Shaumbra incubator / womb of Shaumbra


< Embodiment 12 > I will delay my re-entry for a bit of time if Shaumbra chooses to go forward. But, going forward looks like this. It is time to get out of the box. It is time to get out of the chairs. It is time to do something, Shaumbra. The world is calling for it. The world wants it. It is time to bring the Shaumbra energies together. We have been preparing on our side. And, indeed we have to say that Kuthumi has been taking quite a lead in this. We have been preparing on our side, working with a number of you on your side in turning this into a reality, in turning Shaumbra into a dynamic flowing expression, more than just Shouds once a month.

< Embodiment 12 > But, it is time, Shaumbra. We have been - how to say - hinting at this. We have been pushing at this, and with some of you, nearly driving you crazy with it. It is time to be the teachers… the authors… the writers of music… the writers of plays… the inventors of new technologies… the counselors… the facilitators… and the healers. It is time for you to bring back that Fruit of the Rose, the passion. You can't just talk about it anymore. You can't just dream about it anymore. It is time to manifest and express that now in reality.

< Embodiment 12 > A structure has been created by Shaumbra on the potential levels. And, it is - how to say - a New Energy structure that has a type of flow to it and a type of movement to it that is unlike the structures that you have on Earth. It is a structure for Shaumbra to create within. Let us call it the Shaumbra incubator, the birthing device, the "womb" of Shaumbra. It has been created on the potential levels. It has been attended to by a number of Shaumbra on your reality level. And, it is time to bring that in now.

< Embodiment 12 > Bringing it in will cause - how to say - some resistance from those who are still in the Old Energy. Bringing it in will cause some - how to say - skepticism from within Shaumbra, definitely from within the New Age circles, and certainly from the fundamentalist circles. There is nothing frightening or scary about this energy. It is simply Shaumbra energy ready to manifest, ready to be expressed on Earth. From this womb all of you can draw support, and abundance, creativity. You can use this womb as a place to birth your own passion in your own life. With the clarity that you brought in today you'll know what to do, when to do it, how to do it. And, then you go through the experience of it. From the womb comes the synchronicity that will bring everything to you in your endeavors.

< Embodiment 12 > Yes, what we are asking here of Shaumbra who are ready… we are asking for you to do your soul work here on Earth now, your New Energy soul work. And, you panic, and you say, "But I don't know what that is." Ah… clarity, Shaumbra, clarity. Clarity… it's like dusting off some items that have been sitting there for a long time… clearing the dust off. It is like going into the inner layers, the multi-dimensional layers to see what energy is truly there. Your passion is there. Your soul work is there. Maybe you've been afraid of it. Maybe you've been thinking that you're not worthy of it. In that case you may have to go to Kuthumi's class (some laughter) - "What… do you think I'm cow dung anyway?" We like that.

< Embodiment 12 > It is time to go out and do your work. It is not evangelizing. It is expressing and creating. You're not trying to convert anybody or change anybody. You honor them for exactly where they're at. But, they are going to come to you, as we have said. They are going to come to you in greater and greater numbers, large numbers. They're going to want to experience what you are creating… be it a book… be it a piece of music… be it a business. Oh, and as you heard yesterday, you can even run a muffler repair shop, and it can be spiritual. You know, they are all metaphors. A muffler is getting rid of some of that - how to say - the very difficult noisy exhaust that happens with the human awakening process. Some of you need the literal muffler shop because you'll be also doing the metaphorical and the spiritual muffler repair. You need to control some of these emissions and gases that are coming out (more laughter).


