fear of creating

fear of bad creationcore fear;  core issue;

< Creator 7 > There is an ingrained fear within you, within all humans, of your creator powers. There is a reluctance to create once again, for it has been a long time, and there is still a shame and a guilt associated with what you perceive you have done in the past. There is an original sin that you perceive in yourself of crossing through this Wall of Fire. You feel you went too far. You feel that you battled in the energy of chaos in the process of the building of the void. Oh, dear friends, the battles that took place then would make Star Wars look like child’s play! So when we talk of using your true creator abilities, some of you may be taken aback. Some of you will wonder if this is the right thing and think perhaps that it is not time.

< Creator 7 > First you may come to some fear here. You may wonder what you are really creating, and what is going to happen as a result of your new creation? This fear relates back to the time before you came to Earth. It relates to the shame that you have felt for crossing through the Wall of Fire, for leaving the kingdom. Address this fear. Sit with it in your new house. Understand it and talk to it. This fear could be your best friend, or as a creator this fear could be your worst enemy. This fear, if left unattended, will come back to you. It will come back looking like an alien. (audience laughter) We mean that seriously. If you allow this fear to grow and to have power, it will take you back to places where this fear was birthed.

< Creator 11QA > One of the challenges that humans have of moving into the new energy is a fear of creating. There is a core fear within all of you. It has come from experiences in the past on Earth and before you came here. The outcome was not what you would have expected. It comes from a feeling of guilt - a spiritual guilt - that you did something wrong when you left Home. This fear comes from knowing, at the core level, how truly powerful you are, knowing that you have the power to create anything. Anything is possible. Then what happens is this old fear, the old spiritual guilt, hits the brakes and won't allow you to create in the way you would truly like.

< Creator 11QA > These are core issues. You are done with your other basic issues. You have walked through and processed those. We are now coming to the core issues. The issue of the fear of being Creator. We talked much today of the ego, of the male energy, of the battling energy. These are all fear issues that will come up.
In a sense, you would like to be "junior creators", or "sub-creators". You would like to have an energy higher and stronger and above you that places controls or limitations on the extent of your ability to create. Dear friends, it is not meant to be that way! There is not meant to be another who is higher. As we said in our story of Jack, one day Jack will inherit the throne.

< Creator 11QA > There is no other being who will restrict your ability to create. There is a core fear that you do not have an outside Father/God energy to watch over and to regulate your creations. You tend to put on the brakes. We are telling you now that in the new energy it is different. Your own divine self will not allow you to create inappropriately. This divine balance comes from within you. It comes from the wisdom of all of your past experiences. It comes from your True Self.

< DivineHuman 1QA > On our side we call this "head stuff." (audience laughter) It is when the human gets into the "what if's" and "what if's," and worries about the effect of their creativity. First, it is to know that agenda is only limiting yourself by having a predetermined outcome to the situation. We tell you to release your agenda because, in the agenda, you are in a box. As divine humans, you can create so much more than you ever thought was possible. When you release your agenda, you release your limitations. That is all it is, a releasing of limitations and allowing something new and full to come into your being.

< DivineHuman 10 > It is time to open yourself to the creative flow. You have been afraid of it. You use excuses to say, "I am not creative. I do not know how to draw, or paint, or dance, or any of what have previously been thought of as creative talents or tendencies." No, creativity is different. It is life flow, Spirit flow, in you, being expressed in the moment. It is time to express, Shaumbra. And, that is why Metatron is sitting right next to you, once again encouraging you.

< NewEnergy 8 > It is time to trust yourself enough… you see… time to trust everything about yourself. You've put the imagination away because you were afraid of your own creative abilities. The greatest fear and the greatest gift is this thing called imagination. In past times you have seen what can be done with it. But, you have learned much since then. It is time to open it up. It is time to open the imagination up from a New place… in a New Energy… in a safe energy… and in an energy that embraces life.

< NewEnergy 9 > The other thing that limits the imagination that you have is the fear of being a Creator. You all know what this is like… the fear that you have. "If I am a full Creator in my own right… oh, my gosh, what if I cause more wars? What if I kill more people?" Shaumbra, you are beyond that! You have learned that lesson. Now, move beyond that. You are in a New place of balance. If you can hear these words, if you can feel our vibration, you are well beyond that. You don't need to worry about mis-creating, about creating something that is in imbalance. If you are fully present in the Now moment, if you are with us right now energetically, you don't have to worry about these things.

< Embodiment 6 > You are allowing that (victimhood) to be a hindrance and a block. Why? Because you don't necessarily want to face what it's like to be a Creator. You're sometimes afraid of going back to being a full and conscious Creator. You regret some of the things that were done in the past, especially before you came to Earth. You see… I created this cottage that we are sitting in. I made it real through the imagination. You used to do that also, especially before you ever came to Earth in a human body. When you were creating the stars and the heavens, when you were free out there, without a body, you could create very quickly and imagine very quickly. There were many, many things you didn't like about what you created.

< Clarity 10QA > One of the greatest true fears of any human is their true creatorship, their power, their capability. So they lay low. They don't make choices. They let everybody else make choices for them. They blame it on everything else. So when you walk out of here your assignment now all of you, is to make a choice. It can confound you a bit. What if it's too small a choice? What if it's too big? We're going to say make a choice, any choice, and then start watching it. What happens? Play with it. Have fun with choices and watch how everything comes back to you.

< Teacher 1 > It takes a different type of human angel being to go beyond the dreams and really let it manifest here on Earth, because then it becomes very obvious. Once you begin manifesting it and bringing it into your reality, it's right in front of you. So there are all the questions about "Am I a good enough creator?" Or, "Am I too good of a creator?" Are you such a good creator that you make a joke about moving heaven and earth and the next thing you know there's a tremendous storm outside of your house that nearly rips your house and all the trees down? That makes you think twice about your ability, your capability as a creator.

< Teacher 7 > Many of you stop there in the idea stage. Partly because you just want to bask in that energy, partly because you fear going to the next step. The fear comes from several things. What if you really are a creator? Oh my god! If you really learn how to create, what might you do wrong? What wrong thought, what wrong action, what wrong deed? So many of you hold back because you're afraid of that creator part of you.

< Returning 10QA > Because you have and you told yourself that "I will never, ever do that again." Now you have a vow, it's an aspect that is created out of the vow, and you're not going to do it again until you disavow, until you let it go. But right now it's at work for you. You created it, it's serving you. It's on its hands and knees serving you - "I will screw up your life so you never have to do that again," you see? So take a deep breath and decide when you're ready to disavow. Let that one go. In this New Energy … I don't want to go off too far here, but in this New Energy you almost can't do wrong. In other words, it will come back on you. If you decided you were going to take some of these wonderful teaching and use it as Black Magic against others, it won't work. It used to work, it won't work now. So get over the fear that you're going to do it wrong.


