< Clarity
3QA > Indeed… how to say - what is being
asked here… there is this human thing called a copyright.
It is an interesting - how to say - an energy type of attribute that humans use.
It is not something that was used in our days. If somebody stole in our days,
they were simply killed (audience laughter)… or had their eyes or other parts
of their anatomy removed (more laughter). But, in your more civilized society,
you have these things called "copyrights" and "trademarks,"
and all of these things. These are interesting energetic structures that, in a
sense, prevent materials from being used without permission. But, they also, in
a sense, restrict the openness.
So, when Cauldre and I began working together, our
agreement was that he would allow I, Tobias, and the others to come through
openly and freely, sometimes much to his chagrin. Sometimes he will stop us, but
he allows the material to come through unfiltered and open. Our agreement with
him was that we would let him conduct his business, which he had literally
trained for for some 25 years of time in order to get to this point. We would
allow his business sense to help guide the Crimson
Circle on Earth. So, it would not be so right to ask us for our opinion, as
we respect and honor Cauldre's opinion.
He's agreeing to let us share that right now he is highly conflicted with the
whole issue of the copyright because, in one sense, he understands that, for
instance, the word "Shaumbra" is something that is all of you. But, on
the other hand, would you want to see somebody developing and trademarking a
Shaumbra drug, for instance, a psychotropic drug? So, there's a certain amount
of ownership in the term "Shaumbra." If it is owned by Shaumbra, and
you allow it to be used for the appropriate energetic purposes, then it becomes
a very - how to say - the term itself maintains its energetic balance. We
understand that on Earth if you do not protect your copyright that it can be
used by anyone and everyone.
So, it is a dilemma that Cauldre is faced with right now - how to approach the
whole thing with copyrights and trademarks. And, literally we're not going to
offer an opinion on it. We're just going to give our overview that there are
energies that work both ways here. We are going to honor Cauldre… and he is
smiling at us. And, he is literally opening himself, asking for the input of
Shaumbra all over the world.
In a sense, this is all of your material. It belongs to every Shaumbra who has
partaken in it. It is… in the beginning we did ask Cauldre to have these
monthly gatherings, the Shouds, offered openly, as
long as they were maintained in their full wordage, they were not edited, or
changed, or adjusted whatsoever, and as long as there was always the credit
going back to the Crimson Circle, or going back to you, that they be open to
anyone. And, Cauldre has done this.
When it comes to some of the other proprietary material, again we are going to
honor his decision on this. And, he is asking for input. It truly belongs to all
who are Shaumbra. It - how to say - the courts do not recognize all of you. They
recognize only the one whose voice it comes through.
So, now we're going to put it back on all of you - how would you like to treat
Shaumbra? How would you like it to be energetically held? You see, it doesn't
have to be held down. But, how would you like to embrace Shaumbra? What are the
ownership issues? You own the term "Shaumbra" within you.
But, now how would you like to see it manifested on Earth? It could be given
openly for anyone anywhere to use. And, we have seen what we consider to be some
rather not so good examples of some misusing the term "Shaumbra"
because they feel they can benefit from it without truly helping all. They're
using it for somewhat unscrupulous means. But, on the other hand, how much
should it be controlled? And, we don't say "control" is a bad word.
How do you want the ownership of Shaumbra?
So, we're going to invite you to send your ideas and suggestions to Cauldre
(some laughter). And, we're going to ask for a specific decision here so this
doesn't linger. We're going to ask for a specific decision within two months of
time, by what would be our December meeting of Shaumbra. And, at that point
we're going to ask Cauldre to announce his decision. And, we know some may not
be happy with it. But, we're going to support this work fully whatever the
decision is.