reality base / reality platform / reality landscape

base/root/source of reality; point of presence;
imagination; illusion; belief system; hypnosis;

< NewEnergy 10QA > Understand at the heart of your heart that these energies want to be released. The energy of anger carries with it other energies. It is simply a carrier of energies that want to be released. And, we will stress this with you - and with all of Shaumbra - over and over. All of the healing wants to take place. It does want to take place - the healing of the body… and the mind… and the spirit… of past lives. It is aching to take place. It is not trying to be more unhealed and unbalanced. It wants to take place, indeed… yes, that aching (come to surfice for your attention). So, now can you allow it to take place? Can you open your reality base up… what we call the imagination? Open up your reality base to be able to go back and talk to all of these incidences and events.

< Embodiment 7QA > You create aspects on many different levels and many different dimensions, continually. As you're sitting here right now, you are creating stories or aspects in other dimensions. They are not physical dimensions necessarily, although a few have physical characteristics. You are literally… there are expressions of yourself flying off of you now in these other dimensions. You're taking energy potentials and putting them to work. You are activating energy. Some of those you will bring back into this reality. Some you create from this reality base in this reality, the aspects that I spoke of later, or earlier. This is a continual process.

< Embodiment 9 > We do this with the imagination. We don't want to use force. We don't want to push it. We simply want to use imagination. We're going to go visit four rooms today. We're going to ask you to feel the energy in each one of these rooms. So, we're going to start in this reality base that we are in right now here on Earth in your physical body. We're not going to leave the body. We're going to expand the reality base… you see. There's a big difference. We don't you leaving the body. We're going to expand the reality base.

< Embodiment 9 > So, we're here to talk about what does work. We're here to talk about how you do transcend the illusion that you are in. We're going to tell you, first of all, that the way exists. It is not beyond you. It is already within you. It is within you, but it doesn't exist in a reality that you are familiar with right now.

You have already walked out of your reality base. You've already walked out of your body. And, you already can transmute any energies into other energies. It's already been done by you. Now, you are just walking through the process to understand how you got there in the first place. We don't want you to the over-contemplate this. We don't want you to think. We just want you to feel it. We want you to feel that energy. You have already gone beyond. Now, you are just going through the conscious process to help you understand how you did it in the first place.

< Embodiment 9QA > You know this missing ingredient, this hidden tool that Adamus talked about… the one that isn't in your reality base, but is there… this tool that doesn't exist in this Earthly existence… but is right in front of you? It is there. It wants to work for you. But, it can't, if you are controlling everything. It is patiently waiting… patiently… patiently waiting for you to let go of control. It is loving you and watching you and having a few tears over you, waiting for you to let go. So, the real issue here is: Can you let go of control? Can you be a true Creator? That is the secret. That is all there is to it.

< Clarity 1 > Before things are even brought into reality, before they are formed into matter, they exist on the invisible side. We don't want to say the other side of the veil; that wouldn't be accurate. But, they exist in a neutral state, sometimes directly in your third-dimensional reality base, sometimes outside of it. But, they exist in a potential. And, then they are all brought in, and brought to manifest. So, going back to the example of the chocolate, it is the ingredients. But, then let's go deeper. Yes, indeed, it is the atoms - we hear some of you saying - it is the molecules. It is all of these things that make it up. But, beyond that there is a whole other subset of structure. Similar, in a sense, to what the atomic structure will be to the physical universe, there is an energy structure of potentials.

< Clarity 4 > You feed yourself through the air, just through breathing. Breathing is an incredible way of feeding yourself. It feeds your reality. It feeds your reams and desires. Breathing feeds your spirit. It is more than just taking the oxygen from the air. There is spirit energy in the air. And, you breathe that in. That feeds your reality base. It feeds your sense of beingness. When you do the deep spiritual breathing, it feeds partly your own desire for grander consciousness and expanded consciousness.

< Clarity 4 > There is always energy input into your reality base. And, it creates consciousness that creates your true experiences in life. How are you feeding yourself, Shaumbra? Sitting by a fire at night, just relaxing, drinking a glass of wine is more than sitting by a fire drinking a glass of wine. There is a feeding that's going on, energy coming into your consciousness, into your reality, shaping and defining your reality.

< Clarity 5 > So, we talked about what feeds you, meaning how all of these - how your belief system is created, and then how you pull in energies from the outside to help sustain that reality. It's very simple. It doesn't take - how to say - a rocket scientist or a Ph.D. to figure that one out. It is all of these things feeding you in your life… neither good nor bad… they're just feeding. They're helping to create your reality platform. That's all they are doing. That's a blessing no matter what because it's helping to create the reality that you're calling for at some level.

< Clarity 5 > If you ever want to, what you say, quote/unquote activate the "shadow biology," it is simply a matter of being in a safe space, being in a point of that stillness, that quiet, where it's you and your breath. You're giving yourself permission to be who you are and enjoy life. Well, then it's automatically activated. It automatically starts coming into your new reality base that you have. The "shadow biology" doesn't need to be brought in from other realms. It simply needs to be accepted in your life. You can't push it or force it. It doesn't work that way. It's about accepting it, and it's about looking at how your belief systems are creating your body, creating your physical being.

< Teacher 5 > But you know, it takes a good going out of your mind - a good mental breakdown - to really understand that there is something outside of the mind. It takes that shattering of the illusion of the mind, the total meltdown of that Old Energy basis for understanding life. When you go out of the mind you realize that there's something much more precious. Something much grander. Something that doesn't get you stuck like the mind does. It's your spirit. It's your self. It's your gnost. Well it also involves your mind, but you learn that there's something far grander - and it is you. It is you.

< Master 2 > Opening the potentials of your past. It's as real as anything else. Understanding that your history that you know of right now is just one slice of what was and what could be. When you do that, and bring that all back into this Now moment, right here, it absolutely changes what you think is going to be your path in the future. And that's why I say 'expect the unexpected.' If you are relating everything to what has happened to you before, some version of that is going to happen to you in the future - perhaps an easier version or a wealthier version. Now we're not on that pathway anymore. It changes, so unexpected things happen. Don't let it throw you off base.


