< Creator 5QA > Many of those who are family, who are Shaumbra, have been looking outward for communications from Spirit, from their guides, even from channeled entities like Tobias. But it is time now that you begin to bring through the inner communications that you own, that are part of you. Up to this time it has been somewhat difficult for you to communicate with themselves, to communicate with their divine being. You have needed the outside translators in the form of angels or outside entities to help you discern and decipher the information that truly was coming through you. But as you know, this is now the time for you to take responsibility for your own being, for your own power, and your own creations.
< Creator 5QA > There are recent changes that have been occurring at your deepest inner levels, levels deeper than even your DNA, levels that go into your magnetic structure and your vibrational structure. It is now becoming much more efficient and much easier and much more clear for you to start translating these inner communications. This will take practice. This will take work on your part, but once you begin to grasp and understand how this is done, this will be a very large step in your own empowerment and in your own ability to become a creator.
< Creator 5QA > With the advent of the fourth element there will be a new series of communications that come from within you. There will be a new and a different type of communication that comes through to you. This will require several changes. First it will require that you allow space in your day for "listening time." It will require you to acknowledge there is a divine communication that is coming from your essence. It is trying to link to you, to bridge the gap through duality.