
coiled; a swirling, rising potential of energy;
sanke; DNA;

< Creator 9QA > In a sense, the new energy passion is the kundalini. Passion rises up from within you. Passion becomes the fuel of the vibration of who you are. Passion will help to rejuvenate your biology. Passion will go into your DNA strands, the strands that do the dance together, that emulate the very nature of kundalini itself. The kundalini of the new energy is the passion that comes from the rose.

< Ascension 3 > We ask you to feel the energy of this snake. It is your fears. It is the outer manifestation of your fears. It is also a swirling, rising potential of energy that sits at your feet at all times, metaphorically. The snake is depicted in the DNA. It is your kundalini, a rising energy potential, but one that holds much fear.

< QuantumLeap 6QA > Snakes right now in this consciousness … now please understand this wasn't the consciousness or the symbology of snakes twenty years ago or a hundred years ago, but right now snakes have to do with the spiraling of the energy. Some of you would relate it to the kundalini, but let's go somewhat beyond that. It is the upward evolution of energy but in so the fear of that expansion. So many of you are having dreams about snakes and your misinterpreting these as being either like a sexual type of dream or a forbidden fruit type of dream. It is actually an indication that your own energy is now expanding both in your body, your mind and your spirit, but there are certain fears along the way of what will happen next. In the New Energy you don't have to worry about what's going to happen next, you're just going to experience it. There's such a tendency in the Old Energy to want to know the outcome before you actually jumped into the situation.

< Returning 3 > Then you make up these other little power centers in your body and you give them so much validation - what you call your chakras. You don't have chakras. You are God also. You don't have to consolidate power in little colored spinning circles in your body. That is an illusion, or perhaps I should say a delusion. And in the midst of it you give your power away to everybody else as well. You've learned in ten painful years what it's like to let go.


