Source / creator source

the core of all things; the center of all things;  the core of All that Is;
the Oneness that has splitted into the King and the Queen; Spiritessencedivinity;
The true source of all is in a neutral state of being, all potential, all neutral. It has no agenda;

< New Earth 2 > What you have created is a new energy called Hope. HOPE! Look at yourself and you will see that Hope is stronger than darkness. Hope is inner trust. Hope is the tie and connection back to Source, back to Love, back to the remembrance of the Oneness. Hope is the energy that allowed you to go this deep into duality to do the transformational work that you have done. It is a wonderful thing, this Hope. The Creator did not know of Hope before you created it. It will be brought, this energy of Hope, into what we have called the Second Creation. It will be a foundation that will stands right next to Love and Truth in the Second Creation. Love, Truth … and Hope.

< New Earth 2 > Do you remember when we said that from the source - from the Great Central Sun - there was a split that created opposites? It sent waves of separation out into your realities and consciousnesses. Within your recent time frame, my friends, the original seed (Oneness) that had been split (the King and the Queen) has re-melded. it has joined together again. it is in unity. But it is not like what it was before the split. The Oneness is expanded, with greater consciousness from all the work that has been done. From the very, very essence and center of all things, where this original split occurred, there has now been a melding.

< New Earth 2 > My friends, you have done much lightwork in the past, and you have wondered why you kept hitting the wall. Why did it feel like there were days you could never overcome the difficulties? From the core of all things, it was not possible for complete unity within yourself! If you wondered why there are days that were so difficult, it is because the consciousness of separation and opposites (duality) still existed from the very center of all things.

< New Earth 2 > Now that unity has returned to the core of All That Is, and now that both of the poles of opposites have come to their full circle and have reintegrated into a new oneness, it is now possible for you to release the consciousness of duality. That is why we started on this day talking about the most difficult, the most clinging, and the most fearful of things that challenge you in your life. The thing that you most want to leave. That is why we told you on this day that is now possible for that to happen. With your intent it will begin dissolving … rapidly!

< New Earth 6 > And then your own soul began a journey, an internal journey. Your True Self had always been an outer creative expression, an expression emanating from Spirit, emanating from the source of love but creating outwards. And now, a group of angels agreed to begin an inner work, to begin going within. That was the reason that your own soul went into hibernation, protected by the angels, wrapped in energy to, in a sense, camouflage it. Your parent (in this analogy), your True Self, went into a very internal task. Part of it, part of who you are, remained external as a continuing creative expression with a silver chord attached to the Higher Self, to the cocoon. The information that was being learned and gathered, the experiences of the balance of light and dark, were constantly being fed back to the cocoon which held the True Self. This information was used continually in the internalization process. My friends, the expression is you on Earth, the portion of your True Self that walks in human biology.

< New Earth 9 > Then there was the measurement in December. The measurement was to determine the energies of the two Earths, the split of consciousness. This was made appropriate by something that happened on a more cosmic level. Prior to this there was at the core of creation the unity of what you would call light and dark - and we caution here that sometimes the human words escape the total appropriateness of the energy of the event. But at the core of your known creation what had once been two parts, light and dark - what had been two mirrors to each other - were brought back into unity. When this occurred, it was then appropriate for the split in consciousness of your Earth.

< New Earth 12 > The two forces, the yin and the yang, the light and the dark, had always been separate since the creation of your consciousness. These have now reunited. These came back together at the core of what you would call your being, your consciousness, your universe. What had been "two" returned to "one," but a one of much greater understanding and greater power, greater creativity. And as we mentioned to you a year ago in your time, because of the heaviness of the veil, because of the patterns you have established in your human form, because of your belief systems, it will take a while for the unity at the core of all things to make its way to you, to your daily life. It will take a while. That is what you have been working on this past year. The need for "two" has left. "One" has returned. Each of you has that gift, to be able to access that understanding of the return to Oneness.

< New Earth 13 > Fear not your own creative ability. Learn to begin trusting your own Divinity. It will come from within your Self. Do not fear it, for within the energy structure of your new house there is also woven an energy that would make it most difficult for you to ill-create. That was an attribute of the old energy. That was an attribute when there was separation. But, as we have talked to you about before, there is now unity at the source. There is unity in your new house. Fear not your creative ability. Don’t wait for Spirit or your guides or others to do it for you.

< Creator 1 > He knew that life as a human was over. And indeed it was! Because in this final moment of releasing, Oryan transformed at that moment of greatest fear and greatest terror. He realized that all that he was experiencing was simply an illusion - simply an illusion! The illusion had been grand and valuable, and it had implications beyond his life, beyond the life of any others. It had implications all the way back to the source of All That Is. He realized that it was an illusion. He realized in that moment of terror and panic that he was the Creator of that illusion. He realized that he could create anything that he wanted now. He could create wings for his canoe! Or he could create for the river not to exist at all!

< Creator 2 > At this "edge of creation" you were at, there came to a type of impasse, and then you began feeling - and we emphasize the word "feeling" only - that the core of all things was crumbling. It was coming apart. There was a feeling of uncertainty, a sense of mistrust, and a feeling that there was division (original split) within the house of One. My friends, understand that you were experiencing these feelings because of the work you were doing on the outer edge of Creation. You had gone so far in your work that this impasse was creating a division in itself. It did not come from the core, though that is what you felt, that all things were being pulled apart.

< Creator 8 > There were many, many entities in your new and growing universe at that time, and the standoff had gotten to the point where neither side, neither energy (light and dark) of duality could function or move. There was no expanding forth of energy, for at the very core of all things there is always the desire to expand forth. This was counter to all things that had ever been known by Spirit, and all things that had ever been known by Jack. We speak in many metaphors on this night.

< Ascension 7QA > There is energy that comes forth from Source, from the core of all things. And, as this energy goes deeper and deeper into the void, and even into your creation, it is transformed into cycles, into frequencies, or pulses. There are some on your side, on our side even, who see this as a pulsing, as an on/off pulse of energy, on/off, like a blinking light. There are others who see it like waves, like frequency waves. Either way of thinking works with this.

As you bring in the energies into your life, into your consciousness, it does go in cycles, or waves, or pulses. There is a reason for this. It is part of duality. It is a way of generating more energy. What we are saying is that the "highs" and the "lows," or the "on" and the "off" are important right now.

< Ascension 7QA > The problem with these psychotropic drugs is they tend to flatline cycles of energy… spiritual, raw energy, that is coming in. It levels out everything. The cycles of energy (universal pulse), from the core of all things (Source), were not intended to be flatlined, like you are trying to do with your drugs, or like you are trying to do with your own attitudes. You want to take out the "lows," but, dear friends, it is a natural part of All That Is.

In order to truly walk into ascension, in completeness and fullness, you will have to leave these drugs behind. You fear this because you are in duality and because you have so much agenda with yourself. You fear that if you go off of these, you are going to "bottom out." You are going to commit suicide. You are going to go crazy.

We will tell you how to release these drugs. It is to release your agenda! Then, there will be no fear of bottoming out. Then, you will be simply riding wonderful waves of energies that don't have any points of duality associated with them. That pill that you take represents your agenda. It represents your fear of duality and of yourself. Look at it. Look at your agendas that are incorporated into that pill and all of your belief systems around it.

< DivineHuman 8 > It is the Expanded Now because you are fully present. You are the anchor point. You are the focal point. YOU are the source (center, core). You see, in the past you would try to leave your Now moment (time) and your body (space). You would try to deny the Now to go somewhere else. This is what Moshe talked about when he said, "Be in your truth." Your truth is that you are human. You are here now. Do not try to leave. That is the Expanded Now.

< DivineHuman 9 > This is challenging because there is the tendency to withdraw your energies, to bring them in even tighter and closer to you. You want to define what life should be, based on an Old Energy mindset versus accepting what life is and can be, based on the New Energy. You wonder sometimes why more things aren't changing in your life, why you are not creating more and manifesting more, why you still don't feel like it is a process of choice. It is because you tend to withdraw your energies, to bring them in, overly defined. The challenge is to expand those while you remain the source in the Now. This is where major changes will occur in your life.

< DivineHuman 10QA > It is an illusion that the universe is large and old. The universe is circular, and it is expanding in a spiral. The universe cannot be defined with any of the measuring instruments that you have right now. You can explore the universe by expanding your consciousness, staying in the source, but we don't think the information you give to the scientists will make them feel good. (some laughter)

< NewEnergy 12 > Let us talk for a moment here about the energies of light and dark, the original energies of duality, the two basic and prime energies that have existed up until now. There is the light, which we call the AH (pronounced like "awe") energy. And, there is the dark, which we call the OH (pronounced like "owe") energy. They emanate from the same source. They are simply different expressions (the mirror for each other). The AH and the OH - the original sounds, dear Shaumbra, the original vibrations coming across somewhat crudely in the human language.

< Embodiment 12 > There is no energy. It doesn't exist. There is nothing but potential. "The field," the grid - whatever you want to call it - is nothing but potential in a neutral state of being, waiting to be activated by consciousness, whether it is group, family, or individual. The true source of all is in a neutral state of being, all potential, all neutral. It has no agenda… it has no desires… it has no movement of its own until it is activated by consciousness. When it is activated, it takes on attributes of energy. It takes on different types of balances of what you would call positive or negative, plus and minus, masculine/feminine… however you want to term it. But, it takes on attributes of duality. And, then it goes to work.

< Clarity 4 > Our spiritual being has to be fed from something. Something has to sustain consciousness. So, even we are always bringing in things. Something is feeding us. Basically, if you want to the look at the physics of it, we are taking energy from "the field," which is neutral; in a sense, it doesn't even exist. We are "dualizing" it. We are then breaking it down into duality elements. We are shaping it into potentials. And, then that energy flows into - whether you are an angel, whether you are human - that energy then flows into your reality. It feeds you and sustains you. You are the one determining the vibration (Old Energy) or the expansional (New Energy) characteristics of that energy coming in that's feeding you. It's coming from the Source of All, coming into you. But, you are shaping it.

< Clarity 5QA > You - and all humans - came from the source, the Oneness. You are an expression of Spirit with a very unique identity of your own. You are God also. You are part of that oneness. But, you gave - you God - gave yourself the gift of an individual identity. You are part of the whole, but you are whole unto yourself… you see. It seems like a contradiction or a paradox, but it is not at all. You are part of the fabric or the matrix of everything, interconnected to every other energy. But, yet you, by yourself, are wholeness and complete. You can literally let go of your connection to everything else and still be whole and complete within yourself. So, that is truly where you came from.

And, as you entered into the realms of Earth, into this reality, you literally came through the house of Metatron. There were 144,000 archetypical portals, or what you call "archangels." And, you came through that of Metatron. It is your spiritual family. It is what you have been connected to in lifetimes as well as when you are not physical here on Earth. But, you are also coming to the point now of releasing that definitive tie that you have to Metatron so that you can begin to embrace all of the other energies of the archangels. You no longer need to define yourself as a Metatron-ic family member. You can become all. It is a true sign of one who is evolving when they can let go of their family connections.

< QuantumLeap 2 > There's not a God like you would like to believe. There is an All-Presence Love and it is you. You have a hard time accepting that, don't you? That you could be that source, you could be that long sought after answer. And it is you. Let go and watch how easily this New Energy works. Easy, easy, easy, easy. That's all I can say.

< (Next) 8 > You might find Source someday, and you're going to look at it and you're going to go, "God, that's me!" Every being I've ever known that has encountered Source has always remarked, "Looks exactly like me. Acts exactly like me. It is me! Good God, I wish somebody had told me that." We have been. Oh, and we have been, but we'll keep telling.

< (Next) 10 > There are others who are in convents, who are doing their … well, they call it their prayer, but it's a type of chanting, meditation. They have been in these convents for lifetimes. Lifetimes. Yes, hidden away under the banner of the church, but they're really not at all. They have been holding the energy for the right time, holding what you would call precious crystalline energies - not physical, but within them - waiting for the right time, for a group of humans, serious and dedicated, to bringing in Source, Source energy, and this group of humans willing to expand their consciousness far beyond their minds, out of their minds, crazy out of their minds. Yes.

< (Next) 10 > There's so much tension on Earth right now, because at the core of creation, the energies have come back together again in a very beautiful, very new way. It could be eons of time before that message ever reaches Earth. And in the meantime, there are those beings who are still playing Earth, who are still playing out duality, don't want to let it go. And because Earth is so removed from what you would call Source, it's a great place to continue this old game. If it ever gets to you, or you (Spirit) ever get to yourself, just remember all is well in all of creation. And you can tap into that at any time.

< (Next) 11 > And it's up to you. As soon as you're done with the game, you let it go. Ah, it feels like you're going to fall into that active volcano and be burned in the flames of hell or whatever. But as soon as you let go, suddenly it all comes together. Not from here (head), but from here (heart). Suddenly, you realize "I Am that I Am. I don't need to have it all in here. I don't need to have secrets and mystics and all the rest of that." It's so simple. It's so simple. It's so uncomplex. It is such a brilliant design from Source, from you.


