Teacher 2QA > This was a particularly strong and - what we would
say - sacred and very mighty part of the world, centuries and centuries of time
ago. There was a type of energy abuse that
took place... and we are speaking here particularly with the Incas
and the Mayans, and there was another
culture that lived there by the name of Abosa, they
are not heard of or known of these days, they are a culture that vanished... but
there were abuses with all of these different cultures and, as we speak about in
one of our schools, this virus tends to get in... this energy
abuse virus tends to get in, infiltrate every part, and it worked its way
even into the most sacred parts to the point where these empires, which once had
been very sacred, became very energy-unbalanced.
This opened up the door for another energy to move in at some point, and this
energy came in with all of its new rules and regulations and rituals and power
feeding. You also know this as the Catholic Church.
But as we say, energy tends to beget its own type of energy. A virus will simply
flow into one area and then move to the next of its kind.
So this energy virus has been prolific in this area of the world and so many of
the people who live there are used to giving
away their power constantly. If they're not giving it away to some culture,
they're giving it away to a church and now they're giving it away to leaders who
are just power-feeders themselves who claim to be working for the people, but
the evidence on the table says they are really only working for themselves and a
small group of the people.