The story of the king and the queen


< Creator 11 >
In the Kingdom, all was One. All was singular. There was a singular expression in the Kingdom. But at some point in this Oneness, in the love and the bliss of Home, Spirit, All That Is, the Eternal One, God, knew that it was time to take an inner look. It was time to come to a greater understanding of why existence existed. It was time for All That Is to take an account of Self, of all of creation, of all that had been done. Everything up to that point had been a singular outward expression.

The very moment Spirit even contemplated looking within, even contemplated taking a look in the mirror at Self, what had been one became two. God now had the ability to look at Self. What had been a singular energy in the Kingdom now became the King and the Queen. It became what you would call a "male" energy and a "female" energy. And there was a "marriage" between the two. There was still unity, there was still oneness. But now, because Spirit even thought of looking within and contemplating Self, it instantly created a duality of sorts, different than what you have here on Earth, but it created two energies that we call the King and the Queen, the Mother and the Father.

For those who walk on earth in the female biology in this lifetime, you will appreciate the fact that in the Kingdom, sitting on the throne, is predominantly a "female" energy. It is not balanced 50/50, male to female. In your way of thinking, Spirit and All That Is is predominantly female. And again, we caution here. We are using terms for the easiest understanding.

The female energy, as you know, is one that births. It is one that is creative. It is one that is filled with love and nurturing. The Kingdom is predominantly nurturing, predominantly creative, predominantly birthing. So therefore we say that the energy of Home is predominantly female.

Isn’t it interesting that in your society you refer to God and to Spirit as "Father." It should be "Mother"! It should be Mother. And that is why we are speaking of this in this energy. It is time for a healing to take place. It is time for a change in the energy. The new energy, dear friends, that you are moving in to has a dominant "female" energy. It is balanced, but it reverts back to what you knew in the Kingdom.

In the Kingdom, there was oneness that moved into two. It was the King and the Queen. The moment they looked each other in the eye, they saw the greatest love for each other and for all they had created. The moment they looked each other in the heart, they knew what love was, in ways Spirit never could have understood before. This was the original love story. The King and the Queen, now able to look at each other, fell in love. And when they did, the Queen gave birth to a son that we have named Jack. This is the father and the mother and the child trilogy that you even use as humans on Earth.

This creation of the love of the King and the Queen was male in energy for many reasons. The male energy is generally - and again, we use metaphors and symbols - the male energy is an energy that goes to journey. It seeks and journeys. Even in the Kingdom, the male energy was one that had the strength and stability and was also the one that journeyed. So the King and the Queen gave birth to a son, one of male energies, so that it could journey on their behalf.

Now literally, was this a male in biology? No. We are using terms here to help you understand. We are using terms here that you can then use to teach to others and help them understand. The result of the love between the King and the Queen was a son who would be the journeyer. The King and the Queen knew that Jack would one day leave the Kingdom. This was part of the love plan. They knew, even when Jack did not know.

They knew that one day he would cross through this thing we call the "Wall of Fire". He would leave Home. He would leave the First Circle and go into a void where nothing existed. The King and the Queen had no concept and no idea of what existed outside of the First Circle, the original creation of Spirit. But their only begotten son was to journey there. In a sense, it frightened them for they did not know what would happen to their own offspring. In another sense they understood the implications of love behind the journey.

So there was a King and a Queen who conceived a son named Jack. Someday Jack would assume the throne. But before Jack could do that, there were things that needed to be experienced. There were things that needed to be expanded and balanced.

< Ascension 8 >
In the First Circle there was the energy of "Was." It simply was. That energy of Spirit did not know love, for there was nothing to compare it with. All That Is… simply was. All That Is was not aware of Self. It did not need to "be." It simply "was." It was an energy that existed and flowed. It was not even an energy of "one," as you would think of it. For, in order to have a "one," you would have to have something to compare it with. Spirit simply was.

As we have talked about in our story of Jack, at some point something happened - and yes, we will talk of this some day in great detail - that caused this energy of "was" to want to understand…what it was. It wanted to understand all that it could do and all of the potentials. When this happened, when there was the slightest contemplation on the part of Spirit of who Spirit was, then the energies became mirrors for each other. There was a type of split. It would not be what you now call "duality." That came later. But, there was a mirror image of self.

As we have talked about in our stories, this created the energies of the King and the Queen. They loved each other deeply. But, even they did not understand what love truly was. They sought to understand this new feeling, this new energy. For, in the First Circle, it was difficult for them to even understand love.

From this union, and from this to-be-discovered love between the King and the Queen, you were birthed. You were birthed from an energy that was part of the King and Queen, but yet different and separate. You, the creation of Spirit, went forth outside of the First Circle. That in itself is amazing! For, how can you go outside of All That Was? How can you go outside of a circle that contained all of the known energy and had the ability to expand itself within that circle? These are all things we will address, all fascinating issues.

You went forth, out into the void. When you did, this created duality. You were split into billions of pieces, and brought back together again at a point. Now you had your own unique identity. But, in that unique identity, you had also forgotten how to get back Home. You were set free, outside of the realm of Home, to go explore and to create. In order to do so, you took on the original energy of duality.


