped bare, you have a whole new sense of freedom. A whole new sense of fulfillment. It is the Soul's purpose - that one purpose of a soul, if you choose to believe it - that you become totally sovereign.

< Clarity 7 > The Whole or the Oneness splits into pieces. The pieces then help to recreate the Whole but each piece stays independent, totally free, totally sovereign. It was the plan that we all agreed to when we left home. Tobias talked in our last gathering about the Soul desire versus the human desire. He said the Soul sometimes truly doesn't care about the human desire. It doesn't. The Soul simply wants to discover what it's like, what it's absolutely like, to be sovereign. That means total freedom, total creation, total empowerment. If you look deep within yourself, there is one purpose in the Soul of yours - total discovery that you are God also. It's also, by the way, the total discovery of what love is.

< Clarity 7 > So, you're in this month of love now in your human consciousness. Human love is nothing compared to the love of Spirit and Self. The whole purpose of Soul is to understand that sovereign nature - the gift of love from Spirit, from All That Is. But in order to fulfill that, there must be the total disconnection. Total disconnection.

< Clarity 7 > Once you start making choices in your life, once you start letting yourself be disconnected from the field itself, you're going to see what a true creator you are. You're going to see that you're not tied into anybody else's consciousness or any other group's consciousness. You're going to understand what it's like to be totally free and sovereign.

< Clarity 7 > Take a moment here as we sit together, as individual sovereign beings and as a group that has many common attributes. Feel for a moment, or even imagine for a moment. There is this Crystalline Realm within you and in the crystalline realms all the birthing of every creative energy that you could ever want. Stop going into the fourth dimension for your answers. Go into your own crystalline realms.

< Clarity 7QA > When you're connected to the Field, you are indeed connected to mass consciousness, angelic consciousness, to everything. By disconnecting, by getting off that feeding, you learn how to go inside and awaken those things within you that give you total freedom and total independence. It doesn't mean that you will never have loved ones, never share with other people, never have groups that you associate - it means that you're going to be doing it in a different and an independent way. Instead of feeding off of your job... which by the way, that's going to have to go sooner or later. Instead of feeding off of your family and your mates, instead of feeding off of mass consciousness, you become energy independent. Sovereign. Complete unto yourself.

< Clarity 7QA > It's all with a wonderful soul purpose. "Soul purpose" being letting go of the Whole or the One, becoming full and complete in yourself, which reinvents the One once again. A wonderful spiral of energy.

< Clarity 7QA > Too much in your head. Way too much trying to analyze this, trying to figure money out. As soon as you let go of trying to manipulate it and just become self-sufficient, it is there. There are too many Shaumbra now that have learned that. They would tell you the same thing. You have to let it go. You have to stop trying to push on it. It is just there. Energy abundance, energy manifestation and realization is a natural thing. It is unnatural to have lack. Look at how much work you had to do to create lack in your life. Now let that overlay go. It is just always there. Everything you need just comes in. It is such a simple principle but you all want to make it so complicated.

< Clarity 8 > This energy of Ohamah was able to disconnect from the Field after tremendous anger, after tremendous suffering and tremendous loneliness. Ohamah disconnected from the Field as well, became independent, a souled being who had let go of all the connections - connections of family, connections of his warriors and his armies, connections even to God, you know. That's a big one. That's a big one Ohamah had to learn. A big one that Ohamah even likes talking about now. Disconnected from God, you see. That's a big one.

< Clarity 8 > Kuthumi, another grand being who DIDN'T have trouble disconnecting. It was not a difficult process for him He didn't have to go through the suffering, he just let it go. He went off, indeed, by himself for a long period of time. Stayed away from friends and family, moved away from even the university life, which he loved. He went off by himself and said "I'm going to do this the easy way, the fun way, and disconnect. I'm going to be my own being." And he let go also. He did it, actually, with much of the love and the compassion of Gaia. Not connected to Gaia but working with those energies to let go. So Kuthumi is another independent being. A godded, souled being who has let go of all of the connections and all of the ways of feeding.

< Clarity 8 > There are not many Beings that have truly disconnected. The list is quite short actually. Not many Beings who have let themselves go through that process - a process that right now you are going through. It is not about - how to say... This whole concept of spirituality and religion, it is actually... should be, actually... one of disconnecting. But what do the churches teach? More connection. More addiction to their energy. More dependence on their energy. In the simplest teachings it is about totally disconnecting. That's when you become your own sovereign being.

< Teacher 1 > Even though he's quite the character, quite the comedian, dear Kuthumi is one of the wisest and simplest beings I've ever met. And I say "simple" with the highest form of respect. When a being - any entity - can simplify their energy, can simplify everything about themselves, they are truly sovereign. A sovereign Being is not a complex one. A sovereign Being doesn't have all of these complex systems within it, they become very simple. Why? Because everything is integrated. Everything becomes integrated back into a very simple angelic resonance.

< Teacher 1QA > When Saint-Germain went through the initiation order for the Crimson Circle on Earth, it impacted many of you in different ways. And one of the reasons it impacted you, and sometimes even brought out a level of fear, was that because you realized this is what you came here for. It is the culmination of hundreds or sometimes thousands of lifetimes here on Earth, to learn those things about energy and about understanding yourself as a sovereign Being, as God also, so you could then work as a teacher with those who are from your angelic family. And that brought up many issues because some of you are wondering if you're truly ready.

< Teacher 1QA > This feeling of loneliness is very, very common amongst Shaumbra, because you have gone out on your own; you have left old Orders and organizations; you have left your angelic family; you have left everything that you were connected to; you've disconnected from even things like the Field. So you are by yourself. The gift in this is that you're learning to become a sovereign Being. You're learning to find the happiness within. You're learning to find that your own God-self is within. You're learning to bring in all the various aspects of yourself that have been scattered all over, but yet this loneliness is persistent because you can continue to feel energies of family and friends and things that you've disconnected from - again, a very, very common feeling.

< Teacher 2QA > In the times of Atlantis, where we tried the singular government and we tried what you would now call one world concept, it didn't work, because it essentially took away the sovereignty, the uniqueness and the sacredness of every individual. Back in Atlantis we were trying to meld it all together, thinking perhaps this is how we can find the answer, and, as has been discovered, it's already within. It's already within each individual. So coming together in one great big glorious type of harmonious one-world stew is not something that we see working. Individuals recognizing their own sovereignty is what we see happening for many, many generations to come.

< Teacher 4QA > One of the things that is going to be very important in this process for you to do personally is to make decisions. This energy of separation and confusion has it so you find it very difficult and challenging to make any decisions, and by default then the decisions are made for you by mass consciousness, by your old ghosts and demons or by things outside of you. Once you assume or re-assume authority of yourself as a sovereign being and start making decisions, this energy from the outside sources will blow right through you. It will keep you unaffected. You won't be diminished by any of these energies that are trying to hold back this reunion of masculine and feminine.

< Teacher 5QA > Indeed, the first thing is into becoming sovereign is to have compassion and love for yourself first and foremost. You can't do this without the love for yourself. Other humans they're used to feeding on other people and they have a certain definition, a way that you, anybody should act and respond to them, how you should be giving, giving, giving to them. This is a very Old Energy principle, and it eventually drains the energy out of people and they get sick and they die and then we have to try to work with them over here. It's a very, very old cycle.

You take one human who learns to love themselves - sometimes they have to separate from other people to do that. A human who learns that they are God also - sometimes they have to leave behind other things to understand that. Sometimes they have to go off on a sabbatical away from everything as Saint-Germain has done, as Kuthumi did and as I did and many, many of the others. Sometimes humans, Shaumbra, you're learning to just let some of the old things go. Go off on your own journey for a while. Yes, it's going to get other people mad because you've built a complex network with them, a consciousness network, and they feel the loss of your presence. They also feel angry and they also feel hungry because they can't feed on things they call love and compassion.

< Teacher 6QA > There are a group of entities who I would call supremely sovereign. They have left all organizations and all groups that they had originally come from. They discovered, as Ram did, his own sovereignty and his own unique characteristics. These entities have come back to assist with many different types of angelic or human organizations, but yet you'll never find them totally immersing themselves in. They will never lose their sovereignty for the sake of a group. Again, because once you understand sovereignty or realize it, you never totally immerse. But these beings are coming back particularly to those groups who are working with the energy to achieve their own sovereignty and they're working with many different groups. So there are some here - angelic beings who will work with the Crimson Circle. They will work with, for instance, the Kryon. They will work with Ram and many, many of the other groups. They cross platforms. But their unique characteristic is those who are allowing their sovereignty to come to the forefront in particular. So you'll find a mixture of different angelic beings with different groups on Earth right now.

< QuantumLeap 2 > Ultimately, in the bad parts of the angelic neighborhoods, when an angel takes over another being, it doesn't last. It can't last. Every angelic being, every human being is also a sovereign divine being by birthright. It's not something that you have to earn. It's not a badge that you achieve after so many eons of lifetimes. You started with it. You started with a divine sovereign self. You just kind of got away from it, like all of us did. You kind of went for the experience - what was it like to get away from sovereignty? What was it like to get away from being singular and you to being very, very multiple, very, very scattered in so many different ways?

< QuantumLeap 2QA > One of the things that ... by the way, in the past with Shaumbra: Shaumbra come from many different celestial families - angelic families - and Shaumbra have spent many, many lifetimes on Earth, more than any other group. Shaumbra has killed each other and stolen from each other and warred with each other - and that's the good news! (much laughter) Because they come from such different lineages and have had so many conflicts in the past, they've also said, "This isn't going anywhere. Let's gather ourselves together in this energy of this thing we call the Crimson Council and the Crimson Circle, and let's work on a way to help evolve the consciousness, not only for ourselves and between ourselves, but for humanity if they choose to accept it. Let's find a way to come from diverse backgrounds and be together."

And Shaumbra has found that the best way to be together is to be "you" first, you see. I know I've harped on this today, but when you are "you," totally complete in yourself with no need of anything from anyone else, well then it's easy to get along with everyone. So through this whole process of families and lineage and groups, you have learned to become individuals.

< QuantumLeap 5QA > When your doubt came in you noticed how it suffocates the feelings. Then it goes in and confuses the mind. Then it takes away your sovereignty. It takes away your intuition, your natural ability to feel things and to understand them and to deal with them but not to own them. You had a wonderful experience in true feeling.

< MNEC2009-T2 > Up until now it hasn’t been possible for … well, I have to chuckle when you say ascended master - it’s just a sovereign being. That’s all it is. But it hasn’t been very possible for a sovereign being to come back to Earth in physical form. So we’ve come back, the legions of sovereign beings - about 9,000 - we’ve been coming to you through channelers. We’ve been coming to you through mediums and psychics and other sort of ways. And some, like Adamus, can make a temporary illusion of being in human form, but it disappears after no more than a day or two. We’ve been coming back in different ways - burning bushes (laughter) and all these different gimmicks that we’ve tried with you, a few ghosts now and then. But I’m coming back.

< MNEC2009-T2 > They’re coming because of you, because you’ve helped to change the consciousness of Earth. You’ve made it possible for the sovereign being to come back. These ascended masters coming back to Earth are going to work with you in many, many ways - some very human and direct, some in the other realms tightly connected to Earth - but they’re going to work with you to bring the consciousness of this planet to an unimaginable level over the next few decades. This is the shift. It’s happening right now. As Kryon said before, don’t wait until 2012. You’re going to miss it.

< MNEC2009-T2 > As the ascended masters come and they connect with you, which they will do - they’re going to energetically connect with you - this is going to cause great change on Earth, continued change on Earth. It’s going to cause the human masters - you - to step forward. The sovereign beings, the ascended masters coming back to Earth now, they’re going to need guidance, particularly in their early years. They’re going to need the books you have written. Can you imagine just one book that one of you has written getting into the hands of an awakening ascended master, reminding that ascended master of everything that they are? A class that you do, a song that you sing?

< Master 5 > So that is where energy came from. Spirit basically did not know what energy was. It had no clue. Never heard of energy. Didn't need energy. It was only when you left Home, created or owned your own separate identity, your sovereignty, and then went out to experience yourself through the dynamics of duality or separation, that it created energy. It created energy, and that's what you've been working with ever since.

< Master 5 > So the soul passion. Feel your own soul passion for a moment. That is what's causing your reality. It can be stated in many different ways; I just gave you four simple basic statements of the soul's passion and desire. It could be stated in a lot of different ways, but it's to know thyself, to express thyself, to bring thyself together again and to move thyself into levels never realized before. Some of you might call that the Third Circle, sovereignty. Yes, yes with a twist, and the twist is New Energy.

< Master 9 > I said last month that, "Do humans have free will?" No. They might have had it at one point, but they gave it up, through their free will. They gave it up. They gave it to a lot of other things. In this zone, the "X" zone that we're coming back to, it begs a question from you. In here ("X"), free will, to use your definition, but sovereignty - free will - can be brought back, resurrected. You could have that tool once again, but it has to be from a very conscious acknowledgement of your divine will. That will give you something to ponder for the next month. Free will returns to the human when the human consciously acknowledges their divine will.

< Master 9 > Divine will is not to be confused with destiny or some distant God. The divine is you, and therefore that will, that waveform is you. When the human acknowledges its waveform as divine, as they come to this "X" spot, free will does come back. When sovereignty is accepted and realized, true free will about everything - about everything that's going to happen to you - absolutely comes back. So in answer to the question, humans had free will … back way up. Angelic beings had free will. They gave it up. They gave it up. That consciousness was brought to Earth and humans have been told that they have free will, but nobody's ever questioned it.

< Master 10 > One of the things that is common with what you call Ascended Masters, the ones who really come into their own, is there comes a point in their process when they know they're done. No more Earth, no more lifetimes, no more connections with humans as they knew it. No more sitting around the dinner table. No more taking walks in the woods. No more 'hmm hmm hmm,' you know, with the other person. (laughter at how Adamus alluded to sex) No more gatherings like this. There comes a point every Ascended Master goes through where a real desire to turn back, to stay a few more lifetimes.

< (Next) 1 > When you left the Wall of Fire, when you left heaven, All That Is, whatever you want to call it; when you left to become a pure sovereign being, as you went through the Wall of Fire, you imagined and experienced all of the potentials of everything that would ever happen to you outside of Home - outside of Home, outside of the First Circle. That's why it felt so awful. You felt you were ripped into billions of pieces, because you were suddenly experiencing everything, every potential that was to ever be. Well, maybe not all of it. You experienced all of it up until right now.

< (Next) 3 > And I didn't ask the question what job do you want. Maybe you don't want a job. You know, you can survive without a job. You really can. Ask Aandrah, ask On -Norma, Garret. Ask so many of the others who aren't in the old world, old consciousness type of job. You can survive outside of that. Absolutely. That's what we call being a sovereign being.

< (Next) 5 > What the world needs now, in my humble opinion, clear everything away - community. And you're seeing it happen, kind of. It's trying to happen on the Internet and other ways. When I talk about communities I don't mean communes. We're not going back to communistic ways or Atlantean communes or communities that take away the individual identity. But actually, the New Energy community takes a lot of self-empowered, self-realized humans, puts them together and what happens? The sum is greater than all the parts. And everybody - every individual part - can then tap into that greater sum. More potentials are created than, potentially, what you could create on your own. Anyway, a different set of potentials; potentials that you can tap into.

< (Next) 7 > So communal was good to a point, but it took away the individuality. Communal was a good way of assisting each other, but it also helped to develop this thing that we call mass consciousness or extreme hypnosis, because in a commune it's much easier to psychically and energetically and mechanically program the mind. So you've spent the next 100,000, 150,000 years trying to get out of that, and I'm amazed some days when you talk about living in a commune together. Do you know how long that would last? One afternoon. (laughter) Because you, Shaumbra, are aspiring for your own sovereignty and your individuality.

< (Next) 7 > The dilemma of being sovereign, being in what we call your Third Circle - it's a metaphor of being totally self-sufficient - and when they get to this point, they have to make a big choice, and most of them don't. Most of them let it linger, but it will come back to them. And they say, "In the Third Circle, I'm it. I Am that I Am. What do I do every day? Who are my friends? They say, "It sounds really boring. I think I'll delay my ascension for about 20 lifetimes." But truly, once you understand the I Am, you don't have to worry about boredom or other beings or what to do. Time becomes a total illusion. And could you imagine, perhaps, just being in love with yourself and that's enough? Not needing the outer reflection, the outer energies? Could you imagine just being with you for an eternity?

< (Next) 7 > You are your soul; you just don't think you are. You have separated it like you've separated your body and your mind and your spirit. You put your spirit, your soul off someplace else. So as long as there is a split in the body/mind/spirit/gnost/everything else, as long as there is a split in your human self and your aspects, they are going to be in this type of conflict and occasionally even a war with each other. Every part of you wants its freedom. Every part of you wants the integration to occur. It doesn't start with the overlord soul, it's you right here. It starts in this moment of allowing yourself this integration, this sovereignty, this becoming your own one.

< e2012 8 > Humans beings are wonderful until they get in an organization. Any organization – a company, a church, a benevolent foundation – I don't care what it is. What is it about humans? Wonderful individually, but the moment they organize, you have control issues, power issues, hierarchal issues. This is where the sexual energy virus comes in. It loves organizations. Once humans organize it brings out sometimes the very worst of them. Why is that? Beacause it's not meant to be organized. Ultimately, sovereignty is about loving, accepting and owning yourself.

< e2012 8 > There is actually two moments where the angelic beings are not with you. They're real close by, but one is when you truly decide you're going to be sovereign. You let go of the spirit guides that have been with you for a long time, and it's what some of you call the dark night of the soul. But it's not a night. It lasts a couple of months. (laughter) It's a long time. All the beings have to step away. You've gone through that, so now I can say I'll be with you every step of the way, up until the moment of your enlightenment. That – out of honor – I'm not going to be there or the others. You do that so personal.

In that moment of enlightenment, it's just an acceptance. It's just saying, “Whatever. I Am that I Am.” Suddenly, all the aspects come back in. It's a time of very personal integration. They all fly back in. So we kind of get out of the way and let the aspects come back in so that we don't get sucked in along with them. (laughter at Adamus' joke) We do it so that it can be the marriage or the union of you back into yourself. So nothing wrong there. It would have been totally disrespectful and a lack of compassion for me to stop. First of all, I couldn't. This was her choice, her journey.

< e2012 12 > So are you ready for this freedom? Because it will mean letting go of attachments on a wide variety of things. What if you lost your job tomorrow? “Aah! What did I do wrong?” you're going to say. No, it's freedom. It is truly freedom. Relationships, everything else, we won't go into that because I don't want to depress you, but it's releasing into your sovereignty, into your freedom. Sovereignty is being alone, by the way. But the thing that we're really going to take a look at today is the freedom beyond the mind.

< freedom 1 > When Spirit, the Eternal One, gifted you with your potential sovereignty, your unique I Am-ness, said, “Go forth. Discover yourself. Discover the I Am,” you did. All of you did. Any souled being did. But they came to a point, a point that still exists, a point that's still in its form of stuck energy because of stuck consciousness. Consciousness of all of the angelic beings played and had fun and created cosmic, angelic experiences. But at a certain point, this consciousness –your consciousness, the consciousness of your angelic families, of the Order of the Arc and everything else – suddenly stopped and said, “The next step is freedom.”

Freedom from what? Well, essentially freedom from Spirit. Freedom from Home. Freedom from God. Freedom from the Eternal One. You see, as children of God, we all come to the point of even releasing that. Some of you saying, “But, but, but … how can I possibly have freedom from Spirit? Am I not Spirit? What happens when I accept my freedom from Spirit, from the Godhead?” Well, you suddenly accept the I Am-ness and your own sovereignty, free and independent – something that Spirit always wanted. Always wanted.

< freedom 1 > Now it's time for freedom, something the Eternal One has always wanted. Why? Well, you could say that to truly know the I Am-ness of the Eternal One, of Spirit, Mother/Father God, however you want to put it, to truly understand it, there had to be freedom. There had to be a final release of self, a final letting go of self. No more control of self, and for a long time that self was also you. But ultimately it's about the release, about letting go, so Spirit, the Eternal One, can really know thyself. As you come to know yourself, to accept your freedom and sovereignty, Spirit will understand Its sovereignty.

< freedom 1 > When you discover something about yourself, Spirit discovers something about Itself. When you see a beautiful sunset, Spirit sees a beautiful sunset. Spirit didn't see it before you and then send you out there to go see, “Look at this beautiful sunset that I created.” Spirit asked you to create it and the Eternal One then sees it and feels it and experiences it. So one could say that Spirit truly will understand his/her sovereignty when you understand yours. And the same applies to freedom. Spirit understanding freedom when you do.

< freedom 2 > Freedom, sovereignty – I use the words interchangeably – is a state of consciousness. What happens is once you breathe it and you choose it, once you listen to it into that quiet voice, then it changes all of your energy dynamics. Actually, you don't need to do anything. You stand there right in the midst of the storm, and it all happens. It's the acceptance. It's the forgiveness. It's the feeling into that new voice of freedom. You actually don't have to do anything. That's the amazing part. You don't have to affect change on a duality, linear human level.

< freedom 6 > The true Master is sovereign, is unto themselves, is no longer trying to save the world or hold the energy for anything. The true Master does not go around trying to heal people. Why? Simply because their presence is all the healing anyone would need. That's it. There's no force. There's no trying. The stories of Yeshua working with others, healing them, were quite inaccurate. All Yeshua had to do is stand before another, look into their eyes, see the I Am within the other, spark something within them. That's all that needed to be done. The true Master in the New Energy, walks by themselves. The true Master – totally sovereign. No feeding. No more stories. The true Master accepts Earth, humans, Spiritual Family and all things as they are, recognizing it's all in perfection.

< Emergence 1 > But the fact is that you went through a lot of lonely days, very, very lonely days. Even if you had a family and a mate and all the rest of that, lonely, thinking that you were the only one out there like that, and now look at what we have here, here in Colorado, here with all of you tuning in. You're all sovereign. You're all independent. There's no oneness here other than you are your own one. We don't go into that whole oneness. That would be the worst thing in the world, to go back into a oneness, where you've come so far with your sovereignty. What we have here is you.

< Emergence 1 > You're not bound by anyone or anything. You're not bound by your ancestors. You're not bound by the past, your past lives. You're not bound by any humans or any governments. You are a sovereign being, therefore also responsible for your own experiences, your own joys, your own creations in life. You're not bound by angelic beings, angelic families or angelic councils. You'll find that so many of these things are here to serve you, but you are no longer bound. You're not bound by any God or any gods. You are truly free. Take a deep breath with that, with that realization, and let go of anything now that binds you, that holds you back, that governs you, that controls you. You are no longer bound by any of those things, as you come into Emergence.

< Emergence 10 > So, one of the great big gifts of all of this, the headband stuff, being in the mind, commonality, mass consciousness, “we are one” – not – all of that, is it was a great way to help you eventually realize your sovereignty. It was kind of a warped crazy way of doing it, but it was like “Let's deny the sovereignty, let's eliminate the sovereignty, so that we finally have an appreciation,” because this journey – ever since really you asked that stupid question, “Who am I?” – it's all about coming to your sovereignty. 


