Mark of the Beast;

< Teacher 12 > Alignment, by the way, I want to mention here today this number that's written into the holy book, the 6-6-6. It is considered by some to be the evil number, but the 6-6-6 is the perfect alignment of completion, each 6 representing an important aspect of you - the body, the mind and the spirit. When these come into full alignment, it signifies a completion, an end of an old cycle and the beginning of a new. It's not an evil number at all, unless of course you're trying to control people; unless of course you fear yourself and your own evolvement, and you fear your own consciousness. Then, yes, if you see this "Mark of the Beast," as it is called, you will go into fear because you are fearing the beast that is within you.

But if you see the alignment of these three numbers and you are in a place of your own balance, you are being real and true with yourself, you will see this as the perfect alignment to move to the next level. Much as when you see the triple seven or any of these very interesting different numerological alignments.


