divinity / divineness / pure essence

Spirit;  the God within;  inner self;  divine self
christ consciousnesspure consciousness;
God SelfChrist Self;  inner self;

< New Earth 1 > And at this point on your path it is our time to say good-bye to you. Those who have guided you or have been in your company, it is our time to bid you farewell. For we cannot go where you are going at this time. Those who are and have been your guides for lifetimes after lifetimes, your celestial friends who you visit at night, your family who is the Crimson Council, cannot go with you. And this is a good thing. You may ask why this is - why you must take this next part of the journey alone and it is quite simple. It is not possible for you to know your divinity, to know your Godself again if our energy is interfering, if our energy is surrounding. That is why we say good-bye at least for the time being, sending you on your journey by yourself. It is time for each of you to reconnect with who you truly are.

< New Earth 3 > The Divine Human will not have needs. You will be without need for you will know that all things come to you as appropriate. You will not have wants. You will not fear what comes next. You, the Divine Human, will be now and present and not worry about the future. For you know that the divinity within you will provide you all things.

< New Earth 6 > Think of the physics of this, think of the physics. Here you sit, supposedly as humans, and invite Spirit into your space, invite us into your space. This melding, this overlay of consciousnesses, creates truly a new dimension. It is not a dimension that you can relate from what you would normally think as in your third or fourth or fifth dimensions. My friends, this dimension does not own a number. It is a new dimension, a new consciousness that is created when humans meld with Spirit like this. Here you sit in a safe space. You open your hearts. You invite All That Is (God, divinity) into your being. This creates a new and sacred energy, a sacred consciousness. This is the consciousness and the state of being that you will walk in in your "now" time.

< New Earth 8 > You thought your true work was perhaps being a seed in the ground but that was not it. This melding and merging of energies, this divine coming together, takes place, and now miraculously the seed begins to sprout. And it takes in energies of the earth, the water, the ground, the nutrients, but it is also absorbing great amounts of energy from divine sources. And the seed breaks through the earth, and it now sprouts into a magnificent plant and then feeds others. And as the others feed from the plant, the plant does not die; it continues to sprout new leaves and new fruit. Each one who comes by and tastes of the fruit of this plant of the seed, then carries a degree of that energy and that love and that spirit with them. Therefore, ultimately, sooner or later, all are touched, all begin to carry the attributes of the seed.

< New Earth 9 > Now we move to the third area, that which we call the emotions. Now your emotions, my friends, have been an interesting substitute for Spirit. As you know, you have not carried your full spiritual potential with you in your physical body on your side of the veil. So your emotions have been a substitute, in a way, for Spirit. In the new energy your emotions will be a driving force for you. They will allow responses to take place. Your emotions, what comes from your inner being, your desires, will cause action and reaction. Now your emotions in the past have been used to play out dramas. Your emotions have been used to feel things, to understand joy, to understand darkness.

< New Earth 9 > We know from our side, though, my friends, that as you integrate your True Self, your Divinity, you will become awesome humans, Divine Humans, humans that are teachers to others.

< New Earth 10QA > The human ego at this point, interestingly for those that are here, is tired, is wanting to let go, is wanting to be relieved of its duties at this time. This is happening; however, there are such strong memories, such strong past experiences that continue to drive it to do its function. But indeed, if you would ask it, it truly would desire to let go at this time. As it releases and lets go, then your own divinity can come in. The divinity is the replacement of the human ego.

< New Earth 13 > All of this is part of the process that began when you made the decision to stay on this Earth, to re-enlist in spiritual service. All of this, my friends, is about moving into your new house, the "New Camelot." It is about accepting the Divinity within you. For eons of time under the veil you have not understood who you were. You have not been able to hold the empowerment of yourself, even if you wanted. You have not been able to bring in the fullness your own Divinity.

< New Earth 13 > Now there must be those who walk first, that learn first and integrate their Divinity first. The step-by-step process begins in one human, then a group of humans, then many humans, then it spreads across your Earth. This group is what we call the "classroom of the new spiritual energy of Earth." You are ones who agreed to begin accepting your Divinity and creating in the new Earth.

< New Earth 13 > Today we will walk into the new house. We will walk with you, and we will talk of how it works. But know for each of you that it will take a commitment on your part. It will take the understanding that you are the creator; it will not be done for you. It will take the understanding that it is your house, that it is your divinity, that you own it, that if you wait for another to make it work for you, wait for another to bring it to you, nothing will happen.

< New Earth 13 > Fear not your own creative ability. Learn to begin trusting your own Divinity. It will come from within your Self. Do not fear it, for within the energy structure of your new house there is also woven an energy that would make it most difficult for you to ill-create. That was an attribute of the old energy. That was an attribute when there was separation. But, as we have talked to you about before, there is now unity at the source. There is unity in your new house. Fear not your creative ability. Don’t wait for Spirit or your guides or others to do it for you.

< New Earth 14 > With the understandings that come from allowing, you will then see how true creation works. You will then be able to create from a space within your being that you have never felt before. Much of this is why you have come here to Earth in the first place, to arrive at this point, to arrive at a point of the integration of the Divinity, your Godself, with your human consciousness. Each of you has been walking under the veil, separated from Spirit in your consciousness for eons of time. As it was said earlier on this day by the speaker, Dr. Reynolds, the greatest feeling of loss was the separation from Spirit. You have gone full circle to the point now where you can accept this Divinity within.

< New Earth 14 > Now you are coming to a point of transition with all of the work that you have done, all of the releasing and the sacrifices that you have done. You are coming to the final stages of your journey, of your fulfillment. As you go through the period of "no-thing," you will then go through the period of allowing of all things, of seeing how things truly operate and work. This is a time of not trying to affect or push the outcome, but simply observing how energy works. After this my dear friends, you will begin to have true integration. You will begin to accept the Divinity within you, with the understanding and wisdom to use it.

< Creator 1 > As you move into your divinity, as it begins to awaken within you and to come from an outer dimension into your being, it is then that you will become what we term the 'New Creators.' The New Creators are the ones who remain here on Earth, but yet who are able to call upon their divine being. The New Creators will create a new environment and energy first for themselves, and then that will affect others who are willing. And then it will affect the Earth as a whole.

< Creator 1QA > Above all, it is about letting go of beliefs and perceptions. It is not about a particular job or a particular situation. It is your beliefs and perceptions that are keeping you in that. Our friend in the canoe was pulled toward the abyss and he felt himself going over the waterfall. He came to sudden and new realizations about who he truly was. As humans, you fear releasing one thing until you have another firmly in place. You go through the obstacle course of life with the hand on one ring, not willing to let go until the other hand is firmly on the new ring. We are challenging you to let go of the ring of beliefs that you have held onto, even the recent beliefs that you have had. We know that for some of you this is frightening. For some you may call Tobias crazy, certainly Cauldre crazy. My friends, in this release of old beliefs have trust in Self, in your own Divinity, and all things that are appropriate will come into play.

< Creator 1QA > There will come a point when Cauldre no longer channels the Crimson Council. When he feels as comfortable bringing up his own divinity, when he finally faces that the God is within him, he will no longer be channeling us. When you finally realize that God IS you, you will no longer be listening to channels. You will no longer be students. You will be the teachers. There will be no need to channel.

< Creator 2 > We ACCEPT you and LOVE you as human. We accept every thought, every deed, every action, everything in the passion and love and wisdom of Spirit. The Eternal One loves you infinitely, endlessly, and without condition! As we have said before, Spirit has no agenda. There is not a right way or a wrong way. There is only the new way, and you are creating it. If Spirit loves you so deeply and has no agenda, then dear teachers, you should be able to accept your human selves, to release as Susan did. As Susan released the grip of all her beliefs and guilt and pain, and she accepted everything that she had ever done unconditionally in the form of total forgiveness of self, she began to understand her own divinity.

< Creator 2 > As she lay awake at night with a tremendous feeling of release surging over her, she came to another realization. She realized that she had been living in the future, and she had been creating a picture of fear for what the future might hold. She realized that she was worrying about unpaid bills in the future that never existed. She was worried about illness that may come to her. None of these were real, but she was projecting her own sense of unworthiness into the future. The future represented a lack of trust in her divinity. She found that she was spending much of her time and energy in the future with her fears.

< Creator 2 > She said, as she released her grip and opened her palm, "I will now live in the NOW. I will no longer fear a future that does not exist. I will live in the NOW." She began living in the NOW, as she continued to practice standing behind the short wall in acceptance of all that is. As she began to consciously release her grip on her own guilt and pain and the past, she realized that she was creating a moment, a divine moment, in all of the NOW that she was living. She was learning once again to trust self. She was learning that there was no need to project a future fear scenario, but simply to live in the NOW. As she did, there was a unique melding of her humanness with her divinity.

< Creator 2 > Many of the pains you are feeling in your physical body are related directly to holding onto old belief systems that no longer serve you. You are feeling the pains in your physical body as a reminder to you to let go, to release the grip. These are pains of old beliefs, of guilt, of the way you thought things should be. Letting go allows the divineness to come in and provide that moment that you chose to create.

< Creator 2QA > The "divine moment" occurs in the now. It is not something waiting to happen in the future. It occurs in the now. It is when the divinity and the light that are emerging from within you are allowed to be released, and there is what you will sense to be a divine melding, a truth, as we just mentioned, a feeling of Oneness that occur. Some have defined this as cosmic consciousness. It is when all things come together in conscious perfection.

< Creator 2QA > Now again this (divine moment) does not come from outside of you. It comes from within, and it comes when you allow and accept all things as they are. It is when you accept your human that this divinity, this light - the light that is waiting to be released from every cell and every strand of DNA and every vibration within you - can come forth. It is waiting to be released. When you open up and allow and release the fears, it can find the path up through your being.

< Creator 3 > Breathe deeply within your being, from the top of your head all through your body, down to your toes. Breathe deeply and allow this divine energy that resides within you to come forth. Allow it to be in every cell. Allow it to be in every molecule, every part of your being. This thing that you call your divinity, this thing that you call the God Within… it has always been there, dear friends. It has always been within you, but it has been waiting for the appropriate time to come forth. And as you know, now is the appropriate time!

< Creator 3 > Now, their memories will be with you for a period of time. But their energy is leaving to make way for the new divine Self that is beginning to emerge. As you know, they have been waiting to leave for some time now. You could feel the urgings and the pullings, but they could not go until your own divinity was awakened enough for this new human angel to come forth. They chose this very day with the energy here, even at this very time of the year, to begin their departure. They only ask one thing as they begin to leave. They ask you to honor them, to acknowledge them and to thank them. They ask you to understand that all that was given and all that was experienced was done in love in order to close out the old cycles of life. Honor your Self and love your Self!

< Creator 3 > But for now you are going through many changes with releasing things from this lifetime. This allows the divinity that has always been within you to truly begin coming forth. As you live in the divine moment, this allows your divinity to come forth. As you allow yourself to live in the divine moment, it changes the very nature of the duality that has always been part of you. It changes the vibration of the two sides of who you have been. It changes the way you create on Earth.

< Creator 3QA > Never has such a large group of humans walked through the process of the awakening divinity at one time. There are tens of thousands of Lightworkers that are awakening at this time.

< Creator 4QA > We come here to work with you on becoming creators. It is about becoming and realizing and manifesting your divinity. It is not so difficult, it is not so difficult at all! It was difficult - nearly impossible - when duality had a different balance, when duality had characteristics that were not so harmonious. But as you come into balance with yourself, as you adjusted the balances of duality within you, and as they are balanced in all humans across your earth, it is becoming much easier to become true creators. Being able to create within your being and from your being will not be so much of a struggle! It will be as easy as allowing Grace to handle the balance. It will be as easy as bringing this energy forth into your being, into your reality, into your divine moment and then playing with the results.

< Creator 6 > The process of the awakening of your divinity is so deeply personal within you that we could not possibly begin to define it. You will come to understand.

< Creator 6 > You have come to Earth for a reason. You have gone through many, many lifetimes for reasons. As you get closer to integration with your divinity, indeed there is the tendency to reject your human self. There are some that think they are going to ascend and never come back to Earth. Dear friends, that is not acceptance! You will have difficulty on the path of the Crimson Circle if that is how you feel about yourself. Do you understand what we are saying here? Think twice about the beauty and the joy and the love of being a human. Accept it. If it is difficult to accept, take time to work with this. Work with others who will help you accept. If your desire is to simply pop out, to never return to this challenging place of Earth, oh, dear friends, you will have many names in many future lifetimes!

< Creator 6 > It is between you and your Higher Self. Your Higher Self cannot be found if you look out the window. It is not there. There is nothing out there right now that is going to connect you to your own divinity. It is not on the outside. When you find yourself looking outside for your answers, we will remind you that the connection point back to your divine being, the connection point back to whence you came, the connection point to the future for where you are going is within! Dear friends, remember this. This is the lesson of magic that you will come to understand. Within you is divine balance.

< Creator 7 > I, Tobias, want you to remember the energy here right now, the energy that tells you that you have the Christ seed within you, and you always have. Follow none other than the God within you! You will be challenged in these days to come, as you make the final link of your circle. The challenges will be difficult, and that is why we bring this subject up on this night. Are we saying you will have an alien encounter? In a way, yes, we are. It may not happen while you are driving down the road at 1:00 AM and come to a railroad crossing. (audience laughter) It may come in your sleep. It may happen, and most likely will happen, as an old remembrance coming through like a freight train, a remembrance that brings fear and that cripples you and immobilizes you. When that happens, dear friends, we want you to come back to this energy of this day, when Spirit, when Yeshua and the Crimson Council and Tobias sat in front of you, and said, "Dear ones, you are the God that is awakening. Have no others come before or above you."

< Creator 7 > Dear friends, resist the desire to take the fine brushes to fill in the details. This will be done for you. After you create a broad stroke, sit on the floor and admire the piece of art you have just created. We have talked to you before of the Oven of Grace, and we have talked to you and walked you through putting old issues in there. The Oven of Grace is wonderful for old issues. But the oven of Grace also serves as a processor and a balancer of new things that you create. It is like an entire energy system of your new house. As you create a broad stroke, your Oven of Grace balances and processes the energies. In other words, allowing grace to process your new creation assures a divine balance. It assures that it manifests and balances in the most appropriate and loving manner. You don’t have to be concerned about whether are creating the most appropriate or enlightened thing. You own divinity will handle the balance.

< Creator 8QA > You are transitioning from the human of the old energy, where your foundation was based on the thing that you call your ego. Although you are transitioning to a Divine Human, you are still a human in physical form that still walks each day in duality. But you are now integrating your divinity, your passion and your love. You could not possibly understand what it is like to be an integrated divine human with the consciousness you have at this time. Yet, you attempt to define your divinity before it rises from within you. This is what is causing the feelings of despair and loneliness. Dear friends, these are the thorns of the rose that we spoke of during the channeling!

< Creator 10 > The second quadrant of lessons (Lessons 4-6) were about Releasing. They were about letting go. We talked about placing things in the Oven of Grace (Lesson 4). It was about Releasing, about turning it over to your own Divine Energy. Taking it out of your hands and out of your mind and placing it in a Divine Processor that is within you. These lessons were about turning it over. Then to understand that when you do this, you are obviously going to have changes in your life (Lesson 5: Expect changes and bless them). These changes are appropriate, so bless them.

< Creator 10QA > You are breaking through old paradigms that are as old as all the lifetimes you have had on Earth, that are as old as the times you had before you got here. The old energy has its origins from the time that you came through the Wall of Fire. Do you expect to change all of this in one week of time? It will take a bit of work. It can go rapidly if you are able to release. If you are able to accept, the new energy, the Divinity, will arise from within you.

< Creator 10 > Divine Will is not sitting and waiting for God, for Spirit, to tell you what to do. It is an understanding that it is already a part of you. It is an inner understanding that Spirit is there, that there are no outside voices to listen to, that Spirit and God and Divinity and the Christ Consciousness is already within you. Divine Will is listening to this deep, passionate inner voice.

< Creator 11 > You are awakening. The energy that the Christ Seed needs, that your divinity needs, is your own energy of love and acknowledgement. Do not give it to us. We do not need it. We love you dearly, but nurture yourself. Give thanks to yourself. You are beginning to see examples in your own life where things are beginning to work out for the first time, truly work out. You are beginning to have new understandings. You are beginning to hear inanimate objects talk to you. Oh yes, just the other day the coffee pot talked to Cauldre! (audience laughter)

< Creator 11 > If you do not acknowledge your creations, if you give the credit to Spirit or to angels or to any others, this Divinity that is like a seed growing from within will begin to wither like a plant on a hot summer day. It needs your love. Your divinity is your true self. It has been in a cocoon for a long, long time. It is who you truly are, and it is coming back to you as a child. It needs your love. It needs the balanced love of the King and the Queen within You.

< Creator 11 > We see you as teachers. We see you, Shaumbra, as ones who will go into this world to help others cross into the new energy. This is another way of saying they will cross into their own divinity. They will need human guides. They will need you.

< Creator 11QA > Your True Self is awakening now. It is emerging from the cocoon where it has slept for so long. It is awakening and coming forth. But interestingly enough, even though this is a more complete Self, it is also like your own child who glows from within, a Christ Child. It is yours to care for and nurture and feed. It is interesting that it is the "complete" you, the True Self, the Divine Self. You would think, would you not, that it would be appropriate for you to give up control to your True Self? You would think this would be the Father/Mother God energy coming back for you. But instead it is the Child. It is the Child energy. It is your creation. And it needs your nurturing. Now, we will talk more of this at another time. But in your long journey here, and to get here and your many experiences, you have created your own child, called your divinity, just as the King and Queen through their love created Jack. This will give you something to think about!

< Creator 12 > When it is abundance you choose to create in your life, do not be so specific with it, but rather breathe in abundance, and understand that it is not coming from the outside. It is coming from within you. When you breathe it in you are allowing this awakening divinity, this Christ consciousness within, to now come from the outer realms of who you are into your very being. You allow it to manifest in your life. When you are paying your bills, breathe in abundance. Breathe in abundance. When your body aches and hurts and is in disease, dear friends, breathe in, breathe deeply, breathe in biological balance.

< Creator 12 > The divinity that is within you is coming forth right now, but it needs a vehicle. It needs a conduit to come in to your reality. It comes into your now through breathing. Oh, there are those who have practiced and known this for quite some time, and it has been effective, but now more than ever, it is truly a tool for each one of you. Up until now it has been difficult, perhaps almost impossible, to bring your divinity deeply within, into your human reality. The mass consciousness of Earth would not allow for it to come in easily. That is why it has been so difficult and challenging. That is why there have been those who have sought this for ages of your time. But now with the point of consciousness and the time that we are at, it is possible to bring this into your life.

< Creator 12QA > You have not held your divinity in a conscious state such as this for all of the thousands of lifetimes you have lived on Earth. You have not held your divinity in a conscious state for the eons of time before you ever got here to Earth. This divinity, this seed within is emerging now. It is causing changes at the deepest levels of who you are. And you wonder why sometimes your shoulders ache? (audience laughter) You wonder why you feel the ups and downs that you do?

< Creator 12QA > You come here to this conference to learn of some of the most advanced developments in medicine, the most advanced understandings of what is taking place at your DNA level, which is, dear friends, quite simply the awakening of your divinity. Your divinity is wrapped around your DNA. That is why you are here. All of the potential for instant healing is there. All of the potential for limb regeneration, for life extension is there, but understand even the great one Thomas Edison did stumble at times. He did not always get it right the first time. Allow yourself. Allow yourself patience in your process.

< Creator 12QA > You come to this place of Earth to help determine a new balance, to create a nest, to create a new home to birth a new type of divinity. That is why you are here. This Earth is a nest, a home. You are birthing a new type of divinity (new ascension status) that has never been seen in all of creation. You come here to create the new energy, what we have called the "second creation."

Dear friends, when you ascend, you do not go back Home. Home will eventually come here to you. It will come here. We do not know how to say this so well - you cannot go back Home. You cannot. But Home can come to you. Creation, All That Is, the First Circle will expand into where you are. It will come to you.

Ascension means going into this new energy where your divinity shines in this new place (second creation) where you have birthed it. It is not about going BACK Home. It is about creating something new for Spirit that could never be done before. You who are here… you exist outside of All That Is. Oh, Cauldre has challenged us over and over on this, but we continue to say that when you left the Kingdom, you went outside of All That Is. But someday All That Is will come to you. It will expand. That is the whole reason why you left the Kingdom in the first place.

< Ascension 1 > Right now there is still a new relationship developing between you and the spirit within. Neither is quite so sure of the other yet. You, your human ego, find yourself putting on the brakes. At times you are not quite so sure what this new energy is. But as you breathe it in, as you allow it - all of who you are - to come out and express itself, you will have such a different life, such a different way of looking at things. The struggles that you have felt up to now will change. They will change.

< Ascension 1 > We have discussed this before, that some 2,500 years ago of your human time the energies were right and appropriate to begin bringing in what we have called the seed of Christ consciousness. Up until then the balance of energy of the human and of the spirit was not ready to fully receive this. In your days of Alt (Atlantis) and Mu (Lemuria), you tried many different things to pull in this energy. There were many technologies that you used to try to integrate, to try to find your divinity. But as you know, it was not the time. It was not appropriate, and as you know, your divinity cannot be brought in through technology alone. It is a meld of your own inner opening, your breathing it in. It is a combination of mass consciousness. It is technology. It is all these factors brought together.

< Ascension 1 > And how do you best do this? You breathe it in. You breathe it in. This energy of divinity is within you. It is in your body. It is in your consciousness. It exists all around you. We look at you now, and we can see it. It is so young. It is so innocent. It is the child. Although it is your own divinity from Home, it comes back to you now, and it comes through as the child. You are the ones who have the responsibility now to nurture it, to listen to its needs, to love it and to care for it. As you do, you will find that it takes very playful form, that it becomes very expressive.

< Ascension 1 > As you know, there has been tremendous work being done on the grids, for these past 11, 12, 13 years. There have been adjustments that the Kryon has been making in response to your changing consciousness and in response to the decisions you are making. Each time you make a decision to open parts of self, to integrate the divinity, there is a corresponding change in the grid. Not just in your portion of the grid, but the grid for all.

< Ascension 2 > Your divinity exists all around you. Each one of you here, including those who are reading this or listening… we can literally see it emerging within you. It is not a concept. It is not just creative thinking. We can see it. We can see it now rising from within you. For some, it looks like a flame within you. For others, it looks like a type of beautiful plant that is growing. And in still others, it is a ball of light that is coming through. Each of you is somewhat different. There is not a single type of expression of the rising divinity. It is unique to each one of you. It is there. Take ownership.

< Ascension 2 > Own your divinity through your body by being playful with your body. You get so serious! You diet and hurt yourself. Do you know what causes you to be fat? It is your damn diets! (audience laughter and applause) You hurt yourself and your body by the thoughts that you put through it. Your divinity is coming up from within your body. Play with your body! Feed it those chocolates! (audience applause) Oh, we know we will get this thought mail from many who will say, "Oh, Tobias, medical history and science has proven these things to be bad." No, what is bad is some of the thoughts that you have, some of your rules and regulations. (audience applause)

< Ascension 2 > This thing called divinity is like a child. Even though it is you, it is the essence of you from as far away a time as when you left Home. It is your divinity. It is your Full Self. And, we have to interrupt here for a moment, but we ask each of you to stop imagining your Golden Angel, your True Self, as some external, twelve-foot tall, winged being, for it is not so. As long as you continue to think of it that way, it will be difficult to integrate a twelve-foot being into yourself! (audience laughter) It is not an external thing. It is within you. It is not an outside angel. It is the essence of who you are. It is making its way through your body, your DNA, your cells. It is asking for expression through your body.

< Ascension 2 > There are some now who even shake their heads, who say, "Tobias, you do not know what you are talking about." And we say to you, "Fine. Continue your game of rules and regulations and self-punishment of your body." To the others we say, "Go have fun!" Allow your divinity to come up. This is how you own it. You own it by playing with it, by playing with it.

< Ascension 3 > Samuel, the fourth lightworker who was balanced in male and female energy, knew in a terrifying and difficult moment that he could not think fast enough to pull all of his tools in when confronted with the first snake. But he knew one thing that was simple - breathe, breathe in divinity. As you practice this each day, it becomes an unconscious thing. As you breathe in, the divinity comes with it. Samual knew in a moment that the breath would bring him to a balance and anchor his divinity.

< Ascension 3QA > Why? … is such a good question, and it is about your journey. It is about your search. It is about your ascension. It is the question that has been asked by entities ever since we left Home. It is about your journey on Earth. Ever since you left Home there has been one basic thing - the search for God, the search for God. When you were in the void and creating this Second Creation, the real question was about where to find God, how to get back Home. As we all matured, we understood it was not about getting back Home. It was about creating something new. But, the search for God continued.

The Order of the Arc was created, it was to help define a very imbalanced energy (duality), an energy that was searching for God. It was an answer to the question "why." It was about a venue and an experience that would enable you, and then ultimately us, to once again know God, but a different relationship than you had with the King and the Queen when you were Jack. The relationship now comes from within you. The relationship is yours to hold personally. It is about integrating your divinity.

Why? If you return to the story of Jack, you will recall that we chose our words very carefully. It was said that Jack was the prince, the son of the King and the Queen. One day he would inherit the throne. But, he wanted one last journey. Why? It was to understand how to bring the energy of Home, how to bring the energy of God, how to bring the divineness into you directly, into your experience and your being. Jack did not have ownership of this when he was in the Kingdom. In order to be a true creator, Jack needed to discover this on his own.

You have been searching for God ever since. You are beginning to understand the dynamics of this and how this works. It is difficult. It does not come so easy. Why? It is the fulfillment of a circle that started the moment Spirit contemplated Self and began a whole dynamic of new creation, of duality, and of experience. It is the completion of Spirit’s quest to know Self, to know of expression by living through experience.

< Ascension 4 > That reason (leaving Home) is to understand your own identity outside the realm of All That Is, to connect with that identity, to experience through it, and then at a given point, to integrate your birthright, the Christ seed within, your God-self, to integrate that into everything that you are. That is why we are sitting here with you now. That is why you are here, dear, dear friends. And, that is why I, Tobias, sit here with you on this day. You are at that magical, miraculous, incredible point, where you are coming to the full completion of the circle. You are coming to the point now where you are completing the circle. And, that is when you integrate your divinity.

< Ascension 4QA > Your divinity is like a child. It is so much like a child that is being birthed within you. It is the fulfillment of your journey ever since you left Home. You are coming to the point where you can birth your own God-self, the divinity in through you. This is completion. This is what you are going through.

< Ascension 5QA > We are here, those in the Crimson Council. We are here, indeed, calling on each one of you, calling on the human angels to begin using your divinity in your day-to-day life. It is not separate and different any more. It does not exist in a far-off, different place. It is not outside of you. It is within you, and it is coming forth now and expressing itself through all of your seven senses. When you acknowledge that your divinity is expressing through your hearing or through any of your other senses, then it does.

< Ascension 6 > The grids also provided a filter or a buffer. You did not have full access to the energy of your divinity all at once. There are many human and spiritual physics laws at play here. But, the grids are like a form of buffering and protection. They also provided limitations on what you would be able to do. They limited you from accessing all of your divinity.

< Ascension 6 > As we gather here now as family, they (Kryon) are working at this moment on these changes, on the attunements of the grids. What this will do is allow you a new type of access to all of who you are (full divinity). It will allow a new type of fuel. It will allow a portal from your full divinity in order to illuminate that seed of Christ that is within you. It is a ray of sunlight that comes in, that breaks through a cloud cover that has been around you for so long. And, this ray will directly beam upon the Christ seed that is germinating within you. This ray, this beautiful golden, copper, whitish ray will shine, and it will bless your divinity. It will bless the Christ seed, and allow it to grow in new ways.

< Ascension 7 > You ARE able to hold this divinity in. That was one of the big questions that you and that we had, particularly going into this lifetime of yours. You felt relatively certain that you would be able to overcome the karmic challenges, the final clearings that you set up for yourself. So many of you took on several lifetimes worth of karma in one life. But, you felt confident that you would overcome this in a single lifetime, or half of a single lifetime. But, none of us was so sure how well you would be able to hold the energy of divinity within you as you transitioned into the New Energy.

< Ascension 7 > We come here on this day that symbolizes duality, a day of 02-02-2002 to tell you that you are beginning to hold this energy (New Energy) within. This is the energy of your divinity. We can see that you are breathing, and by breathing you are igniting this fire of divinity within. But, this fire is not blown out so easily anymore. It continues to glow.

< Ascension 8 > You, Spirit… you, divine one, have also been learning to understand your own identity. As you do, as you come to understand the identity of your own divinity, then you begin to understand God. It has been said that you could never figure out God in your head. And, indeed that is true. It comes in through your heart. And, it comes in after you learn to understand your own divinity. When this happens, dear Shaumbra, then Home comes to you. As we have told you, you never go Home. That was not the purpose of all this. You don't go Home. Home comes to you.

< Ascension sp > Be in a place of peace as things happen around you. You are ones who are open to feelings, to energies, to shifts. You have opened yourself well to these. But, in opening yourself, you become fragile, when there is not the deep inner ownership of your divinity. You become very fragile, when you are not allowing your divinity to express.

< Ascension spQA > You ask how you can communicate with those of us on this side of the veil. And you ask how you can communicate with yourself and your divinity? You say that you have not been able to tap into it yet, that it seems so far away, and so distant, and you are not so sure.
The energy of your divinity, and therefore the knowingness and the love of All That Is, is right at your fingertips. It is already in your heart. It is already part of your mind. It is so close. It is so close that you are overlooking it. You are looking on the other side of that wall, thinking that it will be delivered by someone else from somewhere else. It is so close you do not realize that you are already channel. You are already talking to beings on our side of the veil. You are already in your divinity.

< Ascension spQA > That is why Metatron said today, "Are you ready to show your Spirit, to let it burst forth, to know that it is YOU and not look for a foreigner. Do not look for a grand angel. Do not look for some higher, distant self. Simply walk each moment in your divinity, knowing that it is there, knowing that it is so much a part of you already that perhaps you do not recognize it."

< Ascension 9 > What happens is that your own divinity, that exists in the New Energy, will bring resolution. This is the solution that Metatron spoke of (the fruit of the rose), the one that is already there. But it exists in the New Energy, not in the Old. It (going into the void) allows your divinity to bring this up, in you and through you. Then you will have the "Ah hah!" moment, the knowingness, the "Ah" that we spoke of, the enlightenment that we spoke of. But, there is the short time of this Void of Ascension, when you have let go of the Old, when you have released the Old and not replaced it yet. It is not an abyss. It is not darkness. It is not the low of duality. It is just setting it aside for a divine moment, into the void.

< Ascension 9 > What happens here, dear friends, is a miracle. It is a miracle. As you put it to the side, you let the Fruit of the Rose bring forth the divine solution. As you allow this to happen, something takes place that is precious, that is fulfillment. It is something even Gautama could not realize in his lifetime. When you let your divinity find the solution, new energy is created. New energy.

< Ascension 9 > Lesson Nine of the Ascension Series - YOU ARE CREATING NEW ENERGY. You are creating it by releasing duality without trying to replace it with a consciousness of the Old Energy. When you find solution that comes from within (divinity), this creates New Energy. It has never been done before. The implications of this are tremendous… the implications to consciousness, to Earth, and to you as individuals.

< Ascension 9 > Be in the Void of Ascension for a bit. Then, your divinity, your God-self can come roaring through you. When it does, you will have insights and understandings that you could not possibly have had in the mind of duality. You will have realizations, and you will have things happen to you that are not in the least what you are expecting, because you are expecting from a mind of duality. It will be very different. We cannot explain it much further than that. It is an experience you will have on your own. That is why we asked you to release your guides. That is why we asked you to release the crystals, and all of the other accoutrements that fill your energy. Release them.

< Ascension 9QA > When you get sick, you want to fix it right away. Be in the Void of Ascension. Know there might be a temporary imbalance within your body. Know that your divine being will provide a solution that was far grander than anything in your medicine cabinet. But, humans, you want to replace everything so quickly. You want to replace your meditation, since we took that away, with something else. You want to replace your ceremony with something else. It is a time of "nothingness" when there is no pressure or struggle. You are not trying to replace. You are not fearing or panicking. It is a divine moment. In that moment the answers come through. If you feel yourself struggling in the mind, struggling in your being, chances are very good that you are not going in the right direction. You are still struggling with duality.

< Ascension 9QA > The Fruit of the Rose is your divine lineage. It comes truly comes through and manifests when you sit in the void we have discussed today. It is the solution that has not been brought in yet. It is a potential solution that exists in a neutral or dormant state. But, it has always been there. It is all of the answers that you have ever sought, but you could not come to realizations until the appropriate time. We have said before that, in a sense, you have already buried the answer for yourself, along your path. You have already created all of the potential solutions before you got there. This is the Fruit of the Rose. It IS your divinity. It IS that part of God that you brought with you from Home. It is your individual identity in meld with the essence of Spirit.

Now, that does not mean that the answers have already been worked out. It means the energy for the solution is there. It still takes you living in human form, living in the "now," to bring the solution to realization. There requires participation at all levels of your being. Your divine consciousness has been behind the seven seals that are now opening. The Fruit of the Rose is the unrealized solution, but the solution that has always been there. The Fruit of the Rose does not contain the exact road map and directions for the solution, but it contains all of the energy for realization of it.

< Ascension 10 > Metatron IS you! Metatron is "your voice in Spirit". Metatron held a balance of energy on the other side of the veil. Metatron held the balance of energy in a very sacred temple within the Order of the Arc, a temple that was secure, and safe, and very sacred. Very few were allowed into this temple. That is where part of your own divine energy has been watched over by Metatron. That is where part of you that is so divine, and so pure - the purity of love - has been waiting, watched over by your voice in Spirit, Metatron, until the time was appropriate. Metatron has walked with all of us throughout this Ascension Series.

< Ascension 10 > Metatron is now able to bring his energy directly to the level of Earth. This was not possible before. It was not possible. Metatron is able to join with us now, bringing his energy into this space, into this circle. And, indeed his energy is here today. Feel the energy of Metatron today, not as an outside being, not as some male-angel entity. Feel the energy as your very own divinity, under the name of Metatron, under a collective energy of Metatron. Allow yourself to feel yourself in Metatron. And, allow Metatron to feel himself in you. Allow the melding to take place. Metatron, the symbol of your divinity and "your voice in Spirit", joins us now. Metatron is your divinity.

< Ascension 10 > The real story is not about a big battle where Satan was thrown out of heaven. It was about your own departure from the Order of the Arc to come to Earth. It was about your journey to find your truth, dear friends. Your truth is your divinity. You had to find it on your own. You had to find it with the elements of duality, and furthermore, with the element of the veil - two very strong forces that hid you from your past, hid you from yourself, and hid you from us for so long. You had to go out on this journey to Earth in a very - how to say - neutral environment to discover your divinity. The Sword of Truth represents your own journey.

< Ascension 11 > Open your hearts. Open your hearts. Behold the song of your soul. This is a melding and an integrating with who you are. Hear it. Feel it. It is there. Behold it, right now, in this moment. It is you. It is you. It is like a child wanting to come forth and express itself in all love and innocence. It is like a wise father with a knowingness that surpasses anything you have experienced before. It is like a loving and nurturing mother, wanting to care for you also. This is your divinity, your divinity within you, wanting to come forth.

< Ascension 11QA > Allow yourself the time for your true inner work. Allow one gift to yourself. That gift is trusting your own divinity. You have struggled with this. You have tried to trust your own divinity. But yet, that human part of you continues to go back to the old ways. You are not so sure HOW to trust your divinity, WHEN to trust your divinity, or who leads in this beautiful dance of Spirit. Your divinity is you. It is not some outside entity. It is not Michael, Kryon, Metatron or Mary. It is you. Trust who you are. Trust the intuition that has been trying to come forth. Trust those inner messages and feelings that you are not so sure of. Have confidence in who you are, in your divinity. Be in a state of release. Be in the Void to allow all that you are to come forward.

< Ascension 11QA > You are at that chasm, that crossing-over point, not having trusted your own inner self enough, so you have not truly let go of your old ways. You are still trying to hang on. You want something from the New Energy to replace it before you let go, don't you? Now is the time to let go of the Old. Trust your divinity to guide you into the New Energy fully and completely. That is when you will get out of the rut. That is when relationships will move forward for you. Right now you are trying to hang on to old attributes regarding relationships, but wanting in your heart a new relationship.

< DivineHuman 1 > This headache energy, in this example, that goes out, that you touch for a moment with your New Energy (seed)… it also then flows outward and continues going out to other people. But now it also has a new potential within it. It is not just a vibration of headache. It now contains the vibration of love, of divinity, and of self-empowerment. You have included this package of New Energy in with their energy. The receiver of this information down the line, another human walking along in a crowded shopping mall, who suddenly picks up on the original headache energy, now has a new potential within this energy. It contains two elements: The original headache and now your divineness, your love, your new potential.

< DivineHuman 1 > You will continue to see changes all around you in the months to come. There is a great imbalance right now. It is caused, to a large degree, by the fact that the grid adjustments are coming to an end. What this means is that the energy of your true divinity is more available to you, or to anyone else, than ever before.

< DivineHuman 1 > Divinity is spiritual intelligence. It is not just human emotion. It is not just fluffy, huggy kind of stuff. It is an intelligence, but it has a "spiritual quotient" to it. Yes, and we ask you to please NOT do a spiritual IQ test! This would not be a good thing. (audience laughter) We do not think so much of your human IQ test. This is just a way of evaluating a small portion of yourself, your intellect.

< DivineHuman 3 > Now, Gabriel, as you know, is the Archangel who sounds the trumpet for the coming of the Christ. That is you. The Christ is your divinity that is being birthed within. Gabriel is the one who sounded the call that began your awakening. He is depicted in your artwork as sounding the trumpet for the coming of the New Times. Gabriel is known as the Angel of Birthing on our side of the veil. What you are birthing right now is your own divinity. This precious light has always been within you, but has been sealed away by seven seals. Gabriel comes to help Mother Mary with your birthing process.

< DivineHuman 3 > There is much happening on Earth right now. In the next few months the alignment of the grids will be completed. This is the work that the Kryon has been doing for so many years now. The Kryon has been aligning the magnetic grids of Earth, the grids above you, the grids that encompass the Earth on the outer realms. The alignment of these magnetic grids has been taking place so that you could bring in more of your divinity. The divine energy is not necessarily contained in the grids, but the grids influence how much you could bring in.

< DivineHuman 3 > The grids also create the strength of duality. The grids also create the veil. Indeed, the veil causes you to forget who you are and why you are here. But, your consciousness, and the consciousness of all humans on Earth, is changing now. The Kryon, the magnetic master, came to this planet with the entourage to adjust the grids so that you could truly bring in and hold your divinity. That work is coming to a conclusion here in the next few months. There is not a specific date. At the end of this year Kryon will start to depart. Kryon will move out of the way so you can own and balance your own divinity. You will be able to bring in a higher amount of your divine energy at this point.

< DivineHuman 5 > Your body knows that it needs to change to adjust to your divinity. It needs to change because you are allowing your divine energies to come up from within you. These are high, high frequency energies, unlike what your body has experienced in any lifetime past. These energies are strong. They are high. They are intense. And, they are coming in now.

< DivineHuman 6 > The divinity, the God that you are, is so simple. But, yet you try to make it so complex. It is so simple. It is there right now. You test your powers at times. You say, "If I am God also, then why can’t I create grand abundance for myself? Why can’t I heal my body? Why can’t I read the thoughts of other humans?" Dear friends, you are putting your energies in the wrong place, in the end result. You are not putting the energies in the moment. When you focus on abundance, surely you will have abundance problems. When you are always worried about a relationship, when you are worried about your health, you will always have these as problems. It is about being in the moment, being in the Now.

< DivineHuman 6 > Your God-Self, your divinity comes to you in the simplest of ways. It takes care of everything, everything. YOU take care of everything in your life. You will be surprised at how easy it is to allow your Divine Self to come through and provide the divine answers. No more stressing in the mind. No more struggling with things. Your divinity is you. In a sense, it has been away from you and separated from you for the longest time. This God-Self has been… oh, in a sense, it has been away from you. You have not been able to connect to it. But, it is here now, coming in with so much love and compassion for you, coming in with the compassion at the deepest levels.

< DivineHuman 6 > Dear friends, when there is a challenge in your life, understand that you have already solved the problem. Your Divine Self has already solved it. When there are difficulties in your life, do not panic. Understand that the solution is already there. It is within you. YOU ARE YOUR OWN GUIDE. This divinity wants to take care of you, wants to be with you, wants to handle everything. But it requires that you let go of the old ways of handling problems. Let go, as we say, release, and allow. The divine solution will come forth.

< DivineHuman 6QA > It is about trusting your own divinity to provide the solution and the resolution. It is about learning to release the old ways of going to the brain, going to the logic. It is about feeling. Dearest friends, you will call it a miracle when it starts happening in your life. It is not a miracle at all. It is the spiritual physics of the New Energy - fulfillment, total fulfillment where you do not need to worry about the details. Your Self handles the details on other levels.

< DivineHuman 6QA > You get a wonderful thought, a wonderful feeling. You are excited about it. You go to bed. You sleep on it. You dream. You are so filled with anticipation and excitement about a new idea that came to you. The next day you get up, and then you get logical. (audience laughter) And, then you start with "what ifs." Then you put down your own self and your own idea. You think that the great idea you had the night before was just an hallucination of a crazy mind. You go about your daily life shuffling your feet, keeping your head down, wondering, wondering when divinity will ever come in. It came in the night before! (audience laughter) And, you ignored it. You"logicalacized" it. (audience laughter) We just made up that word. Dear friends, those inspiring moments are your divinity popping in. It is time to follow your heart. Follow the song of your heart.

< DivineHuman 7 > When you open up to Spirit (divinity) within you, it does bring back old memories. It brings back memories from a time long, long ago before you came to Earth, when you were so powerful and so expressive, when you created grand things, and also destructive and terrible things. You shut down. As you open up again and learn to feel, it is a bit confusing and somewhat terrifying at first.

< DivineHuman 8QA > When you come back to our side of the veil, no, your divinity does not automatically come out of what we have described as a cocoon to be with you. Just because I, Tobias, or even Moses, is back here on this side of the veil, indeed we do not have access to our full divinity. That is why we honor the work that you do. As you integrate, as you allow that god-portion of yourself to come into your reality and your moment, and you allow it to be birthed, you allow it to come out of the cocoon. You give it a safe environment for it to come out. It also changes and affects our access to our divinity. As we have said before, you are the ones going first. You are integrating first. When you do, when you bring Home to you, it changes the entire universe. It changes the omniverse.

So, that is difficult, because now so many of you may think that they do not have access to their divinity on our side, so what makes it any better or any worse? (audience laughter) Here on our side of the veil - as you can feel, for you have been here many times - we have a different understanding. We have an overview of things. We have expanded feelings and intuitions. We have expanded knowledge and wisdom because of this overview. But yet, all of the angels are working towards allowing our divinity to come out.

There is a difference between divinity and intelligence. There is even a difference between divinity and knowledge or wisdom. It is very difficult to describe. But, the divinity is something so very special, and it is not like anything any of you ever thought it would be. Sometimes you are searching in such unusual places for it. But, it is ready to come out from within you.

Basically we would have you to understand that what you are doing in bringing your divinity in is bringing Home for all of us.

< DivineHuman 11QA > Your hunger was the spiritual hunger, the soul hunger… wanting completion of your journey… wanting to release from Old commitments and Old karmas… wanting to accept all of the divinity that is within you, and the divinity that has been held by the others - by Gaia, by the Anazasi, by the animal kingdom, and the plant kingdom, and the dolphin kingdom.

< NewEnergy 6 > The angels who come in from the other realms into your physical universe will need a place to go for understanding. They will need others to talk to about how civilizations are built, about how they can learn to connect with their own divine through their experience. You see… in order for fulfillment and completion, it is about coming into - difficult to understand - but, it is about coming into more of a physical reality… coming into your universe… going through the type of experiences that all of you have gone through… but not so difficult… not with so much struggle.

< NewEnergy 12 > Dear friends, THE DARKNESS IS YOUR DIVINITY. It has been hidden away. It has been hidden away for so very long. Oh, yes, indeed, the divine IS the darkness. That will give you all something to ponder for a long, long time.

< NewEnergy 12 > Let us embody the OH and the AH. Let us release old mental thinking and images of what darkness was and what divinity was. Let us let it all flow together in this safe and sacred space. This is where the healing of the soul is right here, right now, dark and light back together.

< Embodiment 1 > While you were doing your thing, not conscious of other things going on around you, the energy of the OH, the holder of the darkness, your divinity, wants to share with you what it was doing… you see. Oh, it wasn't doing it here on Earth so much. It wasn't doing it in any part of the physical universe that you know. The energy of the OH was embracing you the entire time. It was living through other experiences for you, other potentials for you, things… oh, my dear, dear friends, things that you could not possibly imagine in your mind. It only can be imagined in your soul, in your divinity, in your full expression of you.

< Embodiment 1 > Imagine now for a moment here what your divinity was doing… playing with all of the potentials that could have been brought in, experiencing those on your behalf. Those things it would like to share with you in your life now. That is why we stress the imagination. That is why we said it is time to open the heart and the mind… because we knew that when the divinity was embodied within, when the essence of the OH energy was accepted and brought in, there would be stories to tell, experiences to share.

< Embodiment 3 > But, let us go back here to the spirit. This energy that is within you connecting to a source, pulling energy from The Field, or the source into your reality - like we said - it is a bit inflexible. It has been a bit traumatized. It is not so sure of itself anymore. So, who saves the spirit? What comes in and assures the spirit? Why, you do… you do, because you are the collective of your body… and your mind… and your spirit… and your divinity… and your soul… YOU. You thought you were just a human, sitting here.

< Embodiment 4QA > An interesting thing is happening right now that you and other Shaumbra are beginning to experience that most humans don't. And, it is that there is a melding that is taking place, that there is an opening for every part of yourself to come in.

There is this thing called the "oversoul" that you humans talk about. The oversoul is a collective of all of the energies of everything you have been. It is not this grand angel that is controlling everything. You have to understand YOU are the grand angel controlling everything. The oversoul is your collective. And, it is looking to come back in to serve you through all of its various experiences. But, you cannot look to it for the answers, but simply for the presence.

There is also - how to say - your divinity. Your divinity is what we call the pure essence. It is the most innocent… and the most grand… and the most glorious of all energies. And, it was - how to say - sealed away for so very long by all humans, by most angels… as a matter-of-fact, by most angels. Most angels will have to come the way of Earth (through 3D human reality) to reintegrate with their divinity.

So, you are seeing aspects and feeling aspects of yourself. And, it is a grand and glorious time that these are coming in. By default for you - and for any of you - if you are seeing things and feeling things, or dreaming of things, understand that it is you, that it is parts of you. Use this as your default when you dream of strange and unusual things. You are really dreaming of yourself. When you feel presences around you - as we were talking earlier today of the Atlantean energies - it is that aspect of you. It comes to you. It is all flowing to you right now.

So, you are very perceptive, very wise to know that this is part of you. It will change. It will be difficult to go back and try to recreate it because it will continue to change and evolve and to be with you in new ways. And, we are going to tell you - you personally - you are going to find and understand a whole new definition of being in love because it is going to be about being in love with yourself.

< Embodiment 6 > The foundation for the new you is the essence, the soul, the divinity of who you are. It is not just the story of you in this lifetime right now of what you would call "the ego." It is the collective of all you have ever been and all of the potential of who you are going to be and your divineness and your purity. It is a story. It is the foundation rather of everything that you have been. Don't try to build it on just the story of this identity in this lifetime. Sometimes your stories are what are holding you back. You try so hard to hang onto them. You try to build on them. But, it is not about building on this one story. It is about building through the imagination in a whole New way.

< Embodiment 9 > You have forgotten the tool (the fruit of the rose) because you are so trapped in your reality. It is time for that to change. The tool is there. It is directly in front of you, much as I was directly in front of the dear one last month. It is there. How do you get at this tool? It doesn't exist in the 3-D. You can't see it. You can't touch it. You can't hear it. So, how do you know it's there? How do you know what I speak is a truth? You can feel it, Shaumbra. You can feel it. In order to do so, it requires something that I had to learn to do also when I was entombed in the crystal. I had to get to a point of total and complete trust in myself… total. As I said in our last gathering, I had to be so willing to let go of everything, 100 percent, total trust in self (divinity).

< Embodiment 9 > I am speaking here of total trust in yourself - not God - because you don't even begin to know what God is. How can you trust something that is just an Old belief system? A total trust in yourself… an implicit, 100%… give everything… trust in yourself. Some of you go there at times in trying to understand the level of trust in self. Some of you get close, but you haven't gotten all the way there. Total trust… now that raises issues. How can you trust something (divinity) that you feel has betrayed you, or you don't understand? How can you trust yourself when you don't know who you are? Well, that is the irony. That is the beauty of this whole thing. You're being put in a position now to have to trust yourself - not yourself as in your limited story - but yourself as God also. You have to love yourself.

< Embodiment 11 > But, we all know, and you know. This is transformation. It is shaking them out of their hypnosis. It is opening them up to their true essence. It is opening them up to a type of peace, a type of love within themselves that you can never achieve through money, or power, or any of these other things. You can never achieve by praying to an outside God, by following rules of an outside group of humans. There is an awakening going on. If you take a look at what is in your Now, the people that you know, the people that are starting to come to you, you will see it.

< Embodiment 11 > There is this thing; it is called divinity. In the movie "Star Wars" it was called "the force." But, it is your divinity. It is all around you and inside of you. It doesn't belong somewhere else. It is not some removed energy. It is so close and so personal. Letting go of control allows that divinity to come in, allows that melding between human and divine. Letting go of control is a bit frightening at first. It takes getting used to. And, we know so many of you let go of some controls. You had some experiences with it in these last 30 days. As you continue to release those, you are going to come to this whole new understanding, the divine knowingness, the flow… then comes the radiance after that.

< Embodiment 11 > We are in this Embodiment Series, the embodiment of your divinity, the embodiment of every aspect of you into this reality, the complete acceptance, the fearless acceptance, the understanding that the aspect that you have known as yourself in this lifetime was just a story, a wonderful, beautiful story that you grant beingness to. You let it go also. Then, you can get back to the roots of who you truly are.

< Clarity 4 > But, eventually any entity will have to come back to Earth, even with an expanded set of beliefs to basically manifest them here on Earth to see how they play out. In the astral realms everything is a bit etheric, as it is were. Everything is a bit temporary. So, it is about being able to bring the belief systems back to Earth in an expanded way, in an expanded consciousness for the soul, for the divine being to finally take it in, to finally meld it all together. So, Shaumbra, belief systems - beliefs that you have - define and create the reality. That is your consciousness. That is your awareness level. Most humans live in a very limited or very restricted set of belief systems. They are very, very focused and sometimes extremely rigid.

< Clarity 10 > Speaking of authentic, it is time to even get away from some of these old terms that you have used in the past relating to your divinity. You call it your Higher Self. You call it your True Self. What about your Authentic Self? What about your Authentic Self? It is truly the greater expanded Being that you are. You've been so focused on this human aspect, you've forgotten. You haven't been authentic with yourself about who you are.

< Clarity 11 > You are who you are in this lifetime. This lifetime, this time you are experiencing right now, is very unique and very special. It is not the culmination (growth) of the past. Although there are elements that you have learned from the past, but you are no longer guided by the past. The concept of reincarnation as it's popularly known is quite deceiving and quite distracting. You are THIS lifetime - and this lifetime is special, as we said recently. It is a very, very special lifetime. It is a very special time that your soul energy (oversoul being) has brought itself down into human form (you) and then the rest of it (other parts of your soul) comes down and enters into your human lifetime.

< QuantumLeap 5 > Another important thing to remember in this year: This is the year where this concept of divinity, of Yo-ham, goes beyond concept and turns into a living, real experience. The energy of You is choosing to come in, wants to be here and you've called for it to be here, so it comes in now. It's going to at times feel awkward, at times feel out of control, at times feel so grand and overwhelming you're not sure if you're worthy for it or if you can actually maintain it in this reality. But it is here. It's not just words, it's not a philosophy at all. It is what we see as your reality.

< Returning 6 > So there's a great disassociation between the spirit, between the oversoul, between the other aspects of the entity itself, and with the human on Earth. How often have we seen and felt on our side where there is a disassociation between the soul and the human, where sometimes the soul actually resents or rejects that human expression of itself, turns its back on it - indeed, yes, souls can do that, turn its back on that human expression - and how does that human on Earth feel? Unworthy, unloved, unneeded.

< Returning 6 > This is the New Energy. You are the ones that are changing that old dynamic, bringing the essence and the spirit here to Earth and allowing the soul to bring your awareness to it in the other realms. This is where heaven and Earth meet. This is the new consciousness.

< Master 3 > So anyway, Shaumbra, you come to the point here in getting back into trust with yourself. Every part of you - your body, mind, spirit, your aspects, the God within, your divinity, every potential experienced and not, every potential to be - truly wants to serve you. It is you. It is you.

< Master 8 > This is what your spirit, divine, whatever you want to call it, wants to do. It's out there dancing along, floating along. It just wants to know itself, and it wants to experience. It can't know itself without experience, so it goes through experience. And it wants to continue expanding. That's the joy of spirit, expanding. Going backwards doesn't work. Staying in neutral or park will eventually bring explosion. Bring boom! Something has to move the energy. So it wants expansion and it wants to express that joy. To just know that joy within thyself and then not to express it is, well, unfulfilling. So it wants to express - through singing, through music, through books, through a job, through a bad relationship, through a health issue. They are all forms of expression and this is what your spirit waveform does. experiences in.

< (Next) 5 > Metatron used to be what you would consider kind of a colder energy, kind of metallic, not so personal and friendly as me, because Metatron was your voice in spirit. But Metatron existed, you could say, in the other dimensions. It was separate, was in a different place. So you brought Metatron in close, and as we talked about several years ago at the Quantum Leap, Metatron's name actually changed and evolved to Yoham. Yoham. Not the musical group - well yes, they're Yoham also. Metatron evolved.

< e2012 5 > Inviting your soul, your wisdom, potentials, your I Am-ness into the tube, into this reality is perhaps the greatest gift you could have ever given yourself. So a funny thing happened. We talked about what would you tell a human being about this year. Imagine just for a moment that you are the soul; you were outside now giving advice to the human in the tube, that you gave all these for yourself. You're the divinity giving it to that human aspect. What if it wasn't the human sitting here inviting the divine in, what if it was just the other way around? What if it wasn't the human sitting here making a list, but those were from the divine?

< Master 2> Energy washes down your body. They're particularly acute in the top of your head, for some of the rest of you who feel them or going to feel them, sometimes here (pointing to third eye area). Sometimes it actually can manifest in this area (pointing to solar plexus area) but it doesn't always feel tingly; it feels like butterflies. But it's your connection with your Self, with your divine. Breathe it in.

< e2012 9 > What is ascension? A lot of confusion. But let's just say that it is the integration of yourself, of your divinity, of your aspects, bringing back together every part and piece of you in the physical body in this lifetime. Now, whether you then leave the body or whether you stay and really enjoy, is to be seen. It's a decision I can't make for you. I don't even want to coach you on one way or the other. But in that moment of enlightenment you'll know. You'll know. There's no need to fear it. It is perhaps the greatest choice you'll ever make. There's no reason to fear the departure of the physical body. As I've said before, you've done it many, many times before. Very easy.


