
;  reflection;  balance;  partner;
duality;  polarity;  opposing force;

< New Earth 2 > You have lived for many lifetimes not knowing who you are. You have lived in duality. You have lived with the constant conflict of light and dark, of good and bad, of void and love. You have lived in this so long that you accept the dualities as reality. You accept the two faces of the mirror. You have forgotten what the Oneness is like. You have lived, for all of the days of your life on earth, with the dynamics of opposites. What you would call the light and the dark. No matter how, my friends, no matter how hard you tried to move to the light - to be only in the light - there was always the shadow. There was always the darkness that was there with you.

< New Earth 2 > My friends, you have done much lightwork in the past, and you have wondered why you kept hitting the wall. Why did it feel like there were days you could never overcome the difficulties? From the core of all things, it was not possible for complete unity within yourself! If you wondered why there are days that were so difficult, it is because the consciousness of separation and opposites still existed from the very center of all things.

< New Earth 6 > Now there was a question at the core or the center of All That Is. There was a yearning for a type of creative expression that came forth. And to help manifest and to help understand Creation, this physical universe of yours was created. And the question to be understood was that of polarity or balance or one of opposites. Again, this is somewhat difficult to bring forth in human language. So this place of Earth was created. Indeed this entire universe was created, but it was known that the ultimate experience would take place on your Earth. Now each of you here has created and been in many other parts of the universe and other universes. But when this call came out for those to come to Earth, all that are here agreed to do this.

< Creator 3 > Your true creative ability, your true Creator ability, was hidden from you in the very essence of duality. There was a reason for this. Part of the reason, as we have mentioned, is that the second circle, the circle of the energies of Earth and of your physical universe exists outside of All That Is. You deal with an energy called "duality," which is the two different sides, what you would call the "light" and the "dark," the "good" and the "bad," the opposite face, the reflection in the mirror.

< Creator 7 > When Jack (you) popped through the Wall of Fire, he saw his opposite. He saw his mirror. He began to have experiences, first with himself and then with other entities. These early experiences created an energy that poured out from him (you) and then set up structures and patterns of energy in the universe that had previously been a void. Jack (you) was going through experiences that then created energy weavings, tapestries, foundations that would later become your stars and your galaxies and your solar systems. This was a very interesting period of time for Jack (you).

< Creator 8 > Part of Jack, though, did not go into the cocoon. Part of his being continued past the Wall of Fire where he entered a void. He entered nothingness, total darkness. When he opened his eyes on the other side of the Wall of Fire, Jack saw the mirror image of himself. He saw his opposite. He saw duality. For the first time ever Jack was no longer an extension of oneness. He was now "two." And this was the beginning of duality as you know it.

< Ascension 6 > When you were at home in the Kingdom eons of time ago - but not so long ago at all - the energy was about oneness and singularity. When you left Home, went through the Wall of Fire and eventually came to Earth, it was about "2." It was about polarity. It was about the mirror image. It was about seeing yourself, dear God, in a new and different way that you could have not seen in the energy of "1." So, you created "2." You have been in that energy for so very, very long. Earth has been about the energy of "2," polarity, light and dark, the lessons of good and bad, male and female, opposites. Your journey on Earth has been to understand, at the most intimate levels, what duality, what "2" was about.

< Ascension 7QA > Duality’s time has come. It is time to release the black and white, the good and the bad, on and off, up and down. No longer do you need the mirror in front of you, the mirror that first appeared when you crossed through the Wall of Fire, when you became aware of Self. You needed the reflection. You needed something to look in. You needed to see the opposite. You have carried duality with you ever since you have known. But, its time has come. Its time has come. Without agenda you can transition past duality into the consciousness of the New Energy.

< Ascension 8 > Duality - let us talk about it in terms of that white marble and the black marble, the two forces that work off of each other. Duality was created in your consciousness to help you understand who you were. Without duality, dear friends, how would you discover who you are? How would you come to know yourself? There had to be a mirror. There had to be an opposite for you to truly understand. This energy of duality has been with you since you first left Home. It has been the tool that you have you used, that you have owned and become so familiar with, to help you see aspects of yourself.

< Ascension 9 > Duality was a method for you to look at yourself, to look at the opposite in the mirror. You came from One, from the Kingdom, where there was only One. When you left Home, when you left the First Circle, dear friends, the first energies of duality came in. This is when you were first able to start looking at yourself in the mirror. Duality - two opposites. Dual reality. This is when you first began to have an identity that was your own. Until then, you were simply one who lived in the Kingdom, in oneness. Now you were beginning to develop your own identity. This identity of yours as the Prince, as Jack, was like a boulder in the water. We spoke about the boulders recently. It was like a boulder. It caused the water to break its flow.

< DivineHuman 11 > Oh, they were waiting, the Anasazi. They had been holding such an energy (energy holder), waiting for Shaumbra to come, waiting for Shaumbra to step up. They had been holding it for thousands of years. They were waiting for the gathering last week, and they rejoiced. They rejoiced. They rejoiced, and sang, and danced. They were thankful for the time that they had here. But, they knew it was time to handoff to Shaumbra. It was time for you to take on the energies of reflection (mirror, opposit, balance) that they held for so long.

< NewEnergy 12 > Take a moment here together to listen to the AH, the real music and vibration of AH - what you experienced when you first left Home, the light energy - AH. Take a moment to feel the OH energy. Listen. Listen to the OH - the opposite of AH - the negative, the dark. AH… and the OH… the original sounds, the original vibrations when you left Home… the original parts of you… the AH and the OH… so much a part of each other and so deeply in love… oh, like two lovers sharing an experience together… committing to be together forever… committing to be in service to each other… committing to love each other unconditionally.

< Teacher 5 > The New Energy, it works totally different, totally different. First, it is much more efficient - much more efficient than the Old Energy. The New Energy doesn't need duality. It doesn't need conflict and it doesn't need its mirror image in order to understand itself. This New Energy that is you, already knows. This New Energy can't be controlled like you're used to doing with Old Energy. It can't be manipulated because that was just you manipulating or controlling yourself. This New Energy has a purity to it. This New Energy is very difficult to measure in any terms, any terms that you've been used to measuring energy or consciousness in the past.


