quake / earthquake


< Creator 9QA > As we mentioned many months ago, you will see your stock markets go up and down without apparent logic. This is the attempt to find a balance between the old and the new. These will be the adjustments that are necessary to go on. As we mentioned before, you will continue to see your earthquakes. You will see the shatterings that take place, for even within the Earth is the attempt to transition from the old to the new. As each one of you here, each one of you reading this knows, it is not so easy to release the old and go into the new. There are energies that cry out for attention. There are other elements and energies that do not want to be released. There is even your human ego, as you would call it, which is not so sure it is ready to give up this control.

< Creator 12QA > It is difficult in the human condition to deal with the fact that there are karmas that you are paying for from past lifetimes. As we have said in recent discussions, it is not only your past soul lives, but also the lineage of your family, of your ancestry, of your bloodline. We know it is difficult to not know exactly what was done back then, to not know whose head you cut off, to not know what things were done, but yet to have to release them. There is a blessing in this however. If you had specific and vivid recall of what those things were, it would be overwhelming. It would be overwhelming. It is not necessary to know what all of these were.

However, dear friends, as you find some quiet time by yourself, sit for a moment and observe the energies that surround you. Observe the circle that is around you. It is the identities of your past lives. It is the identities even of your ancestral lineage. They are all standing around you, cheering you for the work you do.

As you release things in this lifetime, as you walk through the difficulties and learn to deal with them, you are not just healing yourself in this lifetime. You are healing the past of who you were. You are healing the past of your families, of your bloodline. You are healing the past from before you ever came to Earth. As we have said before, you are the designated "ascendee" for all of who you have been. That is why the work that you are doing is so important. We understand it is difficult going through this, dear friends, but you are literally rewriting the book of the past. You are healing what has been done in the past.

At the same time, while you are going through your challenges and releases and healings, understand that the energy of your past lives has been held in the Earth. When one of you has died in the past, the Earth has held that energy until the appropriate time. Now is the appropriate time. Now is when the Earth is releasing the energies of the past, letting these go. Not only are you releasing, but the Earth is also releasing, through the volcanoes and the earthquakes, through the winds, through the natural movements of Earth. She, this precious spirit, is now releasing you from the past.

And yes, this will also cause your body to ache. This will also cause your body and your mind quite some conflict if you live in those spots on the Earth that are letting go right now. If you live next to these quake lines and the volcanoes and the areas that will attract the high winds, it will affect you. These are difficult and challenging places to live. Do you not think there is a reason why you, Shaumbra, are there?

< Ascension 9 > And, the quakes that come up… indeed, Metatron was also speaking of the shakings and the rumblings that come up within you, the body aches and pains. Your very DNA is being changed right now by you. Indeed, we are there at night. We stand around and help to provide a buffering effect for this. You are changing your own DNA structure, your own molecules, your atomic-level being. You are changing within, and this will cause quakes. You hold energetic imprints from the past in your tissues, in your bones and all over your physical body. Sometimes it takes a quake to release these imprints from within.

< DivineHuman 10 > you will continue to see disruptive weather patterns. We are so delighted to report to you that the changes of the Earth are going quite smoothly. There are storms, earthquakes, and other types of natural events. But again, we say the loss of life has been very, very small. It is because there is a group who is making a change by changing within themselves. They are helping to release the energies of the past, of their past lives, of their past ways. They are helping Gaia to release the pressure, so now there is just burping, rather than vomiting. (audience laughter) The Earth can release gently.

< NewEnergy 4 > Indeed, thousands lost their homes. A small number lost their lives. Nothing… nothing in comparison to what could have happened several years ago - catastrophic earthquakes that would have taken out that whole region. Millions and millions would have lost their lives. They would have returned to our side of the veil. Yes, we were ready to handle it. Instead, some fires that allow clearing in a land that has been so - how to say - intensely focused… so much a part of the whole New Energy movement… a few fires that can be put out so the lands and Gaia can be cleared, so that we can all move on.

< Embodiment 6 > What else holds you back? To a degree - mass consciousness. You are here on Earth. You are surrounded by mass consciousness energies, the energies of humanity. Remember quite a while back when we asked you, "Are you ready to leave mass consciousness?" And, all but a few said, "Yes." You have. You have given yourself permission to leave. But, it is still there. It still has a way of influencing you from time to time. But, you don't have to be stuck in it. Especially as Energy Movers, you can allow yourself to move beyond the consciousness. Yes, it will come in, and you will feel it, as so many of you felt the energies of the earthquake long before it happened. You felt that it was a potential that was probably going to be manifested. It was part of mass consciousness preparing for a change, and you felt it. But, it doesn't have to hold you back. It doesn't have to hold you down.

< Embodiment 7QA > And, you can take some of your modern medicine, such as chemo and some of these other things, and you can try to eliminate some of the disease centers or the stuck energy. But, generally it will show up in another area of the body at another time because it is just stuck energy that has been displaced and will now move to a different location.

That is why cancer is such a tricky thing to deal with, unless you have gone to the core of releasing, unlocking energy that is stuck. In a sense, when you… we're talking about cancer here… when you take energies that are coming into you through… into your earthly reality… and you lock them up… and you have them stuck… as I mentioned, the energy has a propensity to try to continue moving or evolving. It is very much what is happening when you get into a cancerous condition. It will try to perpetuate itself, but it does it in a way that eventually will destroy the body.

You're finding that this same thing is occurring in your land (Gaia), as well. What is happening in your body also happens in the land. There are stuck energies. And, sooner or later, they need to erupt. They need to move on. You saw this recently in this whole thing with the waves, and the earthquakes, and all the rest of this. There is a direct correlation. Once we work with you in helping you to understand how energy and the imagination work together in the body, then we are going to move into some broader territories of the Earth. We are going to go into those to help relieve some of the tensions and the stuck energy in the Earth. But, once again, don't try this quite yet.

< Clarity 3QA > The Earth is causing the weather problems because, whether they like to admit it or not, there is global warming. It is caused by a whole layer of pollutants around the Earth that are preventing the proper intake and output of energy, whether it is from the sun or other realms. This is causing disturbances in the very delicate balance of Gaia. Gaia reads these disturbances. Gaia reads that there are weather changes, that there are temperature changes, and knows it is her time to come in now and do clearing. She rides off of this energy, brings in her troops - which would be the hurricanes and the earthquakes and the fires - and helps facilitate the cleansing and the change that is going on.

< Clarity 11 > Gaia is here to support the physical processes on Earth. Gaia, by her own right, is strong and can sustain herself. As you have seen, she can cleanse with a storm or a volcano or an earthquake. She can shift energies in many different ways. It is not Gaia's intent to run out humanity from her body. It is Gaia's intent to be here to support the work of Old Earth and also to be a presence on the New Earth as well.

< Teacher 6 > It is also the potential, in this explosion of the consciousness elements that have collided, it is the potential to clear out old structures - energies that have been suppressed, hidden, buried, locked away, distorted, perverted, all the rest of these things. You have a beautiful moment here that is taking place, but a moment that goes unnoticed to most humans because again, what are they focused on? The drama of the collision. And we paint this picture here - they're focused on the fire. They're focused on the earthquake. They're focused on the drama.

< QuantumLeap 3 > The Earth has approximately six billion people on it, and Gaia can handle about ten billion without going through some major changes. One of the changes is that the Old Energy of the spirit of Gaia is leaving, turning over the responsibility to humans. How much more population can the world handle? What will the weather patterns be like? What will happen with things like earthquakes, storms, hurricanes? Even these things, the fires recently in California, a way of clearing out old - what do you call - sexual energy virus. But also anytime that you have a very dense population of humans, humans who are under stress - their own stress, the stress of Earth beneath them - you're going to get a reaction . A fire, a flood or some other type of cleansing.

< Master 7 > So the Earth quakes, the Earth shifts, the Earth has fire and snow and all the rest of that. What's happening is the energy is transmuting. So, the world is releasing right now. You see it in earthquakes, you see it in strange weather - that's the obvious stuff. There are a lot of other things going on as well. You can become aware of it just tapping into it. It's not just shifting the physical Earth itself. It's shifting magnetic grids. It's shifting the axis and then an earthquake comes along and really shifts it into place.

< e2012 3 > You're poking holes in the Earth, and Earth is going to not particularly care for it. The question was asked the other day, when you're drilling into Earth and an earthquake happens, even if it's a small one, is there any correlation between the two? Steve? Duh! You don't need to be a dropout from Reed College to know, "Duh, yes there is a correlation between the two."

< freedom 2 > It's an international center as well. So it is no wonder that the storm goes there. It's an energy – a nice energy center – just that's been misused. Yes. Absolutely. So the storm finds its way there. Now, you can take a look, very symbolically or very simply. Why wasn't it a fire or an earthquake? Why was it water and wind? Cleansing, even though fire does cleanse, but it's a different type. By the way, Fire – alchemy – does not have to be hot. I say “fire” and you see flames and you think “hot.” Actually, that's an illusion.


