last possible moment / last minute

the most appropriate time when exact right level of energies and vibrations and circumstances to take place;

< Creator 3QA > We ask you to go within to the vibrational tuning fork to allow it to be balanced, to allow the harmony. Then all of these frustrating things that you would normally experience with purchasing a house will resolve themselves. Indeed you will need to be present. You will need to have the intent to be in this house, but the paperwork, your loans, your timetables, and all the other processes will seem to flow together. Now as you know, many times it will occur at the last possible moment. It will not all be laid out for you well in advance. Simply release any fears associated with it, and it will come into play.

< MNEC2006-K > Gnost is a beautiful energy that is yours and yours alone. It doesn't come from us. It doesn't come from spirit. It is yours. Gnost comes in gently and gracefully, comes in easily. Perhaps it comes in at the most appropriate time, maybe not in that moment, that immediate second that you're in, because sometimes gnost gathers energies from other realms. And sometimes gnost waits for the exact right level of energies and vibrations and circumstances to take place.


